Page 11 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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TERRORS vs, Washington Alumni will GEORGETOWN Fete Terrors at Dinner at Saturday, Oct. 22, 1932 GRIFFITH STADIUM Sholl's aft e r Georgetown Washington, D. C. Game Vol. 10, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD.. October 20, 19·32 TENTH ANNUAL HOME- COMPLETE 1933 ALOHA DebatersAnnounceNew 1. LEO DELANEY, '33, COMING DAY DRAWS Passing in Review STAFF IS ANNOUNCED Plan of Organization WILL HEAD R. O. T. C. CROWD TO "THE HILL" 'By F. P. MITCHELL BY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The Debating Council BATTALION THIS YEAR. National Affairs at its first meeting Over 200 Alumni and Former Stu- Democrats: The party William H. Sparrow and Kathleen the current school' year, Herbst, Koppe, and Martin Will dents Gather for Celebra- hails wit h delight the Moore Will Be Associate Oil October 7, the follow- Command Three tion reconciliation of Alfred E. Editors officers: pre s i d I' n t , Companies Smith and Governor Roose- Richard W. Kiefer; man- SORORITIES E N T E R T A I N vult, At the Democratic THEME TO BE ANNOUNCED ager 0 f men's tea m s, Stu te convention at Albany Charles L. Whittington; PARADE ON OCTOBER 24 'I'lio tenth annual Homecoming Day F. P. Mitchell last week, Al and Frank David Trundle, '33,_ elected editor-in- R, W. Keifer manager of' worn on's teams, of 'Western Maryland College was cele- shook hands on the platform amid the chief of the ALOHA last year by the Dorothy M_ Paul. Cadet J. Leo Delancy has 'received brated Saturday, October 15_ The com- huzzas of a huge crowd. The Demo- present senior class, annouucos his staff 1\1r. Kiefer said that a new organiza- the appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel mittee in charge was composed of H. cratic party at the present time is bet- in the current GOLD Bl'G. Russell Herbst tion of the debating teams is being con- of the R. O. T. C. battalion at Western B. Speir, graduate manager of athletics, ter unified than it has been since 1916. was, elected business manager last sidered by the Council'. Under the new Ma ryland College for the ensuing year. T_ K. Harrison, Alumni secretary and Republicans: President HI/over in a spring. plan, as many persons as so desire may ']'his announcement along· with other Dea Il A_ M. Isanogle, of the School of stump speech at Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. Trundle and Peter D. Gomsak, for either side of the questions cn.det appointments was made early to- Educabion. lashed out at his political opponents. He the art editor are working on several to be debated, and may take part in de- day by the Professor of Military The feature of the day's program was said that the party had earried on an themes. They will arrive at a decision bating both' questions. The benefits of Scienc-, and 'I'actics, Lieutenant-Col- t.he regular Homecoming football game unceasing campaign to protect the na- later and announcement will be made. this system lie in the wider participa- onel De laney was chosen ill merit of his 'with lift. St. Mary's, which the Terrors tion in the face of great opposition and The new staff is as f0110ws: tion it allows, and in the greater num- former military records and excellent won by a score of 33-6 making their lack of public support. His speech Associate Editors-William H. Spar- ber of available debaters on a question. ra ting at camp. He was not only ninth consecutive victory in this an- lifted a great load off many chests and row, Kathleen Moore. The t1\"0 questions which the Debat- judged the Honor Cadet from Western nual tilt, A crowd of