Page 56 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 56
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Marc:no~y~ou!959 liTO th, Edi~~TTERS TO, :o~~Edi~~ITOR II «}Qld Bug future correspondent) Many of us are. ~bout to. ~radua~e Since a debate tour calls you from . and take our position editing as CItizens m the United States. We will each be the G. B. office and the for publica- of your final issue, I write (Editor's note-Either this corres- faced with the problem of fcrmulat- tion with the knowledge that your pondent is all wet or else aU the rest Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Tlutrs- of us are, but he does bave a good ing a philosophy of government. This modesty cannot refuse my epistle. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, idea despite his extreme optimism.) philosophy of government will deter- It's been quite a job, hasn't it? By and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt visited mine whether we will be followers of introducing a reformative spirit, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class men like Tydings who was recently you've displayed a keen observation, matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. the campus of Greater Western horrified to discover that the Admin- and an awareness that our students SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR Maryland College today. Slightly istration's rehousing program ap- scarcely approximate the "cream ot older, just as chipper, and even slightly more ubiquitous than she was proached state socialism, followers of the crop" of today's youth! They '957 Member I'" twenty years ago, the consort of men like President Roosevelt, whose have been content to "get by" with J:\ssoc1a1ed CbIlel5iJ!e Press Franklin D. Roosevelt I made the acts are familiar to all of us, or fol- things, ignoring responsibility to themselves as young men and women. lowers of men like Broadus Mitchell, rounds of the five-hundred acre whose optimism may be impractical. They are turning the pages of college ;:~~sOfa~~oem~~~e~u~:" a staff re- This problem may be a difficult one, texts in adult classes, but failing to but, for those of us who have gone do so with a mental approach that be- Her comments on the school itself, the student body, and the faculty through college on state and national speaks college maturity. I admit they were highly complimentary and en- aid, it should be a simple one. We do are storing up a great deal of ma- not here contend that such social leg_- terial. But anyone of average Intelli- thusiastic. Mrs. Roosevelt had only one question .• islation such as state scholarships and gence can memorize! "Why is it," she inquired of the re- National Yonth Administration aid is What this student body has failed porter, "that your wonderful school good for the cause of capitalism, nor to find in college is a tenacity of high has no sororities or fraternities?" do we contend that capitalism is the purpose which carries beyond the S8- "we have grown up," was the re- best pattern of society. We do con- curing of a diploma. It has made ply. "It is a long story full of trag- tend that for us state scholarships clear that its interest is not the de- the and N. Y. A, have been good. velopment of harmony between edy and woe. Would you like to hear?" We must feel it our, duty to sup- acad,cmic and the social. By "social" BUSINESS STAFF "Yesiree, yesiree, yesiree, e e e e," port the type of government which I mean the "womanly" and "gentle- BusinellIJ Manage". .. EMELINE NIlWMAN, '89 was the sung response. we have found good from first-hand manly" qualities of everyday life ... Adverl.ising Manager .. EDWARDWEANT,'40 experience. We cannot help feeling an awareness and consideration for Circulation JI1anagers LESLIESTOKES,'40; MARYCLEMSON,'39 "Well, it was this way," began the Assistant Circulation Managers ......... MARYASBURY,'41; JAMES MERKln, '40 reporter. "Many -years ago, twenty .~~:~ ~1~tb~a;!e;0;:di~0~h:8f~~::e~' ~!~f~~~~c~IJ::,P:ri~~ti~~1 c~~!i~:i~ ~~ to be exact, Western Maryland did and will likewise be good for others. present conduct with an eye toward Cooperation have sororities and fraternities. One It Weare citizens of this democratic the future! Of what practical value was just one big, happy family. This issue is the final act of the 1938-39 Gold Bug staff. The afternoon the Delta gave a tea party United States. what is good for us is a college education if it does not to see beyond stimulate the student is good for our country. staff takes this last opportunity to extend its appreciation to those to some likely looking lassies who had Nor should our philosophy be a his present application? Does he not but not those of pugil- persons and organizations whose cooperation in various ways has the earmarks, Note. Here our ccrree- passive one. We must do all in our realize that his conduct on College (Ed's. ists, enabled it to attain whatever degree of success it has succeeded in pondent chuckled at his attempted