Page 46 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. lIiarirly A REVIEW OF BOOKS, I 1\1l inu 1!iikr lit II 1__ lI_U_l_rr_:_rn_~_~r_g_ia_lr_J PLAYS AND LIFE Sketches of "Philo" and Browning CHRISTMAS "THIS NEW SEX" as they were in the "good-old·days." we celebrate the year's MINUTES OF B. L. S. Some promineut persons use a term season, and one in which, Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during or magnaine The Brownings assembled at the usual more than nny other, there is almost uni· which the seademie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, in au address article and jus- time; but they Ill! seemed to be in for versal participation. It is a greet-see- Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. mayor may The not rest be Ilppropriato world are at- enjoying themseh'es while they eoutd, son; one which thrills us all at the very tifiable. of the Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year trocted by the eatehiness of the term and it WIlS some time before the Presi- thought of its meaning; one whose spb-it and use it continually regardless of dent could minutes restore of last order. 'I'he roll was is welcomed by all. read called, and meetiug whether there is a fair reason for its Christmas is a joyous time. Its hum- MANAGING STAli'F usc. It is just as probable that the or· adopted. We wer-e then favored witlllln ble origin has been responsible for a unusually good programme, the young great tecung among men of Illany lands. .. ... Casper P. Hart, '29 iginator of the expression, "this new ladies performing their duties very well. The approach of the Christmas season sex," uacd it IlS a compliment; but now, Managing Editor .... .Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 without, I feel, sufficient justification, '.rhe library was opened, after which the causes us to come to a renlisation of its informer! Asst. Managing Editor ... .. Edwin Warfield, '29 tho term, in the minds of the majority President the members ought us that to bring she thought splendor. We enn not help but feel a book all sacred Business Manager .. . Paul Bates, '31 of people, has a definitely disparaging back with them next yellr for the society. anew that steering love wheel which of has the been world a veritnble This Asst. Business Manager .... J. Hammett Simms, '29 meaning. now sex been defined as a meeting, was a put very to vote and carried. and The I during these countless ages. This one, interesting 'I'here Advertising Manager . .... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 group of individuals who, although wo think it was enjoyed very much by the C1,ristm3S, is an evident us newness created by fit- it seems to quite and men by birth, not only despise the nat- Circulation Manager . ...... Roy L. Robertson, '29 usually sedate Brownings for everyone ting that this season should be closely ural tasks of women but also strive to tried to see who could make the most followed by the dawn of a. new year. James A. Stach, '30 assume the natural tasks of men. Of noise. The Society adjourned to meet The new year always holds freshness and Asst. Circulation Managers .. { Thomas Braun, '30 course, the first question that comes to tho following wedncedey, )fay 12, 1880. If comes at a time when we have become Leslie Grover, '30 the mind of anyone interested is: what Secretary. inebriated with a new inward feeling, nre the natural tasks of men and of wo Art Editor ..... . "Pete" Gomsak, 'SO men' We, who are interested, arc and are cousequently fresh for another apparently pre- Sports Editor .. ............ L. G. Ekaitis, '31 laughed at nnd informed in a most een- .\. eriticisnl of a Browning meeting, stnrt. us Christmas our entrance upon helps the rond pare for descending manner that from the begin- Jnnuary 9, 1884.. era. another REPORTORIAL S~'AFF ning of time woman's tllsk was to rear The first duty on tho programme wllS of -c-Raudolpb-Macon "Yellow Jacket." :1 fnmily aud man's to provide a living U rCl\ding Miss Thompson, but as she News Editors for that family. But we learn ill social wo had not the pleasnre of wosrom W. