Page 5 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE SOCCER TEAM OPENS AT BUCKNELL OCTOBER 12 Terror Bootees Lose Six Men From 1934 Varsity. Linemen Return Minns the All-American pia)' of "Bill" Shepherd, the able toe of Replacements for six of the 1934 CAMPOFREDA WILL CAPTAIN 1935 TEAM inspired line-play varsity soccer team must be made be- "Pete" Mergo, and the Harlow at work practicing for of 1934, a new team of the the opening gndders is hard of Terror fore the Terror booters open up their ] 935 schedule on September 28 here on Hoffa Field. Head Coach" Char- Eleven games on eleven successive Saturday afternoons face the 1935 schedule against Bucknell, Octo- ley" Havens, facing an eleven game schedule which is one of the most ber 12. Captained by Wayne St.ras- ambitious ever attempted by a Western lila ryland team, is driving his new gridiron machine of Western Maryland when it begins its SCUSOD baugh, the 1935 aggregation will have squad hard in order to whip them into shape by the time of the opening with Shenandoah September 28 on Hoffa Field. A new eleven under a a strong offense built up around five whistle. new coach, "Charley" Havens, with sophomore linemen from the 1934 var- the long, FOUR FORMER TERRORS "Nick" Eampofrada as captain will sity which developed so much power Only five of the men who played consistently throughout don the Green and Gold for the most during the latter part of the season harc11934 schedule will appear on the ]935 line-up. "Nick" Campo. COACH 1935 TERROR TEAM ambitious of all Te!TOr football ached- . last year. freda, Lassahn, and Draper, Woodbury, and Lathrop remain from those ules. who saw service ill the hardest games of last year, and of these men only Besides Shasbaugh there will be Camrofreda and Lassahn were first stringers. However Campbell and Havens And Ferguson Are Aided Four new teams and one ,old rival ten lettermen returning from the 1934 Brennan have been showing up well in practice in the backfield. "Sun- By Doughty And Lipsky which did not appear on the 1934 team. "AI" Moore, Martin, Belt, shine", a left-handel', kicks and passes consistently as well as running schedule have been given places 011 Reckord and H. Wright return as a the program this year. Shenandoah, nucleus for the line, and Gompf, with the force of Shepherd and the elusiveness of a Me Nally. Brennan Four faces familiar to Western Penn State, Universtty of Baltimore, Brooks, Church, and Messler will form has proved his ability as a blocker fit to replace Ferguson in the Terror Maryland gridiron fans appear on the and North Dakota appear on the Ter- the nucleus of the backfield. backfield. stand He has the advantage of morc weight than Ferguson, which new Terror coaching staff. Coach ror schedule fo~' the first time, and should him in good stead. From the team that fought Army The center of the line presents a problem to Havens which may the University of Maryland will re- for two extra periods in the fog and prove to be n hard one to solve. Reith seems to have the call as regular appeal' against the Terrors in the fading light beneath the floodlights at center for the present with "Pudgc" Graham at running guard. The grand finale of the state football sea- West Point last year before losing 5-4, ends nrc well taken care of with La ssalm, Benjamin, Lesh, and Keyser son at Baltimore, December 7. Villa five valuable players have been lost by alternating at the terminals. Campofroda and Furthman are carrying Nova, Bucknell, Mt. St. Mary's, Bos- graduation. Coach "Bill" Wright the burden a Bnlish, Pontccorvo, Lutkauskas and Mcheski in reserve. ton College, Catholic Universtty, and faces the task of rebuilding his back- field to replace ex-Captain Janna Ran- 'I'he practice scrimmage last Saturday revealed some of the weak- dle, Barto, Holmes, "Pete" Wygand, ~~·~~<;~:t~~.t~1~1~~:~.~~{I~;;~~\~1~~i~~~er;~~~e~h~g~~~.