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PEP RALLY BOSTON COLEEGE TONIGHT SATURDAY 7:00 P. M. OCTOBER 20 SMITH HALL Baltimore Stadium Vol. 12, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 11, 1934 CLASSES ELECT OFFICERS B. BRYSON ANNOUNCES Freshman Reporters Andrew Gorski Selected To Lead FOR 1934-35 REGIME ALOHA APPOINTMENTS Needed for Gold Bug Local R. O. T. C. Unit For 1934 FOR THE YEAR 1934-35 The success of a newspaper, whether William Bratton Chosen President a college weekly or a metropolitan Terror Football and Boxing Star Made Lieutenant Colonel of of the Junior Class daily, depends largely upon the ability Battalion Staff Printers, Engravers, and Photog- of its reporting staff. The Gold Bug, raphers Chosen; Complete therefore, is endeavoring to secure a STALLINGS SENIOR LEADER STAFF DIVIDED INTO TWO UNITS Staff Listed reportorial staff that will aid in mak- ing our college paper bet tel' than ever The members of the senior, junior, Brady Bryson, editor-In-chief of the before. As there are at least six or Andrew Gorski, Terror football and boxing star, has been chosen and sophomore classes held their first eight reporting positions open at the Lieutenant-Colonel of the Western Maryland R. O. T. C. battalion for 1935 Aloha, has announced his assist- annual meetings on Wednesday, Octo- ing staff, the printers, photographers, present time for members of the fresh- the coming year. Other promotions and assignments have also been ber 10, at 12:30 P_ M_, and elected their and engravers for the Western Mary- . man class, any freshman who is inter- made in arranging the R. O. T. C. unit class officers for the coming college land College annual. The complete ested in any field of journalistic writ- on a plan of two organizations instead year, staff is as follows: . ing is urged to follow these directions: ONEHUNDRED SIXTY ENTER of the usual one. The first organiza- John Stallings was elected president Editor-in-chief Brady O. Bryson l. Read the story printed below. It W. M. IN CLASS OF 1938 tion has been named the Green group, of the senior class. The other senior Associate editors Dennis Brown is easy to see that it contains some real the second, the Gold. class officers are as follows: Beth Bryson news value. But the arrangement, de- The complete selections are as fol- Write-up editors ..... Daniel Moore. scriptions, and general plan of the story The class of 1938, consisting of ap- lows: Officers of the Green Organiza· Vice-president Charlotte Sprague are all wrong. Rewrite the story proximately 160 members, matriculated tion. Gertrude Rogers Secretary __. . . . . . . . .. Charles Moore as you think it should be written for on Tuesday, September 25, as students Battalion Staff Lucille Bork .Treasurer Lucille Bork Charles Kaddy a front page position in the Gold Bug. of Western Maryland College. During Gorski, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Moore, Historian Elizabeth Wine Sports editors Mary Brown Limit your story to 200 words. the annual freshman week, a special C. V., Captain, Adjutant. Sergeant-at-arms Andrew Gorski Wilson Nichols 2. After rewriting the story, fill in orientation program was carried out in Company A Snapshot editors ..... Robert Tyson the blank given below, pin the blank to an effort to acquaint the members of Grimm, Captain; Wampler, First The juniors elected William Bratton Charlotte Sprague your story, and deposit it in the Gold the class with each other, and to adjust Lieutenant, second in command; Com- to the presidency of their class. The Secretaries to the staff-> Bug mail box (under the front porch of them to the college and its environ- merford, First Lieutenant, first platoon following other officers were also Frances Elderdice the main building). ment. commander; Benson, First Lieutenant, elected: Frances Glynn . The Editor. The leading social events of fresh- second platoon commander. Art editor Reynolds Simpson man week were the President-Faculty Vice-president Margaret Lonsdale Art staff Dorothy Berry reception and the outdoor supper hike, Company B Captain; Schweiker, Secretary Henrietta Twigg Elizabeth Phipps Mr. Harold S. Rexford is the pro- which was given under the. auspices of Lieutenant, second in Patterson, First command; Fer- Treasurer Harold White Elinor Tollinger fessor of drama at Western Maryland the Christian associations. guson, First Lieutenant, first platoon Historian Rosalie Silberstein Margaret Herwick College. He lives at 650 West Main At the reception held Wednesday commander; Stone, First Lieutenant, John Simms Street in Westminster. His wife is the night in McDaniel Hall lounge, Presi- Sergeant-at-arms Ralph Graham second platoon commander. .Sarabelle Blackwell former Marie Adams, who used to teach dent Ward and the college faculty for- Company C George Spiegal, elected president of Elizabeth Wolford biology here at Western Maryland. mally welcomed the freshman 'class to Blissman, Captain; Ryscavage, First the sophomore class, heads the follow- Business manager.A. Norman Ward, Jr. On Tuesday night, October 9, about the Hill. and The usual rounds