Page 15 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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TERRORS vs. TERRORS BUCKNELL vs. at Lewisburg BOSTON COLLEGE Saturday, November 5 at Boston College Friday, November 11 Vol. 10, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 3, 1932 SOPHOMORES ENTERTAIN ANNOUNCEMENT SCHOOL AT TRADITIONAL .Passing in Review Who is your choice for president Dr. Kurtz, Noted Theologian, Delivers Register your HALLOWE'EN PARTY By F. P. MITCHELL for 1933-37f blank provided, prefer- Weekly Sunday Evening Chapel Sermon ence and the in drop it in the GOLD BUG contribu- What the President Is tion box, under the porch of the Interesting Program is Well Re- Doing main building, Thursday or Friday. "Choosing a Hero" is the Subject ceived by Large Crowd In a telegram to G. O. All students and faculty are eli- of Powerful Talk Partisans last week, Presi- gible to vote. FASHION SHOW IS FEATURE dent Hoover stated that he Everyone is urged to take this "Choosing a Hero" was the subject had never got a dime's in- opportunity to register his opinion of the chapel sermon delivered Sunday Hallowe'en night saw the girls' gym terest outside the United on the points indicated. As soon evening, October 30, by Dr. D. W. dressed in witches and goblins for the F. P. Mitchell States of any kind, includ- as possible, results will be tabulat- Kurtz, president 'of the Bethany Theo- annual party given by the Sophomores ing oil. The answer was in response to ed and posted, before the election logical Seminary of Chicago, Illinois. to the student body. an accusation that the President had next Tuesday. Dr. Kurtz was introduced by Profes- large foreign oil holdings. Pierrots and shepherdesses, senoritas In the next GOLD BUG, a com- sor Lewis Brumbaugh as a mali of high and black-faced comedians danced to The Indiana Anti-Saloon League en- parison will be made of the results scholastic achievement and extensive the music of a five- piece orchestra un- dorsed President Hoover for re-election. from Western Maryland with the travel. He is a graduate of Juniata der the direction of Maestr» Koonz. Mrs. Mollie Brown Carra n was not results from other colleges in the College and Yale University. He was the first teacher of President Hoover. East. Senorita Dot Hull started the pl'O- It seems that Mrs. Eliabeth Chandler a student at Leipsig, Berlin, Marburg, gram by singing two songs in that in- Sunier, of Iowa City, claims that honor. In the lower right hand corner and the Co llcgs de France. He has imitable Spanish manner, followed by She said that as a boy the President of this page you will find a Straw traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, Vote Danny Moore and his uke. Bernie Kap- was not pa rticularfy bright, but very stand. Ballot. Let's see how we and Africa. For thirteen years presi- lan filled the room with the strains of attentive in class. Also, she revealed dent of McPherson College, he is a the still-popular St. Louis Blues, played the fact that he was known as Bertie, member of Kansas. Authors' Club, on the harmonica. The feature of the not as Herb, and that she thought he American Academy of Social and Poli- evening was a fashion parade with the was the cutest thing. R. O. T. C. UNIT WILL tical Sciences, and many similar or- pseudo-misses C. V. Moore, N. Ward, F. ganizations. Hand, W. Bryson, H. McKibben, and Republicans OBSERVE ARMISTICE DAY "A hero is a person who embodies our W. Lucas as models. Every type of A 'bulletin was issued recently to all \ideals," explained Dr. Kurtz. He de- fashionable attire was displayed, f'rom employees of the Ford Motor Company. DR.. D. W. KURTZ veloped this theme by references to five the afternoon ensemble on "Miss" It stated that the company was non- 'I'he local Reserve Officers Training chara.cters in the eighteenth chapter of Ward to the fetching tennis costume on partisan, and did not seek to control Corp unit will again present a military the Gospel of St. John. These charac- "Miss" Lucas. Charles Kaddy, local the vote of any man. Howev er, to pre- ceremony in commemoration of the CURTIS INSTITUTE WILL I ters were Caiaphas, Pilate, Barabbas, promoter, announced the numbers and vent the times from g eetirig any worse, signing of the World War armistice on Judas, and Jesus in whom we have dis- called attention to the most attractive - the President must be re-elected. Armistice Day, November 11, 1932, at GIVE RECITAL NOV. 4 played most of the vices and yirtues of features. In Detroit to make a campaign -!:OO P. M. mankind. speech, President Hoover was met at Dorothy Rankin next gave several The special ceremony anuouneod by. The fourth annual recital of the Cur- Caiaphas was the high priest with a numbers a la Boswell accompanied by the station by 500 Bonuseers, commun- Captain Harold D. Wooley will be simi- tis Institute of Music will be given Fri- monopoly on religion. He impersonates James Bopst. ists, etc., who gave him the well-known lar to that used last year. day evening, November 4, at 8 o'clock, the (alse philosophy of those with in- Bronx Cheer. But inside the Olympic in Alumni Hall. trenched wealth who are willing that Pumpkin pie and punch were served The battalion will parade on Hoffa Arena he cheering' among as refreshments, carrying out another and stamping was friends. 