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Martlguom, '29 science that in the first forms of a her melodious voice. The Bucknell and Maryland extends its to warmest both Gettysburg family the father was subordinate, and was to have been a rehellrSal by Associate Editors that, although later he became supreme, Miss Bell, but Lula was excused from and IllOst sincere congratulations for Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin M. Seitz, '29 "he spent his energies in warfare, while coming into the meetiug, as she thought their -espcettve victories over the Oxford Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 the woman built the home, tilled the she would "grow" a little more if she University debating team. out Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 dcmeatiented the wild beasts, in· stayed window. and 'l'he walked third up was, and down rather past The of Christmas time is all his or the firat tools, cooked the first Reporters food, made the first garments, created ought to have been an essay by Miss land, the blessed, holy peace Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 the ~rts of peaee.?" From all or which Edelin, but as she WIlS unaware that one that engcts first sang over the far- Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 it would appear that it was nothing new had been assigned to her, after it had off hills of Judea und which has echoed Helen G. Dennis, '29 C. E. Funk, '29 for women to be engaged in tasks that been announced for two weeks, I think and re·('chocd with renewed strength Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson W. Day, '31 Ilrenoll'considcredasinnwn'sulltural that her cars ueed a good long pull or throngh each succeeding year .. -was Thelma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 sph('res. "poole." The next a reading by Let us do away with strife at this sea- Elizabeth Clough, '30 Clarence W. Koochogcy, '32 ]gnoring original eustoms and conaid· )Iiss Trumbo, entitled "Bombnstic De· son. Now is the time to speak kindly Dorothy Johnson, '29 Branch Pllillips, '30 ering historic times, we cal' find, all scriptions of n Midnight Murder." 'rhia words. Let HS not (,arry into the new Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. BeH, '30 through history, inddellces where wo was the first (luty which was performed, year the enmities of the old. Let not Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 lllellll''''C been occupied with the tasks and only it was think done she I'ery mllst creditably heeu to Ada, a thehnrsh heavrnly notes song of eonteution ... come into peace ha"e of I in the ofmrn. hurry to finish as she read very swift· Today, when the earth is wrapped ill In affairs of State and of war, spheres Iy. }'olJowing was a rehearsal by this beautifnl Illllntle of peace, when it Worthy opinion; Model management~· Correct news. Of:lcti\·egenerllllyeonsideredtobees· Miss }'orrest. It was performed very is enfolding the world and biuding men of Il. masculine nllture, we nrc but as she did not know the subject Ilnd women more closely in a brother- Jlluch by tho mnny exampl('s, lam sure I do not either. After hood of 10"e and service, when its intlu- we find of competent rulers and army this came al\ eSSllY by Miss Edwnrds, enee is filling all hearts Ilnd leading E-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI offkers wl,o are women. Queen Vietorill entitled "The Oak Tr('e." She seemed them to ways of happiness, let each one Ilnd Queen Elizabeth of Bngland, Dido, to be well \"Craed on this aubjeet, and it of us pray anrt hope that this beautiful Ilnd Lucrczia Borgia are connete aud suggests to us thllt ISne may know n great spirit of peaee shall endure long dter THE CHRISTMAS' SPIRIT "bridge bet,,~en two eultures" lind as fuiuous illustrlltiolls of feminine rulers. such will do far more towards un under· Bona Lombardi, who was a most eour· deal Ilbout other 6ubjects for essay~, tile Christmas time is past nnd goue. A t this season of the year we are cele· standing than will trenties And officir11 ageous Ilnd ingenioua general in the which she may hu,'e the honor of ha"ing -The !Jaryl'lnd Bulletin. brating the birth of the most bcloved visits, assigned to her. We all enjoy('d thc next Venetiau nrm~', is one of the women of rrading, "'I'he Old Deacon's Lament," The "Gold Bug" wishes to ench aud },Ian of histoQ·. We are imbu('d with the Middle Ages who successfully lead Mis8 Joncs, but we could not hclp e\"Cry one of its mnny collegiate friends that feding of kindness and toleration HITCH·HIKING Ilnd commanded thOIlSllnds of mcn. her beaming smile when the the merriest of C1lristlllllses nnd the hap· so perfectly eJ
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