Page 40 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. mlnnn, mluh, ntt~ ~nrtdy mnittgn IInrlll N~UHl 1jfnpprttittgn Amnttg tQr Alumtti Edited by Belen Wheeler SHAKESPEARE CLUB DELTA SIGMA KAPPA England does love ita king. In view Mrs. Herbert Stephens, formerly Seen 011 the Hill in the last few of past troubles with various monarchs Elizabeth Davis '28, was married De- weeks were the following: Briscoe one wonders that the English people still Seits '28, Sam Bryant '28, Gertrude The Shakespeare Club will meet Wed Tho Misses Clough, Staley, and Wil- retain, not only the king himself, hut cember first in Towson at the Episcopal nesday, December 12, in MjDaniel Hall liams entertained Delta Sigma Kappa also their love and loyalty towards him. church to Herbert Stephens, Bon of Dr. Raneke '28, Ruth Benson, Ginny Hun- parlor, a.t 8:00 P. M. The usual dis- at a tea on Thursday afternoon, Novem- The serious illness of George V has H. T. Stephens, of Western Maryland ter, Mary Warfield '25, Leola Kolb '28, cussion will be replaced by a program bel' 22. called forth the greatest anxiety and College. Mrs. F. M. Black (nee F. Massey), of entertainment, in accordance with concern from the English people and Ross Lawson, Ruth Harryman, Pauline the holiday aeaaon. w.w. press. Crowds surround the palace, 'Phe following alumni were present at Chambers, Gladys Benson, Betty Defl'en- waiting eagerly for physicians' bulletins a luncheon held the other day on the baugh, Velma Richmond, Hilda Bloom- quist and Owen Stone, Mary Dryden, The W. W. Club takes great pleasure concerning the condition of the king, hill; Mercedes Bowman (nee Allen), Y.W.C.A. and every evidence of sympathy and eon- now Mrs. Donald Bowman, who was tho Jimmy Lusby, Elsie Held, Mr. and Mrs. in announcing that Miss Isabel Doug- O. L. Morris. There were IL number of las, Miss A.una May Gallion, Miss Helen cern is given. guest of honor, Mrs. Ralph Cover (nee Catherine Read had charge of the Perhaps George V, by what he has Anna Fisher '10), Esther Kauffman W. W. alumni back for initiation. Kil- Thanksgiving program in the Y. W. C. Harry, Miss Catherine Hobby, Mis~ done and by his personal qualities, has ly Close ee-as, Maude Brown '27, Hel· A., given on Wednesday evening, Nov- Margaret Hoffman, Miss Edith Kin· aroused this love in his subjects. (Brown) '11, Mrs. C. Allgire '11, Miss en Stone Holt, Helen Baker, Billie Be- ember 28. After a special Thanksgiv- kead, Miss Hannah Mace, Miss Victoria But we are moro to think that it R. Elderdiee. vllrd, Marv Warfield. Smith, Miss Dorothyc Todd, and Miss ing scripture reading by Dorothy Tim- Dorothy Wheeler have been accepted is in great part custom and tradition, mons, Frances Raughley gave a short working powerfully in a naturally con- talk about Thanksgiving Day or days into full membership. servative people. TERRORS TAKE REVENGE ON College Tea Room which correspond to it, in other coun- MUHLENBERG ELEVEN tries. Ruth Gleiehman, accompanied by WEBSTER LITERARY SOOIETY HOME COOKING Niln Wallace, played a vio1in solo; after Tennyson is a name familiar to most (Continued from Pago Three) which Virginia Merrill read two The weekly meeting of tho Webster people. But we wonder just how many Open Until 10 P. M. Tlmnksgiving poems. Thelma Reid, in Literary Society was held in Webster knew anything of Lord Hallam Tenny. ing the ball to the 6·yard line, from a few minutes talk, told about the ori- Hall on Nov. 26. son, the son of the great Victorian poet. where Greasy took it over. Greasy went gin and growth of Thanksgiving Day 'I'he first number on the program was And yet his achlevementa were not of the through the eentero£ the line for 20 in our own country. The meeting closed a piano 8010 by Mr. Forlinos entitled least. Educated in the law he early yards /lnd the final touchdown. This T.W. Mather « Sons with a Thanksgiving prayer by Franeea "Song of the Traveller". showed his probably inherited bent for ended the scoring at 59-0. Ward. After this a study of some of the the literary. He has contributed to Greasy, Shorty and Pete gave 118fine modern poets was held. The members written several biographies an exhibition. of ball carrying as has gave a short talk on the lives of the of fnmoue father, besides editing the been seen, making gains up to 20 yards Westminster's Leading Store BROWNING authors and read some of their poems. sonnets and lyrics of his uncle, Charles at a smash. Greasy's running was typi- The poets studied