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E.XTRA PRICE 5c SPECIAL EDITION of the COMPLETE REPORT GOLD BUG of Today's Game Direct Wire Returns from Boston with .Boston College Vol. 10, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 11, 1932 GREEN TERRORS,20; BOSTON COLLEG~20 W. A. A. MAKES CHANGES NEW RULES OF GIRLS' Western Md. Holds Boston College IN SYSTEM OF AWARDS Passing in Review INTER-CLUB COUNCIL To 20-20 Tie Before Crowd of 8~000 By F. P. MITCHELL The following represent the revi- Eligible Freshmen Are Received sions which go into effect immediately Thrilling Game Is Marred By Pen- Into Association It has often been said tha t in the constitution of the Girls' Inter- CADET OFFICERS' TO alties Inflicted On Visiting club Council: Democratic victories in the Article II, Section II. There shall Team ST ANDARDS ARE RAISED race for presidency of these be a CODE OF HONOR which shall CONDUCT MOOT TRIAL United States have come on bind each active and alumnae club By WILLIAM H. SPARROW Formal acceptance by the Woman's rainy days, and this year it Harold Chandler To Be Tried For Special Wi1'e Service to the GOLDBUG Atheletic Association of changes in the rained with a vengeance. member and pledge to keep club mat- all times. question tel'S a closed at constitution recommended by the Board Franklin Delano Roosevelt Desertion and Other Charges Before a crowd of 8,000 thrilled spec- of Officers was the most important event F. P. Mitchell defeated Herbert Hoover by This restriction means there is to be The cadet officers 0 f tators gathered at Boston College's new of the organization's first meeting this the largest majority that one candidate no statement made by a dub girl to the local R. O. T. C. or- stadium, the Western Maryland Green concerning any indi- school year, Monday, November 7. A has ever rolled up over one man. He got a non-club girl traditions, regulations, ganization will conduct a and Gold Terrors battled a powerful vidual club's large number of freshmen were admit- more electoral votes than Hoover got in or bidding. moot general court-mar- Boston College team to a 20-20 tie. If ted into membership at this meeting. 1928, and it was conceded then that Al- tial in connection with the breaks of the game went to anyone The changes, suggested by the execu- fred E. Smith took the worst beating The Code of Honor and all rules their course in Military i'~ was to the Eagles, for the Ter- tive board in conjunction with Miss that any man had ever taken. regarding it shall be published in the Law on Monday evening, rors were inflicted with off-side penal- Parker and Miss Todd, were made in an However, I think that any candidate GOLD BUG the last of October. Accused November 14. The ac- ties continuously. The Terrors were led V. Any girl must have an Section effort to improve the constitution and its of the Democratic party would have won eused in the case will be Private Har- by Dunn who scored twice and Shepherd point system of awards. The awards for the election. The American people want- average or C and the required number old H. Chandler and the charges filed who crossed the goal-line once. The women athletes shall now consist of ed a change. Moreover, many ignorant of hours the semester preceding in or- against him include those of desertion, Eagles' attack centered around their class numerals, a 'iV. M. C. monogram, a citizens have blamed Hoover for the der to become a member of any club. embezzlement of money and a watch, halfback Chesnulevitch, who scored There Section be no gold M and the final honor, the blazer. depression. Any sensible person knows rushing from IX. Open-Day shall accept- unlawful sale of governmental proper- twice and threw the pass to Maloney until Class numerals will be presented to any that the president was merely a victim or ty, and conduct unbecoming a soldier. who scored the other touchdown. girls who has been faithful and enthu- circumstance. ance of bids. The scene of the court will be the He also kicked by placement the siastic to the sports program throughout class room of the Advanced Military 2 extra points, intercepted the forward the last HARLOW Will. COACH the year, those receiving same to be de- For years events had been piling up Science and Tactics, and court will con- passes of both teams, placed Dunn in termined by the executive board of the which reached a climax during vene at 7 o'clock Monday evening. Pro- scoring position several times. The A. A. A monogram shall be awarded tc administration. For four years Hoover ALL-SOUTH GRID l~ \&1 vision has been made for a limited splendid running of Chesnulevitch who is any woman who has won 750 points un- has pushed a millstone up a steep hill, number of interested spectators, but be- a senior, was by far the most outstand- der the system and an M to any woman and my sincerest sympathies and pity go cause of the size of the court room and ing feature of the game. with 1250 points to her credit. out to him in his hour of grief. Baltimore Sponsors Sectional Con- formal nature of the court-martial only The blazer, the final symbol of athletic If it had not been for Hoover, the test In Stadium a smal l group can be accommodated. Capt. Koppe kicked off to Chesnule- accomplishment for a Western Mary- country would probably have gone bank- Baltimore, Md., Nov. 2.