of presen- Lieutenant, second in command; Mark, light dancing, tations greetings, ing list of officers: Assistant business mayagers- 11 P. M. the professor, who was return- First Lieutenant, first platoon com- Webster Lucas ing home from a meeting of the depart- refreshments, and one of the famous Vice-president Beverly Harrison John Stallings ment of English, was stopped by a Western Maryland "sings", in which mander; Kaddy, First Lieutenant, sec- Secretary John Warman Advertising manager .. Frank Hand, Jr. masked theif at the corner of Main the faculty, old students, and fresh- ond platoon commander. Treasurer Paul Ritchie Assistant advertising manager- Street and Maryland Avenue. men joined, comprised the evening's Officers of the Gold Organization: Charles V. Moore The thief, who had a revolver in his entertainment. Battalion Staff Historian Mabel Smith On Thursday evening the Y. M. C. Circulation managers .. Janna Randle hand, pointed the revolver at Professor Lucas, Major; Ward, Captain, Adju- Mr. Stallings, the new president of Edward Barto Rexford and stole his wallet. The wal- A. and the Y. W. C. A. sponsored out- tant. the senior class, is the president of the Ernest Randle let contained about thirty-six dollars. door supper hikes for the freshmen Company A Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, and the Faculty adviser .. Prof. George S. Wills The thief also stole Professor Rexford's men and women. After toasting "dog· Mathias, Captain; Wampler, First vice-president of the Men's Student The printing contract for the year g'old Hamilton watch, valued at sixty- gies" over a blazing campfire, the fresh- Lieutenant, second in command; Flea- Government. H~ is also a constant book has been given to the Horu-Shaeff- five dollars. The thief then fled into men and the old students sang .many of gle, First Lieutenant, first platoon com- participant in intra-mural and intra- er Company of Baltimore, the engrav- the darkness and, although the profes- th e college songs. mander; Moore, D. K., First Lieuten- fraternity sports. ing contract to the John Ollier Com- sor notified the police immediately, no During the ensuing week the fresh- ant, second platoon commander. The junior class president, Mr. Brat- pany of Chicago, the photographing tract has been found of him since. men were introduced to many college Compamy B ton, is a member of the Delta Pi Al- contract to the Harris and Ewing Com- Professor Rexford said that he doubt- activities. The 'adviser system, student Randle, J., Captain; Patterson, First pha fraternity, and one of the repre- pany, of Washington, D. C. ed if he could identify the thief, as the government, athletics, vocational ob- Lieutenant, second in command; Wy- sentatives of the junior class to the Mr. Bryson, who is president of the street was so dark and the fog was so jectives, and campus problems were dis- and, First Lieutenant, first platoon Men's Student Government. Delta Pi Alpha fraternity and a memo very thick on Tuesday night. cussed by faculty and student leaders. commander; Lipski, First Lieutenant, bel' of the Gold Bug staff, announces In addition, physical examinations and George Spiegal, president of the second platoon commander. sophomore class, is a member of the that the art editor has already made a various tests were given to the mem- CompanyC Gamma Beta Chi fraternity, a sopho- tentafive plan for the book. Under the Name bers of the class of 1938. Holmes, Captain; Ryscavage, First more class representative to the Men's present arrangements the annual will Did you hold a position on the staff Lieutenant, second in command; Ran- Student Government, and a member of be 9 by 12 inches, which is somewhat dle" E., First Lieutenant, first platoon the Y. M. C. A. larger than the year books of formei' of your high school publication' ... I NEW SET OF BOOKS IS commander; Olsh, First Lieutenant, years. Mr. Bryson promises an unusual The senior class meeting was held in ADDED TO LIBRARY LIST second platoon commander. room 22, Science Hall. The junior book of surprising design. Sergeants and Corporals class held its meeting in room U, Lewis If so, what position ~ . Ba ttaliOlIl Staff 'the first GOLD BUG STYLE BOOK Hall. The meeting of the sophomore Heading ·the list of many new books Color Sergeants: Bratton, Eveland, class in Smith Hall marked II which have been purchased, the twelve· Shipley, and Corbin. official organization of the class of COMPLETED 'FOR STAFF In what field of newspaper writing volume edition of the Oxford English Company A 1937. Dictionary has been placed in use in are you particularly interested' .... the college Library. These volumes Humphries, First Sergeant; Ponte- first During the summer the editor of the I bought at a cost of 125 dollars, meet carvo, Platoon Sergeant, Daneker, platoon; Left Right Guide; Thomas, JANNA RANDLE TO HEAD Gold Bug has completed the new man- I a long recognized for need for a complete Guide; Stevens, Platoon Sergeant, sec- which when the ual of style, was begun dictionary unit use. student Right T., R. INTER - FRAT COUNCIL present duties staff