Page 17 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE BEAT BUCKNELL SPORTSi /SPORTS Green Terrors Trounce Greyhounds With Score of 28-6 in Last of Seven FAN FODDER ALUMNI' CHATTER Game Series in Baltimore Stadium By "Pat" Mahoney A fine game, and an inspiring dinner meeting after the game, with Dick Har- Also Defeat the Strong Georgetown offensively, while Cullen backed up their low, the team, and a crowd of Washing- Team 12-6 in Sensational Game line very well. Capt. Plotzcyk, center, Grid Teams Relax After Producing Score ton alumni to enj oy the victory together. was a tower of strength to Loyola, both Dick says a twelve to six margin is a SHEPHERD ST ARS AGAIN offensively and defensively. After a team scores a touchdown in a close game there nerve racking proximity. Hundreds of us Line-up: is always present a certain unconscious relaxation. On the are inquiring after that time keeper's other hand the team that has been scored on has a very Ten thousand people collected in the watch that took foul' minutes to travel Baltimore Stadium Saturday afternoon, Western Maryland Loyola definite reaction in the opposite direction. It is keen to half a minute. We want it to get up by iu Diksa October 29, to see the Green Terrors of L.E. Dunne take advantage of the vulnerable spots in the enemy line the mornings. of resistance. Western Maryland do battle with the Sadusky L.T Waidner "Pat" An example of this phenomenon was revealed in the Our band made just as good a showing Mahoney Greyhounds of Loyola. They awaited the Kopp (C.) L.G. Dempsey Baltimore stadium last fall when 'Western Maryland encountered the as the much larger one of our opponents, Hunter opening whistle. The year before the Marks C. Plotzsyk Washington and Jefferson gridders. The Terrors were traveling along until it came to serenading them and U~. teams had fought to a 7-7 deadlock. This R 8-. Bandzul On this it seemed to fall down complete- year the Terrors, with almost a complete O'Leair L.T. Farrel under the pressure of having to overcome a six point lead piled up by ly; perhaps later they will learn some back, intercepted new team, were the underdogs. Loyola Blissman RE. Maragalia the Presidents. Out of a clear sky Bolton, Terror which tied the score. a college marches instead of the nonde- lateral Shepherd pass and ran 50 yards for a touchdown, had seven veterans in her line-up. The Mergo Q.B. Carlin script tunes they now know. Terrors, undefeated to the present game, H.B. Cullen With matters even the l\Iarylanders went back to their positions to Our opponents ' adherents here in were determined to revenge last year's Gorski H.n. Egan resume play. The let down, after the terrific pace they had main- Washington, and there are many of them, tie and mete out such a walloping to Dunn F.B. Bell tained, was as unnoticeable as it was momentary, nevertheless it was are just about broken hearted over that present The kicker as the Terrors lined up to kick off. sent a long Loyola that Coach Comerford and his Score by Quarters: game, and some of their purses are ill warriors would think that "Greasy" W. M. o 14 14 0-28 spiral which landed in the arms of Zagray, the President's fullback, similar shape. And even our good friend Neal and his gang were back. Bill Loyola 0006-6 near the goal line. The big fullback sprinted through the entire Green Curly Byrd didn't think his alma mater Shepherd, the sophomore back, imperson- Touchdowns-Shepherd (3') ; Dunn, and Gold team before they could get organized to stop him. was as good as she turned out to be. Brt- during the remainder This proved a valuable lesson to the Terrors ating the immortal" Greasy", and show- Cullen; tries for points-Shepherd, 4 out tor guess next time, old fellow. ing a versitality which was astounding, of 4 (place kicks); Egan, none out of 1 of the season. It was also demonstrated in the recent Georgetown and We were happy to have the team with plunged, passed, skirted ends, chalked (rush). Loyola contests that the players had' not forgotten their painful ex- us at dinner, and after the third helping up 3 touchdowns and kicked 4 extra perience. Each time the Terrors kicked off following the scoring of a of beefsteak they were happy too; even it the kicker sent the ball twisting touchdown along the ground allowing points. Jimmy Dunn, a good back all af- W. Md. 12, Georgetown 6 they couldn't get the Western Maryland ternoon, slipped over for the other touch- Captain Koppe and other fast linemen to cover the ball before an op- football badges away from the attraetive posing player could get very far with it. down. When the smoke of battle had Western Maryland's highly-geared waitresses who wore them. This fellow cleared away and the score could be read grid machine purred its way into Griffith Boston's Victory over Fordham no Fluke Sholl is a shark with the skillet. 