Page 61 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SENIORS HOLD FAREWELL "Number, Please!" PARTY IN GIRLS' GYM FAN FODDER A Feature Story by Guy Griffen W. MD. TENNIS TEAM DEFEATS JOHNNIES 6-2 Class of '35 Holds Entertainment By "HERB" STEVENS How well-rounded are you' No, this and Business Meeting is not an advertisement for Allybody's Wins Six Matches In Second girdles, reducing machines, health bev- Victory of Year Rhythm ran ramRant and drama be- erages, or Chrysler's streamlined auto- came drastic at the farewell party held A swimming suit is hiding mobiles. Don't be misled by the ques- By winning six matches of the eight by the members of the senior class in Down in an empty trunk. tion. This is very personal, but not played before darkness brought an the girls' gym and the recreation rooms The moths have chewed its lining; that personal. What do we care how abrupt end to the meet at Annapolis, last night at 8:00 P_ M. Approximately Perhaps its cloth has shrunk. you're built or whether you drink Oval- Saturday, May 18, the IVestern Mary- 100 were present. . A silver lake is waiting tine or not (none of those people ad- Unstirred by human form, land varsity tennis team won its sec- The class held a business meeting For the sun has been in hiding- vertise in our paper.) We like your ond victory of the current season, de- during the first part of the evening in The breezes are not warm. smiles and your friendly greetings and feating the St. John's varsity 6-2. The the new lounge. Mr. T_ K. Harrison Winter's classes ended- individual personalities. final match of the nine scheduled match- outlined the functions of the Western Spring's half run its course; That's what makes life more worth es had to be. called because of darkness Maryland Alumni Association, and the From shattered nerves, the students living-pleasant smiles, friendly words, after T. Smith and Boeris of St. John's class made arrangements for a class In the water seek recourse. warm handclasps-they all go together. had taken one set from Belt and Waters memorial. They all say this: "There's something Cascade Lake, please open of the Terrors and the second set had Later in the evening, pool, ping- Before good June comes in! about you we like; we enjoy your con- gone to deuce at six all. pong, cards, and checkers were fea- Old sun, please warm those waters, versation, your looks and manners, and "Hinky" Haynes of the Terrors suf- tured in the recreation room, while er- So that I may try my fins. your friendship!' And what's more, fered the only defeat for Western ratic harmonies furnished the back- The poem above is slightly antiquated by recent developments in that pleasant grin says this: "Come on, Maryland in the singles, losing to ground for dancing in the girls' gym, the solar system. Rumor has reached the offices of this paper that some smile! 'I'urn up the corners of your Woodman 6-4, 6-1 in straight sets while During intermission, the presentation of the more daring of the men have braved the chill breezes of this cold mouth. Let your eyes twinkle with Volkhart of the green and gold was of an original burlesque arrangement spring to seek relaxation in the waters of the nearby ponds and lakes, that certain light that surely could be' winning one hectic set from Burns of of Louis N_ Parker's one-act drama, "A especially Cascade. But many swimming suits and pairs of trunks have celestial. Let's see your 'crow's feet.' the Johnnies 15-13. Volkhart took his Minuet", kept the audience in gales of yet to be shaken loose of the winter's supply of moth balls or cedar chips We like 'crew's feet' around a person's second set 6-1 to deadlock the meet. laughter. The original arrangement and abruptly rinsed of the clinging odors. eye~ because they mean just one thing: Brown, Rieth, Manspeaker and Belt was prepared by Dennis Brown, Lucille With the greater frequency of balmy days the co-eds have planned that person has laughed much-he must won the remaining singles matches for Bork, and Mary Waters Lewis. The a swimming party and the men have advanced their plans for an intra- have learned the key to happiness and Western Maryland. cast for