Page 50 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]taril'tl! GOl \lei A REVIEW OF BOOKS, Fast and furiously the storm clouds 111 __ lI_u_t_l'r_:_l'n_~_~I'_g_ia_tl'___J iGikl' lit 1\ll Inu PLAYS AND LIFE THE NEW YEAR A SHELF OF BOOKS of mid-year examinations are gathering. Their black shapes loom on the horizon 'iVith the advent of classee-e-, a new A bookshelf lined with books! What like huge, ever-Increasing monsters opportunity was offered to each and Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, pubhahed on Thursday during every student of the University to the eeademle year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, docs it signify' If one allows the eye threatening to bring swift and terrible rectify any faults which fie might ha"'e Maryland. Entered 8.Ssecond-class matter at the weetmlneter Postoffice. to wander over a row of books one destruction to all. The holiday sun is acquired during the past year. Resulu- things many and fainter about becoming dimmed discovers them. to a Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year There are red books, and green ones, fainter glow as the clouds approach tions and determination are the neces- brown books and blue ones. They vary more and more rapidly each day. we sary requisites for the abolition of in height from the book which is tall see their long dark fingers stretching these defects and the slogan of every- MANAGiNG STAEW enough to touch the top of the shelf out and prcparing to seize us, one and one should be, "Let us go on unto per- Editor-in-Chief .. ........ Casper P. Hart, '29 to the small book which is about lost all, in their vise-like grasp; we hear fcctiou." Managing Editor .. ................... Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 from in the shadow of its neighbor. ominous mutterings that make us trem- Few college men realize the beneflta TIley vary in thickness from the volume ble j we feel everywhere an electric that aceure from the efforts which one Asst. Managing Editor .. Edwin Warfield, '29 which is fully two iuehea ueroae the tenseness that makes us quiver and applies to his studies and the extra Business Manager ... ......... Paul Bates, '31 back, to the pamphlet which is about quake. Everyone is hustling around curriculum activities of the university. Valuablc time is wasted in unprofitable Asst. Business Manager. .... J. Hammett Simms, '29 a quarter of a ineh across, Some of with one eye on the nearing elouda and pursuits and diversions wlrich yield no these books are new, having stiff backs the other on a pile of unfinished work Advertising Manager .. .Marvin B. Sterling, '30 on which the title stands out proudly which must be done before the storm returns hut the liability of regret. All Oirculation Manager .. .. Roy L. Robertson, '29 in gold print, while others are "dog- bursts in all of its .fierce fury. The duties and obligations are forgotten in cared," beiug so worn that the title is mad rush to complete term themes and the mad rush for pleasure, and as a re- James A. Stach, '30 no longer visible. One finds side by delayed reports keeps the lihrary stairs suit, when the day of graduation ap· Asst, Circula.tion Managers . . . . . . . . .. Thomas Braun, '30 Bide in a multicolored row, volumes creaking continually. Almost over- preaches many are as ahtp-wrecked { Leslie Grover, '30 bound in BOft leather and books bound nigltt, books lose the fresh, youthful sailors, having no prospects in life, but Art Editor." .. ' , "Pete" Gomsak, '3'0 in ugly, stiff paper. appearance which they have preserved vainly seeking for aid. -"The Tower!' Stacks and stacks throughout the year. As different as are the exteriors of a Sports Editor .. ........................ L. G. Ekaitis, '31 lOW of books, even more different ale of notes appear where formerly there LOST the iuaides of the books on that row. lias been an "empty nothingness!' Rush REPORTORIAL STAFF Even one book, taken at random from is the watchword everywhere. Let us LOST-A W. M. C. ring class '28 News Editors a miscellaneous collection, represents be like the wise virgins, and fill our with initials T. W. R. Please return to Charlotte Wheeler. W. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Martignoni, '29 hundreds of personalities and an in- lamps with oil before it is too late. Let us array ourselves in "slickers" of estimable store of knowledge. ledge, and carry our umbrella of wis- College Tea Room Associate Editors 'iVe would never make friends of study, pull on our galoshes of know- Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin 1\1. Seitz, '29 books if they did not represent person- dom. Then, when the storm comes, Edi th Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 alities. The .first personality we think we'll just step out and laugh in Ite HOME COOKING Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 of as being represented, is that of the face-s-and not get wet at all. Open UntO 10 P. M. author. The author may not be pres Reporters ented to us in penon, as a character Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy T. Edwards, '31 in his book, hut he is there never the- Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 less. Unless the book is technical one When next semester comes: Somebody, Somewhere, Wants Your Helen G. Dennis, '29 C. E. Funk, '29 finds the personality of the author peer- We are going to study harder, Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson \V. Day, '31 ing at us from every page, in the way We are going to keep up in all of our Thelma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 in which he develops his subject, in his work. Elizabeth Clough, '30 Clarence 'V. Koochcgey, '32 originality, and in his words and We are going to get to classes and to Photograph Dorothy Johnson, '29 Branch Phillips, '30 phrases. The author's personality is not chapel on time. Graee Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 the only one which we .findin his work, We are not going to gossip about Helen Wheeler, '29 william Brown, '30 for we must rememger that what the people. The Wilson Studio author has written is net his product We are not going to waste so much alene. Each person is what others have time. Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. helped to make him, 80 the writer must Weare not going to break so many gain a great deal of his knowledge rules. through other people. It is those who And just loh and lots of other have influenced the author that are things. Db, yee l When next semester WATCHES E-D-I-TcO-R-I-A_L indirectly represented in the volume comes! which we read. A. H. Fetting Company ON WITH THE NEW COMMONWEALTH COLLEGE Besides the penonality of the writer What an intolerable gore a "cinch" MANUFACTURING JEWELERS and those with whom he has been asso- course is! We always pay a long-drawn- ciated, one finds in a book, personalities out, torturing penalty for that moment 314 Charles St., North The announcement recently made that The experiment of Commonwealth actually named within the text of its the Maryland Intra-State Oratorical College of Arkansas as a self·suffieing pages. How much pleasure one can of laziness which prompted us to elect Baltimore, Maryland II subject that we knew would be a Assodation, whieh comprised Westcrn institution of learning is quite novel derive from books of fiction or gi· "cinch!' There is no real pleasure in Maryland, the University of Maryland, in the academic world of today and ography by Ictting one's imagination CLASS PINS CLASS RTNGS St. Johns, and Washington Colleges, has is attracting more than passing notice. loose and living with the characters! barely sliding through without having slight pleasure to work at all; what been discontinued will cause real regret It has no endownment fund, conducts How one learns to like David Copper- there may be at the beginning of the among some of the students and teach- no campaigns, nor doea it hold any field as one follows him in his adven- course soon disappears before the grew- ers in the state colleges. Western Mary· land grants. The students and faculty turous life, from childhood through ing diasafisfaetio nthat wels up inside T.W. Mather & Sons land has won many honors during the work on the college farms and try t
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