Page 13 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 13
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE ======================================== SPORTS Soccer FOOTBALL Intra-Murals SPORTS Terrors Win Their Third Come of / ......... ow .................. ................... v. TWO OF W. MD. TENNIS 1932 Season with 33-6 Score Over FAN FODDER COLUMN STARS WIN HONORS IN Mt. St. Mary's in Homecoming Tilt BY "PAT" MAHONEY INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET Marshall College Holds Terrors To I TERRORS' STRENGTH 13-13 Tie In their Second Lease Bussard and Victor Palmer Contest Terror Teams Marked by all-around ability Place Third In WILL BE TESTED IN Football followers in these parts are prone to think or Doubles SHEPHERD LEADS SCORING Western l\Iaryland football teams as highly specialized at- GEORGETOWN GAME tacking units, gaining most of their ground from scrim- BUZZARD IN FINALS" Western Maryland treated Mt. St. mage. Such thought is as far from' the truth as it could Mary's in anything but a neighborly Western Maryland Has Won Two possibly be. While it is true that Terror teams of the past Western Maryland's number one dou- manner when they forced their time-hou- of the Three Games of "Pat" have always had good running attacks it does not mean bles 'I'enuis Team composed of Capt. orcd rivals \0 come out on the short end This Series Mahoney that undue emphasis is placed on the running aspect at the Lease Bussard and Victor Palmer suc- of a 33-6 score before a large home-com- expense of the other departments of the game. Year after year it has ceeded in winning third place ranking in ing day crowd. In Washington, D. C., at Griffith Sta- been the policy of the coaching staff to try to turn out well-balanced the 1932 Annual Middle Atlantic Inter- 'I'he Terrors scored in every period but dium, Saturday afternoon at 2.3'0 the teams, because it is the aggregation that has a better-thun-average collegiates held last week at White SUl- the, third and at no time were they Terrors will meet> the, Hoyas from standard in all departments of the game that develops into a success- phur Springs, W. Va., by defeating the pressed to resort to anything but straight Georgetown Universit y. This game will ful team. Davis & Elkins combination in the quar- football to maintain the advantage gai'l- be the first severe test the young Green A few years back when the Harlow regime was turning out cham- ter final round and losing to North Car- ed at the commencement of the game. and Gold team will have had, then in pionship elevens, statistics show that the Terrors had only one enemy olina ill the semi-finals. A splendid array of 'I'error backs, led rapid succession come four other major forward pass converted into a touchdown. This was in the season of 'I'ho 'I'error com billa tion quickly elimi- by Shepherd and Dunn, pranced up and tilts. The Terror coaches realize that 1928. when a powerful Temple team, on which was one of the greatest nated the Davis and Elkins team by the down Hoffa Field behind a set of for- this game will be one of the toughest of forward passing combinationsin the East, namely, VIT earshing to Han- scores of 6-1; 6-0, gaining the right '0 wards that clicked favorably during a the entire schedule and are striving hard sen, succeeding in completing a pass to defeat the 'Terrors by a 7-0 advance to the semi-finals to meet North major portion of the setto. They were to have the team fitted into a well-knit score. These facts more than prove that the secondary pass defense of Carolina. The Carolina team, composed halted with any semblance of consistency machine by Saturday. past Terror teams have been anything but weak. of Wilmer Hines, lanky National Inter- in only one period, the third, when the Georgetown's team is composed largely collegiate Junior Champion of 1931 and Mounts threw up a temporary stone wall. of veterans who played against the Ter- Then there is the matter of primary defensive strength. During twice National Junior Clay-Court Cham- High grade punting by Dunn gave the rors last year. In the back-field they the seasons of 1930 and' 1931 when the Green and Gold was sporting pion and his running mate, David Mor- only 30 points elevens them were scored against 'I'crrors a decided advantage throughout I have Bradley, Alenti, and a fast new- State championship Six of these came in a contest with Loyola when a gan, proved much too experienced for the in two seasons. the game. comer, Kelly, III the line they have the third string team was on the field after the, regulars had retired with a Terrors, forcing them to defeat in The Westm insterites scored the first experienced Corolan, Danner, and Kata- straight sets, 6-2; 6-2. touchdown before the contest was five lin as. They lost Bordeau, the line plunger 40 point lead. This record is especially formidable when the type of North Carolina later advanced to the minutes old. A penalty and a poor kick and crack f ull-baek, and Dubofsky, a opposition encountered is considered. The Green Terrors managed to finals by virtue of their victory over gave the Tenors the ball on the 22-yard good running guard. keep their goal line inviolate against such high class opposition as the Western Maryland and had litj.le trouble line. Three plays later Shepherd bucked Last