were: Carl Sandberg, Tennyson Turncr. Baron Tennyson also cal of him. He is certainly an exceeding- Members and visitors in Browning H. Brown; Joyce Kilmer, 'Watkins; T. lYns Governor and Commander·in·Chief Hall on November 26, were taken into A. Daly, Rein; Walter de Ia Mare, H. of Australia from 1899 to a poet- ly hurd man to down. Over 38 Years of Square Dealing a Now England town whero they lis- D. Smith; Vochel Lindsay, Kooekogey. tion of great importance, and be- weatcm Maryland Muhlenberg tened to an old town meeting held by came Governor General of the Common- Bates L.E. Evans the pilgrims of Plymouth. The speeches :Mr.McGowan entertained the society wealth of Australia. Wilker L. T. Pokorney SILVERWARE made by the various men of the council with several vocal' solos, accompanying Baron Tennyson died recently, his son Machamer L.G. Jacob WATCHES (Virginia Holland, Betty Brittinghan::, himself with his banjo. and heir being Lionel Tennyson, a noted Ellen Garcelcn, and Altie Brady) were At the meeting held in Webster Hall cricketer and World War hero. It may Havens C. (Capt.) Chapman A. H. Felling Company all satirical in nature. These disserta- on December 3, ther was an election of be that we shall hear some day from the VanBuren R. C. E. Minka tions on the length of the women's officers for the second team. They will son, even as from father and grandfath- o 'Lear nr. A. Minka MANUI' ACTURING JEWELERS skirts; on the hour that the young be installed at the meeting on Decem- er. Clark R.E. Weiner 314 Charles St., North swains of the village called on the ber 10. The result of the election was Neal (Capt.) Q.B. Weber young damsels; on the political ideas of as follows: TEMPLE-WESTERN MARYLAND Borelli Baltimore, Maryland the day, were immensely enjoyed. Af- W. Warren, presidont; C. Holland, R.H. ter the mel!'ting was closed by the gov- viee-persident ; J. Newcomer, secretary; GAME NEXT YEAR CARDED Long L.H. Gerber CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS ernor (Isabelle Douglas) the pilgrims W. V. Bell, treasurer; W. G. Eaton, FOR BALTIMORE Gomsnk F.B. Paschal trooped home to a bountiful feast whieh critic; D. Raynor, chaplain; 'V. C. Rein, Western Maryland 14 14 12 19-59 they shared with their red-skin friends sergeant-at-arms; P. Hownrd, 1st au- The 1929 Temple University-Western Muhlenberg 0 0 o 0-- 0 ---- (members and visitors in Browning). ditor; H. O. Smith, 2nd auditor; G. Sal· 'Maryland College football game will be Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr The feast consisted of spice cake and ter, 3rd auditor. played at Baltimore, the Graduate Man- Substitutions: 1V. M., Smith .for hot coeoa, and there is no doubt about ager of Athletics, H. B. Speir, announc- Dates, Pelton for Smith, Roaeh for Van The Newest and Best Clothing and the fact that both tlw pilgrims and IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY ed Monday afternoon. The eontracting Buren, Bates fer Pelton, Smith for their friends were thankful for the of this game will bring the Terrors into Clark, Downer for Wilker, Klepacz for Furnishings Ekllitis, Lawrence for Long, Chambeu Baltimere four times next year, games plentiful refreshments. Irving had its brief weekly meeting. having been arranged with St. John's for Gomsak, Kollout for a 'LEar, Weis Monday night, November 26, 1928, at and Loyola Colleges, the Univer~ity of beck for Machamer. Muhlenberg, Ger· Goods for young men 7 P. M. President Roby Day called the Maryland, besides Temple, in the City Derd for Wcimes, Batalin for Borelli, PHILO meeting to order, then Mr. Tuckerman or Monuments. Kimblc for Paschal, Ruglio for Evans, 10 pOl' cent off to college students lead the society in prayer. Mr. Caple~ 'fhomas fer E. Minka, Alexy for Chap· At tho meeting of Decembor 3, the gavo a very informative talk on the man, Ulrich for Wilmer, Witmer for Freshmen girls of Philo, with all duo "Significanco of Thankagiving". No Judas Kissss.-At tho Jefferson Weber, Viana for A. Minka. Touch- respect to tho Sophomores, showed the Monday night, Decembn 3, Irving you are served with friendly, smiling dOll'll, Neal (3); Long (3) i Gomsak Humbert's rest. of the society what happened to had an especially interesting program. courte&y, a genuine interest in your (2); IIavena (1). Points after touch· thorn during Freshman rules. lIIr. Murchison offered a short prayer, satisfaction and well·being without any dowlls, Long (4); Neal (1). Referee, A group of Freshies, obeying their then Mr. DeHaven gave a 8110rt talk annoying pomp or fictitious affection. J. R. 