Page 14 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. J. LEO DELANEY, '33, WILL I TENTH ANNUAL HOMECOM- QIIuaara, QIIuba, uub ~lltirtira HEAD R. O. T. C. BATTALION ING DAY DRAWS CROWD Alumni Nmrs io "THE HILL" YEAR THIS (Continued from Page I-Col. 5) (Continued from Page I-Col. 1) 111'. H. Ralph Covel' has announced the establishment of offices for the general IRVING-WEBSTER BETA BETA BETA field, George E. Jones, George K. Harri- practice of law in 'I'he Times Building, -so n, Dennis N. Yingling. Houston, Weldon Dawson, Wilmer Bcll, commencing October l. Mr. Covel' grad· Judge Cornelius Gisrtel acquitted Man- Beta Beta Beta held its first meeting 'William Eaton and Clarence DeHayen. sel Stevens of attacking, beating and bat- of the year on Tuesday night, October 18, Company "A" Class of '28-H. C. Bennett, Mrs. uated from Westeru Maryland College in taring William Pyles in a mock trial held at the home of Dr. Bertholf. All old and First Sgt. Elmer J. Mahoney; Plat. Dorothy Gilligan Bennett. 1910, and was graduated from the Harv- in the Society Hall Monday evening, 0.0- new members were presen t, the old mem- Sgt. Alfred A. Sadusky ; Plat. Sgt. Wil- Class of '27-Bessie H. Grace and Es- ard Law School in 1913 as the youngest tober 10, 1932. At the same time he sen- bel'S being Dr. Bertholf, Prof. Benning- liam J. Wright; Sergeants: John H. ther Lawder. graduate in the history of that iustitu- tenced Herbert Stevens, a witness, twen- hof, Miss Wyman, and Mr. Chandler. The Whitmore, R. G.; Arthur J. Downey, L. Class of '26-Margaret A. Bowers, tion. ty cracks for not wearing the convention- new members, who will be formally in- G.; Clifton J. Tollenger, R. G.; Addison Dorothy Beachley, Irma Lawyer, Fran- Mr. and ~lrs. Arthur G. Broll announce al clothing for" rats." itiated in the new future, are the Misses D. Beane. Corporals: S. B. Fleagle, R. ces Fisher, William A. Weech, Lieut. the birth of a. son, Arthur G. Broil, on Mr. Ward, attorney for the defense, Betty Allen, Elsie Bowen, Tessie Cox, H. Holmes, P. S. Grimm, E. E. Randle, Preston Grace. September twenty-first at Thornbury was able to prove the innocence of Man- Troy Hambsch. Jane Kriner, and Mari- D. K. Moore, F. K. Mathias. Class of '25-Virginia Bell L01'e, J. L. Road, Mt. Washington. sel Stevens through the cooperation of etta ~Iills. Company "B" Arthur G. Broll, Sr., was a graduate of (Dr.) Holmes, consulting physician of The officers elected at this mceting for First Sgt. Richard W. Kiefer; Plat. Weihranch, Ben Price, Elva Ditman. Western Marvland College, class of '29. the defendant, and "'ronio" Bopst, :J. the ensuing year are lIS follows: Presi- Sgt. James W. Dunn; Plat. Sgt. Wil· Class of '22-D. C. MacLea, Dr. E. D. speakeasy keeper. dent, Mr. Chandler; vice-president, Miss Iiam P. Kesuiodel ; Sgt. Edward W. Stone, Dorothy Ward Myers, Mrs. Eliz- PASSING IN REVIEW The state's attorney, Mr. Whittington, Mills; secretary-treasurer, Miss Cox; his- Hurley, R. G.; Sgt. James R Shilling, abeth Mitten Merrill, Mrs. W. J. Kin- put forth much effort in behalf of the torian, Xl iss Allen. L. G.; Sgt. Eugene Willis, R. G.; Sgt. ley. (Continued from Page l-:-Co1. 2) plaintiff. He was supported by (Dr.) After the serving of very delicious 1'e- Louis Ebert, L. G.; Crporals: A. Gor- CLass of '21-John Clayton; O. B. Rhodes, who has made experiments re- freshmcnts the-meeting adjourned. Next skoi, W. L. Lucas, P. Mergo, J. A. Lip- Langerall, Isabell Moore Lange, W. J. lege and universiry in the United States. garding the effects of alcohol on humans. meeting will be held on Tuesday, October sky, J. L. Randle, W. C. Stone. . Kinley. • He is Dr. Raymond Walters, formerly All witnesses were duly and legally sworn 25, in room 2~, Science Hall, and will be Company"C" Class M '20_:_W. J. Kindley. dean of Swarthmore Collegc. He in by the sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Sterling. open to all persons interested in biology. First Sgt. Earl C. Hissey ; Plat. Sgt. Class of '17-John Clayton, Judge brought much good humor with him, A