'I'hat ls correctly it stood Western Maryland 28, Stadium and after traveling in reverse, Boston College gave 'Western Maryland grid supporters some- why Washington Western Marylanders while Georgetown marked up a touch- Loyola 6. This score partially revenged down, righted itself and moved on to :\ thing to think about when they snapped out of the lethargy that char- eat with him every Friday, at twelve thir- for the tie of last year and prolonged spectacular 12-6 victory. ' ty. Try and be with us. Waldorf food at the Terrors' undefeated record through acterized their early season play a.nd defeated' a powerful Fordham Woolworth prices. team by a 3-0 score. the fifth game of their schedule. Dunn and Shepherd were the spark- And when this team tackles U. of M. plugs of an attack potent enough to run Many critics will shelve this victory as a fluke, but to this ob- After Capt. Kopp had kicked off 1') up a total of 244 yards from scrimmage server's way of thinking, the contest saw a really fine team come into they will put another kink in Curly's Loyola, it looked bad for the Green Ter- for 1,1first downs. The Georgetown backs its own after a slow start. Boston was "hot" on Saturday and could curls. We hope. rors. Unleashing all of·their artillery, the were not exactly idle as the 169 yards have given any team in the country a rub for top honors. Coach Joe CALEB 0 'CONNOR, '99. Greyhounds drove onward toward the gained by them will show. Actually the McKeany has practically the same team that defeated the Terrors last- Terrors' goal line. Ripping off five con- respective backfield aggregations present- season. At the time of the contest Dick Harlow characterized tho secutive first downs, they gained seventy- ed no notable advantage to either team. White Eagles as the best team to play in the Baltimor-e stadium during (Continud from Columu B) five yards and were not halted until the It was in line play that the Terrors ex- the 1932 season, with Notre Dame being excepted. All of which points mid-field and the Marylanders inaugu- Terrors dug in and stopped them on their celled. From end to end the Terror for- to the fact that the Terrors will have their work cut out for them when rated the victory march that resulted in 23-yard line: The Greyhounds tried two ward wall 1YaSa barrier that budged only they travel to Boston to renew hostilities with the Bostonians on Armis- the scoring of the winning touchdown. line plays which were stopped cold. Then when hit by positively crushing force, tice day. Shepherd tore through the line for 10 Carlin faded back and heaved a pass and such force was displayed but rarely yards and Dunn picked up twelve more on which fell over the end zone for a touch- The Poppelman Case a. slice off tackle. Shepherd after scor- back. after the first few minutes. Offensively, ing another first down on two successive it was a robot that evolved into an aval- An interesting sequence of events have come about over at Col- After the ball was brought out to the anche of bone and muscle sweeping ev- lege Park with Ray Poppelman as the central figure. Prior to the com- line plays forward passed 18 yards to 20-yard line, Shepherd and his interfer- erything in front of it. mencement of the current season a rumor was set afloat from the Ter- Diksa and put the ball on Georgetown's ers set to work and had the ball in mid- Powerful end sweeps and assorted pass- rapin camp that due to his poor defensive work Poppelman would be 4-yard line. The touchdown was produced field when the first quarter ended. After ing maneuvers were the main reliances of a doubtful starter in the Maryland' line-up. However, the ex-marine' when Shepherd found a large hole on the the second quarter had begun, Shepherd, the Hoya offensive. The Terrors resorted did not meet with the same sensational success that marked Iris endea- weak side of the line. aided by fine interference, scampered 27 vors in past seasons. The reason for this is obvious. No back can A belated aerial attack by the Hoyas yards. A few moments later on a 12-yard mainly to interior power plays and tackle run with the ball if his own line doesn't offer some resistance to the kept the Terror supporters in suspense slices. Although the pass was used chiefly run Shepherd romped over for the first as a threat, it was a timely 25-yard heave enemy as they charge through to stop him. and Curley Byrd's line has during the third and fourth periods. score. He then kicked goal. been notably weak all season. Twice the Hoyas managed to get within from Shepherd to Diksa that put the Ter- 'I'hree minutes before the first half end- rors in position to score the winning A little over a week ago during a practice scrimmage Poppelman the Terrors 20-yard line, but were ed, Dunn went over from the Lyard line touchdown in the second quarter. is supposed to have struck a freshman tackle who was breaking stopped on both occasions; once when the for the second touchdown. Shepherd Coach Harlow kept his starting lineup through and spilling him before he could get started. Curley Byrd Terrors held for downs, and again when again kicked the punt. Midway in the Diksa intercepted a forward pass. After intact for all but five minutes of the en- stepped in and requested Poppelman to turn in his uniform, adding third quarter, Dunn, Shepherd, and MB]'- tire contest, when injuries to three of his I that the hip-grinding specialist was through as a Maryland player. the Hi.lltoppsrs were repulsed for the sec- go drove 45 yards for the third Terror players necessitated replacements. 