20,Oau speech at Field, then will be formed in battalion Elsa Meiskey, who made her debut in another should be sacrificed for their The Hallowe'en tradition, front. The battalion will then stand the Town Hall of New York while she own "expediency". Detroit was his long and familiar re- was attending the Curtis Institute of Pilate was a "good fellow; not bad cital of his battles with Depression. at "Parade Rest" for one miuut s in si- Music, is declared by critics to have a but weak." He did work as long as it prayer, "Taps" which after will lent SENIORS TO PRESENT Senator Joseph Irwin France, reported time sound. During the salute of twenty-one voice suitable for the of Madame stage. was easy. He governed the his actions "It Dr. one by concert from that )'taryland, Observed expediency. speaker, She is a former Sem- guns in memory of the World pupil dead, War RACHEL CROTHERS' PLAY he spent $36,731 the to get the Presidential the battalion will remain at "Present brich, and is finishing her professional takes courage to do right." in nomination Chicago convention f rom which he was firmly bounced. Arms", and immediately afterward training under Horatio Connell. Barabbas would today be termed a 39 East, by Rachel Crothers, will be will pass in review before its officers. Philip Frank, a very talented young Bolshevik. He had a "not" philosophy given on November 24 in Alumni Hall Democrats Invitations to attend and take part violinist, was the winner of the violin of smash what you do not like and gam- to take better arising ble on something by the senior speech students. James Aloysius Parley and John J. in the memorial service hav e been ex- contest that wa s sponsored by the Na- its place. Raskob had not been good friends since tended to the local chapters of the tional Federation of Mu ic Clubs in Miss Crothers is one of the most re- Raskob in 1928 got the party into a June, 1929. American Since markable of our present day play- huge deficit. This year Farley started eign Wars, Legion, the the Boy Veterans of For- Zimbalist. He is the student of Efrem conclude he suffered remorse we may H~w- was not completely Judas and bad. Scouts. wrights. She has produced such suc- things with a rush, and demolished the ever, no definite arrangements have He was the best educated of the dis- cesses as As Husbands Go and the now Raskob machine, running things his Joseph Levine was an accomplished ciplos and the strongest in passion. Yet playing When Ladies Meet. In all of own way. Raskob, however, is a good been made yet for active participation pianist at the age of fourteen. At that he was a materialist looking for money hy these- organizations. her plays Miss Crothers shows her abil- sport and took the whole affair with a time he became a scholarship pupil of to aid in setting up an earthly kingdom. Josepf ity to treat her characters as a group of grin. He fnrther straightened out the A t the present time, it is considered studying. Hoffman, under whom he is still "Judas did not understand his Lord." modern people, discuss their problems tangle of the party by donating $25,000 improbable that there will be any with an open mind, and vividly portray to the cause. The Democrats felt that spca kers for the occasion. TI~e artist-studen ts will be accompan- "Judas was the worst case of an ego their native senses of humol' and re- this money and the return of Alfred E. No elaborate celebration, such as ied by Bernard Frank, student of Harry complex," continued Dr. Kurtz. He is sponsibility. Her ability i probably a Smith to the fold will assure a Demo- tllat of last year when approximately Kaufman in Accompaniment. t.ypical of that yast number of people The complete result of her twenty-fiye year exper· rrntic victory which will not be in the 5,000 school children from eyery to"-11 lows: progl'3111 will be as fOl- who, in a crisis, do not care what is the to llappen to ience d excellent plaY"Titing. red. in Cal'l'oll County marchecl in a great 1. going hut what is going social institu- to tion, to happen 39 East, which will be given here, al- The Literary Digest poll at present ci,-iliall parade, lIas been scheduled. Prael1ldilun lind Allegro unle." though not one of her latest plays, is indicates a sweeping Democratic vic- The tenth anniversary COlllmemora- Rngnani -Kreis!t~r 110t lacking in those characteristics tory, and the poll has not been wrong tive exercises were the greatest held Bercense Tor Aulin Against these four characters, all rep- ". hich make snccesses of her most reo since 1920. (That is more than 5% since t.he original Armistice Day. Puck " .. _ Grieg-Achron resenting