approximately put a spark of hope into the Republican Write-up-Editors-William G. Pyles, ing Council has selected from the list Maryland at the conclusion of the R. O. 2,000 witnessed the Western Maryland campfire. Hoover also made a speech 'l'heodore Landis, Mary Ellen Senat, presented by the Pennsylvania Debat- T. C. training camp, but also received triumph. in Cleveland on October 15. , Blanches Louise Hurd, ing Council arc: the distinct.ion of being the best rifle Over 200 alumni and former college St. Louis and Omaha recently held Sports Editors-Leo J. Delaney, Elsie marksman in the camp. students returned to "the Hill" for the two hig autumnal celebrations. St. May Bowen. Resolved: That all international, gov- 'I'he first parade and review of the Homecoming celebration. The W. W. Louis awaited the Veiled Prophet and a Calendar Editor-Barbam S. Daskam. ernmcn tal, World War debts, including battalion will be held on Hoffa Field Club and the Phi Alpha Mu and Delta great show depicting scenes from the Copy Editor-Mary Susan Strow. repara t ion s, should be cancelled. net Monday, October 24. Sigma Kappa sororities entertained alum- life of George Washington. Omaha Snap-shot Editors-Julian T. Murchi- Resolved: That federal and state gov- ']'he ba ttalion roster of officers and nae members and friends at tea which celebrated the Ak-Sar-Ben (Nebraska son, Elizabeth Andrews. erum ent s of the United States of non-commissioned officers for 1932-33 is was served during the afternoon. buckwards ) which is a huge cattle Secretary to Staff - Ann Rosalee America should take action to control as f ollows: The class of '32 had the largest repre- show held in the Coliseum. Johnson. the electric, power, light, and heat com- Battalion Staff sentation of any class in the associa- That Democratic machine loosely re- Art Editor-Peter D. Gomsak. panies of the country. Commanding Officer-Lt. oei., J. Leo tion. Among those who visited here ferred to as Tammany Hall recently met Business Manager-C. Russell Herbst. A meeting of the local Council will Delaney. Saturday were: in. Madison Square Garden and decided Assistant Business Managers-Stod- be held this evening, at 7 o'clock, in the 2nd in Command-Major George E. Class of '32-Muriel Bishop, Mildred that their candidate for mayor in the dard S. Routson, Helen Doenges. Irving-Webster Literary Society club Hun ter. Horsey, Catherine Hitchens, Marian coming election would be Surrogate Advertising Manage-r - Wilson H. ro om, to which all men interested in de- Adjutant-Capt. Herbert Leitch.' Humphreys, Elizabeth Roe, Elsie Ebs- John P. O'Brien. Most of the members ;"iurray. ba.tiug arc invited. Professor Wills P. and Tr. Officer-1st Lieut. Tolvo Eo worth, Mildred Johnson, Beatrice Crow- wanted James J. Walker to be re-norni- Circulation Managers - Harold will speak concerning the elementary Puro. ther, Mary McComas, Margaret Lee nated, but they realized that they Chandler, Robert Hall. principles of debating. Band Nelson, Anna Louise Schaffer, Anna would be- making a grave mistake. Junior Editors-Richard W. Kiefer, Commanding Officer-Capt. Charles M. Callahan, Catherine Baumgartner, Eli- Foreign Affairs Frank P. Mitchell, Chas. L. Whitting- Borchers. nor Ebaugh, Dorothy Timmons, Made- British unemployed have been stag- ton. SCHOOL MOVEMENT FOR Oompany "AU line Murphy, Doris Legg, Mary Orr ing demonstrations in many of the prin- Faculty Adv isor-c-Gcorgs S. Wills. Commanding Officer-Capt. Charles R. Hering, Louis Engle, Harrison Dixon, cipal cities of· England. Britons arc WORLD PEACE STARTED Herbst. Norman Barnett, Howard Hammil, Rob- ha ving' as much trouble with this unfor- ~nd in Command-1st Lieut. John J. -ert Etzler, Clarence Koockogey, Howard tunate situation as the United States, "CHRIST, THE MAN" IS O' Amos, Rogel' Cissel, Joseph Snyder, it seems. Under the title "The Green Interna- 1st Plat.