the play was: mural swimming meet to be held at Thomas's pool. Mr. Speir, head of success and enjoyment of life. Let Woodman and Burns of the Johnnies The Marquis Dennis Brown the men's intra-mural department, has set the date of the races, the there be more 'crow's. feet!'" teamed up to win the first of the dou- The Marchioness .. Mary Waters Lewis first of their kind to be held at Western Maryland, at Thursday, May Burst right out laughing. Make bles matches from Haynes and Volk- The Goaler Charles Kaddy 3 at 2 :30 P. M_ somebody else laugh. There's the se- hart. The Terror duet won the first set The Chimney Emily Dashiell cret to happiness and real enjoyment of 7 -5 but tiring, lost the tieing set 6-3 Reader of Stage Directions. Lucille Bork Diamond Dust life. There must be two. There must and the concluding set 6-2. Ice cream and cakes were served af- Mount St. Mary's and Washington College were the only members be someone else there to laugh with Reith and Frank Brown won the sec- you; someone who can really enjoy a ter the play, with group singing and a of the Maryland Intercollegiate Baseball League, recently organized, good laugh with you. It will mean ond doubles set by the close scores of "Paul Jones" concluding the evening's who were able to playa lengthened schedule against other members of twice as much, too, because you've 6-4, 6-4 in straight sets before nightfall entertainmen t. the circuit this season. Western Maryland played only four games in stopped play. the league this season, two with the Mounts and two with Loyola. Of shared it. The summary: the four games played, Western Maryland won three. Mount St. Mary's Don't ever let life get you down. Singles:-Woodman, AMATEUR NIGHT was the Maryland opponent that defeated the Terrors, Western Mary- Don't mope around and complain about feated Haynes 6-4, 6-1. St. John's de- land losing a close game in its season opener at Emmitsburg. life's miseries and your failures. For- get them. Think of your successes and V.olkhart, W. M., defeated Burns 15- (Oontmued from Page 2, Column 5) you'll succeed. really, Mother-he's sweet. (She de- From the major leagues we hear that Cy Blanton of the Pittsburgh in which you've Think of all those ways 13, 6-1. grown-with friend- scends, and meets Larry and Pat, both Pirates has brought in the most booty for the bold Buccaneers, he hav- shlps, with a hundred and one other in- Frank Brown, W. M., defeated Moore lookingly decidedly worse) ing won his seventh game out of nine starts. Our old standby, the King terests and activities. Not all of the 3ยท6, 6-2, 6-4. Joan-Pat, you darling, oh, my dog- of Swat is at it again. "The Babe" hit three home runs and a single in books or college courses or money in the Rieth, W. M., defeated Ash 6-0, 4-6, last Saturday. four times at bat against the Pirates gie, I've missed you! (She hugs Pat, world tossed in one gigantic heap is 6-1. who wags. tail vigorously). Firebugs worth feeling discouraged and "beaten" Manspeaker, W. M., defeated A. Hello, Larry. Smith 0-6, 6-5, 6-3. and Larry-Hello, JOan. Sorry to disturb One ashcan on fire brought out three fire trucks and numerous auto- I about. It's that human personality is an Belt, W. M., defeated T. Smith 7-5, character Living counts. you-I didn't want to come, but Pat mobiles. Occupants of Levine hung from their windows to gasp in some art. We learn it from experience- 6-4. won't eat anything-guess he must fresh air. Result-twenty-five dollars ejected from the pockets of said with plenty of mistakes. Laugh at Doubles:-Woodman and Burns, St. miss you. You'd better keep him- sufferers. Let this be a warning to future pranksters! John's, defeated Haynes and Volkhart mind' your mistakes and profit by them. No- 5-7, 6-3, 6-2. tice we said, "We learn it"-it can be Joan-Not at all-I knew he couldn't Farewell. Farewell. Parting is such sweet sorrow-that we must It was meant that we should learned. do without me all the time-told you say goodbye, until we meet next fall or never. To the departing athletes learn to enjoy life. F. Brown and Rieth, W. M., defeated of Western Maryland College is due a round of applause for the memory so! How do you like housekeeping' of a job well done. The football team, undefeated in nine starts last And now, we'll have to confess the Moore and Moeller 6-4, 6-4_ Larry-Fine, thanks. Well, good-bye. season, will be sadly depleted next season, but there will linger the mem- title has nothing to do with this arti- T. Smith and Boeris, St. John's play- Joan-Goodbye. Come one, Pat, you ory of a brilliant, colorful team and a challenge for future Terror grid- ing Belt and Waters, W. M.