debate, Resolved: that there is an At thi meeting Dr. Bertholf will show Robert W. Cairncs; Plat, Sgt. Charles Moylan, Mrs. Moylan, pleased the football squad by watching over-emphasis of football in American the films of his research work in Germ- S. Williams; Sgt. Anthony Diksa, R. Earl Hawkins, '09; Robert Carmen, tltem at practice, visiting quarterback colleges, was the feature of the program any. G.; Sgt. Henry B. Kimmcy, L. G.; Sgt. '03; Rosweld Jones and Harry Gillman, Roy Fitzgerald in the hospital the day at the meetings of the society Monday John B. Timmons, R. G.; Sgt. William '01; Caleb O'Connor, '98 and R. J. Gill, after hc broke a leg in the season's first evening, October 17. Messrs. Bennett and G. Calvert, L. G.; Corporals: G. Rys· '98. game. Ma1'kline supported the affirmative, while Y. W. C. A. cavage, C. H. Mark, R. S. 'fyson, D. H~ M1·S. Mollie Brown Carran vms paid a the negative was upheld by Messrs. Her- The Y. IV. C. A. has arranged a series Tschudr, J. Z. Olsh, A. N. Ward, Jr. Ex-Helen Hoffa, '23; Dorothy Hahn, yisit a few weeks ago by one of her bert Stevens and Mansfield. of programs for the year which includes '35; Eleanor Cissel, '35; Flora Jones, distinguished ex-pupils, Herbert Hooye1'. The affirmative stressed the number of a worship scn'ice and a discussion service '30; Mary B. Buvard, '28; Nellie Fran- "I remember the president of the school fatalities in football last year, the fact alternating e\'ery other Wednesday night. TENNIS STARS WIN HONORS ces Runkles, '33; Peter Gomsak, '30; board saying 'there may be a President the professors are pru'tial to football The first discussion was held October 12. IN INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET Owen R. Dooley, '27; Ray MeLea, '31; of the United States among you.' But players, the 16wering of a school's schol- Dr. Bertholf led the groups on the ques- Edwin Brown; '31; Milton Katz, '33; that Herbert Hoover ever would be astic standing by football players, the (Continued from Page 3-Col. 5) William Mather, '32; Robert Tubman, president certainly never. entered my tiaie lost in practising and on trips. It tion of "College Standards." From the '29; William Herson, '35. mind." inc1iyidual was stated by the negative that the tmin· mallY responses and to be interested thoughts, il1.gly entered the competition. Palmer in the the girls appearcd ing .received in football cannot be mea- question. The outstallding conclusions ,\'Us eliminatcd in th.e first round by Bow- sured in dollars and cents, that the so- \\'ere these: the choice of. worthwhile en of Virginia while Bussard advanced to called over-emphasis is merely an illusion, friends, good sportsmanship, and inde- the quarter finals upon a default from We Can Help You Fall Sport and that the so-called over-emphasis is merely Grady, Davis and Elkins, to meet Whit youth assel·ting itself, that in comparison pendencc, ,\,ith the Golden Rule as the man, also from Da,-is and Elkins, whom Prepare For A basis. ,\'ith other sport, football is under-em- he defeated 6-1; 6-0. Reaching the finals, Dress Apparel phasized' that contacts made and experi- Bussard was defeated in hard fought Hilarious Hallowe' en ence gained on trips is equal to the class SHAKESPEARE CLUB three set match by Bowen, Virginia, by ,york lost. The negative won. the scores 6-1; 5-7; 6-2. He was a\\'ard For authentic style and reli- nil'. Malkus, in an impromptu talk, A talk by Miss Wingate ,\'as the fea- ed hQwever, the l'unner-up award in sin PARTY SPECIALTIES spoke about the Georgetown game. The tme of the first meeting of the Shakes- gles which consisted of a haridsome gold NOISE MAKERS abI'e quality In Ladies' and soccer team is progl'essing and getting peare Club, held Tuesday, October 11. tennis racquet tie clasp. Men's Clothing, shop at the J. ready for some good games, according to }1iss Wingate spoke about her \'isit to the Although being defeated in the semi CONFETTI Mr. George's extemporaneous speech. Shakespeare countl'y this summer, and es· finals of the doubles competition, West