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COMMENCEMENT ISSUE .COMMENCEMENT ISSUE Vol. 12, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 30,1935 Company A Wins Annual Military JUNE WEEK PROGRAM Competition to Close R. O. T. C. Year MAY 31 TO JUNE 3 GENERAL PROGRAM OF EXERCISES Lieur-Col, Andrew Gorski Presented Saber at Ceremonies F1'way, May 31 on Hoffa Field 8:00 P. M. I-act Play, "The Wonder Two Plays Will Be Presented By College' Players In Alumni Hall Friday Hat", 2-act Play, "The Old Pea- Evening body Pew", the department of COMPANY C WINS SPRING TRACK MEET speech. DR. RALPH W. SOCKMAN WILL DELIVER ADDRESS Saturdas), June 1 Under a blazing summer sun, Company A marched away with first 2:00 P. M. Baseball, Alumni vs. Var- place honors in the annual competitive drill yesterday afternoon at sity; Tennis, Alumni vs. Varsity. Winding up the college year with the traditional program of com. 12 :30 P. M. on Hoffa Field, and Company C won the spring track meet 3 :30 P. M. Garden Party, Robinson mencement festivities, June Week will begin Friday, May 31, with the held Monday, May 20, thus closing the Garden. presentation of two plays by the College Players and will end Monday, activities of the military department 5: 00 P. M. Annual business meeting June 4, with the commencement exercises for the year. ELEVEN CONTEND FOR of the Alumni Association-Smith LANTERN CHAIN CLIMAXES when the Rev, Ralph W. Seckman will At the conclusion of the competitive ANNUAL SPEECH PRIZES Hall. deliver the address. These exercises will drill, Lieut.-Col. Andrew Gorski was 6: 00 P. M. Laying the cornerstone of FAREWELL TO SENIORS mark the sixty-fifth comnlencement of presented with a saber by Colonel Wag- the new dormitory for women. Western Maryland College. ner of the Maryland Association of Re- Medals To Be Awarded Winners of 6 :30 P. M. Annual dinner of Alumni Traditional Procession Senior members of the department of serve Officers. The saber, awarded by Norment Contest Association - in celebration of Held on speech will appear in two costume plays, the Carroll County Chapter of the Asso- President Ward's Anniversary- Hoffa Field "The Wonder Hat", a one-act satire by elation, was presented Gorski for pro- Another entertaining presentation was College Dining Hall. Ben Hecht and Kenneth S. Goodman, ficiency in military during his training added to the list of annual spring events SWI~day, Jum» 2 Wending its colorful way down Hoffa and "Tlle Old Peabody Pew", a two- at Western Maryland College. on the Hill when the COil test to deter- 10: 30 A. M. Baccalaureate Service-- Field, the freshmen lantern chain tonight act drama by Kate Douglas Wiggin, James Brennan, '38, won the best- mine the winner of the Norment Prize Sermon by President Albert NOT- will climax the farewell ceremonies for which will be presented Friday evening, drilled cadet award Monday, May 27, for excellence in speech was held in man Ward. the seniors. With each freshman girl May 31, in Alumni Hall. W. Sockman, of New The Rev. Ralph and Albert Dunstan, '37, placed second. Alumni Hall on Friday evening, May 24. 7: 00 P., M. Evening on the campus. swinging a green or gold lantern and York City, will address the Seniors at a senior girl, the procession escorting Company C won the track and field Three men and three women students Step singing and other exercises. begin at 8 P. M. will exercises, meet by totaling 45 points. A summary fr0111 the freshman class and two men (The Junior Class in charge.) Their farewell song to the seniors, the commencement The processional Monday June will 3. morning, of the events follows: and three women from the sophomore M01~day, J~b1W3 written by Charlotte Coppage, a member include the board of trustees, the fac- Company 0-45 points. class wmpeted for the foul' gold medals. 