Page 44 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. WAITING TERROR BOOTERS FINISH MOST "DOUBT" SUCCESSFUL SEASON OUa.a.a,(!Hub, au~ @luridy iUiug.a ses to be over. Waiting for lunch. (Continued from Page Two) Waiting for Saturday morning clas- Waiting for your laundry. Waiting for (Continued from Page Three) any system of faith and worship. From 2;10. Waiting for the crowd to col- the beginning religion and the creeds lect. Waiting for Ned to say "Let's given Western Maryland, although the attaching themselves to it have been DELTA SIGMA KAPPA BROWNING go." Waiting for your roommate to score was 0·0. trouble-makers. Houses have been di- powder her nose. Waiting for people The following Tuesday the squad left vided against themselves and have Delta Sigma Kappa' entertained a Browning Literary Society, at the to get in step. \Vaiting for the teams threatened to fall sometimes because number of guests on Friday afternoon, meeting of Monday December 10, elect- to come down. /Vaiting for the game for West Point where they met Army. of so small a differenee in creed as that Somewhat handicapped by the injury of December 7. ed officers for the mid·winter term. The to start. Waiting for the person next several regulars (Hart, Benson, and which divided the Roman Catholic and meeting was conducted by the retiring you to give you your lawful share of Howard). the Greek Catholic churches-Whether president, Helen Smitb. Those elected the blanket. Waiting for your side to On November 21 the team met Lafay- divinity proceeded from the Father to pm A.LJ>HA MU to offiee are: President, Anna L. Ely; score. Waiting for the other side to The the Son or was with the Father nnd vice'president, Annetta Yates; aecre- ette, winning by the score of 2-0. the Son. Fast and furiously the tree following day this same team defeated Miss Evelyn Mather entertained Phi tary, Thelma Reid; treasurer, Katherine score. Waiting for your roommate to Haverford Much eredit should be of religion has grown and put forth its 2-1. Alpha Mu at a supper and bridge party Stoncr ; chaplain, Grace Armstrong. powder her nose. Waiting for the givcn the team on this trip as they innumerable boughs-its creeds-and Waiting Freshman stunt to be started. at her home, on the evening of Satur- for it to be finished. Waiting to catch lacked two regulars, Benucbamp and hidden God. day, December 8. the ~ye of an acquaintance. Waiting Howard. Howard was not able to How short sighted is man! He made Y. W. C. A. but for your feet to freeze. Waiting for make the trip due to a leg injury, religion and creeds to aid him in his' deserves much credit in his work. OERCLE FRANCAIS The Y. W. C. A. was developing the the referee's whistle. Waiting for the With a week and a half for the play- adoration of God, but they soon become mental side of tl,o symbolic triangle of dinner bell. Waiting for the Dean's ers to get into condition from injuries, the end instead of the means to the La. derniere reunion du Cerele Fran- the organization when it had for its hell. Waiting for your roommate to the team got down to preparation for end, and God was lost; and with God for your Waiting (') man Then happiness. to finish dressing. resorted cais avant lea vacancea de Noel aura program of December 5, several inter- escort. Waiting for Mrs. Stover to tell the return game with Lafayette on Du- ecienec to "increase his powers and his lieu Ie Manrdi 18 Deeembre a 1 heurea esting book reviews. you to be baek at eight in the morn- cember 7. This game was also won by happiness." But he "has come to real- 30, MeDaniel Hall. Le programme Dorothy Grimm received Halburton'a a 2·1 score, still handicapped by two ize that it is the first and less im- sera entierement compose de chants, re- "Glorious Adventure" and delighted her ing. Waiting for your roommate to rcgulars, Howard and Benson, being out portant" of these two aims for science citations et causeries ee rappertant a Ill. audience by reading some clever pas- powder her nose. Waiting to check with injuries. which has been fnlfilled most abundant- Waiting for your escort to your coat. celebration de Noel et des rafraichisse- sages from it. Sara Freeman gave an fill your program. Waiting for two Snmming up the season we find that "Science, thougl' it fnlfills the de- menta seront aervds a Ill. fin du pro interesting review of "Whither Man- feet of dancing space. Waiting for the this team has 6 vietories, 1 tie, 1 loss, of its aims, does not in any ulti- gramme. kind", a new novel by Thornton Wilder. intermission. Waiting for service in scoring 19 points and scored on 8 times, mate sense solve man's problems." Lo, Tous les membres de Ill. Faculte et lea "Black Majesty", by Vandcrbilt; "The the drugstore. Waiting for the orches· whieh is a better average than many of again man is foiled and disappointed- etudiants sont cordiallement invites. Children", by Edith Wharton; and "The trn to return. 