Saturday New York Universi ty University of Md. (twice) Georgetown (twice) Temple University, in trouncing the finalists, representing across the goal line. The same player ad- administered a 39-0 defeat to George- and the All-l\farine team. the University of Virginia 6-2; 6-2. This ded the extra marker by place-kicking town but the coaches are paying little at- A number of victories garnered by the Terrors over big-time op- victory to North Carolina gave them per- successfully. tention to this fact. They consider that ponents have been the results of good aerial attacks. The first time manent possession of the handsome dou- Shepherd and Diksa teamed up t o game as one in which a corking good Georgetown was encountered, Goose Doughty's perfect pass to Paul bles' trophy representing for them three score Western JlrIaryland's second touch team like Georgetown had an "off day," Bates over the goal line spelled' disaster for the Hilltoppers. The fol- straight Middle Atlantic Inter-Collegiate down. Willis, the Terror quarterback, saw while everything the other team did was lowing year when the same teams met in the Baltimore Stadium a 40.- titles. Having been eliminated by the the secondary defense of the Mountain- just right. They think the Hoyas should yard pass from Doughty to Koppe enabled the receiver to ·break in the, winners of the tournament, Western eers drawing in to re-cnf'orce the line be feared more because of the lacing. open and sprint across to the goal line to provide a margin of victory, Maryland was awarded third place rank- against the Terror's ground attack. He This game will be the fourth of the This was the only touchdown scored although Harry Lawrence did iu, ing in the list of twenty of the best COIll- called for a pass to relieve the situation. West em ~Iaryland-Georgetown series. crease the count by booting a 3D-yard drop-kick between the upright binations representing the Middle Atlau- Shepherd faded back to his 30·yard line, The Terrors hold the edge, haying won ill for an ~dditional three points. During the closing minutes of the tic States. and whipped the ball to Diksa, who 1929 and 1930, while they \yere in the Maryland-Western Maryland clash in 1931, a pass, Koppe to Ekaitis, Buzzard Finalist in Singles crossed the goal line before his ad,ersar- midst of their famous winning streak. made first down on .i\Iaryland' 4-yard line, from which point the big ies could touch him. Shepherd again Last fall the Hoyas were ,'ictorious in a fullback bucked across for the only touchdown of the game. Last sea- Both Western Maryland men got off to made the conyersion. spectacular struggle \"hich was the pro· son_ the Terrors scored at least one touchdown in eight of their ten a bad start in singles. Palmer being de- The teams battled back and forth until yerbial "nip and tilck" affair until thc games by either forward or lateral passes. Repeatedly have the Ter- feated by West Virginia in straight sets late in the second period. A concerted last quarter, when the heat plus lack of rors employed the pass to a good advantage. . and Bussard losing to Donald Morrison, dri,e, with Dunn doing most of the ball replacements finally ol-ercame Wesfern Punting is a department of the gamejn wbich the Harlowmen Unll-ersity 'of Virginia in straight sets. ranying, from deep in the enemy's terri- )Iaryland and they tum bled bcfol'e hnve excelled for years, hut it's surprising to note the small considera- :Morrison after his yictory o\'cr the West- tory, put the bal! on the Mouiltaineers' Georgetown's final dri,e, 25·6. tion that is given to this fact when Green and Gold teams are being ern il1aryland netman, continued to de- 20'yard line. A penalty for illegal use :Ji Saturday, Coach Harlo\\' will not lack sized up. The reason for this lack of consid'eratiol1 can be summed up feat his other two opponents, one cf the hands retarded the driye momentar- for replacements but will be handicapped as follows. rrhe average fan thinks the value of a punt is measured by wholll was coached by Vines last SUlllmer ily, but McNally and Dunn made up the by hal-ing almost an entire sophomore the distance and height it travels. He gives no consideration to the in Los Angeles, and advanced to the lost distance on two successive tackle tealll; this alone gi,'es Georgetown the fact that if it isn't well placed and out of the reach of the safety-man finals \yhere he \"as eliminated by Wilmer slices. Shepherd hit the weak side of t 11e edge. The 'rCnOl'S, remembering last he is almost sure to return i_t a goodly number of yards before being Hines, North Carolina. line for a first down on the 5-yard line, year's ilrubbing and desiring to keep downed. Terror kickers take their cue from the old saying made fam- Consolation singles follolyed for all from \yhich point DUlln bucked ol-er for their record unsullied by defea t will be a ous by 'Willie Keeler, one of the greatest batters baseball has ever those eliminated in the first round of play the score. This time Shepherd's place hard one to stop. GeorgetolYll, realizing kno,,·n. 