10 :00 A. M. Commencement, Conferr- of the freshman class, will be sung by ulty and the seniors. The college or- Address' the by ing of Degrees, Company B-38 points Kenneth Plummer, winner of the medal Rev. Ralph W. Sockman, D.D., of the freshman girls as they file onto chestra, under the direction of Philip Company A-20 points for the freshman men last year, was un- New York City. Hoffa Field. They will next do the tra- Royer, "ill furnish the music. Band-19 points able to participate because of illness. ditional snake dance, as they sing their Alumni Day program An extensive lOll-Yard Dash-First, Wade, F. B.; 'rhe winners will be announced at the ANNUAL SENIOR FAREWELL class song, written by another freshman, been ananged for Sa turday, June 1. has A Second, Moore, A.; Third, Brennan, J. commencement exercises. Charles Millard. baseball game and a tennis match be- B. Time: 10.5. The program f01" the contest was as GIVEN BY JUNIOR GIRLS While singing "Where, Oh, \¥here Are tween the Alumni and the Varsity are 220-Yard Dash-First, Banjamin, follows: The Verdant F'reshmen j >" the girls will scheduled to be played in the afternoon. A.S.; Second, Lathrop, O.R.; Third, next form the numerals '38, '37, '36, John M. Clayton, Jr., '21, president of Sharrer, R.A. Time: 25. Senior girls had a chance today to see and '35. The evening's ceremonies will the Western Maryland Alumni Associa- 440-Yard DaSh-First, Holmes, R.H.; Ereshsnen themselves as others see them when the be concluded by the formation of the tion, and former baseball and football Second, Pilson, J.E.; Third, Church, A.F. junior girls presented the traditional letters W. M. C. and the singing of the star, is in charge of the Alumni base- Time: 56. T"'iligllt Wladyslav Reymont Senior Farewell on the terrace in front , 'Alma Mater". ball team. 880-Yard Dash-First, Kline, R.E.; Luden Clay Bankard, Taneytown, Md. of the Summer House. The farewell song and the class song After the athletics program, there will Second, Malone, W.F.; Third, Stevens, She Dreamed of Wings Spectators thought they were seeing of the freshman class follow: be a garden party in Robinson Garden. H.W. Time: 215. MacKinley Kantor double, too, when "senior girls" seated The Golden Year class will be among the 1 Mile Run-First, Stonebraker, W. Eileen Claire Henze, 'Taneytown, Md. on the grass suddenly appeared from FAREWELL SONG guests of honor. P.; Second, Warman, J.B.; Third, Mches. The Ancestor's Return, Anthony Gittins behind a screen and passed in review. Tune : Shadow Waltz Following the garden party, the busi- k.i, D.J. Time: 5.05. Allie Mae Moxley, Damascus, Md. But is wasn't an optical illusion. The Seniors, we will always, always think of ness meeting of the Alumni Association Inter-Company Relay - Company B In the Desert of Waiting seniors were merely the prototypes in this you. "ill be held in Smith Hall. It will be Winner: Sherrer, Lesh, Moore, Swiek- Annie Fellows Johnston case, and a few of their impersonators Even tho' our paths may lead away from presided over by Mr. Clayton. New of- of the real thing. er, Banjamin, Pilson, Reifsnider, Bren- Charles William Baer, Baltimore, Md. were "carbons" a Woman for a' That", you. ficers will be elected, and committee re- Woman's "A nan. Time 3.20. We will always love the things we've ports will be given. Arthur Schnitzler a play written by a woman, was then High Jump-First, Davis, J.C.; Sec- Everett Davis J ones, Westminster, Md. presented by women to women, The cast learned from you, A feature of the day's events will be ond, Jones, G.E.; Third, Andrews, S.E. And will try our best, to teach them to Fight with a Cannon Victor Hugo included: Marguerite Carrara, Mrs. the rest. the laying of the cornerstone of the new Standing Broad Jump-First, Stone, Stymie; Lee Irwin, Niblick Stymie; dormitory for women. W.C.; Second, Wade, F.B.; Third, Or. Roland Eugene Watkins, Monrovia, Md. Elinor Tollinger, Dr. Bluffwell; Rosalie College days have been spent 'mid fun tenzi, A.H. and friendship, too. Celebrating the fortieth anniversary of Gilbert, Miss Iris; and Idamas Riley, Dr. Ward's graduation from, and the Running Broad Jump-First, Moore, Horse doctor. In the future you'll ne 'er find a one so G.E.; Second, Holmes, R.H.; Third, Sophom01'es Roses-grape juice--a pensive look true. fifteenth anniversary of his installation Brown, F.W. Little Boy Blue Katherine Karver here--a struggling teal' there. It was a Seniors dear-with a sigh, as