hu- power to see that the ideals for which Hill will mark him after he leaves? attaining. mor. Mrs. Roosevelt didn't get it, President Roosevelt has st9ven shall My hat is off to you, Mr. Editor! While this cooperation has been of inestimable value to the however), of becoming good club not die when he leaves his high of~ You've been criticized for being some- to a weaker successor or I've not always nee times antagonistic. either Delta the party staff, the latter feels that no person or organization on the campus members. At this of the Inter-Soror- to a reactionary. Nor shall we con- agreed with you, but no one can doubt violated the rules has suffered from his (or its) loss of time spent in contributing to ity Council, which forbid serving alder his work done until Thomas that the Gold Bug has proved itself the cause of the Gold Bug. sandwiches exceeding seven-six- Jefferso.n's as yet Utopian theory I "alive" this year. It is being read. It must be added that some individuals and organizations on teenths of an inch in thickness. Their that "all men are created free and You've been wide awake, and con- the campus have failed to give the Gold Bug either cooperation or sandwiches were almost three-fourths equal" is realized. structively critical. You've initia.ted public expression of student opinions. Yours, :Horrors! The oth- recognition. For the benefit of the new staff, and at the same of an inch thick. retaliated by increasing One neither oblivious nor You've done a splendid job! er sororities time of all persons connected with the College, the retiring staff the size of their sandwiches. And so _ ungrateful. I Appreciative Senior. recommends to these latter persons and organizations a fuller the fight of the thickness of sand- support of the organ of which the goal is the ultimate benefit of wiches really became thick. Matters the entire College. got so bad that th~ sandwiches finally From the became so thick nobody could open HERMITAGE their mouths wide: enough to take a By HANK The Aloha Election bite. That was bad' enough, but then Monday the juniors elect their Aloha editor. Probably the the Sigmas got the idea of putting There's a lot to be said. Seniors, seniors! Where is your most important factor determining how each junior votes will be more sugar in the tea than was al- The March Hare and the Mad Hat- dignity? How can you demand re- f t lt hi lowe~. Horrors again! The rules I ter are at it again. Blue, black, vel- spect from your Jil' sisters when ra erm y members ip. Another method will probably be by the provided for a maximum of three low (ugh!), white, and red "Georgie" and "Kay" wrap their lips process of elimination-the elimination of persons one knows best lumps per cup, and a choice o~ one (phewl}, "yatch" caps are the ad- over the anterior of a grill sticky ap- with the blind hope that the chosen one has some qualities which slice of lemon, or one and five-eights vance guard of spring. Now that last pie and then are so gummified that one knows to be absent in his acquaintances. teaspoons of cream. The Sigmas op- year's beer jackets have shrunk to to all inquiries they smile a trace and If it does a drowning man any good to grab a floating straw, ened the b~ttle with seven lumps pe.r souvenir size, the b'hoya from Ow- giggle or mumble: Gug-wum-gunk? perhaps the above-mentioned methods of selecting an Aloha editor ~~~ilY ~:~~c:hs:g~~t~:s r;!;~n ~~~~ ~n~~a~~:l~~~!i:~ ~~:s~~~~s ~~~; !~:.Cats aren't ve;y catty whe~ they're are good. Certainly drowning men do grab straws, and certainly the guests couldn't drink the tea. dollar to be in style!-liberal credit. deceased, but, whate".er .thelr state many persons in elections of every type employ variations of the They had to eat it. Just imagine what The Hermitage wishes to extend its may be, they are objectionable. It two above-mentioned methods of deciding in which direction to a. mess everything was!" sincere congratulations to Miss Mar- scem~ that the particular cats in cast their ballot. "I can't," said Eleanor. jorie McKenney and ~1is:. Lu~~r I ~~::t~;t~:v~iS:;~.:~;~~e ~:~:{::; In a group as small as the junior class there should be better "Neither can I," replied the guide. Mye~s who won, ~or theIr fine SPIrIt, they create even after death. Don't ways of deciding on one's selection of a candidate. The best way "Anyway, by this time the fury of the serV1ce, and athletic prowess, the only take the lab kitties to your rooms sorority members was past control. tWlonbdl"·gn"a'n'tofmt,hmeb,y~~rO·f th' th,.•ty- girls. _ ' ~t~~~~u~~ri:;~:;i~a~{ ~~~e~l~~:r~~nd~~~~e~~~i~~S~v;!~a~~:~oe~~~~:d~a'::a~~e~ec:::t~nar:a~~s~a:nPd point club of Levin~~Hall threate"ned You may take your stand on wheth- , reasons, have had the opportunity to serve as leaders, but they pairs only, with six-guns hanging on to keep one of the college workmen er or not the educational system have all had the opportunity to serve as followers. ;::;~ h~~~, ~:~~sd st~c~r be:~::~~~e~; ~~C!