-6-4, 6-6- cle. to give all the We just wanted angel-I knew you'd have to have your del'S. The boxing squad loses several of its best men, men who placed nice telephone operators a break; they called because of darkness. Joaimie! at Penn State against the best that the East had to offer. The baseball get so little credit! Scene IV (next day). and basketball teams will likewise suffer when diplomas are awarded Give us the gong, Fred! Setting-The living room in Mrs. next Monday morning. Congratulations Seniors! TERROR COURT TEAM Hasting's apartment. Joan-Isn't it grand to have Pat, GEORGIA PRICE WINS OUTPLAYS GREYHOUNDS mother. He's such a dear! FROSH TENNIS TITLE Mrs. Hastings-Nell, he's the sorriest SCENE W. M. C. Gains Three Singles and looking excuse for a dog I've ever seen. AROUND Between belated March winds and de- He hasn't touched food since he came. layed April showers the colds have One Doubles to Win 4-3 I think that pup is sick, Joan-only At a recent meeting of the Interna- reached and half finished the final round don't you send him back to Larry' tional Relations Club the following The farewell dinner for the seniors of . in the tennis tournament. The fresh- Winning its second successive vic- Joan (aside) poor old doggie-you officers for next year were elected: Phi Alpha Mu was held at Gilbert's men were the first to complete the fin- tory, the Western Maryland tennis team know how I love you, and still you, and president, Idamae Riley; vice-president, Inn, Monday evening, May 27. An in- als. Georgia Price defeated Dolly Tay- defeated Loyola College at Western still you must have him' Yet you're Robert Brooks; secretary-treasurer, teresting feature was snap-shot place lor 6-4, 6-2 to win the freshman cham- Maryland, Saturday, May 25, on the sick when you're with him and I am George Needham. cards. After a dinner, the seniors spoke pionship. The sophomores were the lower courts 4-3. Western Maryland not there. Well, there's only one thing ~ few words of farewell, followed by next to finish. "Dot" Hull defeating won three singles matches and one for me to do--I Seven carloads of girls went to Get- the club song and the Alma Mater. doubles match to secure the margin of Scene V (Later that day). tysburg Saturday, May 25, in lieu of Each senior received the club flower as Naomi Crown 6-2, 8-6 to retain the class victory, crown which she won last year. a memento. Setting-Kitchen in Larry's house- the annual swimming party. The out- "Hinky" Haynes won the first singles The juniors have reached smoke issuing from oven). ing was concluded by a picnic supper at The members of the Senior class were not completed the final match. but have match in straight sets from Flynn of Jessie Larry - Wonder what's burning' Devil's Den. Mrs. Wills, sponsor of the entertained at two social affairs during May Morris and Elizabeth Wolford, the Loyola 6-2, 6-2. Volkhart repeated There go the biscuits-I forgot all club, and Miss Adkins acted as chaper- the past two weeks. president and Mrs. finalists, will be the new class champion. against Roesser of the Greyhounds 6-1, 612. about 'em, just thinking of Pat-I hope ones. Ward held' a dinner for the members of Cynthia Hales won the class and school that pup is feeling better! (Enter Joan, the graduating class on Thursday even- championship last 'year. In the senior Neimoeller defeated F. Brown of carrying Pat). W. W. elected the following officers ing, May 16 at 6:00 P. M. Dean and class "Kitty" Rose and "Peg" Downing Western Maryland to give Loyola its Joan-Hello, Larry, I brought Pat for the coming year: Mrs. Isanogle entertained the class at a will fight it out for the honor- of repre- first victory, winning in straight sets back. He still won't eat--! President Mary Catherine Hill reception on Saturday evening, May 25. senting that class in the school finals. 