Page 47 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ BasKetball Season On! \SPORTSi Coach Harlow Chooses An BOXING DOPE Four Terrors on the Baltimore the All-Opponent Football Team "Gym" is just the boxers working out. Sun's All-Maryland Grid Team That big cloud of dust around on T"m by NAVY BASKETEERS PROVE Plenty of activity the past two 'ncee T.mpI~: ;;:::~ weeks. been away on 11 hunting TERRORCOURTMEN DEFEAT Neal, Clark, Havens and Van Buren Dick haa Are Awarded the Positions Coach TOO SPEEDY FOR W. M. trip. Following tho ,"""I custom NEW PYTHIAN QUINT Harlow has picked an All-Opponent But Havens has carried on very well. Four Western Maryland Terrors were team. On this team are three men from By piling up 11 21 point lead or as Stiff competition for all the eieeeee. picked by W. Wilson Wingato of the Comiug out of a three·game losing Especially in the heavyweigb t divi- Templc University, two each from many points as the entire Western sions. streak, the Western Maryland Collcge Baltimoro SUll as leading players in Schuylkill, Maryland and Gettyshnrg, Maryland team scored during the whole basketball team hit their stride and de- their respective poaittona this year. and aile each from Mount Saint Mary'S game, the Navy basketeers handed tho Just three days to practice before the Lyal Clark, Charles Havens, Robert van and Dickinson. local eourtmen their third consecutive first meet witll V. M.!. tented Ule newly·formed Knights of Py· Buren, and Orville Neal are the Ter- Marcus of Temple and Edward Bya- defeat of the season. Tho Terror quint After the Holidays. thias quint 36·1~. rors sclectcd. In the nbsence of "OUs" cavage of Mount Saint Mary'S are played without the services of "Mose" Speir changed the line·up. Broll, coach Only one position required much He moved barred because of the- three year eligi- BOXERS PRACTICE DAILY awarded the end positions. Mareus was Machamer and "OUs" Broil, who were Bob Van Buren to forward, Mose Mach- thought this year. That was the left offensively and defenSively the best end allier to guard and put Wilker in to end. Here was a close eall between Ed- encountered. Marcus received several bility rule. jump .:enter. How effeetil'e this chnnge ward Ryscuvage of Mount Saint Mary's forward Rasses for good gains and Navy sent its first team in for ten FOR POST· YULE MEETS was is shown by the score .. Bobby and Frunk Smith of St. John's. Bye- boxed the Western Maryland tackles minutes of the first half the locals simp- found the range in the second half and cavage's alertness on the offensil'e and well. On the defense he stepped plays ly could not stop Capt. Miller, Farrill! Boxing is under way with the scored four more points than the entire ability to get down under punts rates around his end all afternoon. He also and Coltstock. This trio seemed unable "Synagogue" a bee-hive of activity. Pythian outfit. These three mcu were him over Smith, who is given left end was down under punts and made nice to miss at any distanee. Ccaeh Dick Harlow has had the Terror supported well by Charlie Havens and on the second team. The other' first tackles. ITe is therefore awarded left The Sailors scored from tip-off plays, mittmen working out daily in attempt- Captain "AI" Smith, who played fine ~ealll birth is won by Lyal Clark, who end. and throw-ins-both from the side and ing to attain a bit of condition tho floor games. for three years has been the outstnnd- Ryscavnge'a work against Western from the end. The Terrors could not' boys may be able to hold over the holi- "Cap" Weigle, ex-Terror basketeer, ing All-Maryland end. Heagy of Mary- Maryland was very good. He boxed the speed and markmanahlp of days. was the star of the fraternity five. land and Bntes of Westem Maryland are the opposing tackles well; on the de- the Tan and were far behind, 3:!