Page 57 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 57
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THRE.f.. PENN STATE SLUGGERS COURT TEAM HOLDS C. U. BATSMEN WIN TWICE IN \ WIN 7-0 OVER W. M. C. FAN FODDER TO 5-4 IN CLOSE MATCH CONTESTS WITH LOYOLA Western M!:tryland's sluggers took a By "HERB" STEVENS rest at Penn State Saturday, May 11, Haynes, Volkhart, and Belt Star Sadowski and Skinner Star as W. losing a four-hit game to Rugh, State For Terrors Against Experienced M. C. Squad Defeats Grey- hurler. Rallies by the Lion batters Catholic Stars hounds produced four runs in the fourth and Enthusiasm wins, my friends. three in the seventh, State winning Witness the tennis team, BAKER-BEL T TEAM SCORES TERRORS WIN 20-5, 9.2 7-0. Making history on the courts the Twice Only Adriance and Benjamin were By a will for victory, The Western Maryland Terror court l\.faryLand's in heavy same week was Western explod- artillery able to connect for the Terrors each of With a coach with a smile team played startling tennis at Wash- ed against the Loyola College baseball them getting two hits. BesideB failing to ington last Saturday to hold Catholic hit, the Green .and Gold team was er- For a well-played game, University to a standstill until the final team, the Terrors winning here May 4, 9-2, and 'at Evergreen May 8, 20-5. ratio in the field. The Terrors made six Though the score be upside down; set. of the afternoon had been played, by eight-hit pitching and most errors. Sadowski, hampered by the With the patience, moreover, before losing 5-4 in the closest the 1935 ski Behind Terrors collected thirteen Sadow- matches of exciting the set hits of misplays of his mates and the lack of To wait awhile season. The Terrors won three singles off Powers for a total of nine runs in offensive power, struck out eight Lions For the wearing of courtdom's crown. matches and one doubles match. the gams here. Sadowski retired eleven before being lifted in the ninth for a on strike-outs. Only nine balls, six and stars, pinch hitter. Rugh retired five by To the fellows who look for future years won Volkhart singles Belt, freshman straight hits and three fly balls which were their in matches strike-outs. To fulfill their dearest aims, to being The Terrors pushed only one man as A toast' to the Terror tennis team sets, both Haynes forced forced deuce sets. smothered by the outfielders, penetrated Terror Loyola was Powers, infield. play to the "Hinky" far as third base when Benjamin hit For the winning of future games! twirler, knocked a home run in the Loy- in the seventh to lead off, advanced on three sets, the final set going to deuce ola half of the sixth. It was Loyola's Haynes- Haynes won before The 7-5. a fielder's choice and stole third. He Professor Frank Hurt wears a broad grin upon his face at the men- Volkhart doubles team "clicked" in the only earned run. was left stranded when Sadowski tion of his team of freshman tennis players. He has reason to. Th,3 well with of their Mac- sets fanned. tennis team, led by Captain" Hinky ' Haynes, has made such remark- last two and Fitzsimmons match of C. U. to the Besides pitching drawing Sadowski led Donnell Terrors on at bat a base Bielicki of State led the attack of able improvement that even the coach, the captain, and the Gold Bug win 2-6, 6-3, 6-2. Reith and Brown of error in his first time up and making the Lions with three hits. Bielicki and sports editor have been pleasantly surprised. From a nucleus of two Western Maryland forced O'Bhaugnas- three hits out of three official times at Ochroch hit home runs for the Penn- sy and Russell to three sets before be- bat. Lantz and Benjamin each hit sylvanians. Each team completed a veteran players, the new Terror court team has developed into a winning ing beaten 6-8, 6-4, 2-6. The new twice for the Terrors. Brachen and • double play, for State, Rugh to Mc- combination with the freshman members taking the spotlight. Volk- doubles combination of Belt and Baker, Powers both hit twice for Loyola. Kecknie to Robbins, for Western Mary- hart, Baker, Belt, and Brown, a sophomore acquisition to the team this freshmen, provided the big thrill of the The second Loyola defeat came close land, Benjamin to Lantz to Cline to season, have improved with the weather enough to beat Elkridge Coun- afternoon by forcing the more expe- on the heels of the first setback when Rhineheimer. try Club and to throw a scare into the ranks of Catholic University. rienced Douglas and Reese of Catholic Skinner held the Greyhounds to seven University to three sets. Baker and hits, striking out eleven. He was upheld " Hinky" good tennis to win match- Haynes has played consistently hits SENIOR COEDS TROUNCE es from the top rank men of strong opponents. Despite an overwhelm- Belt won the first set 8-6, losing the last by twenty-four runs. by his mates which totaled, twenty two 6·1 and 6-4. hit except Everybody FRESHMAN NINE 9-6 ing defeat at the hands of the University of Maryland, whose veteran tional tennis and in winning both their excep-- ser who