'I'hi: Poppelma.n remained idle during the St. John's game, which the Terra- ond time Pete Mergo very definitely score, Shepherd adding the point. After- was especially striking in the face of the pins won, but after making a public apology he was reinstated in time turned the tide of battle by getting off wards a 61-yard drive terminated in the display of man-power trotted out by to appear in uniform for the V. ]'If. I. encounter. With the Old Liners a brilliant 72-yard punt, which rolled out final Western Maryland score. Shepherd Georgetown. No less than 15 substitutes trailing 7-0 late in the third quarter Poppelman was inserted in the of bounds on Georgetown's 2-yard line. carried the pigskin across for his third appeared in the Hoya lineup, with the game as a substitute fullback. All he did was to toss a pass to Wid- In an effort to tie the score George- touchdown. He then added the extra meyer for the first score and then go on to win the game for Maryland town began passing from behind their point. Hilltoppers maintaining a 10-pounds-per own goal line. The attack proved futile man weight advantage throughout the by sprinting off tackle for a 52-yard jaunt to the goal line. Ray may and they punted to Western Maryland's TIle Greyhounds, a fighting outfit to contest. be a bad boy and may have defensive shortcomings but you won't find the last minute, and fiercely attacking, as Shortly after the commencement of the a roach keeping his speed and hip-grinding ability on the bench when 40-yard line as the game ended. they had done in the opening quarter, there are touchdowns to be scored and games to be won. Georgetown Westel'll Md. of kicks and game an exchange two swept forward in a last desperate charge sweeping end runs by Kelly put the ball That B~cknell has a fullback named Reznichak replacing their Carolan L.E. Blissman in the final quarter. After two mighty on Western Maryland's 13-yard-line. Af- All-Eastern star, Clark Hinkle, and that he is as hard to stop as his Konopka L.T. Sadusky surges they went 56 yards for their only ter Bradley's line bucks and a short pass name is to pronounce. Walacavage L.G. Marks touchdown. This thru t was too late [0 failed to gain, Lione faded back from his Callahan C. Lipsky do any damage. Their touchdown was quarterback position and forward-passed That Washington College and the University of Maryland' have Denner R. n. made by Al Cullen on a 10-yard drive gotten the jump on the other Free State colleges by staging fall la- Kopp to Kelly, who gathered in the ball on the through the Terrors' line, after Egan, the goal line for a touchdown. crosse practice. Katalinas R T. O'Leair Evergreen speedster, had made a spectac- Western ~faryland put the ball ill phy Terror Scoring Murphy R.E. Diksa ular 46-yard run to place them in posi- on their 011'11 27-yard line, after receiving Bill Shepherd, the stellar backfield artist, continued' to set the Lione Q. B. Mergo tion. This touchdown marked the fourth the kick-off. From this point one of the pace for the Green Terrors by scoring twenty-eight points in the last Kelly L.R. Dunn consecutive year Loyola has tallied once two games played. Six of these points were amassed when Shepherd J. Alenty R.H. Gorski against a Green Terror team. most concerted drives ever witnessed on Bradley F.B. Shepherd any gridiron 1ms started. Not once were bucked over the goal line to score the winning touchdown against To pick the stars of the fray is a hard the Terrors repulsed for a loss before tlle Georgetown. The remaining points were scored against Loyola. Touchdowns: Georgetown, Kelly; West- job although Shepherd gets the plaudits goal line was reached. Mergo, Dunn and Dunn scored his second touchdown of the season against Loyola ern Maryland, Gorski, Shepherd. for his wonderful exhibition of all-around Shepherd were the spearheads of the at- and moved up into third position in the scoring column. Gorski broke play. Dunn did some excellent ball ca!'- tack until the ball rested a few feet from into the column for the first time by scoring a touchdown against the rying and fine blocking. Capt. Kopp, the last white mark. Here Gorski) who Hilltoppers. playing defensive center in Lipsky's had done yeoman sel'Yice in clearing the T. F.G. E.P. place, tackled furiously and backed up way for the ball· carriers, took the ball Shepherd ...................... 7 1 7 Total his side of the line in an expert manner. over for the tying score. Mergo . ....................... 2 1 7 52 F. W.Woolworth CO. John 0 'Leair and Sadusky, the tackles, The second quarter found the Terror Dunn ......................... 2 0 0 13 12 were turning plays and breaking througn. backs making frequent rorays into ene- McNally ..................... . 1 0 0 T~ pay further tribute would include my territory. Two brilliant runs 1)y Diksa ......................... 1 0 0 6 WESTMINSTER, MD • practically all who got into the game. It Shepherd and Dunn put the ball on Gorski ......................... 1 0 0 6 can all be summed up by saying that the Georgetown's 7-yard-line, but line plays Willis ......................... 0 6 team was running plays with precision failed and the Terrors surrendered the 0 1 1 44-46 W. Main Street and clicking in the best of fashion. ball on d~wns. Veskavitch punted :0 Total ......................... 14 1 9 98· For Loyola, Carlin and Egan starred (Continued in Column 5) *Safety scored. BEAT BOSTON· COLLEGE
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