Page 25 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 25
1 The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Gamma Beta Chi Frat Wins Intra-Mural Terrors Rout Mt. St~Mary's in First Championship in Touch-Football League Fan Fodder Half to Win Homecoming Game 26-0 By "Herb" Stevens Gammas Down Frosh Team 6-0 AWARDS PRESENTED COEDS JUNIOR - SENIOR COEDS Game Is Played In Sea Of Mud As In Final Contest Again a Harlow team is undefeated. Senior Team Makes Last AT MEETING OF W. A. A. The Terrors slid to a muddy tie against TIE FOR HOCKEY HONORS Home Appearance CLUB BASKETBALL PLANNED Villanova and finished its season sliding Ai; ·the December meeting of the 11'0' to muddy victories over Mount St. Mary's The coed hockey season came to a men's Athletic Association, thirty-four and Georgetown. close with the junior and senior teams SHEPHERD LEADS SCORERS The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity fin- new members took the oath member- ished up a successful season in touch- ship, and "M" awards, monograms, and It was a great season. "Bill' Shep- tied 1·1 for the championship. Because In a blinding rain that made the football by defeating the freshmen for herd led the scorers of the nation with of inclement weather, the game was 110t numerals were presented by the Asso- 133 points, and led his mates to eight played off. playing field a verrtable bog of mud the school championship by the score ciation to various members. 'and water, a powerful Western MaTY- of 6·0. victories oyer teams which included some In the earlier part of the hockey sea- The "M" awards were distributed to of the best in the East. Bucknell, Oath- sun, the senior coeds defeated the f'resh- land grid team, led by "Bill" Shepherd, A week prior to this concluding con- the following: Mary Brown, Edythe olic University, and Georgetown all had man team 5·1, and tied the sophomores nation's leading scorer, defeated Mount test, a hard game was played between Child, Margaret Downing, Ruth J'en- successful seasons, while Boston College 2·2. The juniors tied the freshmen and St. Mary's 26·0, in a game played on the Gammas and the Bachelors for
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