a false philosophy, we have cent plays, and is certain to be most en- . ,nong.) Sanders of the RepUblican In 1928, the Kellogg Peace Pact had Jesus, "the perfect chila of God who and worthwhile. been signed recently before the armis· Mr. Frank Tcyealed the true ,,-ay of life." He was party was wrong when he said that the tice celebration, and Professor Ben- II. the master of his body and all material poll had prophesied Hughes' election iIi 11illghoff read a copy of the treaty at Chaionne Bach-Busoni things. He was slaye to nothing. In 1916. In LOCAL MINISTERS ARRANGE wel'e polled that yea'r only 30,000 votes the morning Sunday School service. "Choi1' of the Dervishes" from perfect silence, while before Pilate, he in five states. STUDENT CONFERENCES At the evening chapel, James B. "The Rllins of Athens" stood far above all around him. He Miscellaneous Ranck, formerly head of the Depart· I Beethoven-Saint Saens tanght to be master of self was the end With the aim of becoming better ac- The Associated Press has discoyered ment of History, stressed the impor· Mr. Le'dne of life. In clossng, the speaker de- quainted with the students here on the that MiSSissippi has towns named Hot tance of universal peace, especially III. clared, "If the spirit of Jesus was in campus and of assisting those who may Coffee, Whynot and O. K.; Florida has brillgi:lg attention to the high degree 8tm wie die nacht Karl Bohm society all problems of life would bG desire counsel and advice on personal Sonny Boy, Two Egg, Coon and Sisters of democracy which the United States 8tandchen Richard Strams solved." problems, the pastors of the churches in Welcome; Virginia has Ego, All, Swal- has developed, and so ingrained with "Ritorna vincitor" from "Aida" Westminster have arranged a schedule 10"- Well and Topknot; Georgia has Ty peace as to be a universal ideal. Giuseppe Verdi of conference periods whereby a min· Ty, Crisp, Bacon, and Kew York; and Mrs. Meiskey W.M.COLLEGESTRAW VOTE ister will be Rvailable to students for Arkansas has Smackover, Self SOdOlll, IV. consultation each day of the week from Greasy Corners, and Hog Scald. INTER - FRAT PLEDGING ]lalaguena Albeniz-Kreisler 12:30 to 2:00 P. M. The conferences (Continued on Page 4-Col. For President: (Check one) will be held in Room 29 of Science RULES ARE ANNOUNCED Herbert Hoover Building, and the weekly schedule will CAPT. LOWE WILL LECTURE KIEFER PLANS TRY-OUTS FOR [ ] be as follows: ON CHEMICAL WAREFARE MEN'S DEBATING Franklin Roosevelt [ J The Inter-fraternity Council an- :Mondays Dr. Harry N. Bassler Captain John V. Lowe, chemical war- Norman Thomas Tuesdays Dr. C. :III. Elderdice fare officer, 3rd Corps Area, will deliver nounces the following pledging rules Richard Kiefer, pl'esident of the De- [ ] Wednesdays Rev. O. G. Robinson an illustra ted lecture on the subject of for 1932-1933: bating Council, today announced that [ ] Thursdays Rev. Paul W. Quay chemica I warfare before the Carroll 1. Sealed bids will be issued through trials for selection of the debating Fridays Re,. H. G. C. Martin county chapter of the Reserve Officers' the college post office on Friday, De- teams will be held during the coming On the 18th Amendment: (Check one) 16, 1932. cember Other ministers of the vicinity will be Association in room 22 Science Hall on fortnight. scheduled from time to time, and the :IIfonday, November 7, at 8 o'clock. A 2. All bids must be accepted or de- Kiefer expects the Debating Council Repeal [ ]. proper announcements will be made reo cordial invitation is extended to mem- clined in a sealed reply sent through the to have at least two teams on each Modification [ ] garding their visits. bers of the fa culty, cadet officers; and college post office by January 3, 1933. question that it will debate. He noted, All students are invited to drop in to advanced students in chemistry and bio· 3. No "rushing" will be permitted. however, that the extent of the activi- Enforcement [ ] see these leaders and to discuss with logy. 4. Each fraternity may give one ties of the Council will depend upon the them any problems in whlch they de- Lieutenant Donald J. Woolley is smoker during the month of November. financial Support given by. the college, Voter: Student [ ] The fraternities smok- sire counselor guidance. Definite ap- president of the chapter and Lieuten. ers, one each week will hold their in the which has not yet been determined. of November, pointment may be made in advance by ant Curvin Seitz is secretary-treasurer. order given: Delta Pi Alpha, Black and Charles Whittington is negotiating Faculty Member [ ] consulting Dean Little of tIle School of Reserve officers froUl Carroll county ,are with other colleges for debating en- Religious Education. expected to attend. White Club, Bachelors; Gamma Beta gagements, but no definite schedljle has Drop this blank in THE GOLD BUG Chi. been at'ranged yet. contribution box Thursday or Friday.
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