Page 2 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAG~ rwo The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, The Wearing of The I Md, ]iurtl'tll ~Ol \Ie; 1.1\1'UlIlI(I t4r (J1UtuPU5 Kllrl Back 10 work Green and ill tueao early A .REVillW OF BOOKS, PLA YS AND LIFE COllgr:ltulntions agnin lire order in to Patterson Bllltilnore KIlOx theatre managers Qf the rnur- students and of iIlyrill school, who Knox, were both tlnys of the remind ~'e:!r Rut Caps and grccu hair ha,'e The promised us a menn that of would ~dlct trndi- great rilJbOll~ one this ried during the summer vacation, The ttcos of frcsllm/in initiation. Wllile the appetite of the most jndud theatre, Oflh:,i,,] lIewsp"per of Western Maryland College, !lublished on Thursday doring GOLD BUG extends to this couple its shining noses rtn(l neue too f1at.tering going, tho aendemic year by tile students of Wcstcrn Marytnnd College, Westminster, most 6ineere. lI'ishes for a happy married coiffeurs nrc making plenty of excuse Will;ur Dalli~1 Steele-s nocet ")!eat" Uarylanu, Entered us seeond-clnea matter nf the Westminster Pcstofllce. for "Wise Crncks" frOIll those who re- life. was so mtl~h discussed nround the eem- Subscription Price, $2,00 a. Year gard the lndlic of the sallle (many of pHS several years ago tjmt eommeuts on One of our fair Frealnnun co-eds reo which are plilgarized from College TIu his lIell' venture 118n co-playwright with eeutly inqllired tile location of "Scott mor) :-IS the sunum OO]lUlll of Collegiate Ncrmn :llitehell should be interesting. l\IANAG1NG S'I'AFli' nan.' clCn)rness-Itakethis QPportunity to ,; WllGl1 TJdl1<'ro;;e" Cowl, so congmtlllnte the freshmen on their privi- EDlTOR-lN-CRlEW , .Rov 'I'. Edwards, '31 "Dau" Link's employment agency for lege to be subject 10 one of the oldest thedoublcintcrestshouldlllllkelllis:!I' trip to Baltimore. a trnctlon worth well Is now MANAGING EDITOR C. W. Koockogey, '32 eucrgct Ie yonng alld .E'reshmeu applications per· will and JljO~t universal of collegiate tra· (unfortunately it is p\;lyillg the first all mrtncutly located the ASST. :M_ANAGING EDrrOR , .. Thomas W. Otto, '32 be duly eoneldcred. ditiona. the At "}'r~sher8" Unlverslt.y the;r of are Amster- hulf the the week ".llen most of us nrc tied week, to ealled, as dam the The BUSINESS :MANA{1ER Panl L, Bates, '31 The judges of th~ mourucrs ' benell' lind second yenr men hold a boat race hQwe,'cr, "HilL") )lisB. Cowl lnst is Qf playing in ADVERTISING llL\NAGE:R C. Robert Etzler, '32 hlH'C been Billing on the ease of the instead of a tug of wnr whicll is the most "1'welftll Night", whieh should l~ertain menlbers CmOut.A'rION l\IANAOER • Wayne W, 1\1oore, '32 Freshme.n eo.-cds dnring the p9St we.ek. pre,'alcntsoph01l10rc-freshIllanCQntestiu l~' tempt eollege. Slwkesl'ellre "'rwelfth Club Night" is awny be- eolleges. American frQIll Dlldd 'frulHlle, '33 No deRision has heen lwndod down and ASST, CmOULA'l'ION MANAGERS .. the case is still under advisement, fa L~iden, for Qne week the Freshies ing staged b~' Andrew Leigh of the "Old Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 Vi,·" th~atre ill Loudon, so. the settings Two former mcmhers of the cl:.lsS of lI111st wenr woodell shOl!s. r sllppo~e of II shonl(l be a~ no,'cl ns the Baltimore 811n the lhe REPORTORIAL STAFF '2fl ha\'o onrolleil with IlHl class of '31. week is cl~ssHlen limit and ef profes~org. clililurnnce prO!l1ise~, upper !'