Page 58 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PaGE,FOUR The Gold Bug,JVestern Maryla.nd College, Westm41ster, Md. LAMBERT SCORES HIGHEST , J~D. Katz BUY YOUR PERSONALITY PICTURES IN COMPREHENSIVES Graduation Gift (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING FROM By Art Penner and His Pals Contem.poraru Affairs Special Rates to Students Columbia Jewelry Co. 1. John Ralph Lambert Courageous consultors of that pon- coming. out from breakfast, and Dr. 2. George Fisk Needham derous, rather formidable tome "Who's Wills, brief-case in hand, is already ar- 3. John Boyle Warman Who in America", will find listed to- ri-i'ing for his worlt. Or, perhaps, it is 4. Clinton Montgomery Walker "John" Everhart wards the back of this encyclopedia of late afternoon, when many students 5. Margaret Virginia Harman THE COLLEGE BARBER biographical information the name- hnvs sought out the tennis courts, and, 6. Ruth Frances Lunning AND B'OBBER "Wills, George Stockton". There fol- Dr. Wills, with his brief-case filled with 7. Robert Wood Coe, Jr. (Kimball Un- WESTMINSTER. MARYLAND low twenty-five lines of pertinent facts, eternal student themes, is returning ion Academy, Meriden, N. H.) AT THE FORKS , the skeleton record of a rich and varied home. But, be it noon, early morning, 8. Ella Nora Shank .. .. life. The leisurely page-thumber may or late afternoon, his grey eyes twin- 9. Beverly Loreine Harrison discover that "Wills, George Stockton" kle, and he greets the passing student, 10. Mary Louise Rockwell is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, that l with a pleasant "How do you do t" In the special fields of science, lang- , , ; Phone 304 i FLOW·ERS he once wrote .3. sketch of the life and "Yes, I remember when your mother uages, and mathematics the number of .. Gloria Beauty Parlor bibliography of the works of Sidn ey was in my classes!" Father~,. who highest scores tabulated is relative to the FOR Lanier, that he is now a professor of learned about the intricacies of verbs' number who wok the particular tests, We Specialize in , ; Memorial Day English at Western Maryland College. and adverbs under Dr. Wills, send their. Mathema,tws PERMANENT WAVING So much may the unknown, curious sons to his courses. Mothers, who dis- 1. Ella Nora Shank Finger Waving-MarceUing ; SEND FLOWERS BY WIRE page-thumber discover! covered under him that participles 2. Margaret Virginia Harman HAIR BOBBING 25c. I: Stewart N. Dutterer But the facts listed in "Who's Who" sometimes dangle and that 'pronouns 3. Edwin Owings Waters (Columbiau are only a dried-up skeleton. The thou- sometimes do not agree with their an- Preparatory School, Washington, D. Facials-Manicuring FLORIST sands of young people who have sat in. tecedents, send their daughters to West- C.). 82 West Main Street I: 110 Pennsylvania Ave. Dr. Wills' classes know that an ageless,' ern Maryland to study under Dr. Wills General Science Westminster - Maryland WESTMINSTER aristocratic, alive personality gives in hope that they will make similar dis- 1. Clinton Montgomery Walker those facts significance. coveries. And always he shows to 2. Mary Louise Rockwell Puffing a customary pipe, a tall, slen- these sons and daughters the same quiet, 3. George Fisk Needham der man, with a neatly-trimmed white bubbling wit and kindly understanding 4. Clair Lease Hollinger beard, walks about the campus. Per- that made mothers and dads' submit. 5. John Boyle Warman WESTERN MARYLAND SALE haps it is the noon hour, and Dr. Wills cheerfully to King Grammar and Mas- 5. Ralph Macbeth Luman • is enjoying 11,pleasant interlude from ter Shakespeare twenty-five or thirty Zoo~ogy I Name Cards I the vicissitudes of unity, coherence, and years ago. 1. Margaret Virginia Hannan Coffee Shoppe ,I emphasis. More likely, it is early morn- For Dr. Wills is Western Maryland's 2. George Schaeffer Bare (Westmin- Raised Letters ing, whsn crowds of students are just own Mr. Chips. ster) . AND RESTAURANT , 3. Ella Nora Shank SODA 100 PANEL CARDS $1.50 4. Sally Katherine Price (Beall H .. S., 100 PLAIN CARDS $1.25 Frostburg) . SANDWICHES I Special SCENE ;AROUND 5. Beverly Ralph Lambert LUNCH I 100 PLAIN CARDS .75 Loreine Harrison 5. John Che1nist1'1.1' DINNERS I P. G. Coffman Co. The Delt11, Pi Alpha fraternity will' The Black and White Club held its 1. Helen Wilson McCardell (Jac{)b i phone 401 hold its annual banquet on Friday, May annual ba.nquet at Clear Ridge Inn on Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md.). J. F. Moore, Mgr. TIMES BUILDING 17, at 6:00 P. M. The fraternity elect- Tuesday evening, May 14, at 6:00 P. M. 2. Robert Kurtz Myers (Mt. Airy H. "Good Food-And How!" CITY ed the following officers for the coming On its regular meeting night, Tuesday, S.). Store of Better Cards year: May 7, the following officers were elect- 3. Robert Allen Sharrer (Westminster Never Closed Delta William Bratton ed for the year 1935-36: H. S.). Vice Delta Allen Dudley Alpha James Draper Gernuun Alpha Reynolds Simpson 1. Ella Nora Shank Vice Alpha Charles Read 2. Ruth Frances Lunning Beta . Joshua Cockey Gamma Kenneth Plummer Beta Herbert Stevens 3. Carter William Riefner (Baltimore DAD! MOTHER! Epsilon Simeon Markline Vice Beta George Bare City College). Gamma Harold Biehl French Obey That Impulse! 