Page 10 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEW REGULATIONS WILL INTER .. FRAT. COUNCIL FOR 193.2 ORGANIZES BE ENFORCED BY SOPH The Inter-Fraternity Council, composed Alumni Nnna MEN RULES COMMITTEE of the president and one delegate from Na than R. Wilson, 'S7, a native of each of the fonr local fraternities" organ- IRVING Y. W. C. A. ized Monday, October 3, with the election Frederick county, died in Washington, Punishment for Violations will be of tile following officers: Chairman, Wil- D. C., August 10. hying- Webster Literary Society he Id The "Y" had a supper hike for the Administered by a 3.Foot, liam G. Pyles; vice-chairman, Robert M. Gertrude L. Harshaw and Hamilton its first meeting last Monday night. f reshmeu ,,'omen, Thursday, Septem- 4-Inch Paddle Hall; secretary, S. Mason Sprague; Ward Lewis, 'OS, were ~larried at Grove City, Pn., June 23. Talks on extra-curricular activities ber 29. treasurer, C. Russell Herbst. were featmed. Mr. Sterling drew an 'I'he first meeting of the Y. W. C. A. PAJAMA PARADE ON OCT. 11 It was agreed that no men on the Hill Julia Leas Fowler, 'i4, died in Balti- interesting contrast between the liter- will be held tonight. The program will for their first year should be pledged un- more, July IS. Lou ary society when 'he was a freshman be a welcome to the freshmen. Andrew Gorski, chairman of the com- tiC definite pledging rules have been ad- Hawkins, Elizabeth Ross and Willard Lee '26, were married iu Westmin- and the present organization. From his mit tee on "rat" rules, called his col- opted by the council, The council adopted ster, August 5. presentation, tile idea of making pro· : leagues together last Monday, October S, and enforced a ruling last year which in P. Emily D. Allnutt, '25, and Franklin grams of varied interests, more attrac- BLACK AND .WHITE to a meeting, the chief idea of which was itself justified the existence of the coun- Sfllen, '~7, were married at Dawsonville, tive to a greater number of students to determine the fate of the lowly cil. Under that ruling no new men were l , , freshies. ' , Md. Annie Lee Allnutt, '17, was maid was introduced. His talk was respo n- The Black and White Club held its The traditional rules were checked and pledged until just after Thanksgiving, of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Sillen will be at sible for the creation of a program com- first meetiug Tuesday evening, October double checked by the committee men and the conditions were in such a way as mittee composed of Messrs. Sterling, 4. At this meeting tcnta.tivc plans for and several changes were decided upon. to be fairer to both the f'raternit ies and home at 502 Kopling St., Dayton, died Ohio. Maude Chaplain, 'S3, 1;) Kemp Kiefer, and Sparrow. The object of a Home-coming Dance were discussed. 'I'he size of that iustrument of punish- to the pledges. It is expected that the Baltimore, September 2. ' this committee is to presou t program The fraternity is glad to welcome bade ment, the paddle, was finally limited to :3 experience gained will insure a still bet- that wi ll interest freshmen, as well as a f'ormer Alpha, Marvin Stel'ling. minimum of three feet long, four inches ter system of pledging. upper classmen. They' have arranged a CO-EDS ELECT HOUSE mock trial for Monday night, October wide, and a quarter of an inch thick, PRES. AND FIRE CHIEF 10. It is hoped that the freshmen will DELTA SIGMA KAPPA much to the f'uture discomfort of the ex- CO-ED RAT RULES ARE; NOW IN come to see this ludicrous and insbruc- pectant " recipients of well-deserved FULL SWING Caroline Reed was elected house presi- arc I "cracks. t iv e program. All men on the Hill The a unual house-party held by the The rule concerning dates has been ex- dent of Me Daniel Hall at a meeting of invited to attend. Come on, you liter- club w as held at Ocean City the last (Continuo-d from Page I-Col. 3) all the women except freshmen, held on ary men. Let's make our society go! tended to absolute prohibition of convor- October 3. Jane Wine was selected as fire week in August. sa tion between co-eds and rats for two 5. Freshmen shall treat with utmost eapfain, In Smith Hall, Ruth Rawson was weeks af tcr the first rat meeting, which deference all members of faculty and elected house presideu t a nd Elinor Y.M. C. A. was held Tuesday, October 4. upper classmen. Lines, fire captain. PHI ALPHA MU The usual down-town and mail duty Class privileges were announced hy 6. Freshmen shall address The "Y" held a supper hike for the wi ll be conducted with a change which Miss-and answer