·5, at The Terror mentor is arlttflu worried by hlS flne vguarding, kept the in line for the other second Mring end. renee also he was very good. He was halftime. over tlle first meet with V. ].f. 1. Just score going higher. "Josh" Dit Heagy is awarded this position beca.use down under kicks and his tackling was Conch Johnny Wilson then started his four days to get in eoudit ion for it and man, reputed to be one of the best een- of his experience. "fierce and sure. He was also a ball ihird team and frum then on the Terrors with turkey, chicken, pies (lnd every' ters of Marvland during his four years Healey of Loyola an(l Lombard of llUWk, recovering a fumble on our ewn outbattled the Navy reserves. Wilker thing else in front of them, the boys at Sf. Johu's, was outplayed by Wilk~r. Maryland are the outstanding tackles 10 yard line. So, although not quite as out-jumped Dormin. nrc going to forget these v('ry few days. Wilker $tarte(1 the scoring by butting in :Maryland this year. However the good as Marcus, he is a worthy run- Unn.ble to get the ball from tip off Coach Harlow has been away over the a rehound througll the hoop several min selectien of se.:ond string men is a lit- ning mate and is chosen for right end. and experien~ing a diftkulty of getting week·end and the first of the weck and utes after the game started. "Mose" tle puz~ling. Players to be considered Snyder of Schuylkill and Lombard of rebounds from Van Buren and Wilker Manager Havens has been in charge of then intercepted a pnssllnd dribbled un- ar.:, Kellcr and O'Conner of St. John's, Ma.ryland are the clloices for tackle. and then" AI" Smith began to get the the work·outs. Charlies put the boys der the basket for the second two·point· McDonald of Maryland and O'I_ear an(l Snyder is rated by the local mentor as range and found the hoop from long through their paces like au old-timer. er. Wilk.:r scored again to make the \Vilker, of the Terrors. Keller and Benson s~ore(1 the first Py· score 6·0. the best tackle played against this year. diBtances the big lead was heing stendily The squad has continued intact with thian points witll a field from the side. O'Lear are given the positions. Re eontinually stopped plunges in hi~ .:ut down. no injuries to date of llands and noses. Charlie Ha"cns addcd another point (lnd Crothers of Maryland and Van Bur· sector. IIe is awarded left tackle. Cries of "take 'em out" by the mid- Everyone seems to enjoy the work lind tht'n Engle, Weigle and Brown sank the en of the Terrors were far ahead of any Lombard also ehe.:ked tllC Terrors bucks 6nipmen caused Coach Wilson to send that is usually a sign there will be other pair of guards in the race for at 11is post. Lombard is selected for his first string into the eontest again. none of tllC injnries. ol'al for five points, trying the score 1·7. these positions. On the offense and This is the elosest the fraternity ontfit right taekle. These men again found the range but Callahan is holding down the l1S·1b. enme to the Terrors during the game. the defense they were cream of the Crothers of Maryland and Slimmer could not overcome the big lend estab· position. No one has appeared to .:on The score did not remuin tied long for guards. Pecikonis and Intiere, of of Schuylkill are the pick of the lished by the Terrors in the second llalf. t.est bis holding. Crosby is being given Smith, Wilker unll Vun Buren each net Mouut Saint Mary's and Loyola, respec- guards. Both of these men played fine The local eonrtmen onts.:()red the Na~-y a hard run by Flat('r, Etzler, and a ted a field goul, muking the score 13·7 tively, were two other good guards and defensive games and lead interferonee five which made tbe final srore, couple of others for his varsity posi· atbalftillle. are given the second team assignments. well also. Navy, Western Maryland,'21. tion. Casper Hart has Don Woolley and Brnwn ncttrd f!noth.:r fielo:lgon! for Charlie Havens, captain·elect of the TusselY of Gettysburg is the center. The score: Dennis in line for llis. Di.:kie Norris the Pylhians and the tilt appeured to Terrors, is seleded for the center. Ha· This Bullet stopped gains through his l11Hl George Ekaitis are holding dewn be a close one. \Vilker sauk a fieWgoal vellS is all an All-Maryland team could part of line so well that the Terrors WESTERN )JARYLAND their positions. Klepac, who has shown and a foul; MaehamH and lial'ens a ask for. He has done everything he songht otllCr places in the line to gain. G. F. T. decided impro~'ement over last year, up' field goal eueh before Ditman tossed in has been called to do very profi6ently. \Vearshing of Temple, McMillan of