last spring. This assumed The 200-dollar gift of the class of ond platoon; Shipley, Guide ; Corporals: of the newspaper Left Graham, Guide; its style already manual which is now being printed, FORMER STUDENT WRITES 1934 to the Library has new fiction been Waters, Ritchie, Speigel, Luman, R., many to purchase and used Tyeryar. Plummer, Reopening the activiries of the In- will be the official guide to the journal- ACCEPTED SERIAL STORY reference books. Recent additions to CompaIty B ter-fraternity Council for the new col- istic form observed in fnture issues of the rapidly growing fiction department Woodbury, First Sergeant; Cockey, lege year, Janna Randle was elected to the college publication. of the Library include "Amorelle", Platoon Sergeant, first platoon; Bare, the presidency of the organization on In order to correct the various in- Millard Ward, a former student of "The Lyric South", "The Native's Re- Right Guide; Roberts, Left Guide; Pil- Wednesday night, October 10, at 10:0D consistencies that heretofore have been Western Maryland College, has recent- turn", "The Good Earth", "The J'ouruey son, Platoon Sergeant, second platoon; P. M. found in the Gold Bug, the new style IJ had published in the Saturday Even- of the Flame", "The Magnificent Obses- Simpson, Right Guide, second platoon; sheet contains rules for abbreviations, ing Post a continued story called The following officers W6!'e also elect- sion", "Synthetic Gentleman", and the Beauchamp, Left Guide, second pla- accents, capitalization, compounding "Brute." For several years 1\11'. Ward ed: Ernest Randle, vice-president; Web- has been gaining a name for himself Pulitzer Prize novel, "Lamb In His toon; Corporals: Rush, Sharrer, Reif- ster Lucas, secretary; John Stallings, and divisions, figures and numbers, Bosom". Several additions have also ner, Reifsnider, Henderson, Lewis. ics, punctuation, quotations, and titles. as a writer of popular short stories. A treasurer. been made to the drama section. Company C In addition to these rules, the manual number of his articles have been pub- The club representatives to the In- includes a list of commonly misspelled lished in the Saturday EV'ening Post, The Oxford English Dictionary, White, First Sergeant; Campofreda, ter-fraternity Council have also been words, a section devoted to the expla- Woman's Home companton, and Col- which was founded mainly on the ma- Platoon Sergeant, first platoon, Read, chosen. BradJl Bryson, president of the nation of some common errors in wr it- lier's. terial collected by the Philological So- Right Guide; Grumbine, left Guide; Delta Pi Alpha fraternity, was select- ing, and a form sheet for copy. Mr. "Brute" describes the life of an ath- ciety, is now recognized as the great- Haynes, Platoon Sergeant, second pla- ed to represent, his club. Donald Tschu- Dean W. Hendrickson, professor of lete attending the Naval Academy at est and most complete work of its kind toon; Draper, Right Guide, second pla- dy will represent the Black and White English, contributed the section explan- Annapolis, and of his entanglement in in existence. It is published by the toon; Riley, Left Guide, second platoon; club. The G~mma Beta Chi will have ing the errors iii writing, and the Gold various love affairs. The narrative, as Oxford University Press in Great Brit- Wade, Left Guide, .second platoon; Cor- Daniel Moore as their representative. Bug staff wishes to take this means of far as sports are concerned, will appeal nino The twelve-volume set may be porals: Myers, Lambert, Taylor, Lath- George Jones will be the representative thanking him again for this valuable to those who are interested in football found on the table to the left of the rop, Baxter, Luman, H. from the Bachelors. contribution. and boxing, and, as far as lOVE}is con· librarian's office. R. O. T. ,C. Band The meeting was held in the Irving- Although the G01d Bug style manual cerned, of course, will appeal to every- These important additions to the col- J ones, Captain; Brinsfield, First Lieu- Webster room, and 'was well attended ha:s been patterned along the same form one. lege Library illustrate the rapid stride tenant; Yingling, First Lieutenant; First by representatives from all four of the as the manual used by recognized daily The first installment of the story be- which the directors of this division of Markline, Bollinger, Sergeant; Dudley, Ser- geant; Williams, Sergeant; fraternities. newspapers, the editor, in preparing gan in the August 25 issue of the Post. this new style sheet, has endeavored to Mr. Ward's cousin, Ward Kemp, is the administration are taking in order Corporal; Skinner, Corporal; Fogle, . Future issues of this paper will fea- to make the Library a modern u.nit of Corporal. ture more news concerning the activi- combine the best parts of various style now entering his senior year at Wes- college life and work. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 2) ties of the Inter-fraternity Council. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 2) tern Maryland College.
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