-1st Lieut. Wilson H_ Murray. George Caple, Stewart Sunday and Italy's Mussolini has just tried to de- THEME OF SERMON tional," a movement for world peace is 2nd Plat.-1st Lieut. William H. Spar- Louis Tuckerman. getting under way. It is a league of row. fine Fae ism. He disclosed that it re- Company"B" Class of '31--Hannah Hecht, Bessie jected pacifism, universal brotherhood, In the absence of Dr. Ward, the chap- student s from alllong the schools, col- Cain, Helen Myers, Sophie Lynch, Cath- the conception of economic "happiness", el sermon for Sunday, October 16, was leges, and uniYersities of the wOl·ld. ConllllaJlding Officer-Capt. Harold W. Koppe. erine Hobby, Victoria Smith, Karl Well- the "absurd conventional lie" of poli- delivered by Dr. Lawrence Little. He The program of this ol·ganization does inger, William Pyle, Mark Reed, James tical equality. They certainly arc fight- used as his test, "What think ye of I not ~nclude Socialism, but consists of ~nd in· Command-1st Lieut. Harold H. Chandler. Day, Harry Lawrence and Geo. Ekaitis. ing ,,-ords. Victor Emmanuel, \yho is Christ." a youth 1ll0Yement, concentrating on 1st Plat.-1st Lieut. Stoddard S. Rout- Inu· resistance alrd Class of '30-Edna Nordwall, Amanda lllerely the king of Italy, is unmen- It is evident to all that there has re- movement also provides disarmament. The son. for internatioll- Bell, Virginia Merrill, Helen Harry, tioned. Well, the world has known for cently been an increase in the interest al fello,,-ship aud h·ust, that all nations 2nd Plat.-1st Lieu!. Clyde L. Bryan. Blanche Robinson, Lucile Proskey, Alice a long time that he does not count a ill the life of CIll·ist. This is a legiti- lIlay disarm morally, physically, and in- (Continued on Page 4-Col. 4) ,,-hole lot. mate inteI"est since it is the life of telle-ctually. Company"e" On a visit' to England with his moth- Chrsit that has had more influence upon COlllmanding Officer-Capt. Victor R. er, Prince Mihai of R.umania unfortu- the world than any other event in his- 'rile organization is composed of a Mm-tin. RIFLE TEAM ELECTS nately read in the newspaper about the' tory. number of cooperating in no wa.y respoll- ~nd in COlllmand-Ist Lieut. Julian T. groups, assisting Murchison. but being each other, his father Tlle life T. E. PURO, '33, CAPTAIN affair between immediately and Magda to viewpoints. of Christ is colored by many si,)le to any other group. 'Fhe Green 1st Plat.-1st Lieut. Wendell S. Jun- wanted He Lupescu. those whose There are kin. the by In terna tional to kno\\- who this lady "-as. Rumania vi(',,-s emphasize the miraculous in propagation of hopes to succeed through 2nd Plat.-1st Lieut. David Trundle. its principles The senior members of the Rifle Team tr ied to stop the story in the Da.ily Christ. Others see ~n the !'ife of Christ philosophy, psychology, economics, so- Officers elected Tovio Puro as captain Monday, Mail, but was unsuccessful. The little nothing that sets him apart from any ciology, science, histol-Y, art, athletics, Sgt. Non~Commissioned O. Boyd; Color Major Benjamin October 17. The manager will be prince was hurried away home. other great man. and religion. The s~-lllbol of world pa- Sgt. Maurice C. Fleming; Color Sgt. picked from the junior class, but has Education A careful study of the life of Christ triotism and war resistance to be worn James M. Lantz. not yet- been named. Each man trying 'rhe University of Cincinnati in- shows t.hat he was subject to all