~1t~,f;;:!ln::::O~~~~t~~li3~_1 and Boyer. "Ernie" Randle's place on the line must also be filled by a new- reuse for the first fifteen minutes, weakening through lack of condition comer. With only two weeks of prac- during the latter part of the tussle. The passing of the backs left much tice before the season opens the task to be desired, especially in the lateral pass department where fumbles were too frequent. of building up a defense able to with- stand the assault of such strong teams The scrimmage showed how spectacular the new rule will make the as State Teachers College, Army. and gridiron sport this season. The delayed whistle made possible several Hopkins will be a difficult one. spectacular lateral passes which paved the way for sensational gains. COACH"CHARLEY"HAVENS Following the opener- with Bucknell 'l'he new rules put a premium on quick thinking. on Harvard I "Charley" Havens has selected as his the Terrors will play an eight or nine Whatever may happen to our. own college schedule, the student body aides three former Western Maryland game schedule including contests with of Western Maryland College will have one eye focused in Bruce Ferguson, Floyd Towson, Gettysburg, Franklin and University where our own "Dick" Harlow is coaching in a new field. Doughty and Joseph Lipsky. Marshall, Army, Panzer, Johns Hop- ~fter ten years of his faithful service, "Dick" left a heritage beh~nd Head coach Havens, who this year kins, and the Alumni with one open 111mat Western Maryland. He left a Harlow system of football which is serving his first date yet to be filled. is slowly infiuencing the game throughout the east; and he left a spirit term as pilot of a of cooperation and team play that will live for years to come. coli e g e gridiron The schedule for 1935 follows: For this reason we will watch with interest the turn of each grid machine, played Oct. 12. Bucknell at Lewisburg. event at Harvard, hoping for "Dick's" success. • f 0 l' the Terrors Oct. 18. State Teachers College at And we'll watch the Boston Redskins, too. "Bill" Shepherd eel" during the time of Westminster. tainly showed his All-American ability at Chicago when he demonstrn ted their twenty-seven Oct. 29. Gettysburg at Gettysburg. what a good back should be. Even Grantland Rice had to admit his gam e win n i n g "NICK" CAlI1POFREDA Nov. 1. State Teachers College I mistake in omitting him from ~he All-American gallery. Boston. sh~uld streak which lasted Georgetown, again appear on the at Towson. have a fast, clever backfield with Battles and Shepherd pl'edommatmg. through the 1928 Western Maryland schedule. Such an imposing schedule has sent Nov. 6. ~a:n~~~er.and Marshall at fresl::n ~illfil~!~:;:f\ei~o s;~ae;.a~ luel~r:~a~~~~:e~~~e~ll~[taS~:~ :r~~i;e~~~ ~:~::~. t :ee ~;: ~ Coach Havens into a hustling, driving Nov. 9. Open. ule "'ill bring the freshman players to a more fillished degree of profi- team and was se- period of fall training. With thirty- ciency and make them more able to bridge the gaps between high school lected All-Mary foul' men on the varsity squad Havens Nov. 13. Army at West Point. and college football. land c e n t e~' for iii having trouble to select from Nov. 14. Panzer at Union, N. J. Heretofore the Baby Terrors have been so few in number that to that year. Follow- among them the starting eleven. Only Nov. 22. Johns Hopkins at Wesmin- playa full schedule would have been suicide as only a few injuries would ing his graduation he assisted as two regulars of last year are left as ster. have depleted the team beyond repair. Last season the freshmen played coach here for one season. Later he the nucleus for the 1935 team, most Nov. 28. Alumni at Westminster. only tllree games. ~ served as Director of Playgrounds alld of the material on hand being sopho- The following paragraphs were written to the editor by one of the Athletics at Rome, N. Y., returning mores with no varsity experience. But from among these sophomores LARGE FROSHGRID SQUAD mo.~t enthusiastic of 'Vcstern Maryland's fans: who SATD he didn't know here last fall to assume the duties of have appeared several whose names of Crimson 'To the fellow on tIle Harvard assistant to "Dick" Har- should scintillate in the headlines come REPORTS FOR PRACTICE wher€' 'Vestern Maryland was-(we found out the village yon way hl)s low and chief scout. Sunday morning sport sections this is, and four years from). up New England 'Ve know where'1t When his chief resigned shown us where Yale is too. to become coach of the fall. Campbell at one halfback has been impressive in the pre-season Coaches Plan To Play Regular 'Bnt for tlle next few years we are going easy on bets on Yale and ~~~::~~ '~C~~~~e~~'S,~!