~d:~et:t~~a!a;~i:t~: :::~v:et:;~ :~c:~h:r a~o~:~~el~nou~f~~~;: i;a~:~t~ A poor follower cannot be expected to be a good leader. It is was terrible. Nobody spoke to any- standard from the ramparts 0' Le- member o~ your siqe of the fence. The only logical to expect that those who have been uncooperative as body. Nobody looked cross-eyed at vine. Imagine his chagrin when he fa~~ ~emams that people who severely followers will receive little cooperation as leaders. Likewise is it anybody. Professors were afraid to heard that trapdoor close behind him cntIC.lze the system elect education in logical to expect those who have shirked or ignored their responsi- . conduct classes with so much hard- ~no~e~~en heard the ladder being re- :r:e~h:~ea~~~r:y~:e:rs~:~s a~d aw~~~' bilities as followers to treat their leadership responsibilities in a ware in evidence .. The admi.nistration Dear Dean Free, en who are to be tomorrow's "back- similar manner. Cooperation and conscienciousness are essential was;elpless. Thmgs were In a mess. There is some difference in Mary- bone of America"? "We face real- in an Aloha editor. I bo:nt!~ :!~~~llYlta~id~xP~~~o~a;a= land between Sunday and the Fourth ity," they say. "Petty moralizing," fund;!:~~a~X~~~l!~O~~;i~~:~~t~:s~e~~~~e~f i~~!;~~~~~~:~ ;~~~: ~~:::d fl::di~~~n~:~.ey;uo! :tD:~:t ~:~ ~~::~:;, i~n~!n~h::~:rall~e~~~~ !~~E~~v~:;~~~r~tg~:V~:e~h~~;~::~ also exist nihilists in the junIor class whose fundamental philoso- stant a Phi Alph walking by with her :~~wtht:eSi~i~:;;c:f ~~~w~;ek~ung:i- canst not then be false to any man." phy it is to look upon all recognition and acceptance of responsi- boy friend, saw the blink and mistook lege students are expected to raise Do you wish to become a teacher or bility as juvenile and vain. There are also defeatists whose it '~~~a~:.i~~ea:h!:k:~i~n~O~o~~e~:~ some rumpus, but is Sunday the time are you hunting for a job teaching? myopic visions penetrate the veil of life which blinds ordinary hu- hands dropped to her hips, and two for them to try the explosive power The Ministerial Students Associa- man beings and causes them to strive and not to yield. Obviously, guns came out blazing. In the melee of a firecracker? Is the college dor- tion is sponsoring a program that rugged individualists, nihilists, and defeatists will not make good that followed, both contestants were mitory, which isn't exactly fireproof, promises to become beneficial to the Aloha editors. killed, eight innocent bystanders seri- the place to carryon such an experi- men students. Dr. Little appeared ously wounded, and the boy friend ment? Are unthinking, disrespectful last Thursday night as the fi.rst / It is a regrettable fact that one usually has a single opportunity had his scalp creased. It was hor- students the ones to carry on such speaker on the topic "My Philosophy to vote for an Aloha editor, as that officer's first product is likewise rible. Bullets and knives, and rocks experiments? If the answer to these of Life". The members of the faculty his last. Therefore, it is essential to make the best possible selec- and stones, brickbats and baseball questions is "yes", Dean, the Hermit- who appear with the students in these tion the first time. The best method of doing this is to review the bats, clubs and shillalahs filled the age is going to lay in a stock of ex- subsequent informal weekly bull ses- candidates' records as followers-their attitudes toward campus ~~:tt:~ ::.t the sun was completely ~!~s~:~n ~e~~' l~;~~yat~~~:~ec!~~~: :!~~~a~~ ~~e~::~a:~:iC have a high Al h I problems as they have arisen and been exposed' on the campus. and some sparklers to fu . h r ht ~:~~i:~:!'~:!rn~::::!i:~;'!~:!~~ ~;::ro~~:uf:no~~e~t~!U~c~~le~ttr:v~~~ti~~ll~~et~:v~:t:~:n:f~:;~::~~:::'~;;;.:~~::!:~::~f;~;:~!'-~t~~;V,:a~~;' :~ ~:'lf:;:na~l~~;~ character. blazed all day and all night. ~:~~hono~;ac~:~SintoA~~s;V:~m:h:~: ;;;~;l::~d ~~~~g~en~~~~:n~f ;:~ii:ra~ It should not need to be said that what applies to the qualifica- "The Dean of women called the haven't paid their radio fee because tions be paid for their w.Q.rk? Doubt- tions of an Aloha editor and the methods of determining these Governor of Maryland and told him we have and we feel we're being sold less there are a great many factorS qualifications apply for any other officer Most of next year's of- that the militia was needed badly. down the river. And then, Dean, that either side may present in de- ficialleaders ",:iIl be chosen within t?e ~ext few weeks. Mistakes I ~:~:nd~~e:t~~::~db:~~y~ali~e~ !~:we'll leave because our conscience tense of its beliefs. The Hermitage have occurred III the past. The entIre student body often suffers militia arrived, the coeds called an just won't let us stay around any believes that the students who are from such mistakes. Every precaution should be taken that such armistice, banded together and drove longer. Sincerely, ~~:~:t~:~see~~~;~t~~~~\~:~;i:o~~~ mistakes are not repeated, (Cont. ~mPage 4, Col, 1) THE HERMITAGE. if they do it well.
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