'l'rimble; umpire, R. H. Sangree; rules, were ordered about by 80me on "What is Wrong with Society'" A -Cafeteria ad in a Missouri paper. hend linesman, J. E. Keady. (forlllCl'ly Shipley's at the Forks) Sophomores in Buzzards Roost. In re- debate: "Resolved, that the student sponse to orders Winifred Bush sang a government should be abolished," fol· Westminster News Company solo and Dorothy Ackerman played a lowed. Mr. Hickel upheld the affirma- EVERHART piano solo. Rebecca Shockley did llcr ti"e, and Mr. Sterling, tile negative. A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner duty by rendering a number on the vio- Both mon spoke extemporaneously, but BARBER and BOBBER WE HANDLE THE For Things to Please Your Palate lin, after which Marion Humphreys showed real ability as fast thinkers, and 'l'he Forks danced. The Sophomores, still not sat- presented convincing arguments. The At BALTIMORE SUN isiled with their entertainment, do- Judges awarded tIle decision to the manded a debate. Catherine Hitchens negatin. Mr. Oravetz made a plea for Havo Your Shoes Repaired at the and Elizabeth Rowe argued upon the more spirit and interest in the society College Shop D. S. GEHR Phone 324 weighty question: Resolved, that there by the members. Mr. Oravetz has the Chas. Kroop shonld be traffic rules for the fish in distinction of having brought more the Pacific Ocean. The SopllOmoresde· members into Irving Literary Society 25 E. Main St. (Established 1866) cided that the debate was far from en' than any otl,er member. The meeting W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. Wholesale and Retail tert.aining and consequently made Alice was adjourned by prayer by thc chap· Distinctive Printing Evans give a divorting talk on "It.", lain, Mr. Day. TI,ree new members were King's Pharmacy HARDWARE after which the Freslties wero dis· taken into the Fellowship of the so- -- missed. ciety, Messrs. Trunda, Huff, and Roby. 'fHE REXALL STORE Phone 318 PERSONAL STATIONERY ANNOUNCEMENTS 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md. NAME CARDS DR. O. E. FORELINES SPEAKS IN individual life while it is changing. PROGRAMS CHAPEL This something, Dr. Forelines called MENUS personality. Scicntish t.ell us that even Babylon & Lippy Company NOTES thc earth is in a lJroeess of change-·- Somebody, Somewhere, Wants Your (Continned from Page One) By a 'fooling out!' The world, they tell us, "LORSHEIM SHOES is doomed to havo an end. "WESTERN MARYLAND" thing but God' Earthly relationships 'rile speaker, quoting Micllll;CIFara· Photograph S1'ETSON HATS PRINTERS should not stand between self and day, stated that the great scientist -- Diety. Business may hinder our rela· lacked only one thing, which was -- tionships with God; it may 'choke out Times Printing Co. the grain'. "It is folly," said tho 'time'. He longed to purchase 'idle The Wilson Studio International made-to-measure speaker, to plan the ways of tho world hours' from men who were squandering Wostminster, Md. Queen Elizabeth was quoted as hav- it. above the ways of God, for fashion pas· ing said as she lay in her death·cham- Suits seth away.' As an example to prove ber, "All my possessions for a moments this statement, Dr. Forolines told o.f time." the evolutionary process of transporta- I Customer tion during the brief span of his per- Dr. Forelines offered some suggestions Westminster Savings Bank WOULD C"U"8-A of sonal life. There was the ox cart, the as to how to get more timo out of our Capital $50,000.00 LIKE buggy, the bicycle; and now there is the momenta. First, he said, we sbould dis- TO Mine automobile, the airplane. History, he criminate; we should elect, by selecting Surplus "Earned" 350,000.00 explained, is a change. 'fhe ttarth is tIle grnin from the chaff. Then we only a 'visiting place', not an 'abiding should focus our abilities upon our life F. THOS. BABYLON, President. GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE place'. A lite upon earth he stated as objections. Finally, we should utilize MILTON P. MYERS, Vice Pres. SODA CANDY TOBACCOS being merely a fractional link in the the time we have; we should budget JACOB H. HANDLEY, Treasurer. change of History. our momeuts, thus preventing procras· Hot :Coasted SandWiches There is something abidillg in the tinll-tion from being 'the thief of time'. Security Service
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