1. John Ralph Lambert Delta Nicholas Campofreda Give YOUR Graduate a beautiful ELGIN WATCH __ . choose W. W. RUSH PARTY 2. Ralph Macbeth Luman Master of Ceremonies ..... Guy Griffe~ from OUR complete selections! 3. Beverly Loreine Harrison W. W. held its second rush party the 4. Margaret Frances Smith (Hagers- CASSELL"S, Jewelers afternoon of May 7 in the form of a town ) . "Wonder Ball Hike" which is a tra- Jdamae T. Riley, associate editor of 5. Margaret Virginia Harman J. William Hull, Proprietor dition of the club. Because of the the GOLD BUG and columnist of 6. Mary Louise Rockwell 51 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. damp weather, the girls went to the "Passing in Review", was selected '7. Walter Lee Taylor (Baltimore City pavilion instead of to Tramp Hollow as from among the nation-wide entrants College). has previously been their custom. in the Western Poetry contest for her Miss Todd, a former member of ..w. contribution "My Wedding Song". The OPERA HOUSE A Sandwich- W., accompanied the party. poem will appear in a coming issue. The annual banquet of the Gamma The Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity A Supper- Beta Chi fraternity was given at Clear held its annual banquet at Clear Ridge WESTMINSTER, MD. Ridge Inn on Tuesday, May 7, at 7 :00 Inn on Wednesday; May 15, at 6:00 P. A Soiree- P.M. M. Monday and Tuesday MAY 20-21 CARROLL INN THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD "The Informer" ON THE CAMPUS By The Associated Collegiate Press Comedy: "The Ferry Go Round Deductions of psychology professors * * .. Scenic: The Saar this year: Rev. Paul D. Sullivan of the Univer- STATE THEATRE I . The standard of the passing mark is sity of Detroit owns a Bible more than An Appropriate a fictioiJ. But grades are a necessary 450 years old. Wednesday MAY 22 evil. The objective test is surging to * * .. FRIDAY CASH NIGHT! the fore. Judgments made rapidly on Peach stone rings and special pencils "The Dog of Flanders" Commencement true-false questions are generally more are tokens of luck for exams at the Ja'ck Holt and Mona Barrie accurate than those pondered over, with University of Pennsylvania (Phila.) Comedy: "At The Mike" -in- many erasures. Cramming is effective * * .. Comedy: "How to Break 90 "Unwelcome Stranger" Gift for passing a test, but not for the re- at Croquet" tention of knowledge. At the University of Illinois (Cham- are consumed drinks .. " " paign) soft in one campus hangout 7 to 1 9 News SATURDAY Matinee 2:30 over beer and First claimant for the 1935 title of to 1 in another. Buck Jones in IS our line of Western Mary- "champion hard-luck pitcher" is Walter .. .. .. Thursday, Friday, Saturday land Seal Jewelry and Novel- Petraborg, baseballer of Carleton Col- "Branded" lege (Northfield, Minn.), who has lost Freshmen at Ohio Wesleyan Univer- MAY 23-24-25· Fox News-Comedy-Cartoon ties. four games by one run this spring. sity (Delaware) spend almost twice as h M' anetta .. " .. much time in the university hospital liN aug ty " PINS than seniors. And men students made MONDAY TUESDAY Seniors with "B" averages at Pomona less visits to the health offices than PENDANTS College (Claremont, Calif.) have been women. George Raft, Ben Bernie and notified that they will be freed from Monday and Tuesday Band and Grace 'Bradley in BRACELETS final exams. * * * MAY 27-28 "Stolen Harmony" " " " The Chicago Daily Maroon (Univer- ." n The oldest school of architecture in sity of Chicago) recently· offered a sil- "A ge 0 f I d escretion Fo:.News-Cartoon-Comedy BILL FOLDS the world is the Massachusetts Insti- ver loving cup to a critic of the univer- Admission .. 10-25c tute of Technology (Boston, Mass.) sity if he could pass an exam in the COMPACTS ·prima IT sociology course. " " " * .. .. Wednesday MAY 29 WEDNESDAY BELT BUCKLES At· the University of Edinburgh, Note stu- to Scotland, girls not only pay their own dents r Exactly graduating engineer require "Gigolette" THURSDAY ETC. 26 states now car fare when the boy friends take George White's professional engineers to be registered. them home, but they must also pay for "Scandals of 1935" their theatre tickets as well. .. .. .. Thursday and Friday With Alice Faye,James Dunn, ]. STONER GEIMAN MAY 30-31 A 19-year old genius who completed Dealer in Ned Sparks, Lyda Robert, and BONSACK BROS. his four year course at the University GENERAL ELECTRIC Lionel Barrymore In George White of Chicago 'in 20 months had to receive WESTINGHOUSE Also Good Shorts "The College Shop" his degree 'in absentia due to a nervous FRIGIDAIRE "Work of the Vampire" Admission. 10-25c breakdown. REFRIGERATORS
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