'When asked the secret of his prowess with the willow the and our Western Maryland boys accod- kick was unsuccessful. this, \"ill lie ill waiting and the struggle geLial 'Willie replied. "I hit 'em wher they ain't" and not unsimiliarly e Continued on Page 4-Col. 3) Mergo earned the plaudits of the cro\vd should be a game well worth seeing! the Terrors "Kick 'em where they ain't". Such a practice usually re- \"hen he gathered in a poorly directed sults in the ball going out of bounds or away from the safety man so forward pass tHrown by a mountaine~r goal line. The all·important try for point that the ends are down on the pnnt before damage can be done. TERROR BOOTERS WIN bark and sprinted 50 yards for another failed. Score, Western Maryland, 6; Of course there have been times when glaring weakness popped score. Prm'ious to this Shepherd had :Marsha 11, 6. uP. hut not for long. In this observer's opinion, Terror teams during FIRST TWO CONTESTS scored Western Maryland's fourth touch- Sensing I'ietol')' and driving tOl"al'd it, the last five years have been the best balanced teams in the state. down when he plunged across from the 3- the Terrors received the kick-off, and Do You Know: Western Maryland '8 soccer forces got yard line, after his long pass to )fcN ally took to the air for the winning score, but off to a good start last week when they had put the Green and Gold in a scoring unfortunately, Kincaid, an alert, Marshall 'That Boston College kept most of its football team around all sum- assullled the role of invaders and success- position. secondary man, intercepted a pass and mer to work in the ncw stadium that was under construction at the fully hurdled h"o opponents-State Nor- Arthur ilfalloy's men made their only nm forty yards for a touchdown. Their time. Illal and Gettysburg-on foreign soccer score in the closing minutes of the gam~, try for point was successful, the score That an alumnus invited the entire Boston squad up to his New patches. The bootilfg when SulliYan blocked Jl.fergo's kick and now being )1al'sh311, 13; Western )falT- Hampshire ranch for a three-week conditioning period prior to the be- schools were oyercome contingents of both scores, by iden tical 'the Saints recoyered en the 6·yard line. land, 6. ginning of the season. 2-1. After a series of bucks Canfield went oyer At this point coaches Stahley and That three of the foul' touchdowns made aaginst the Terrors this Dick Martin's trained toe payed the for the score. The try for point failed. Clark inserted a ne,,- backfield and ends. season have been the result either of completed enemy forward passes Iyay for "ictory ol-er the TOlyson lads, They meant to win or tie the score by an 01':' intercepted Terror passes. )1t. St. Mary's West. :Md. when he sent the ball spinning into the Hopkins L.E. Blissman olgy of passes. Sch"'eiker replaced Dunn That Mike Plotczyk, Loyola's captain, is completing his fourth net on two successiye penalty ties. T1,e season as centre on the Evergreen t~am and at no time in his career Cullen L.T. O'Leair and threw long, towering passes down the has he weighed more than 155 pounds. last, coming in the fourth period, broke a N. Sullimn L.G. Kopp field. One of these beauties '\'\'as caught by 1-1 tie and gave the Terror bootel's a onc Chalkley C. Lipsky Greene, \,ho at the instant he caught the point margin of victory. Mendellis R.G. Marks ball was knocked out of bounds on the thc linc. For ~Iarshall Kwcaid was the w. "M'. CO-EDS START Play for the most part was in the Nor- Ferko R.T. Lucas Marshall one-yard line. Not to be denied, J star. mal school's territory. The Green and Olrzewski R.E. Diksa on the ncxt play, )fcNally scooted around Western Md. Marshall College HOCKEY PRACTICE Gold defense, led by Routson, "'hose spec- SWka Q.B. Willis end for a tally. Now all depended on that Kleinman L.E. Hunter Hockey practice "'as informally started tacular stop of a hal d penalty shot \yas Corrigon L.H. Dunn I'ital extra point. It meant defeat or a Sadusky L.T. Rogers last Friday afternoon when eo-eds from one of the bright spots of the game, W. Sulliyan R. H. Gorski tie. Pete Mergo came sprinting onto the Koppe L.G. Wooley all classes had a brief scrimmage on the turned aside eyerything that was thrnst Donoyan F.B. Shepherd field; his was to be the ncr'l'e \Hacking Lipsky C. Hamilton hockey field. Enthusiasm and interest their way. the Touchdowns: W. M.-Shepherd (2) ; job of booting holder ball. The oval was Jones B.G. Fletcher were evident and ,,-ill increase with the The Gettysburg contest saw the West- it, placed the snapped, met foot Dunn; Diksa; Mergo. Tries for point: ball, bet\"een the uprights, and oYer the Lucas R.T. Humphreys beginning of regular practice and team minsterites come from behind to tie the Sl:epherd, 2; Willis, 1. Diksa R.E. Sih-erm:m formation. The playing schedule is as sco're and then go on to "'in in a second hal' it sailed, tying the score at 13-13. Mount St. Mary's: Tourhdo\yn Can- The gun barked and so ended a thrilling :J-fergo Q.B. McEwen (C.) follows: oYer time period. Martin accounted. fur field (sub for Corrigon.) game. Dunn R.H.B. Zonfini Seniors and Juniors: the first score when his long shot from Ferguson L.H.B. Smith Marshall made their first touchdo\Yll by Monday 3-5: 30. a"'ay out was screened from the Gettys- Marshall, 13; W. M., 13 Shepherd F.B. Chetwin burg goalie by two Terror forwards. Ran- means of a forward pass as early as the Thursday 3-5: 30. The Green Terrors and Marshall C
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