'Waiting for people to the biggest teams in the East. Capt. disillusioned. "Disillusioned with the La Beeretuire, Bridge of San Luis Rey", also by stop stepping on your feet. Waiting Beauchamp should be congratulated on laboratory, not because he has lost faith Thornton Wilder, were all recommend- M. HOLT. for "Good Night, Ladies." Waiting for his ability to direct and play since he in its findings, but because he has lost ed as good new books for the girls to had full charge the entire season. The read. These books arc available-cn the your coat. Waiting for your roommato members of the squad also deserve much faith in the power of these findings as PHILO Hill or at the Westminster Public Li- to powder her nose. Waiting for tho credit for cooperating with him and also hc had once hoped they might help." brary. The "Y" promises more of Waiting their fine spirit in fighting for Western Only the simple, thc first promptings The Sophomore girls of Philo enter- these reviews in the near future. Maryland. ef worship, aroused by the good and tained the Society with a Chirstmas The squad suffers the loss of Hart, the beautiful, remain and satisfy the program on Monday evening, December "What's in a Name" Beauchamp, Holland and Howard, four deep rooted desires of man for even a 10. IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY A freshman English class was analys or the regulars. The remainder of the little time. He must accept them at Louise Werntz read that old favorite ing a group of scutcncea, picking out the Benson, Noble, 'I'runda, Keller, face value, close his eyes to the depths Eugene Field's "The Night Before New officers were elected at Irving nouns and determining their cases. The Hastings, Smith, Flater, and complexities of life, and pray to Dhriatmaa." Thcn a pantomime en- Literary Society, Monday at 7:15 P. "prof" cflllcd upon Miss M. E. Fricud will be to mako 9. his God with a childish, unreasoning titled "A Christmas Present for a M. The meeting was called to order for the sentence whieh "Call me a faith. Lady" was given. In this story all the by the President, Mr. Roby Day, and friend." After the had sub- little children in a 5th grade elass of a Mr. Hickel led in prayer, whereupon sided which this coincidence had caLsod, For Rheumatism Westminster News Company lower East side grammar school of New the election proceeded. Mr. Andrew the teacher continued by calling on Miss Visitor-Is this a good place for rheu· York City, bring various and sundry "Shifty" Oravetz was unanimously Nelson for the next sentence. It rcad, matism! A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner presents to a most loving teacher, who elccted president and took up bis duties "Call me a cab." And now everyone Natil'e--Yes, I got min' here.-The WE HANDLE THE adores the givers but not the gifts in that office. The entire roster of of- does. Pathfinder. BALTIMORE SUN whiab the little ones deem proper for a ficers is as fOll_ows: lady. President, Andrew Oravetz; vice· College Tea Room The program created in Philo a great president, John Hickel; sccretary, SILVERWARE WATCHES Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr deal of the Christmas spirit now preva- James Stac],; trellsurer, Roby Day; HOME COOKING lent everywhere. critic, Joe Mathias; sergeant·at-arms, The Newest and Best Clothing and Marvin Sterling; chaplain, D. C. Open Until 10 P. M. A. H. Fetting Company Murchison. FUl'nisllings POETS' CLUB After the new officers were installed, "Dad" SM ELSER MANUY ACTURING JEWELERS Mr. Hoff gave a short talk on "Why 314 Charlea St., North Goods for young men Town Students Join Irving." He J,otcd ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, Tlmrsday night, December 6th at Baltimore, Maryland 7:30, tl,e Poets' Club met in Dr. Steph- the active part the town students took COLD DRINKS 10 pel' cent off to college students in organizing Irving and the interest en's classroom in Lewis Hall. Original they have taken evcr sinee. The crities Open every night lIn til 11 ,30 p. m CLASS PTNS CLASS RINGS poetry was read by several of the memo rcport was then read. bers including Mr. Thomas Grova and A number of spontaneons talks were SArIUEL COHEN Miss Betty Brittinghnm, who were ac· 45 E. Main St. Humbert's cepted into the membership of the club then given, lauding the debating team. 