~ workout. He is a left-handel' who F,,,hm.n S,h,dul, ~n~'~:~I;;'d;nive~~~~CI~~::;;~o~~,~"'tH'''OWC:L::V~:~~::O:O''k; ~:::~tedtofillhI,pl." Dou"",y passes, kicks, and runs with ability and ease. As his running mates Bren- A large squad of twenty-foul' fresh- As his chief aide for the 1935 season nan, Lathrop, 'Voodbury, and Sadow- man football players has reported to Havens has selected Bruce Ferguson, ski have shown a marked proficiency. Coach "Charlie" Havens for fall train- blocking back for "Bill" Shepherd on Lathrop and Woodbury are experi- ing preliminary to a schedule which is enced by varsity play last fall. Bren- being planned to include approximate- the 1934 undefeated team. Ferguson nan has displayed great promise as a ly seven games. This schedule will graduated from the Clearfield, blocker and Sadowski like both Camp- be the most ambitious freshman Pa. High School and bell and Lathrop can kick and pass as schedule ever played by a Western prepped at Keystone well as run with the ball . Maryland team. .Academy before com- In the line only Campofreda, Las- Assistant coaches Doughty and Lip- ing to Western Mary- sahn, and Commerford played during sky have been given charge of two land as a freshman in the major part of the 1934 season. frcshman teams which are busy learn- the fall of 1931. He Around these thrce men Havens will ing plays, passing, punting, and block- played fhree years of build his line. Graham and MacPher- ing besides brushing up on the funda- varsity football as a mentals of the gridiron sport. LIPSKY blocking half back, son will alternate nt running guard Until this week the practice sessions paving: the way for many of Shep- with the starting assignment yet a -haVe included very little actual con- hel'd's sensational runs. It was Fer- question mark. At center Reith has a been given the call over Roberts, tact work, but beginning with the guson who blocked the punt at Cath- senior, who was unable to play last scl'immage of the past Saturday the olic University last season to produce seaSOll because of illness. Forthman workouts have been designed to give an automatic safety. seems a likely choice to replace Lucas the players more actual contact work. Floyd "Goose" Doughty, whose for- at right tackle and Benjamin has su- The Baby Terrors starting eleven ward passes during the 1931 season jJerceded Gorski at end. will be selected from a sqnad which played an important part in the Ter- includes: Bender, James, DI'ogash, ror offense of that year is assisting in The practice scssions-two a day- Williams, Thomas, and Dorn, backs; the capacity of a backfield coach. As have consisted so far of fundamentals, a half back in 1931 Doughty received Lytton and Tomochek, centers; Tailor honorable mention in the All-IIIary- punting and passing. Several scrim- and Schultz, guards; Peters, Green, land ratings for his splendid work ,be- mages have been held against the Olear, and Elderdice, tackles; and :My- hind the Terror line. freshmen and varsity reserves. These wit, Lesinski, Radavitch, Westerville, scrimmages are becoming more and Reinhard, and Lee Adriance, ends. Helping Havens with the coaching more frequent as the cpndition of the of line-play especially among the less men improves. experienced players and freshmen is The 1935 roster includes the follow- Joseph "Joe" Lipsky, All-Maryland ing men: centers, Reith, Roberts, and TERRORS FACE CAMERA center in 1934. "Joe" matriculated at Siaysmanj guards, Ortenzi, Dunstan, Western Maryland in 1931 after his Graham, MacPherson, and Commer- The new fall issue of the "Intercol- graduation from Bethlehem, Pa. High legiate Football Pictorial" contains School. He saw service as a center ford; tackles, Campofl'eda, Balish, pictures of four of the 1934 Terrors. Lutzkausklls, Forthman, Mcheski, and An action picture of "Bill" Shep- for the Terrors for three years despite Pontecorvo; ends, Lassahn, Keyser, herd appears above the list of high injuries which kept him out of play Lesh and Benjamin; backs, Brennan, On one oc- scorers for the 1934 season. "Bull" much of his junior year. an opposing Draper, Lathrop, and Woodbury, casion he broke through Draper, "Nick" Campofreda, and line to intercept a lateral pass and Campbell, Rineheimel', Sadowski, "Cliff"Lathrop appear in this issue as sprint thirty-five yards for a touch- Haynes, Fallin, Sharrer, Fred Coe, prospects for the headines of 1935. Tl1is senior fullback will see much action this fall. Watch him step! down. K. Adriance, George Moore, and Mil- lard.