Page 43 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS I Boxing Practice Begins! I SPORTS I FROSH WIN OVER SOPHS WESTERN GAME MD. IS ARUNDEL CLUB SEVENTEEN GAMES LISTED TERROR BOOTERS FINISH MOST LOSS OF McROBIE FELT IN DEFEATED WITH NET ENDS SUCCESSFUL SEASON FOR BASKETBALL SEASON SUOOESSFUL SEASON BY HARLOW'S MITTMEN Club, The Westcru Baltimore, Arundle sank Boat the netmen ehampions of Soccer at Western Maryland has made of SCORE A TOTAL OF 75 POINTS Maryland Thursday night in the opening Seventeen games have been scheduled rapid progress since it was started six NEW MEN OUT FOR PRACTICE game of the season in State Armory, for the Western Maryland basketball years ago. This season has been the Barney Bpeir ts Baby Terrors completed 3~-15. team for the 1[128·1929 season. Seven most successful, there being only one a successful season with their defeat of The Baltimoreans got oil' to a good games will be played at llome and the loss the entire season. That defeat was The loss of Ray McRobie, varsity 175 the Sophomore team on December 3. start and were never headed. The score remainder away according to the ached- to Army, which is rated as the best pound boxer last year, is bound to be of They won thrce out of the five Inter-col- at half time was 22·8. ule released Monday afternoon by the team in the East. Great credit mnst be deep concern to Coach Dick Harlow this legiate games played, scoring a total of The Western Marylanders, led by Graduate Manager of Athletics, H. B. to the entire squad for their per- season, for such was indicated in the 75 points against the 41 scored by their "s. Western W. M. DEFEATS LAFAYETTE IN minster. (Continued on Page Fonr) dates report, the squad now numbering l\:[nryJ.1ndsetto proved that West· IS-BlICk-neIl Uni'l1ersity.,West· RETURN GAME HERE ern Maryland has State's strongest butJ5. To the aspiring new men reporting, February J5-Univer8Lly of MorylMld, 26-Gcllysburg College, Wcst- the Terror mitt mentor has pointed out Western Maryland's return game with With its superstars, Greasy Neal, College Park. the Lafayette booters resulted in another Shorty I,aug aud Charley Ha\'eus, as February College, Westm-in February. 28-University of Ba,/timore, that practically all the men who were on represent "~~~:, \'ictory for the Terror team. well as Machamer, Roy Chambers and J9-Loyola Baltimore. the W. M. team last year had never The game opened with Western Mary boxed before, thus showing the ample others, not allowed to play-by a special 23-St. J07m's College, 4n March 2-Molll1t Samt Mary's Co1lege, opportunity for an nnknown eandidllte land taking the offensive. The first arrangement under which this game was Emmitsburg. to make the varsity. is credited to Hart, who shot the scheduled-a team improvised for this into .the net during the first few weakened by the abseuce from minutes of the game. The quarter ended its of its superstars; a team with the advautage going to tile Terrors. whose line·up that day no more re· The next qnarter opened with both teams sembled t.he Terrors' real varsit.y ele\'cn determined to scere. Lafayette'S line than a Maryland team minus Crothers, succeeded in taking the ball down to our -'lleDouald, Suyder and Hoberts would goal, bnt werc blocked before they conld resemble the 'ferrapins' regular team~ kick the bail into tIle net. The :Mary· on the field to West· land backs drOl'e the ball into centa field, where a lh'ely struggle followed for Although nosed out by a single tOllch its possession. By e1ever dribbling and Western g~."fE~'ov.a Seal ~ passing the 'ferror line succeeded in driving the ball into the opponents' ter and llis teammates, who ritory. The first lwlf ended with the first downs through the 'l'errors booters the :Maroon. patched line, while the Westcrn Noble's kick in Maryland Gifts llar~'land backfield, without ~eal, Long Maryland their second and Chambers, for the last three quar Noble's kick was the r€sult of a pass ters of the game tore greatholcs through from Cllpt. Beauchamp, who lmd drib· ).laryland's strong line, gained 14 first bled the ball down the field. At our sec downs aud retained possession of the oud point Lafllyet!.e's team fought ail ball almost continuously in the slwdow GIVE HER GIVE HIM the harder, but were nnable to score the remainder of the quarter. Lafayette's of lIlaryland's goal. single point WIlS m1'dc. from scrimmage Kot e,·en tho most ardent Uni\'ersity Book Ends Desk Sets during the last quarter. The Mareon of ).l::tryland fan likes to fancy what Letter Files Cigarette Lighters booters were the aggressors and out· would hare happened had the regular Blotter Pads Cigarette Cases played our men in this quarter. Terror lineup opposed Maryland that at Oollege Park. Paper Knives Cigarette Humidors Line·up: the conquerors of Yale were Lafayette w. M. C. to play St. John's with the lat Paper Weights Ash Trays Lombard G. n"y Sonthern Conference eligi Knives Haiaes L.F. Smith rules as did Westeru Mnryland, Bracelets Baer R.F. Hastings would happen' ~hen, too, did not Charms the Terrors challenge St. John's for a Rings MaeAbee R.H.B. Trunda Military Sets past-season game' Klotz C. IT. ll. Willis Compacts Mnrylnnd deserves the titular crown; Pen and Pencil Sets Lowe L.H.ll. Trice Shellenberger O.R. Long West~rn Maryland recognition as the Pennants Writing Set Berkowitz LR. Hart State's strollgest team. Bar Pins Adams I.L. Noble The Western 1furyland supporter puts Bill Folds ITahn O.T,. Holland .'l. strong Ilrgument, even a St. Potter (CIlPt.) C.F. Beauchamp alumnus will admit. As for the Perfumizers Keytainers (Capt.) conductor of this colUmn, he is Letter Carriers neutral. He did not attend any of Toilet Sets Score by quarters: sehoolsin\·olved.-The Sun. Perfume Lamps Leather Goods W. M. C.. 0~2 Editor's Note: The preceding article Lafayette 1-1 was written by Chlnles E. 1f1lylau, an alumnus of the class of '17. Mr. ],[ay Substitutions: W. 11. C., Flater for lau is a Baltimore attorney. Hart. Referee: Weigle. Time of qnar· ters: 18 minutes. Goals: Hart, Noble. I SCHUYLKILL ELEVEN HONORS BOXING DOPE HARLOW'S TERRORS Started Saturday. The lettcr men of Schulykill Col In 1 - 2 - 3 and 5 lb. Packages Held short practice. Pennsyll-ania, ,"oted All of last year's letter men out. Coach Dick Hal Quite a few uew candidates. low's Green Terrors were the best ),lore, welcome! ele\'en that faced them this season. Practice started in earn€st 0]1 110n· This is a fine tribnte to the local BONSACKS dllY· cleven. When the fan looks back First meet Jamary 12th. over the Sdmylkill schedule for 1928 Four days after Holidays are over. .~nd s~s there the names of Bucknell Have another long schedule. University and Temple University Some of the finest colleges iu the East this is the only eonclusion that can and South. be reached. Go get them, Boxers I
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