'reI. 21-J during the meeting. Mr. Grove read a Messrs. Hickel, Stirling, and DeHaven, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing T.W. Mather « Sons for th~ir e:rcellent work in winning the poem about "My Roommate," while Annual Irving-Webster Debate by a 3·0 The best presser in town. Miss Brittingham read a rythmic ode decision. Mr. DeHaven, after a short Special Rates to College Students (formerly Shipley's at the Forks) to the Great Out of Doors. President speecb, msde the motion that a rising Westminster's Leading Store Branch Phillips also read several orig· inal poems about that faseinating sub- vote of tlJanks' be accorded Messrs. EVERHART Mr. Mathias then Hickel and Stirling. jeet, the sea. Then Mr. Phillips reo arOBeand maintained that all the de- viewed the life and works of Henry haters were fully entitled to the BARBER and BOBBER Over 38 Years of Sql1flre Dealing For Things to Please Your Palate 80' Wadsworth Longfellow, one of Ameri- ciety's recognitien by a vote of thanks, ca's well-known poets, and at the reo President Oravetz then congratulated At The Forks quest of the clnb, Miss Elizabeth the team for ita achievement. Friend read Bome of his verse. Dr. Dean Schofield, in a short congratu· Have Your Shoes Repaired at the D. S. GEHR Stephens then favored the club by latory talk to Irving Society and its College Shop Phone 324 sho\ving a number of interesting nnd victorious debating team, made somc Chas. Kroop educational slides which stimulated the (Established 1866) interest of the members in scenes and valuable suggestions for further im· 25 E. Main St. provement in future debates. events relating to Longfellow, and in Mr. Mathias discussed Irving's poa· W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. Wholesale and Retail associated topics. HARDWARE Distinctive Printing sibilities in' the Oratorical Contest to be IlCld next June and urged early prepa- King's Pharmacy WEBSTER ration by Irving members. The Presi· 'rHE REXA LL STORE Phone 318 PERSONAL STATIONERY dent then appointed a new program ANNOUNCEMENTS Webster Litcrary Society held its eommitte~, consisting of Messrs. Hover· 55 E, Main St., Westminster, Md, Westminster, Md. NAME CARDS weekly meeting at 7 P. M. last Mon- mill and DeHaven. PROGRAMS day evening. Babylon & Lippy Company MENUS The first thing on the program was NOTES the installation of the officers for the Conaway Motor Co. Somebody, Somewhere, Wants Your By second terms. The new officers in· FLORSHEHI SIlOES "WESTERN MARYLAND" stalled were: Daily Coaches to and from Gettysburg, STETSON HATS W. Warren, president; C. Holland, Emmitsburg, Taueytown, Westminster Photograph PRINTERS vice·president; W. V. Bell, treasurer; and Baltimore. J. Newcomer, secretary; W. G. Eaton, Times Printing Co. critic; D. G. Raynor, chapfain; "Deey" Schedules posted in College Halls, Post The Wilson Studio Rein, sergeant at arms. Officeand Dean's Office. International made-to-measure Westminster, Md. These officers took charge of the Suits meeting. Mr. Warren thanked the so- Phone 267 or 173 ciety for the honor it had bestowed up- on him and said he would do his best to Just an Old Fashioned havc fine programs during the second Westminster Savings Bank term. Smith « Reifsnider fmrrry illqri.atma.a The remainder of the program was Capital $50,000.00 as follows: Westmiuster, Md. Surplus "Earned" 350,000.00 ~ FROM- Kwips and Kranks, H. Smith; Cur- Lumber, Building Supplies a.nd Coal GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE rent Events, Dawson; "The Charm in F. THOS. BABYLON, President. a Novel, W. Bell. Sash, Doors, Blinds and General Mill MIL'l'ON P. MYERS, Viee Pres. SODA CANDY TOBACCOS The debaters were given a vote of Work JACOB H. HANDLEY, Treasurer. thanks for their work in the inter-so- Hoi :Coasted Sandwiches clety debate. Roofing Ma.terials Security Savings Service
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