Page 26 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. News In Brief CHAS. KROOP Special Student Prices (fiqristtnaa Looking for a good time? The department of music will hold a FINE SHOE REPAIRING recital in Smith Hall on F'rtday even- 26 E. Main Street ~rrrti"gs ing, December 1-!, at 7: 30 P. :1\1. FROM WESTMINSTER, MD. Dance - - - Margaret & Earl The junior class will entertain the seniors at a breakfast on Thursday "John" Everhart SANDWICHES-PASTRIES to the music of Bud Codori morning, December 20. Margaret Lans- THE COLLEGE BARBER CANDY-ICE CREAM and the Penn Ramblers, dale is chairman of a committee which SATURDAY, DEC. 15th, includes James Richards, ,Margaret AND BOBBER CIGARETTES 13c PACKAGE 7.30-11.30, Girls' Gymnasi- Herwick, Xluriel Waltz, John Man- AT THE FORKS Just off the Campus urn. speaker, and Simeon Markliue. Sponsored by PI ALPHA ALPHA Phone 382-'] We Call 'and Deliver On Friday afternoon, December 14, (Black and White) Choir, at 3:00 P. M., the Westminster that is H. E. REESE celebrated musical organization WESTERN MARYLAND Subscription $1.10 to be heard in Alumni Hall on Febru- TAILOR ary 11, will broadcast over the National Suits Made To Order Broadcasting Company. The Choir will Coffee Shoppe be featured with the Philadelphia Or- 94 East Main Street Bud Codori chestra, with Leopold Stokowski direct- Westminster, Md. played on the ing. ThB program can be heard locally Cleaning Remodeling Altering AND RESTAURANT Steel Pie r at through IVCAO in Baltimore. Pressing A Specialty Repairing Extends Atlantic City We sell the Stetson D Made to BEST WISHES FOR A last summer Recent speakers at the Monday Measure Clothes morning assemblies were: :Miss Jessie MERRY CHRICTMAS branch of tho League of Nations Asso- State' Theatre -and- J. Stoner Geiman of the Maryland L. Snow, secretary ciation, who spoke on November 26; Dr. A HAPPY NEW YEAR J. D. Katz 'i'. Gordon Bennett, the education ad- SATURDAY, DEC. 15 To the College "Everything Electrical" viser of the Third Corps Area, who ad- MATINEE 2:30 QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING REFRIGERATORS dressed the student assembly on De- "I Am A Thief" J. F. MOORE, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES cember 3; Dr. E. B. Jenkins, head of Manager Special Rates to Students the department of Latin and G;'eek at -With- Phone 24 RADIOS Western Maryland, who spoke on De- RICARDO CORTEZ, MARY cember 10. ASTOR -Also- The senior class will hold a party on Fox News Cartoon Comedy OPERA HOUSE Wednesday afternoon, December 19, in Admission. . 10-25c MeDaniel Hall Lounge from 2.30 to 6.00 MONDAY-TUESDAY P.]\;[. Card playing, dancing, and other THURSDAY and FRIDAY DECEMBER 13-14 amusements will be on the entertainment "College Rhythm" list. All seniors are urged to attend. -With- RUSS COLUMBO JOE PENNER, JACK OAKIE, -IN- Buy Your Christmas Gifts MARY BRIAN, LANNY ROSS, "WAKE UP AND DREAM" from the HELEN MACK, LYDA ROBERTI Columbia jewelry Co. and the ALL-AMERICAN CO-EDS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 MATINEE 2:30 -Also- Don Redman and his Band Suitable Fox News and Comedy TOM TYLER in Admission 10-30c Xmas GiFts "RIDIN THRU" WEDNESDAY J ACK HOLT, MONA BARRIE ForAll Also CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY -In- "I'll Fix It" MONDAY and TUESDAY DECEMBER 17-18 ELGIN STRAP WATCHES $14 WESTERN MARYLAND THURSDAY-FRIDAY SEAL GIFTS MIRIAM HOPKINS In DOLORES DEL RIO "The Richest Girl in the World" Phone 304 -In- ARE LASTING AND Gloria Beauty Parlor "Madame Du.Barry" APPRECIATED Also "PROF FOOTBALL" We Specialize in -With- PERMANENT WAVING REGINALD OWEN, VICTOR JANUARY 7-8 MONDAY and TUESDAY Finger Waving-Marcelling- JORY and OSGOOD PERKINS I GRETA GARBO in HAIR BOBBING 25c. I Facials-Manicuring PATRONIZE I "THE PAINTED VEIL" 82 West Main Street Westminster Maryland OUR ADVERTISERS SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM For Students and Faculty Rail Fares Reduced TO THE FACULTY AND STUDENT BODY OF WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE 1/ COMPACTS - BRACELETS 3 RINGS-PINS-CHARMS The railroads appreciate the enthusiastic responses of students Early Showing of Christmas Gifts- Select yours NOW BILLFOLDS-BELT and faculty to the "College Special" fares which combine econ- Use our convenient Lay-a-way Plan-a small deposit will reserve BUCKLES omy with the great advantages of rail travel-safety, speed, com- any article until wanted. fort and convenience. CRAVAT CHAIN and If you bought one of the reduced fare round-trip tickets when you came to school this Fall, the coupon is good returning home PINS COLLAR CASSELL'S . Holiday, be sure to take advantage of this one and one-third fare 10 and 25. When comir:g back after the between December J. WM. HULL, Prop., ticket, the purchase date for which has been extended to January 16. Diagram below shows going and return dates. Attractive Elgin, moderately 51 E . Main St., pticed. 10 karat white or yel- WESTMINSTER, MD. GOING TO SCHOOL RETURNING FROM SCHOOL low gold filled case. $25.00 tion during anyone of the periods named below: Christmas Spring C10se 1934 1935 1935 Dec.l0-Z5 Mar. 9-Apr. 20 May 15-June 30 COFFMAN'S STATIONERY Dec. 25, 1934-Jan. 16, 1935 Mar. 9-Apr. 20 May I5-June 30 Mar. 15-Apr. 23, 193:; May I5-June 30 Going trip must begin on date ticket is purchased-limited to THE STORE OF BETTER CARDS reach school station within ten days. Return trip must begin on date of validation of ticket by railroad agent at school station-> limited to reach home station within ten days. Tickets good over Remember the folks at home with same route both ways. Stop-overs willbe allowed i.ieach direction. For Everybody, 5c to 75c each Western Maryland Seal Gifts. T'ickets good in coaches, also in Pullman cars, upon payment of regular Pullman charges, £aggagc will be checked under the usual Buy now white you have a selec- regulations. No certificate or other form ofidentification necessary. BOX NOTE PAPER-DIARIES, 5 years-DESK SETS tion. -__ . e FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS TRAVEL BY "?RA!N Bonsalck Bros. speed your crvrnIc rt. with BOOKS-TOYS-WRAPPING Assuring convenience with se ie ty , Your CENTRAL PASS~NG~R AND TRUNK liNE ASSOCIAT!ON RAILROADS
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