c. Penny Company. You will There will be an election of officers in tha pecially about the Shakespeare Memorial ern ~1aryland fought their way through COSTUMES be surprised at the modest cost next meeting. Theater ne,dy opened at Stratford·on· those teams comprising the best doubles Ayon. combinations in the Middle Atlantic FALSE FACES of our new Autumn selections, States for third place rallking and n FRENCH CLUB right to compete again in 1933. ETC. too. CO-ED'S LITERARY I The first mecting of the French Club ANNOUNCEMENT The woman's literary which is was held Tuesday evening, October 18, ir. to replace the old Philo society, Browniug, I J. C. Penney Co. and the Gi1'ls' Y Room. The president, Mary President 'Ward announced at the ns j P. G. Coffman Co. Ellen Senat, spoke especially to the new held an Ol'ganization meeting Monday, sembly held on the mOl'lling of October 56 West Main Street members, telling the purpo e and value of October] 7. The following officers were 11 that the only required assemblies of I I TIMES BUILDING WESTMINSTER, MD. Paul, Dorothy President, eJected: '34; the club. Se\'eral French songs were sung. Yiec-president, ~Iary ParI , '34; secre- students in the future will be the regular Cleona Brinsfield and Cornelius Gisriel ~follda.r morning assembly, Sunday eve ~'================~ ga\'e a history of the tri·colors of France. tm'y-treasurcr, Margarct Ringlcr, '36. ning chapel, and such required attend Laurlene Straughn played one of Chop- A cOlllmittee of Betty Allen, Esther ances as may be announced. Righter, in's Preludes. The meeting closed with and Kate Lucile Bork, Helen Jacobso11, was appointed Bishop to pi'O' the singing of "Madelon." ~<>iS~~~'e:eI€:~E*e~:~'e:e:e:~!~ ~Th 0 H f~ pose a name for the new organization. KODAK FILMS HOME ECONOMICS CLUB DEVELOPING AND PRINTING DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ~::~_~e pera ouse ~(~$-~ 'l'he first meeting of the Homc Econolll- I ~ 24 HOURS SERVICE v ics Club was held in the club room, }fou- The senior Delts gave a dinner for the FRI. OCT. 21 Be 22 SAT. g~ SPECIALS : day, October 10. After a brief business rest of the club on Thursday, October 6. ~1< Carl Laemmle presents In ~>- SODA Opposite State Theatre coming Day. n(}uncing Ida Duphorne, '33, as a pledge. ~ TWO SECONDS ~ CANDY ~ WED. OCT. 26 Be 27 For Quick and Accurate Re2erence $15 wit :>i ~')ST ANWYCK and 51~ DRUGS that I BARBARA MENJOU ~ on all facts concerning words, persons, ADOLPH places, you are in daily need of ~I~ are Standard ~ FRI. 28 Be 29 SAT. ~2 <6 ffi CYCLONE KID ~ $I~ 95 ~ with 5I~ Webster's All the co-operation of a qual- (1'5 BUZZ BARTON i 5i~ ity Drug Store is given your I MON. OCT. 31 Be NOV. 1 <" Collegiate <;5 Physician when he prescribes TUES. ?'02 ~ it is Best Ahridged because for you. Pure, fresh, full Cf~ BARBARA ST ANWYCK ?~ The NATIONAL-The Dictionary NEW Authority." ~l> INTEH· upon based WEBSTER'S ~~ and GEORGE BRENT in "Supreme of for strength ing1'edients make up m SO BIG g~ Here is a companion that YOllr hours its and reading study pro\'e will real value eyery time you consult it for ~ all of our prescriptions. ~ WED. NOV. 2 Be 3 THURS. m the wealth of readv . information that ~;~ is instantly yours. with defi- ~ HELEN TWEL VETREES ~~ 106,000 words and phrases pronuncia- etymologies. nitions, g~ and RICHARD CORTEZ ~8 illustrations. Includes dictionaries of biography 1,700 tions, and use in its 1,268 pages. King's Pharmacy '15 IS MY FACE RED (P abbreviations, geography; ruJes of punctuation; use of capitals, In and and other etc.; a dictionary phrases; ~ of foreign ~~ ~ ~ helpful special features. ~ m Prescription Druggists See it at your College Bookstore or W,·ite for Informa· 1 tion to the Publishers. F"ee specimen puyes if YOll (J5 W e a ways h a v e NEW S 9~ ~:, name this paper. (Q 55 E. Main St~eet 0) REELS and selected shorts. 512 m ~ Westminster, Maryland ~ OUR PRICE ~:: ZI'> 10 and 20 cents ?C ~. ~ ~:e:f7:${e:~.,k~:e:~:ejs:s:e:&:-&:~:e:e:s:e:e:e:B:B!~
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