Page 18 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ~~~~====~~=-=-==========~==~~~=~~-~~==~====~~~=="~===========-=.~-~~-=-==-=========== COMPULSORY MILITARY Dad Wonders CURTIS INSTITUTE WILL GIVE 4 RECITAL NOVEMBER .CAUSES ROW AT U.OF M. By An Alumnus (Continued from Page I-CoL 2) 'I'wo University of Maryland students, Ian-prouisat ion on a apanese Tune IRVING-WEBSTER INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS a sophomore and a freshman, havs been As he wanders through the GOLD BLTG Efrem Zimbalist suspended for refusing to submit to the if that isn't about the best college week- Le Zephir J eno Hubay "What might be 'done to continue the A meeting of the International Rela- two years of compulsory military train- ly from about the best college in the Mr. Frank Society as a social factor in college. tions Club will be held sometime during. ing. In advising tj1e students of their land. Maybe dad's prejudiced in the Y. life", was the theme of Mr. Trundle's the second week in November, at which suspension, Dr. Pearson, president of the same direction you are. Every Western Etude in C Min01'_(Reyolutionary) farewell address at the society meeting time officers will be elected for the com- univei-sity, said that he was acting in ac- Marylander, and every (lad of a Western Frederic Chopin Oct. 24, 1932. At this meeting the fol- ing year. cordance with the regulations of the in- Marylander should read the GOLD BeG Berceuse, OP11S 57 Fre?eric Chopin lowing officers were elected: The Iut.erna+iunal Relations Council uf stitution. The college has refused to every wcek ; it will keep him from worry- 17alse in d flat 1naj01' ()'![inuet) Presiden t Cornelius Gisriel. Western Maryland College was organized mak~ the names of the students public. ing where next terms tuition is coming Frederic Chopin. from. Vice-President Richard Kiefer. last year as a collegiate unit of the Car- The member of the sophomore class Bolonaise in a 'IIwj01' (Militaire) Secretary Robert Holder. negie Foundation, for International said that he took the training in Jlis Both editorials, HERE'S YOUR Frederic Chopin Critic Marvin Sterling. Peace. freshman yeaT, but could not repeat ;t. CHANCE, and APPLAUDING EXCEL- 111'. Levine Treasurer Frederick Malkus, The Club is given authoritative books The freshman refused to take the mili- LENCE, appeal' good enough to send to VI. Chaplnin Mansel Stevens. on internat ional affairs and receives pe- tary training because of his religious be- some oj.hcr publications for reprinting, so To the Sun. Pearl Curran Sergeant-at-Anna Charles Whittington. riodic literature concerning political oc- liefs. Dr. Pearson cited the advantages it has been done. Channing Chloe Edward German Reporter Lora Outten. currences. Membership in the Club is of the training and reminded the students Whether Seattle, Kansas City, or any Jly Lover he Comes on the Skeo free, and is open to students and faculty. that no oath of allegiance is required. other place can think more of Norman Mr. Gisriel said tha t contrary to cur- Henry Clough-Leighter rent opinion quality is more important :311'. Cornelius Gisriel is now president 111'. Tucker B. Smith, executive secre- Ward and his sweet lady than we do back Take Jay HOllie ... Karolyn Wells Bassett than quantity, in a literary society. The of the Club and Dr. 'I'heodora Whitfield is tary of the· Committee on Militarism in here at home. Going visiting often serves Mrs. Meiskey offered the two Education, has definitely president appointed Messrs. Sparrow, the faculty advisor. students the' support of the committee, to show us how much better home is. Sterling and Whittington to serve on the and has declared that he will test the sus- Whether Cap. Buzzard and Vic Palmer program committee during the semester. BLACK AND WHITE aren't about the smoothest functioning is to collect money from a church congre- The meeting of October 31 was post- pension in the highest court. Mr. Smith, tennis combination that ever won or lost gation. to poned until Nov. 7. The fraternity takes pleasure in an- according "did Dr. Pearson, to advised him to any other old college tennis team. About how we journeyed up to West- do anything he not that want nouncing Clifton J. Tollinger, '34, as a that might ernbarass the universi ty, but Whether Dick Harlow's recuperation minster and they won, then they came pledge. isn't of greater interest to us than who down here to play the best team in the FRENCH CLUB that unless the university agreed to ex- nation's capital, and they won again; empt the two boys from military drill, he will sit in the White House for the next Le Cercle Francais met on Tuesday, w.w. might subject the university to court pro- four years, or any other four years. and wasnf Georgetown sore, and after November 1. cedure and to unpleasan t and perhaps un- Whether son would write us if we sent Cy (Spalding) MacDonald said they A committee of L. Cheyney, chairman; W. W. held its annual football rush favorable newspaper publicity." Dr. him the home address which he seems to couldn't win because it wasn't a Harlow S. Strow, and C. Gisreil arranged the fol· party on Saturday, October 29. Pearson has had no recent statement have forgotten. team. Oh, boy, ain't it a grand and lowing program: from Mr. Smith. Whether that fellow who joined our Appel des Noms. The two students, in presenting a brief party at lunch the other day understood Chant en Commun-L' Alouette. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA appealing their suspension requested that why we made such a fuss over him when "La Vie de La Fontaine"-M. Gisriel. Delta Sigina Kappa held its annual a course of citizenship be substituted f0r we learned he was the brother of our own "La Cigale et la Fourme"- Mlles. Beall theatre party on Tuesday, October 25. military training. The meeting of the Daye Trundle up on college hill. Om et Day. Board of Regents has been postponed, partiality for Western ~.J:arylanders spills "Le Corbeau et Le Renard"-~L Bopst. but at the meeting some definite action o,e1' m-en to their famiEes, yea even unto FRI.-SAT. NOV. 4-5 DIalogue "Le COl'beau et Ie Renard"- Y. W. C. A. may be taken. In the meanwhile, the stu- the third and fom:th generation. N. Ward et Mlle. E. Williams. dents are attending classes, not as en- Which is better, the old friendly rival- 70,000 WITNESSES Chan t en Commun-" Les Canards." Candle light service ,,-as held in Baker rolled students, but as visitors. ry bet,veen Webster and Irving, or hav· with Chapel, Wednesday evening, November 2. Dr. Pearson stated that in the Morrill ing them lie down in the same stall to- J ohnie Mack Brown Act, passed by Congress shortly after the gether. We used to have some hot en- Phillips Holmes HOME ECONOMICS CLUB counters a"'ay from the oratorical ros· Dorothy Jordan Ci,il War, theTe is a provision that rcll trum as ,yell as on it. And those Philo- land grant colleges must have a course in The Home Economics Club held a Browing hair pullings. Wow! MON.-TUES. NOV. 7-8 meeting Monday, October 24. They were military training. UncleI' a ruling from Whether he dare rise u;J to inquire SPEAK EASILY Agnes Slindee, county demonstration the Attorney·General's office in Washing- what would have happened if we could with privileged to have as the speaker Miss ton, 1930, such a course must be offer'lrl haYe had a Dick Harlow in the days r.f Buster Keaton agent, who spoke on "The Opportunities BONSACK'S but need not be compulsory. However, Speno Wells and Gale Bodwen, who never Schnozzle Durante of Extension Work in Home Economics." according to Dr. Pearson, the course :It learned to ,veal' football pads or head the unil'ersity is compulsory, following WED.-THUR. NOV. 9-10 The College Shop the law passed by the Board of Regents gear, and never learned to use two hands DEVIL AND THE DEEP on a baseball bat, but going to Virginia 'ro the Editor: after gradua tion earned for himself, ancl Gary Cooper The follOll'ing letter concel'lling the ex· for us, the title of Champion Athlete d and Tallulah Bankhead gloried "1 SODAS pulsion of hl'o students 1'rom the Uninr· the South. Dick would have Coming soon sity of Mary land for refusal to take miJi· those boys, as he does in his fine fellows Harold Lloyd tLry training has been sent hy its signel's of today, ,"ouldn't he, Bob Gill! GIFTS -In- to the President and Regents of the .Uni. If Secretary Harrison doosn't find it "MOVIE CRAZY" versity. about as hard to collect alumni dues as it GREETING CARDS We, citizens of the State of :3farylanu, "'ish to express our surprise and indigna· tion of fhe action taken by the Uni\-er- I sity of ~Iar'yland ill the ·case of Ennis W. M. C. SPECIAL 10c TEA SHOPPE Coale and IVayne Lees, students who have DISTINGUISHES THE SECOND FLOOR been denied the right of education at SODA CANDY MADE TO MEASURE the Unil'€rsity becausc of· their refusal to SUIT accept military training. HOT We are convinced that the UniYersity, The man who has worn a suit holding its charter from the State and TOASTED SANDWICHES made to his measure her e using State funds, is not justified eith()r knows that it looks better and legally or ethically in forcing upon its wears far longer than any oth- members conrses to ,yhich they may be Hot Plate Lunches. . . . .. 25c er type. conscientiously opposcd. In the present Alterations, Repair Work, MAI(EEVERY instance, where the conrse involved has 11:30-2 Cleaning and Pressing no yalid place in the curriculum of an in- designed higher H. E. Reese DOLLARBRING stitution to us that for important education, FILMS DEVELOPING it seems princip18s are being 80 E. Main Street Two Dollars in of ciyil liberty and artificial sacrificed to pre- ENLARGING sen-e petty regulations. VALUE As 'citizens and students, "'e here"'ith this names _~!er€:e!s:ePv:$~:e:e!S:E sign our infringement in protest against of ci~i- of the rights double ITheOpera House! \\\1/; zenship and scholarship. GRIFFIN'S (Signed) ~ FRI. Nov. 4th & 5th SAT. * ~ I LOUISE S. PORTER, Opposite State Theatre "'-- Laurel & Hardy ~ Hagerstown, Maryland. m <~ SARAH MAY CABLE, • In ~ PACK UP YOUR ~~ Chewsyille, Maryland. ill) ffi TROUBLES ill :3IARGARET L. ROBERTS, Anne, Princess ~ MON. 7th & 8th TUES. m SARAH JANE WERTZ, Maryland. IA WOMAN ~nOMMANDS I Mount Holyoke HagerstOln1, Maryland. Pola Negri ~ ~~ College, dollar today, Inust ~ WED. 9th & 10th THURS. ~g Your bring you two October 27, 1932. dollars in value if it is m PAYMENT DEFERRED ~:§ doing today's duty. ~ with (I> Friendly Five Shoes NOTICE! f> Maureen O'Sullivan ~~ give you that for your SHOE dollar! More THE GOLD BeG is the official publisher m FRI. 11th & 12th SAT. ~~ wear, more life, more of the 193~-33 Student-Faculty Directory, $12 (6 James Gagney <15 value, than any shoe to be issued in December. I In ill Let us show you near its price range. I MON., T UE S. & WED ., ~~ why Friendly Quality Shoe Repairing WINNER TAKE ALL Fives are Ameri- $;2 (. 14th, 15th and 16th <:t? ca's outstanding ~12 value. ALL ~ GRAND HOTEL sQ STYLES THURS., NOV. 17t h (I) J. D. KATZ $~ Irene Dunn College M_1n
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