>o often B:lltilllOI'C'S Ihe:!!!'e season is ASSOCIATE EOITORS I,endon Unil'ersity has its famQus so. iuill'fillite Illld then conq)(}l!e(l of ten Thelma Reid, '31 Duncan C, ?lIllI'ehison, '32 tlour in ,,-hich B~conil year lHen bnt· to OIW SUl'CCSS, thaI. it is more thllnllsualothnreiibeginwith tIc bHg~ of tionr ill Illueh lhe same such a prominent Qpening as ,rlllle Cowl's, SI'Oln'S EDI'I'OIlS fHSllioH:ls youngslen lind certniu col The Theatrc Guild, s:-Id' to ~ay, airl 11.0t CMhel'ine W. CocldH1l'Il, '31 Doey Reill, '31 lege !Hell rio wilh pillows. choose Ba\tinlOr(' iu whidl 10 tr~' out A Heidelberg llilln on~e told Ille 1I111t "Elizabeth IlLe Queen," though with COpy EDITORS fonrth {,laS8Illail or "oliie.ial busines&." no. mun ndmitted illto the .-\rt,.; 'F:lcu!ty Lynn Puutaille as "Eli1.nbt,th" :llld AI ]\[;II'Y Lee Shipley, '32 StUArt D. Sunday, '32 "Bunn.I'" 'l'uckCI'Ill!ln, '32, has been 1'<:r,Y aetive lat"ly acting as cilaperone .for HEPOH1'EHf; groups of _Preshmen cO'eds going aown· Then hll Isabel Dongla:;, '31 S. -WesleyDtly, '31 (·i,le(! to Evelyu E, Collison, '31 George E. 1\[OGO\\',01, '31 lias .\Jr. T. K, Han iSOIi 1\ rind Oil lhe l\[argal'et E, IIamilton, '31 IIowarc1 A. Bolton, '32 hill~ "Doey" Rei" rceCil'ed a letter a UlliYe;silY 'l'he Victoria D. Smith, '31 Samncl G. '1'ownsheI\(1, Jr" '32 :Hldressed to William C, l~ein, Busine~~ whlch jnclude~ in of iis Berliu h:l~ n thirty club inHirttion Ruth E. -Woolcott,'31 1I0\nn'd ~L A.lllOS.~, '32 ~rl\llager, Western ~rllrrlllHd College. il( U",CQlIJl1r!l." llIillU\e lecturc in Crt~k-to he d('lin~red . /)rl:C'I' of cuurse, will be Winifred S, Bush, '32 Stanford 1. Hoff, '32 Pre~lLlllcll who ha"c Ul'Cll "Kings allll from the Inble of u pulJlic "K\lllll1l.- Sara 13. Robinson, '32 Chal'les n. Herbsl, '33 Queens of Ihe camllus, nrc HOW assuming 10ric"allJid the to:lves no longer ho,vi'i 11ml gil'ls but. nwn 1I)1(] ".I:Irlhll Angnst!! HarriSOIl, illHlghtef of PI'illeeof',\\7ail~" :!-tMlIgdalcnc beClluse 1I\all~~" "':1$ a slnge male phl)'f role It seCmS Qnce might 1h~ tlint women WllO arc Ihe select of theil' gcnt'J'atioll. 'l'lll' goal is 1I'01·th~' of T. K, Harrisoll, '01. he the \Jagpipes as inet'lY Whitcraft, sister of Wilfred l)efQre thc i~ so much int('rcsting "meBsin' aroun' " K. Whiteraft, '211. produced by lllass production ill industry, -Perhaps \\'e IlHlY hnve !ltall' t~~ be done---ill(' whole field of \JoQks, Willillll1 A. Stewart, hruth('r of _Addition music al1d the uther joys of life ~re still dal'd modeL:; in St,uclCllts, :l\Iodel '1"s. )Iodel A's find othe1',') depe!HTent C. 8tewnrt, '26. ul]e~'\;plured ! 011 the process to which the student had b ..en ..xposrd_ 'rIds i~ 11 pC!'- THE BLACK AND WHITE CLUB \'cl'"ion of the I'clIl plll'pose of edLH:l1tioll. Edtl('utiou sllould ll()t stllll- EVERHART \nllonneesl'he C. W. KOOCKOGEY, '32 dar'dil':e U lIlAn bllt develop his ill(li\'id'ualit~" Representing BARBER AND BOBBER Herein lies thc ndl'antage of tlJi;' small college, At tlJe~c colleges FIRST DANCE L. G. Belfour Company tuc!,cd aWlly in !lome obscure to\\'11 usnlllly lying hctwee:n the town and of The Year At tbe Forks ATTLEBORO, MASS. the countryside thcrl';l is morc opportunity fol' illdiYidual de\lelopment.. The teacher of a class of thil'ty kno\ys bis class as i_lldividllals. The TOWN HALL College Rings and Zachary Confectionery (f'ucher of a class of two hundred Call see it only fl.<;a class. The move- Saturday, Oct. 11, 1930 Fraternity Pins HOME MADE ment. b_eaded by the Pl'esident of 'Vestern ~Ia\'rlancT Colleg'-', to estab- CANDIES AND ICE CREAM SPEOIAL RING lish the slllall college Oil a firmel' bllsis is one of the most "-o;,thy of thc RUBY OR EMERALD-$16.f) Since 1905 l'nriff$1.75 8:30 till 12· p, i\L day, 1\Iay the small college contiuue.its good \\'01'1...
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