Page 41 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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GOt ANNUAL CHRISTMAS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE, BAKER CHAPEL DINNER, WEDNESDAY SUN., DEC. 16,7:15 P. M. DEC. 19, 6:00 P. M. Vol. 6, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 13, 1928 COLONEL CLARENCE DEEMS TERRORS ARE GUESTS OF WEST- COLLEGE CALENDAR Green Terrors Complete Third MINSTER ROTARY CLUB ADDRESSES ASSEMBLY The Weatmiuster Rotary Club was SA'l'URDAY, DECEMBER 15- Gridiron Season Under Harlow host to the Western Maryland football Varsity soccer, Baltimore Poly vs. SUBJECT IS ROBERT E. LEE teams Wednesday, Deeomber 5th, at the Western Maryland, old athletic New Terror Captain Team Now Holds Enviable Position in Westminster Hotel. Amoug the othl'r field, 2:30 P. M. State Ciroles and Renown in Colonel Clarence Decms addressed the guests were "Bob" Gill, "Bob" Carman, Varsity basketball, weetem Mary· Eastern Circuit student body at the regular Thursday Lou Little, Coach of Georgetown Unt- land VB. Navy, Annapolis, 2:30 P. M. morning lIssembly period last week on versitj-, 'I'ody Riggs, coach of St. .John's, RELATIONS RENEWED WITH OLD the subject of "General Let.' As a Lead- "Dutch" Herman, of Pcnn State, Colonel SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16---- RIVALS er". Last year Colonel Deems spoke Deems, and Arthur ]\falloy, Coach or AnnU1I1Christ mas Service of Sun- before the student body on General 1ft. St. Mary's. day School, Bakor Chap!!l, 7:15 P. That sweeping 59·0 victcry over Grant, and two years ago on Jeanne Pjesident Ward WlIS chairman. Col- M. Muhlenberg, Thanksgiving Day, not on· d'Arc. His interesting lectures on mili- onel Deems was the first speaker of the MONDAY, DECEMBER 17- ly brought ample revenge for last tary leaders have made him well-known evening and then Mr. Harlow iutrc Women's Literary Societies, 6:30 defeat but undoubtedly climaxed to all western Marylanders. duced the above eoaehcs who spoke in P. M. greatest year on the gridiron for Lee had in his veins the blood of their turn. Georgetown and St. Johns Men's Litorary Societies, 7:00 the Terrors of Western Maryland Ool- many famous men, such as George arc opponents on the Terror eebedulc P. M. lege. It brought to a close the third Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and for next year, and both coaches gave TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18- year of football under Coach Dick Har- John Randolph. He was boru in, a intereating speeches. Social Clubs, 7:15 P. M. low, during which period the West- county which was famous historically, sc dans McDaniel minster eleven has gained an enviable namely, Westmoreland, Virginia. As Cercle Prancal in Maryland State circles and a a result he was aristocratic, and DR. LLOYD M. BERTHOLF Hall Parlor, 7:30 P. M. of renown ill the Eastern College cherished a great love for his native WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19- gridiron circuit. During those past state. He is quoted as having said at ADDRESSES SCIENCE CLUB Annual Christmas Dinner, Dining three campaigns impressive victories Swarthmore, one time: "Virginia is my country." Hall, 6;00P. M. ha"e been scored over Gettys bur g, Dickinson, Bucknell, In 1807 Lee, while still a boy, went to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21- Schuylkill, Washington College, Loyola, Alexandria, and through the strength The Science Clnb of W. M. C. met Christmas Recess begins 12:00 M. Mt. St. Mary'S, St. Francis, and Muhlen- of his great determination secured for its third meeting on the evening of MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1929- from Jackson an appointment to West November 29 in the ehcmiatry joeture Christmas Rceeea ends, 8:00 P. M. berg. The five games lost in the three room. seasons, included reverses at the hands The viee-preaident, Mr. Hover Point. Later he graduated from this mill,presid('nt. of the powerful Wushington and Jeffer- institution at the head of his class. The speaker of tl,e evening was Dr. son, Holy Cross, Temple, and Maryland Leo was given a post in TeJings beeome ex· and his going will leave a larger gap December 7. T110question for debate tive were: That th!! present system does spoken, howover, the Jewish people, al· tinet, and those things having the qual- than most persons realize. The line was: Resolved, that a. federal depart· not give equal rights of education to most without a nation, greatly desired ities of meekness and gentleness, be- CSIJceiallywill be slruek by graduation. ment of education, with a seeretary in allj that a federal department would to possess the esrth, and Christ took ad· cause of their seeming greator powers It will be with regret that these tho oabinet, shonld be established. The not eonfliet with states' rights, and that vantage of this to tell of a new king- of enduranee and fortitude, survive. eight pass along, but it is bound to be affirmative was upheld by Irving, rep- such a federal department would bring dom, in which the meek and humble In closing, Professor Shroyer asked a safe guess they will join with Bob resented by Messrs. Sterling, Hickel, about a coordination whieh is not found might live and rule. this qucstion-"What will the meek do Gill, Molly Twigg, Leroy Byham, Ray and DeHaven; the negative by Web- This beatitnde, as Professor Shroyer with the earth if they do inherit itt" MeRobie, Nate Weinstock, and other ster, represented by Messrs. Eaton, in the present system. The main con- explained, teaches a strange law of The answer was that tileir task would players of the past, in following the Bell, and I,ink. .Joseph L. Mathais, Jr., tentions of the negative were: That survival. Thousands of years ago, the be to make over the earth into a place Western :Maryland team in its grid aeted as chairman- of the debate, and such a fed!!ral department wonld vio· world was inhabited by Imge dinosaurs where riglIteousness wonld prevail, and campaign fortunes of 19Z9. Messrs. Dawson and Oravetz as time- late states' rights; that the present plan and other terrible animals, whieh have wllore eaeh one wonld work, not to get keepers. The judges ,;ere Sherman E. is inefficientj and that federal control beeome extinet. The history of Pales· happiness at the expense of others, but Buy a copy- of the Student-Faculty Flanagan, Thomas Kemp, lOudRev. Guy would result in standardization. tine tells of terrible human beings who for others. Directory!
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