Clark, rf. 3 peared to be a sure 11itfor the 175·lb. a foul for the n~xt Knight point. \ran To select the second team center is dif- Gettysburg, Slivinski of Dickinson, and Keen, If. 0-0 o elass against Willey, Wallacc, and Ko- l~uren then found the basket and tullied ficult. Madigan of Maryland and· Schultz of Temple are given the back- Wilker,c. 3-> 7 hout. The .:ompetition is tense in the twelve out of Ihe sixte('n points scored ncr of St. John's are the leading can- Down· llCavyweight class witll "Jiggs" field posts. Wearshing is a triple Smith, rg. und If. ]~2 13 er, of last year's varsity, Norman Bar- hy his quint during the remainder of the didates. Madigan'S spectacular type of half. Wilker and Smith accounted fur tllreat and how he can pass the Ter· the other four points. Ditlllan srored play earns for him the job. ror cleven will testify. He threw pas- Y1m Buren, 19. 3-5 3 nett and "Tiny" Pincura battling each tne last Pythian point willl his only Greasy Neal of the Terrors and Snitz ses all afternoon and the most of them Han'ns, rg. 1-3 1 other for this position. These three Snyder of Muryland are placed on the wero completed, one for a touchdown. Gomask, rg. 0-0 o have shown plenty of ability and it will field goal. first team as halfbacks. Followers of A good team must have a good passer be yery hard to piek the one who will The score: the gridiron game knew without any and Wearshing gets tIle call. :McMil· Totals 9 !l-10 '27 be given the varsity assignment. WESTERN MARYLAND T. elaboration here the qualities of these Ian of Gettysbnrg is also an excellent NAVY Among tIle otllers out who show prom G. F. 3 two haek.~. They are seleeled as the passer but his running was one of the G. F. llavens,rf. 14 b('st bets and also share the captaincy best the Terrors faced. Slivinski of T. ~SeeCi~rCc~~:p~::~:::\:';~o ~l:aStSl~::;' Van Buren, If. Dickinson earned himself a position on Miller, rio 2-2 10 :?'{cClcllan,Rood, and Hastings. Wilker, c. 11 of tho first team. the team because of his fine bucking. J<'arrin,lf. 13 M,tu'hamer, rg. 0-1 The quarterback position is a.ward- 0-0 His pIa? was very goed. Shultz of Colestock, C. 0-3 8 Smith, 19. (Capt.) 0-0 cd to Dobby Lyons of Jolm's Hopkins. Gomsak, rf. Temple completes tho team. He is al- Bernet, rg. 1-2 the spoUightfor the winners while Van O'Lear, rg. 0-0 For two years the best in this position se an excellent bucker, passelr and A. ).liller, Ig. 1-1 Buren and Broll looked best for the Lyons, having little to work with, ran kicker and is given the fullback posi- D. Bauer, rf. losers. Totals '-5 36 his tcam well. Se.:ond string candi· tion. 0-0 The score: dates are Kessler, Maryland, and Cas- 1-1 The Western Maryla.nd All·Opponent Wickens, If. WESTERN MARYLAND KNIGHTS OJ:' PYTIIIAS F. Team: Allen, rg. 0-2 G. F. T. o Benson, rf. G. 0-0 T. ~~l:artOe~:at~:O~:'~:.!~SSl~:::a;~ve:I::; Marcus L.E. Temple Dormin, ':. 0-1 Keen, rf. 0-0 0-0 with Shorty Long of the Terrors Snyder L.T. Schuyl!r-ill Ctlmpbe)l, Ie. 1-1 1 Clark, rf. 0-0 Brown, If. 1-1 chosen half backs on the second team. Orotllers L.G. Maryland Broil, If. 5-5 II o Ditman, r. 1-3 Long was kept out of the game by in· Weigle, rg. Tussey c. Gettysburg Totals ~9 IIavens, If. 0-0 Bngle,lg. 0-0 2 juries and didn't get going until the Slimmer R.G. Schuylkill Ma.:hamer, e. 1-1 Mancha,lg. 0-0 Lombard R. T. Maryland S.:ore lJy ludves: \Vilker, c. 0-0 Rice,lg. 0-0 Loyola game. Ryseavage R.E. Mt. St. Mary's Navy 32 11-49 Van Buren, rf. 2--4 Spring of St. J olm's and Caplan of \Vearshing Q.B. Temple Western Mnrylund Smith, Ig. 1--4 Totals 2-4 1'2 .Johns Hopkins are the pick of the full· McMillan L.R. Gettysburg Non·seoring Navy substitutes: Frc· Gonlsak, Ig. 0-0 ua('ks. These men are awarded first Sliviuski R.H. Dickinson shoi, Heinhart, Coby, Spring, Lincoln. Seore by.halH!s: and second team assignments. Schultz F.B. Temple Ref.:ree-Day. Umpire-Schmidt. Totals 9-14 23 W. M. C. 13 The Gold Bug congratulates the Ter- K. of P. GEORGETOWN Referee, Speieher,(Blue Ridge). Timer, rors who have made the All.Maryland G. F. T. Seitz. Time of halves, 20 minutes. COACH SPEIR'S TOSSERS LOSE TO ludf for Georgetown, while Broil and ).lessmer, rf. ll-
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