them with all sophs as Kathleen Moore, president of the Wom- "Ma'am". fre-shmen men on Thursday, September Tho Phi Alpha Mu house-party was demands that, in the event of 311 absence 7. Freshmen shall speak to no boys en's Student Government Association. :lS. The group 'was in charge of Leslie held in Ocean City from J'uly ~5 until of mail for an upperclassman, the same Werner, while 'Villi am Sparrow was in August 1. will be reported to him by the freshman. Whatever, and shall hay I' no dates at charge of the "eats". Three completely new rules have been a.ll, during "rat" rules. The first regular meeting was held on W.W, formulated to this effect:' freshman will S. Freshmen must introduce them- Wednesday night and was devoted to say "Good -day, sir," upon meeting 'tn selves as "Rat--" npon meeting any familiarizing the freshme-n with the VlT. W, held its house-party in Ocean upperclassmau; freshman will allow up- college faculty or students. ,,-ork of the "Y". City the Iycel,-end of August ~6. percla~smen to enter the diuing room 9. Freshmen shall 1,eep posted on all first, except at lnnch; freshmen must be news on the bulletins, and be able to ZANE GREY'S neat and clean, wear a tie and shirt at all report to sophs. HERITAGE of the DESERT EXTRA bacco_ Unique punishment for ,iolations songs and yells and be able all to demon- MON.-TUES.-OCT. 10-11 t;)- times, and gil-e up the use of chewing 10. Freshmen shall learn college has bee'n de,·isec1. notice. at a.ny minute's strate paj,ama The aunual or iuitia- parade, Farrell in 11. Freshmen shall stand at the end Janet Gaynor and Charles for the night is scheduled tion tel'cmony, OYEZ! OYEZ! of Odober amatcur Massachusetts (" Chuck") of the mail line. shall weal' JIO insignia, THE FIRST YEAR Charles 11, with 12. Fre'shmen comedian, hadely, acting as master of cel·emonies. badges, jewelry, club pins, or anything SINNERS IN THE SUN away are getting to The Trial of the Perpetrator fast The Sophomorcs plans for a color rush, ::I connected with any outside schools. in the with Carole Lombard enter lIlust 13. Freshmen while start, last tug-o '-war, mucl fight, free-for:all, and a dining room, and bring napkins with FRI.-SAT.-OCT. 14-15 .... .... of a ........ football game are still in the embryonic them. Buck Jones in stages. 'rhe ycar promises to be full of 14. Freshmen shall have lIO men's pic- McKENNY OF THE Heinous Critne interest ing competition on the part necessary tnres in their rooms. MOUNTED if the of the is e,ident co-opcration srpholl1ore and freshman antagouists. 15. Freshmen shall report to the hockey field at 6 :45 for setting-up ex- Irving ....Webster Literary Society tory organization, among which were a ercises, first signing up on bulletin boards. Next Monday, Oct. 10,at 7:15p. m. printed book of dormitory regulations, a lounge and a store in l'ach dormitory, for cyer,'" hl'o dormitories, Dean Miller All Freshmen) Upperclassmen and Men of the Faculty hopes to lllake some improvements Home.Made along thcse lines in the future at Wes- I Cordially Invited tcrn :llaI'yland. Prof. BelllIighof did l'cscarCh work at ICE CREAM the Stone Research La bora t~ry at Gi- MEMBERS OF FACULTY SPEND Jlvfiss A t>vood continucd her work for hralter Island on Lake Erie until July 16. He studied thc I'eaction of may· THEIR VACATIONS IN hcr e1octor's degree at ~1idcUebury Col- fly nymphs to light, tempcrature, and INTERESTING WAYS legc in Vcrlllont. AfteL' the completion pressmc. ne then l'ctlll'iled to West· of hcr COUL'SCsite took scycral motor durillg and minster taught (Continued from Page I-Col. 1) trips. session of SUllllller school here. the second Soda Candy Miss 'l'odd atteuded the camp of the DISTINGUISHES THE classics would he lllore "II'idely appreti- NC"ll- York University and spent the re- ~Ir. T. K. Hanisou, business mailager MADE TO'MEASURE atcd and cnjoyed if taught in the trans- lLlainder of the vacation on the Eastern of the college, SPCIlt the SUlllmer in try- SUIT Light Lunch lation. Shore. ing to llLake the fall opening more at- The man who has worn a suit ~liss 'Wingate had an opportunity to tracti,'c for the student body. made to his measure her e acquaint herself -with the people and ::\fiss Harris speut tl,e SUlIlll!