took 'advantage Lantz and Key- played Haynes Volkhart of Mellandech's sin- Conference team defeated Southern the Terrors 9-0, the team has had gles matches and their doubles match. wildness to collect a total of seven a very commendable season and deserves much credit for the time and The fashion editors say that blue will energy that has made such success possible. Belt again came through in fine fashion, free tickets to first base between them. be the most prominent color this spring winning his singles 7-5, 6-4 in straight Six of the passes turned out to be round but the seniors proved tha t green is still Besides the practice on the courts the courtmen have delved into sets. trip tickets. Skinner hit four safe- the predominant note at Western Mary- the theory of the sport which they play, studying styles of play and The summary f'o llowa: ties out of six trips to the plate. Ben- land when the Senior "A" baseball team Haynes defeated MacRonnell, C. U., jamin hit four times besides getting defeated the freshman "A" team 9-6 to improving their play by practical application. . 6-2, 2-6, 7-5. three out of five times. Cline hit twice; open the coed intramural baseball tour- Campbell followed suit, and Rinehimer nament. Volkhart defeated Russell, C. U., and Ransom produced one hit. 7-5, 6-3. The seniors drew first blood in the Diamond Slugs second inning when Barnes walked, Fitzsimmons, C. U., defeated Brown, stole second and third bases, and scored Western Maryland's baseball team cleaned up in the Loyola series, 7-5, 6-1. EASTERN SHORE ALUMNI on Jenkin's single to left center. The but was unable to hit at Penn State and lost to the Nittany Lions aided O'Shaugnessy, C. U., defeated Reith, freshmen came hack in the first half and abetted by numerous Terror errors. Sadowski pitched a fine game 6-0, 6-0. ATfENO SALlSBURYDlNNER 'or the third to knot the score on Pyle's despite the seven runs that the Lions collected off nine hits. triple and Taylor's single. Two errors, O'Hanlon, C. U., defeated Manspeak- Approximately 130 guests attended a stolen base, and a wild pitch account- The Terrors slugged themselves out during the Loyola game when er, 6-1, 6-2. ' t.he banquet for the Eastern Shore ed for the second senior run in the they collected twenty-four hits off two Evergreen pitchers for a total Belt defeated Dunne, C. U., 7-5,6-4. Alumni of Western Maryland College third inning. Price crossed the plate Haynes and Volkhart defeated Mac- held in Salisbury, Md., May 3 at the with the second freshman run bn an of twenty runs; then they got tired out and failed to connect with the Donnell and Fitzsimmons, C. U., State Teachers' College. error by Child, a stolen base, a sacrifice offerings of Rugh, the State hurler, who held the Green and Gold to 2-6, 6-3, 6-2. Mr. John Clayton, president of the by Cooper, and a hit by Kalal'. At the a four-hit shut-out. Western Maryland College Alumni As- end of the sixth inning the seniors were O'Shaugnessy and Russell, C. U., de- sociation, greeted the Eastern Shore leading 6-3. feated Reith and Brown, 8-6, 4-6, Chapter and invited them to attend the Haines, first freshman batter to face 6-2. commencement exercises to be held on Main in the seventh, flied out to Bork "Bernie" Kaplan, Terror football and boxing star of the past sea- Douglas and Reese, C. U., defeated the Hill in June. in left field. E. Taylor was thrown out- son and a member of the 1935 American Jewish Olympic Games team Belt and Baker, 6-8, 6-1, 6-4. The principal address was given by at first by Main. Cooper tapped a slow is back in this country from his trip to Palestine with the team. "Bern- Mr. Roger Whiteford, a graduate of the grounder to Child at second and was ie" looked natural in the picture which this writer saw in the New class of 1906, in which be stated that it safe at first on a slow throw to first. COURT TEAM' WINS SECOND was the duty of all college graduates to Welch hit another roller to the same York Daily News. No news of "Bernie's" success has come in to the FROM ELKRIDGE CLUB 5-4 wage war against poverty, ignorance place and the players were safe all office as yet. and crime. around. The seniors tossed and juggled 'Western Maryland's tennis team, im- Dr. A. Norman Ward, president of W. the ball' around until Cooper was safe "Jimmie" Dunn, backfield ace of the 1933 football team, has been proving rapidly under the intense inter- M. C., in his address urged graduates to on third and Welch was resting com- selected to replace the present junior varsity coach at Harvard next est and direction of Coach Frank Hurt, take an active part in the building of fortably on second. Price sent a season. "Jimmie" will work under "Dick" Harlow. He is familial' won its second match of the season the church, home, and the school. scorching grounder to right scoring with the Harlow system of backfield play and has had much experience from the Elkridge Country Club, May 4, The toastmaster was Mr. L. Irving Cooper and sending Welch to third. helping to coach the 1934 backfield candidates here. Dunn is a good on