Page 6 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wesrminster, Md. POSITIONS I ' TERP-TERROR CONTEST I 193' TERRORS SECURE ! HARLOW AND HARVARD I everhad. But they haven'tseen NEW STUDENT AID PLAN COACHING anythmg yet! REPLACES F.E.R.A. HERE SET FOR DECEMBER 7 . -- RETROSPECT-·PROSPECT in~~:h;;:v:~;~,~o~:'~;:;~::~:~~::~ Replacing the old FERA, the Na- Wes~:~fits ~:r~~d~ho~s: F::d eive ~~~~~e;~ot~:llB:i~~n t~!a~:!o~r~:~: and ga~::in!it~ ~~~;d~~:s~~hlc~~~cb:~~~ I low has scrimmaged his team during tional Youth Administration will offer -- With Harlow gone to Harvard financial aid to students this year. An the average the first ~ve.ekof pre-season training. of $15 a month during skins after having made himself and mouth, Brown, Princeton, New Hamp- . 0:1' suchm at Western Ma~yl~nd college year will be given to those stu- Reviving the traditional rivalry of Western Maryland famous in the Col- shire, and Yale, 124 players reported III t at s~~ m~thods produce wI?mn g dents working under the new system. the football teams of the University Western Maryland College has been of Maryland and Western Maryland ~~~a~~:~!;I:~~~c:kg~o~e:r~o~:: ~~ to coach Richard C. "Dick" Harlow ;::~;~d the~t c~n\:~~!c~:~·~~~~ ~~e~~ allotted twelve per cent of the enroll- College, the authorities of both insti- the remainder of that wonder team of ~~ :u::~:~~ S~;!::;~~~ 1~~r \~rt~C~~: barring accidents. ment of last October to be benefited by tutions completed arrangements on 1934 in order to see what has become opener scheduled for October 5, Har- Can anyone imagine "Dick" in a the plan. This would mean that about Tuesday, September 17 for the re- of them. low put the boys through a hard in- place where he can't call even his own sixty-two students would receive the newal of athletic relationships be- Bruce Ferguson, blocker for Shep- aid. However, since many will be put tween the two schools with the play- herd, is aiding Havens as assistant ~tli:~i:~rl~~~; i~vi::e~:~~~age ached- ~:~~y Hnea:~;t f~:~I~ik~~;I~;!; :~~ on half time jobs, the number of stu- ing of a post-season gridiron contest coach here on College Hill, and "Joe'! when he woke up to find himself fet- dents actually getting the assistance in the Baltimore Stadium December Lipsky is teaching the Harlow sys-, The entire starting backfield of the tered and surrounded by the Lillipu- will be larger than sixty-two. 7. H. C. "Curly" Byrd, former coach 1934 Harvard team reported for duty tians. Mr. John J. Seidel, of the State De- of the Terrapins and now President tem to the freshmen. with most of the second-stringers and Good luck, Harvard! And may Ha- partment of Education, is director of of the University of Maryland, waiv- "Jackrabbit" McNally, the atom several freshmen reported to be slated vens prove to be another Harlow. this relief for the State of Maryland. ed any share in the gate receipts in ball carrier, is coaching at St. Jos- to press them for starting assign- order that the proceeds may be used eph's in Baltimore>( with "Johnny" ments. Captain "Bob" Haley was on to further the building program of Blissman, 1934 Terror end. as his as- hand to welcome the returning mem- will be used for the. building of a new I sistant. bers of the team and aid the coaches "Mother" Himler A Tradition With W. M. Maryland. All the receipts Western "Bernie" and "Horse" Kaplan made program. field house in accordance with the a try for the professional ranks with in the training a taskmaster while at Students Always plans of the "Greater western Mary- the New York Giants. It is rumored "Dad" Smelser's land." that "Bernie" may take up prufes- Western Maryland, Harlow gave ev- Invites Your Patronage After the lapse of one year which sional boxing later in the year. ery indication of continuing his poli- ~For~ has occurred in the athletic relation- Fleagle and Burger are working in cies at Cambridge. A Boston JleWS- Sandwiches Ice Cream ship between the two institutions, the their home town, waynesboro, Pa. paperman received the following in- Everything for the College formation from the players: "There Cold Drinks renewal of the gridiron contests Webster Lucas is chief assistant rc Student Harlow's I comes as a pleasant revival for foot- Ray MacRobie at the University of wasn't.a moment that we weren't do- , Open every night until 11.30 fall fans of one of the Maryland pig- Baltimore. ing something." That is skin season's most colorful events. Among other former Terrors who way, and it is a good way. Just look ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Beginning in 1901 when Western at the results-c.three undefeated "'" have secured positions to coach the Maryland took a one-sided contest Harlow system of football are Lyle teams in ten years and a twenty-sev- from the Universttv, the Ter-rors won Clark at the University of Delaware. en game period of no games lost. thc first- three games in 1901, 1905, Lyle has selected "Bud" Shilling liS Despite the difficulty of the first As students of Western and 1910. Maryland resigned for a his helper at Delaware. day of practice, the morale of the PATRONIZE three-year period in 1911. 1912, and Maryland College and read- In3. Following a single win by the "Jimmy" Dunn is junior varsity squad was reported to be good. The ers of its college paper, you Terrors in 1914 when the green and coach at Harvard under Harlow. team declared that this was the hard- This larger issue of the gold won a close one 20-13, Maryland Harry Lawrence and Carroll "Shor- est first day of practice that they had are asked by the staff of the took the next three games played in ty" Long are guiding the football des- GOLD BUG has been made 1915, 1919, and 1928. the first year tinies of City College and Polytechnic possible by enlarged and more GOLD BUG to patronize the that the Terrors under Harlow met Institute in Baltimore, respectively. numerous ads on the part of 0 U R merchants who advertise in the 'I'erps. Since then with the ex- And George Ekaitis is still coaching H. E. REESE ception of last year the Maryland- at Washington College in Chester- our advertisers. The con- these pages. They have made Western Maryland game has been an town. TAILOR this Freshman Issue the annual event with the Terrors win- So the Harlow influence spreads. CLEANING tinued patronage of these ad- ning four of the five games played. His pupils become the teachers and PRESSING largest ever published. Maryland completely overcame the imbibe their pupils with the same vertisers is a service which in Terrors in 1931 by the lop-sided score fundamentals and ideals that have REPAIRING turn should be made profit- of 41-6. made Harlow teams so famous at 94 East Main Street ADVERTISERS During the fifteen games played Western Maryland. The Harlow pay- able to them. between the schools to date, the Terps a!~e~~Se~~ef~:~ I SUITS MADE TO have accounted for a total of 224 ;~:!:~po~~~:~:hi~e MEASURE points to the Terrors 174. slogan that "A quitter never wins". I Visit The New Rainbow Tea Room formerly MARGARET and EARLS' near the Campus Lunches 12 to 2 Special Introductory Prizes For LADIES and GENTLEMEN Friday Night Specials First Prize each $10.00 Second Prize each $ 5.00 Special Notice to Freshmen--- Names may be entered with each ten cent purchase, The same name may be submitted only three times. Come in and get a special "Rainbow Treat" Drawings for prizes will be held Saturday, November which will be offered to you Monday and 23, following the Homecoming Game. Townspeople and Tuesday, September 30 and October 1. students of the college are, invited to enter this drawing,