('r at her Dr. Spiccr taught SUllllller school knows that it looks better and the country. She found London with hOllle in Korth Carolina and took a mo- here, and then took a pleasure trip to wears far longer than any oth- all its dignity especially delightful. tor trip through the mountains. Florida. Prof. Wills taught summer er type. Cambridge, ,dth its years of servicl', Miss J 011es took summer work at Pea- school aud then rested iJl Baltimore and Alterations, Repair Work, dating back to the sixteenth ccntury, bod~- Institute ill Baltimore and gave a Westminster. Dr. Whitficld was anoth- Cleaning and Pressing Griffin's in her opinion still retains its quaint- com'crt in Western Marylaud's Alumni er professor who taught at 'Western nes and loveliness, The Euglisll people Ha 11. On the completion of her course, Mar~'la lid sumlller school. He tliell H. E. Reese to Richmond she found to be charming, and very sht' motoTed through thc ~ol'th. tra'-eled Virgiuia. and Rocky Monn· Opposite State Theatre tnills, cagcr to lem'n about America and our ~\fiss Parker and Miss Biwns spent 80 E. Main Street system of education. thl' "acatioll nt their homes. Professor Schempp was engaged in eronomic reseal'ch work in New York Beforc returning LO this county, Miss Among the meu, PI'CS. i\~a rd, Prof. and Chicago, bet,Yeen whieh a Euro- Wingate spent some time in Paris. Schaeffer, Deau Schofield, Prof. Hen- peau trip to France, Germany, and Italy Though shc liked the city and its in- dl'icksoll, Dean Littlc, and others ,yas elljo~·ed. Mr. Spier continued his For Quick and Accurate Rererence habitants, she prefers England and thc taught n t ir estern ~[ar~'land Summer \\-ork at Columbia, ill physical cduea· on alliacts concerning words, persons, English people. School, "hill' Dcan Isanogle was diree- tion, to"ll-'Ll'ds his master's degree. places, you are In dally need 01 Dcan Sto"cr entcrtained gucsts in hel tor of the summer session. Sergeant Layin took a short trip to ,rcstmiuster apartmcnt anel, aftcr visit- Prof, IIllI't spent the laitcl" part of Canada. Rerg. Jllllior sen cd as persounel ing in Hagerstown, motored through June and part of July nt his home in clerk iu tIl(' R. O. T. C. office a t Camp the Catskill Mountains to Quebec. Fenum, Va., working in his fa ther's Meaele, :lId. C'aptHin \\'oolley rell1ain~d Webster's Dr. Ehaugh, after teaching in the business, During August and Septem- in \Vestlllinstcr cxccpt for a trip to summer school at iYestcrn 1faryland, 1,(']' hc tnught nt the IIun school, ill Ohio. Capt. Holmes \I-as lllCSS offil"er Collegiate toured Canada aud, upon hcr return, Princeton, New Jersey. He spent some of the R. O. T. C. unit at Calllp ~readc. ~pent some time iu Ocean Groyc and time elt Cape Charles, fishing and swim· Asst. Deau Stahley attcnded Colulll- because it is Pcn Mar. ming. bia University, taking physical educa- The Best Abridged Dictionary NEW INTER- upon based WEBSTER'S Coach courses. :Miss ::\fudge spent the l'cmaiuder of Dr. Little taught in three teacher's tion serious operation Harlow. underwent NATIONAL-Tbe "Supreme Authority." Here is a companion for your hours of Maryland at the the sUlllmer, after teaching in the SUIll- training schools "\\'hich "\\'ere sponsored H General Hospital, Baltimore. Prof. reading and study that will prove its real value every time you consult it for mcr school, a t her home in Florida. h~' the Board of Christian Education of the wealth of ready information that the :lfethodist Protestant Church at Brumbaugh engaged in language stud· is instantly yours. ~Iiss Bro,vu, after a visit to Korth High Point, X. C., Jackson's Mill, W. ies and sen-ed as preacher on several 106,000 words and phrases with defi- pronuDcia- Carolina, was an assistant in the De- \~a., :lIld at Western ~1aryland during occasions. He also did some publi,' tions, nitions, etymologies, pages. 1,700 and use in its 1,268 of biography Includes illustrations. dictionaries rartment of Clothing and Textilcs at the second semester of the summer speakin.g to young people. and geography; rules of punctuation; use of capitals, the University of Columbia sumull'r sc hool. abbreviations, etc.; a dictionary of foreign phrases; and other school. helpful special features. ' Dean Miller spent much of the sum- COMMERCIAL· ART WORK See it at your,(Jolleue Bookstore or Write for Informa- Miss Wyman studied biology, psy- mel' at, a country residen('e near Hn, tion to the Publishers. Free specimen pages if you narne'this paper. ' chology, and physiology at the Uni"l-er- gcrstown, on the Potomac river. Later, College Seal Painted' o'n SUitcases, sity of Colorado. Upon her return to he ,,-ent to Pittsburgh where he visited etc. Posters, Signs, etc. the East she motored through the New Carnegie Tech. At this institution he I ROBERT B. HOLDER England States, noted Y~rious im"provements in dormi· i
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