the lower courts here, taking four Pollitt, class of 1889. Mrs. Francis Barnes, attempting to cut off a steal by punter and a fair passer, a hard worker, and a fast runner. Against singles matches and one doubles match Reese of Westminster brought the Welch at home, threw over Downing's to win 5-4. Captain Haynes, Frank greetings of the Western Shore Alumni. head, and the freshman had their fifth Duquesne University in 1933 Dunn and Zananelli of Duquesne waged Brown, Manspeaker, and 'Belt won their A mixed quartet, composed of Mrs. run of the game. Price drew up at a punting duet which ended in a draw 0-0. Zaninelli had more yard- respective singles matches, and the Harry Adkins, Mrs. Tom Brown, Mrs. third and scored on Wilmer's second age on his punts, but Dunn's were well-placed and left little room for Haynes- Volkhart doubles team scored ,Yill Sheppard, and Rev. Ellis Coleman triple of the day making the score returns. a victory to clinch the meet. sang "Good Night Beloved", accompa- G to 6. Gompf, next batter, struck out The matches were closely contested nied by Miss Eleanor Hearn. A duet retiring the side. Measles prevented our scheduled Cooed Play Day which was to throughout. Belt surprised by winning of violin and piano music was rendered Hughes struck out to open up the sen- have taken place preceding the May Day festivities last week. It is too his singles match. Volkhart was de- by Miss Ruth Truett and Miss Hearn iors half of the seventh and Bork flied bad that such an enterprise should be prevented, especially at the first feated in a very close match. during dinner. out to Price. Brown was Safe at first attempt. However, we may look to the future hoping to hold a similar Mrs. Harry Adkins, '22, the district OIl Haines' fumble and stole second and MARYLAND SWEEPS TERROR vice-president of the Eastern Shore third. Child tripled, scoring Brown to event in the fall. The idea is a good one and it should be pursued to a NET MATCHES 9-0 .Alumni Association was chairman of break the tie. Downing drove Child in realization. The University of Maryland netmen the committee on arrangements. with a screeching liner to right. Barnes An event of this kind would do much to gain the good will of overwhelmed the Western Maryland was safe on first when Price dropped court team at College Park May 8, win- ' Welch's bard throw and Downing cross- neighboring schools toward Western Maryland. ning 9-0. Belt, Western Maryland sin- HAYNES WINS LONE MATCH ed the plate with the ninth run on the gles player, carried his sets to 'a tie error. before being beaten in the final set IN F. Be M. TENNIS Excepting the hectic seventh inning, 8-6 following a disputed point. A re- "Hinky" both teams played heads-up baseball. Batting and Fielding Averages play of the point gave Berman of Mary- the Captain Terror win Haynes provided the Tuesday only in On the mound there was very little dif- land the tieing point. ference in the calibre of pitching ex- For Terror Sluggers Tabulated match held on the lower courts at West- cept that Main was more steady than ern Maryland between Franklin and Welch. Main yielded seven hits and BOYS' GLEE CLUB TAKES Marshall and the Green and Gold ten- struck out six batters. Welch was Batting G. AB. H. Ave. Fielding- PREMIER BOW AT W. M. C. nis team as his mates lost the eight re- touched for only six hits, struck out Sadowski 3 5 3 .600 Player PO. A. E. Ave. maining matches. nine batters, but walked two men, and Skinner 3 7 4 .571 Millard 1 9 0 1.000 With Negro spirituals, ballads, and Haynes defeated Marshall 6-2, 4-6, 6-4 . made two wild pitches. Snyder defeated Volkbart 6-2, 6-1. Lantz 4 9 4 .444 Campbell 4 0 0 1.000 one operatic number in its repertoire, Hughes defeated Brown 6-3, 6-4. SENIOR "A" FRESHMAN "A" Ransom Lipsky 4 14 6 .428 3 1 0 1.000 the Boys' Glee Club introduced itself Schleezer defeated Reith 6-2, 7-5. Brown, Ib Taylor, E. 3b. Benjamin 4 20 8 .400 Sadowski 0 2 0 1.000 to the faculty and student body at the Humphreys defeated Manspeaker 8-6, Child, 2b Cooper, I.f. Skinner 1 2 Monday morning assembly on May 13. Campbell 4 19 7 .368 0 1.000 3-6, 6-2. Downing, c Welch, p. Adriance 1 0 0 1.000 Although organized" just to have a good Stork defeated Belt 6-4, 7-5. Barnes, ss. Price, lb. Adriance 4 27 9 .333 Keyser 36 1 1 .973 time," this club has already gained pres- Hughes and Snyder defeated Haynes Main, p. Wilmer, r.f. Keyser 4 17 4 .235 Lantz 34 1 1 .972 tige by its concerts in Baltimore, Taney- and Volkh1l-rt 6-0, 6-3. Jenkins, r.f. Gompf, c. Rinehimer 4 13 2 .154 Benjamin 5 14 1 .950 town, Sykesville, and other places. Humphreys and Myers defeated Reith Dashiell, 3b. Kalal', 2b. Roberts 4 17 1 .143 Rinehimer 5 4 2 .818 Manchester will be the scene of the and Brown 7-5, 6-4 . Hughes, cf. Pyle, c.f. Cline 4 16 2 .124 Cline 7 7 4 .779 next appearance of the Club. Richard Schleezer and Storb defeated Man- Bork, l.f. Haines, ss. Ransom 3 3 0 .000 Lipsky 2 0 1 .667 Main, as usual, will act as accompanist. speaker and Belt e-i, 6-1.
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