-The City of Lieutenant Colonel John L. Delaney viteh for the Tenor's to the 5-yard line, land cooed, will be more difficult to ob- rupt. That is merely one thing we have Baltimore, through Mayor Howard W. will preside as President of the Court who returned to Terror '0 20-yd. line. The tain this year, as awards will be made on to' thank him for. J ackson, will tos= it. hilt in the football and Lieutenant David Trundle will act Boston College Eagles started on drive the basis of selection and not merely. the 1 tnink that three things uer eated ring on December lOth, when it will stage as Law Member. Other members of the which airled h~ several pennlties gave acquiring of a certain number of points. Hoover~ First, he W8.$ beaten "because a North-South All-Star football game at (Continued on Page 4-Co1. 3) them the first toucndown of g-ime, This There will be a Final Honor Committee he broughton the depression." Sec- its huge municipal stdium, seating more drive included splendid running by the consisting of the head of the Depart- ondly, he did not rashly promise beer and than 60,0'00 persons. Eagle '8 left-half Ohesnuleviteh. He ment, the president of the Association, light wines as his opponent d'id. And The North team will be recruited and ALUMNI HALL .WINDOWS passed to Jundzil which was good for 45 an association senior, and an associa- lastly, his treatment of the Bonus Army coached by Jock Sutherland, of the Uni- yards and placed ball on 7-yd. line. tion junior, these five to be selected in in Washington brought about a great ARE SUBJECT OF TALK Freitas on 3rd play went over for touch- whose Panthers re- of Pittsburgh, the same manner as the regular officers. wave of distaste f~r him. versity electrified the football world by a down but play was called off as both cently Selections for the final honor will be This last mentioned event is the only brilliant victory over Notre Dame, while Dr. Edgar B. Jenkins, of the Classical teams were offside. Chesnulevitch missed made from among all eligible senior blot which I can find against the man. I the Southerners will have Dick Harlow, Department, gave a brief resume of the try for extra point by placement. Koppe "M" women on the basis of athletic cannot understand why he permitted great coach of the Western Maryland historical significance of the windows at kicked off again to '('osi to the Eagle's accomplishment, spirit, service, and such treatment of those poor ex-soldiers. eleven, as mentor. the rear of the stage in Alumni Hall, ;(t 10-yd. line who returned it to his 3D-yd. scholarship. At the regular December It is good for a country to be shaken In order to insure a real football game the regular Monday morning chapel, No- marker. Again led by Chesnulevitch who meeting announcement will be made of like this once in a while. The Republi- played on its merits, the squads-each 22 vember 7. passed to Tosi the Eagles made 1st down those chosen from the present senior class cans were getting too cock-sure of them- strong-will be brought to Baltimore a Dr. Jenkins showed how Byzantine on the Terrors' 15-yd. line. Chesnulevitch to receive this honor. selves, This country is normally Repub- week ahead of the game for frequent ideas of wall decoration influenced the then slipped off left tackle for score and Another innovation was the introduc- lican, but the election shows that no long- Gauls to use many decorated windows to made good extra point by placement. tion of honorary varsity teams to ~~ er do people vote for the party which practices, and, in addition, as guests of dim the light in the cathedrals, and to' Willis substituted for Mergo and Ro- in numer- the City, they will be honored chosen by the executive board at the their grandparents voted for. They vote ous entertainments. symbolize Christian truths for the igno- mano kicked off to Willis on Terror's close of each sport season. An honorary for the man whom they think is the best rant laity of the medieval church. 12-yd. line who returned to the 37-yd. leading The players both of sections varsity team was selected for today last one. will be seen in action, and it is planned The windows in Alumni Hall, said the marker. The Terrors failed to gain and year but not for the other major sports. Dunn punted to Frietas who was downed by the committees in charge, of which speaker, are tributes to the classes who by Koppe on his 21-yd. line. Keyser (Continued on Page 4-Co1. 3) Louis E. Shecter, of Baltimore, is direc- placed them there, symbolic of the broad was substituted for Diksa and an ex- "39 EAST" IN REHEARSAL tor, to make the event an annual affair, culture for which Western Maryland Col- change of punts followed. ' "Y" CONFERENCE IS FOR THANKSGIVING PLAY vying in popularity with the famous East- lege stands. One of the muses is repre- The period ended with Boston holding sented un- on each of the nine windows, West series. the on ball HELD IN BALTIMORE Crothers Play Is Directed by Miss colleges and universities as Pittsburgh, der which taken from classical literature. Score, Boston the Terror 's 39-yd line. respective their are written From the North it is expected that such College, 13; W. M. C., 0. mottoes Approximately sixty-one college men Esther Smith Colgate, Cornell, Columbia, Pennsylvan- The Muses, frequently referred to in our The Terrors Second Quarter onto seemed to be getting ia, Princeton, Fordham and a host of oth- literature, were the guardians of art, and women, representing the Student ers will be recruited for outstanding science, and literature, each muse having