Page 49 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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GOt rmST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS BEGINS BEGINS WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JAN. 24. JANUARY SO. Vol. 6, No. 13 January 17, 1929 JOINT "Y" CONFERENCE STUDENT BODY SADDENED UPON COLLEGE OALENDAB EXAMINATION SCHEDULE HEARING OFTHE UNTIMELY DEATH TO BE HELD HERE IN FEB. OF ELIZABETH GILLELAN. '30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1929 First Semester..·1928-1929 The many friends of Miss Elizabeth Senior Speech Recital. Smith Hall, OVER 125 DELEGATES EXPECTED 1.30. Ohler Gillelan were shocked to hear of THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 her death of double pneumonia, on Janu SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1929 A conference of delegates from the Y. ary 4. Miss Gillelan had been ill but Boxing, Western Maryland va. Vir· AfternoQn M. and Y. W. Christian Associations of three adya. ITer death leaves a gap in ginia Military Institute, Leung Bible 1 Biology 3 the colleges and univeraitica in the Mid- the junior class of Western Maryland ton, va. --Siology 1 Chemistry 1 die Atlantic States (comprising Mary· Collegc which will not be filled quickly. MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1929 French 9 Chemistry 3 land, Delaware, Washington and part of During the two and a half years she Women's Literary Scetettes, 6.30 Horne Economics 11 Chemistry 11 Pennsylvania) will be held at Western had spent at Western Maryland Home Economics 19 English 7& her Maryland College from February 8th to charming personality and pleasant dis- P. M. Societies, 7.00 P. Military Science 5 Greek 1 Men-s Literary the 10th. position had impressed her many fricnds M. Military Science 7 Greek 3 This is the second time in the past Physics 3 History 3 four years that a Y. conference has held and acquaintances. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1929 Social Science 3 Latin A activities to her college In addition its sessions here. The general confer- Miss Gillelan was a most active worker Freshman Preps basketball, Mt. Mary- St. Mary's ve. Western ference program is in charge of the C. in the Grace Lutheran Church, of whieh land College Freshmen, preliminary C. A., which is a "Council of Christian she was a member. She held the office of game, 7.30 P. M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 Associations" with representatives from vicc-presldent of the Chri3tilln Endeav- Varsity basketball, Mt. St. Mary's .Yonling Afterno01l, each association of tbe area. Mr. Paul or society. Eduentdon 3 Biology 5 L. Howard and Miss Ruth Staley arc Miss Gillelun ts parents were the late ve. Western MaryJand College, 8.30 -English 1 Biology 9 council members from Western Mary· Mr_ and Mrs. Lawrence Gillelan, who P. M. English 3 English 5b land. No definite arrangements have died during the influenza epidemic of WEDNESDAY, JANUAH.Y 23, 1929 German 3 elnsaieal English 13 yet been made for leaders for the con· 1918. Since that time she had made her Y. IV. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. meet- German 3 scientific Home Economics 13 ference. The general plan of it, howev· home with her grandfather, George W. ings, 6.30 P. M. Home Economies 21 Latin 3 er. will be that followed at Hood College Albaugh. In addition to her grandfath- THURSDAY, JANUARY 24., 1929 Psychology 1 Mathematics 1 in 1926 when W. M. had about 13 dele- cr she is survived by two younger sisters. F'Irst Semester Examinations begin Spanish 3 Mathematies la gates. There it was divided into groups The funeral services took place Sunday 8.35 A. M. Mathematics 5 witb sepnrn.te subjects and leaders who at the home of her grandfather on Long- Varsity Basketball, St. John '8 VB. led the discussion and who had their sub well avenue. 'Phe Rev. John B. Rupley, Western Maryland College, 8.30 P. ject reported on in open forum later. pastor of the Grace Lutheran church, M., Carlin's Park. SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 At the last conference held here one read the impressive funeral liturgy of MO'f1J.i'!J.g AftlJT1W01I, of the outstanding speakers was the the Lutheran church. Prayer was of- History 5 no». J. Stitt Wilson of Berkely, Cal. fered by the Rev. Dr. Edward Hayes of DR. E. C. MAKOSKY GIVES History 1 There will probably be a group of 125 the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Physics 1 Con.B.iets to 150 men and women at this confer- concluded SERMONIN BAKER CHAPEL Physics 5 church. The services were at the Westminster Cemetery. The pall Social Science 1 bearers were William Mather, III, Rich Dr. E. C. Makosky, president of the WANDERING POET VISITS ard Weagly, Lee Bowers, G. Edmund Maryland Conference of the Methodist MONDAY, JANUARY 28 CAMPUS Shriver, Earl Lippy, Hess Belt, and Al Protestant Church, preached the opening bert Reed. --- aennoa of the new year ill Baker Chapel, MMning Shortly before the holidays, the earn- Sunday evening, January 13. As his Education 5 Education 1 pus received a yjsit f ......-n a w>I!'rleri"'g ENTERTAINING SOOIAL trxt he ~hose ActoS21, 37-"D
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