temp- by the members is the green shirt. Band out for rifle team will be allowed 100 stalled a new pI·esiden t by the simple tations of any man. He suffered from Drum Major Paul H. Myers; First rounds of ammunition a week. method of sending notices to eyery col- po~-erty, hatTed, lonliness, slander, fail- Sgt. Roland C. Sliker; Sgt. Clarence L. Last year the rifle team achieved dis- (Continued on Page 4-Col. 5) ure and utter despair. Yet none can I·DR. AND MRS. WARD ON Bussard; Corpomls: Irving C. Brins- tinction by placing third in the Easten\ deny his essential divinity. VACATION TOUR OF WEST (Continued on Page 4-Co1. 3) Section of the states, ih competition for The solution of the problems is in t·he the William Randolph Hearst trophy. News Flashes recognition that in all there is some- President and :\1rs. Ward left the HilI Winston Willey captained the 1931- thing divine and after all there is no Tuesday, October 11, for a six weeks ,-a- I PRACTICE TEACHING 1932 squad. real diYiding line between the human cation tour. Their itinerny includes yis- Members of the senior class who are The following students have ,,'on places and spiritual. BEGINS IN SCHOOLS Washington, Los Angeles, rifle vetm·ans are Tovio E. Puro, J. Leo on THE GOLD BUG by their journalistic its to SeattIe, Alexandria, Louisiana, and California, Delaney, C. R.ussell Herbst, Clyde L. stories in response to the contest for pro- W. M. C. GETS HIGH RATING E;ansas City, K,ansas. On Wednesday, October 12, the first Bryan, Wendell S_ Junkin. spectiye reporters, announced in the pa- IN SOPH EXAMINATIONS group of seniors left 'Vestem Maryland per two ,,·eeks ago: Blanche Hurd, '33; Flome ~'ears ago Dr. 'Ward \,"as pastor for their practice teaching. There are -'[uriel Day, '34; Frances Eldcrdice, '35; Western Maryland College ranked in of the First :Methodist Protestant Church six out teaching at Mount Airy, under "'here he alld 11rs_ 'Vard MISSES NELSON AND BUSH Orpha Pritchard, '35; Dorothy Wicks, the upper fifth of the colleges wh9 used in Seattle, married life. They haye start- the obsen-ation of Miss Ebaugh, :'Iii,s edtheir ma tel', in New ing during the year 1931-32 ,,-ere unani- All sophomores in regular standing 'r~ere .tJ1ey 1'"41, \j~it :Mrs. Ward's sister, clre\ys, History and English; Helen Do- York. mously reelected. They are Russell were required to take the, tests, which'dis- 2IJiss· Kathleen }Iurchison. enges, French and English; Dorothy :'lfp.e Miss Nelsoll represented the Eastern Herbst presi~lent; Cleona Brinsfield, vice- placed the traditional local" sophomoIe , Befo!'e ,returning to W_estminster they f'imith, French and English; Mason Shore of Maryland, singing "Russian president ;" DaYid:~'Trunale, secretary; comprehensives. U may' go'fo' 'Kansas' City 'where DI·. tVard ' Sprague, History and ;..iusic_ Lament. " Miss Bush was the contestant Carolyn Reed, trea'surer; and Tessie C{lX, The findings of the' testing ICOlllilIittet3, "'as 'cJ-iaii~eIlor'·o"l'·~Kflli&as .City -Unh'h; Among the ilext group of teachers .c\vho from Southern Maryland. historian. -- inc1u(iing mnch statistical data, ':ire in' ~iit{ befork ;canli'ng 'to his Alriui' Ma'tet as go out are :'lIary Hobbs; Elizabeth Mat~ The audition was broadcast over sta- The so'pho~ore "class ereeled the follow- elnded iii the October, 1932, :is~ue',(if ,Xh:e pi·esideut.,-' ·;I'hey will re'tuTll' home, the thews, Gertrude Sherman, Barbara Dask- tion WFBR and the winner will be an- ing officers at their' Class meeting yester- Ed1icatitll141 RecOrd, 11 copy ..!>f w\'15 1a-,stQf '~j').Y~Jllher pI' the, fir§"!:·of Dece~- am, a.nd William .sparrow. This group nounced in the ''lear future. (Continued