president of Western Maryland Col- Hop Step and Jump-First Kline, Ruby Madeline Blades, Crisfield, Md. scene of mingled emotions-the seniors Class of '38 bids you a fond goodbye, lege, the annual dinner of the Alumni R.E.; Second, Waters, E.O.; Third, ~ob- linked in a circle, saying auf-wiedersehen Class of '38 bids you a fond goodbye. Association will be held in the College erts, M.W. The Waltz Dorothy. Parker to friends and college--listening to the Dining Hall at 6: 30 P. M. The mem- Shot Put-First, Benjamin, A.S.; Sec- Lillian Rebecca Moore, Hagerstown, Md. chorus of farewell sung by the juniors. OLASS SONG bers of the class of 1935 will be the ond, Brennan, J.B.; Third, Skinner, W.G. The Serenade Jennette Lee Margaret Lansdale, vice-president of Tune: Dixianna guests and will be introduced to the DiSCUS-First, McPherson, E.D.; Gor- Helen Louise Shipley, Westminstl', Md. the junior class, was in charge of the Western Maryland, Western Maryland Alumni. ski, A.G.; Third, Rieth, W. When the Neuroses Bloom entire program. Others heading various We're all proud of you. President Albert Norman Ward will Javelin-First, Lassahn, L.K.; Sec- Weare Holbrook committees were: Marguerite Ringler, Because of traditions you brought and deli,er the baccalaureate sermon Sunday ond, Gorski, A.G.; Third, Ha,ynes, R.M. John Ralph Lambert, Thurmont, Md. Food; Rosalie Silberstein, Play; Doris for victories you fought, morning, June 2. The college choir, un- Special Events. Smedes, Program; Margaret Herwick, We'll do our best for you. der the direction of Miss Ruth Sherman Jockey Race: Brennan-Spange. At an Atelier Thomas Bailey Aldrich Entertainment; and Henrietta Twigg, We love the memories of our old alumni Jones, will sing several anthems. George Fisk Needham, Lutherville, Md. WheelBarrow Race--Thomas- Moore. Cup Ceremony. (Continued on Page 4, 001. 3) Concluding the Sunday activities, the Roster Fight: Beauchamp. junior class will sponsor the Evening on Pie Eating Contest: Brennan. NEW DORMITORY FOR WOMEN COMPLETED the Campus. TKA CHARTER MEMBERS INITIATED AT DINNER NINE SENIORS RECEIVE With a secret ritual that must have HONOR CLUB MEMBERSHIP been mixed with hilarity, judging from Nine seniors, candidates for gradua- the paens of laughter that reached thl' key-holed ears of the GOLD BUG reporter, tion honors, were organized as charter the charter members of the local chap- members of the Argonauts, the newly ter of Tau Kappa Alpha, national honor. formed honor society of Western Mary- ary debating fraternity, were officially land College, at the Monday Assembly, lnitiated Sunday evening, May 26. May 27. The honor students are Presto!] The festivities started by bolstering Grimm, Donald Tschudy, John Stallings, ;he candidates for the ordeal with an ex- Thelma Chell, Belva Hughes, Mary Ford, ~ellent dinner in the private dining room. Mildred Sullivan, Carter Stone, and iIaving! satisfied the appet~te of ,the Margaret Houtz·ahn. lesh-specifically the stomach - those Realizing the need for greater reco- )resent were given a chance to satisfy gnition of scholastic achievement here heir appetite, if any, for oratory. Dr. on the Hill, a committee of faculty mem- iVing, of Dickinson College, assured the bers recently drew up plans for the or- ompany that he had twice received full ganization. Senior and juniors working n.structions from the national office-- oth the same "ith the exception of the for graduation honors were presented pelling of "privilege". He then pre- ,,,ith these plans for their approval. The mted a charter in absentia. Dr. Ward name " Argonauts" wa; selected to nfortunately had not had two sets of symbolize the groups of students in quest lstructi(}ns-and so he was at a relati,e of something high and worthwhile, just lsadvantage. He d"elled on the fart An artist '8 sketch of the new dormitory for women, which has recently been comllleted. The cornerstone of as the original Argonauts in the story of (Continued On Page 4, Coluum 5) Jason went in search of the Golden the building will be laid at 6: 00 P. M., Saturday, June 1 Fleee-e.
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