6-2, 6-4. LambIe tied the meet scores Larry--Joan! You brought him back I Vice-President Margaret Lansdale Approximately 110 Seniors attended Last year "Kitty" Rose won the class at two matches each by defeating Rieth what does this mean f Secretary Doris Smedes President Ward's dinner, which is given title. after three hard-fought sets 6-3, 3-6, 6-4, Joan-Well, just for Pat's sake-it Treasurer .. _ '.. . .. Dorothy Hull every year to the members of the grad- The matches for the school champion- but Manspeaker took his match with seems we can't live apart-Larry--! Sunshine Messenger.... Martha Miller uating class. ship will be played on either Friday or Cummings of the Greyhounds 6-4, 9-7, to put the Terrors again in the lead. Larry--J oan--! Sergeant-at-Arms .. _ Sue Smith The reception at Dean Isanogle's Saturday. A silver loving cup with (They forget Pat for the time being Inter-Club Representatives- house on Ridge Road was also attend- victor's name and class engraved on it The Haynes-Volkhart doubles combin- -Pat feebly wags his tail, and hunts Ruth Howie. ed by a large group. Ice cream, straw- will be presented to the successful con- ~tion clinched the meet by taking the for some milk in his pan under the Parvis Robinson. berries, cakes, candies, nuts and coffee, testant. first doubles match in straight sets 6-3, stove.) were served. Measles, good pitching, and timely 6-3 from Flynn and Roesser of Loyola. The Carroll County Alumni chapter hitting gave the seniors the baseball Neimoeller ad LambIe won the final of Phi Alpha Mu entertained the club The Boys' Glee Club, under the direc- doubles match for the team from Ever- championship for the third consecutive ATTEN'l'ION, FOOTBALL MEN! at dinner at the home of Evelyn Mather tion of Miss Ruth Sherman Jones, will year. The senior nine clinched the green, defeating Belt and Elliot of the on Sunday evening, May 26. Miss Be- conclude its brief but successful season 'I'errors 6-4, 5-7, 6-2. Summary: The Opera House announces that all miller, president of the local alumni with three more performances. title on May 22 when they defeated the Haynes, W. M., defeated Flynn 6-2, footbaU men returning to the Hill for chapter, urged the club memebrs to The first of the three final perform- Juniors 9-2. Three.of the Junior regu- 6,2. fall practice will be admitted free to start similar organizations in order to ances of the club was held in Baltimore, lars were out with measles. For five Volkhart, W. M., defeated Roesser all shows until the time of the return affiliate graduate members. . May 28, in the auditorium of the Mem- innings Waltz and Main engaged in a 6-2, 6-2. of the other students. orial M. E. Church of which the Rev. J. pitcher's battle with Waltz having a Neimoeller, Loyola, defeated ,F. W. IV. gave the senior members a Milton Rogers is the minister. slight edge. After the fifth inning the Brown 6-2, 6-4. farewell Tuesday, May 21. After a The musical 'portfon of the program Junior defense weakened, and the Sen- LambIe, Loyola, defeated Rieth 6-3, SYMPATHY .dinner in the Grille Tea-room, the sen- of the Alumni Banquet Saturday, June iors scored nine runs. The standings 3-6, 6-4. iors gave their last words of advice to 1, will be furnished by the club. On in the tournament were: Manspeaker, W. M., defeated Cum- The staff of the Gold Bug, on behalf the underclassmen, and then a final fare- the evening of June 2 the club in con- Class W L P mings 6-4, 9-7. of the student bpdy, extends its deepest well was sung. Each senior girl was junction with the Girls' Glee Club will Seniors 3 0 6 Haynes and Volkhart, W. M., defeat- sympathy to Margaret and Virginia presented with a club flower and a Freshmen 2 1 4 ed Flynn and Roesser 6-3, 6-3. take charge Hoshall in their bereavement. t small souvenir of the occasion. ing". of the annual "step-sing- Juniors 1 2 2 Neimoeller and LambIe, Loyola, de- Sophomores o 3 o feated Belt and Elliot 6-4, 5-7, 6-2.
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