the attack of B. C., Eagles failing Christian Associations of Maryland, Del- The cast has been selected for 39 Eaet players, and the pick of grid del's from her special province. to make 1st down. Dunn punted with aware. and the District of Columbia, at- which will be the first performance by F'zietas kicking to Terror's 8-yd. line. A tended the Interstate Political Conven- this year's College players, in Alumni the smaller institutions will also be on H. C. JAQUITH TO SPEAK drive which netted Terror's 2 first The South has colleges tion at Johns Hopkins University, held Hall, November 24 at 8 0 'clock. the eligible list. V. P. I., Georgia, Tennes- ON NEAR EAST PROBLEM downs ended when pass by Sheppard was like Alabama, Saturday and Sunday, October 29 and 30. Those taking part are: see, Western Maryland, Tulane and many intercepted by Musco, on Terror's 42-yd. The Western Maryland College Y. W. C, Napoleon Gibbs .. , .. , .. Wendell Junkin H. C Jaquith, of the Near East Foun- line. The Terror's came back and on A.' was represented by Anna Wigley, Count Gionelli. Theodore Landis others on which to draw. dation will address the student body of 3rd play Sheppard intercepted Ohesnule- and Charlotte Williams, Sectional rivalry is expected to develop, the college Wednesday morning, Novem- viteh pass on his own 24-yd. line and The speakers were: Mr. Paul Cline, or- Timoltey 0 'Brien , . .Frank Mitchell and a comparison between the best foot- ber 16, in Alumni Hall. Classes will be raced to Eagle's 31-yd. line for 1st ganizer for the Communist party; Hon- Dr. Hubbard ,., Leslie Werner ball in the North and South can be drawn. suspended at :;'0.30 to give the speaker down and 45-kd. dash. Frietas, Eagle's O1'able D. C. Winebrenner, 3rd, Secretary Penelope Penn .. , , Margaret Erb SENIOR GIRL WILL GO opportunity to present to Western Mary- quarterback comes back to intercept of State; Dr. J. H. Schad, leader of the Madame de Mailly Gladys Some=s TO CHICAGO MEETING land an outline of the cond·itions in the Sheppard's pass on own 31-yd. line. The Young Republic Club, and Dr. Jesse Miss ~ac Masters .. ,. , Elsie Bowen Near East and the work his society has Terror's attack started to click and with Holmes of Swarthmore College, who rep- Mrs. Smith Ann Johnson Cleona Brinsfield, '33, will go to Chi- been doing. Dunn and Sheppard who made 1st down resented the Socialist party. These four cago to the National Boys' and Girls' H. C. Jaquith has had a great deal of after which ended in Sheppard going men presented their parties' views on Miss Sadie CIarente , , .. Cleona Brinsfield 4-H Club Congress which will be held experience in his work and has the dis- over center for Terror's lone touchdown. prohibition and farm relief in addresses Miss Myrtle Clarence, from November 25 to December 3. tinction of being one of the most hon- 1st half. The try for extra point. on Saturday afternoon. Virginia Helmstetter Miss Brinsfield received first prize for ored Americans in Turkey and Greece, was missed. Shepherd doing the kicking. The evening session was taken up with Evalina , _.. Pauline Thomas an evening dress of pink fiat crepe which since he has received no less than five Koppe kicked off to Chesnulevitch on the di~cussion of unemployment and tariffs Rosa , Sarah Louise Mills she made this summer and which she awards from these countries. He is a Eagle's 13-yd. line, who returned it to by these same speakers. Sunday morn- wore at the style show held at the Uni- Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society his 3·3-yd. line. The Eagles had time for ing was devoted to further debate on 39 is a three-act comedy by Ra- versity of Maryland, when the 1000ai4-H and a member of the executive staff of two plays before the half ended with the chael Crothers. It portrays the various these subjects, and a worship program Club Week was in session. the Near East Foundation. ball in the possession in their own 42-yd. conducted by Dr. D. Elton Trueblood. types of people found in Madame de At the Congress there wiil be several Mr, Jaquith's purpose is not to solicit line. Score, Boston College, 13; West- International relations was the topic Mailly's "home for paying guests," and representatives from each State. On funds for the foundation but to educate ern Maryland, 0. rea ted by the four leaders in the after- shows the effect that they have upon the Tuesday, November 29, the fashion show the public to the extent a·nd value of the Third Quarter romance of the two young lovers. noon addresses. The convention was will take place in which Miss Brinsfield work the foundation has performed. The Terrors again opened the play closed with a presidential preferential The play will be directed by Miss will again exhibit her dress. The remain- Mr. Jaquith will deliver an address on with Koppe kicking off to Chesnulevitch poll by the delegates, the results of Esther Smith and is the first production der of the week will be spent in sight- this same subject at the Rotary Club din- who returned the ball to his own 28-yd. which were: Hoover, 25; Thomas, 17; of the year to use the new stage facilities. seeing and visiting well-known places of ner to be given Wednesday evening at line making a first down but failing to Roosevelt, 16; and Upshaw, 3. Admission will be 50 cents. interest in the metropolis. 6.30 in the Westminster Hotel. (Continued on Page 4-C01. 1)
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