Page 39 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 39
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS I Basketball Season Opens Tonight! I SPORTS i ST. FRANCIS LOSES TERROR ANOTHER BOOTERS VICTORY UP FOOTBALL DOPE WESTERN MARYLAND SOCOER TILT FROM TERRORS TAKE REVENGE WINS PILE HA VER:FORD IN TO TERROR GRIDDERS 'l'he Terror boctera defeated the Laf- Ended the sen son with wins over St. Western Maryland soccer men snatched ON MUHLENBURG ELEVEN ayette eleven in a hard fought game, on Francis and Muhlenberg, 18·0 and 59-0, the victory out of the hands of the Hav- respectively. The Terrors smothered the St. Fran- March Field, by a score of 2-0_ Six wins, two losses and one tie. erford team by a 2 to 1 score. The game Revenge is sweet! The Terrors closed cia' vaunted attack and tore their line to The first quarter found the teams in Muddy field lit St. Prancis. opened with Haverford playing the ag the 1928 season wilh an overwhelming shreds to win 18-0 on a muddy field. a deadlock. The Terror defense was hold- St. Francis had plenty tricks. gressor. The ball was booted down into ,-ictory over Muhlenberg 59-0. The Ter- There had been two games a few days ing perfectly, but the line seemed to lack them all! our territory and kept there by the Hal' rors flashed an offensive that completely previous to the Terror-Sf. Francis clash cooperation which was undoubtedly due to Altoona_Wolt· erford men. Our line and backfield were bewildered Muhlenberg and there was aud the field was torn up and made iuto to the absence of their star, Capt. Beau- derful view from the mountains. unable to drive the bnll into Haver- no doubt of the final outcome from the a nice slippery, muddy bit of ground, champ, at center. The second quarter Nice trip coming back, too. ford's part of the field, aJtllough they opening whistle. Greasy, Shorty and where secure footing was hard to find. found the line running more smoothly Bad a real Thanksgiving. did succeed in keeping them from scor- Pete ran roughshod throngh the Car Considering tho condition of the field lind the ball was kept in Lafayette's ter- Sweet mvcugc to a. 59·0 tune. ing during the first quarter of the dinals, Greasy and Shorty acconnting for and the ball after a few plays, some of rit.ory the most of the time, but their GrellSy and Shorty gave fine bnn-car- game. six touchdowns, three apiece, while Pete tho runs were spectacular and the kick- strong defense prevented the Terrors rying exhibitions in both games. Longacre kicked HilVerford's lone lllnde two and Charlie Havens made the ing by both teams very good. There from scoring. The half ended with neith- But the cake goes to Greasy. goal in the second quarter. The baJJ other one. were three different rune that perhaps er of the teams scoring. The Terrors Haven't seen anyone this year near was passed in, and by a well directed With last year's defeat fresh in their would have becn mere spectncular if the started the third quarter with a rushing him. Thcy've been faster, but never a~ shot was put across our goal line minds the Terrors started at the opening field had been dry, as it was they were offense, and the ball was moved down good all-around. tho attempt of our goal keeper to whistle and were not to be stopped, The plenty brilliant. One was made by the field by clever dribbling and pass- Ed Yeckley accompanied the team on it. The score only Moused our men to team flashed the finest offense of the Bruns, the St. Francis safcty. He caught ing. A good pass, in front of the goal, both Going to try to get him to greater action and the remaining part year. Everyone doing his hardest to a punt on his 40 yard line and run it to llart, who shot the ball into thc net, come to all next year. of the second quarter was finished with help reach the Muhlenberg goal-line and straight up the field to the Terror 43 gave the 'rerrora the first tally. After He is good luck. both teams fighting hard. The third thescoreccrtainly shows they reached it. yard line, leaving a straight string of two minutes more of hard playing, Hart Presh-Soph game ended the season. quarter lagged, neither team being able It was t.he worst defeat suffered by would-be Terror tacklers. With just an shot tho ball into the net for the Bring on boxing and basketbalL to score. The play was in the center ~f Muhlenberg in fifteen years, eluaive hip movement he shook off one final tally. The fighting of Willi~, the field during the remainder of this The xroutcnbcrg teem made just three man after another. Shorty Long dupli- center half, aided the line greatly in its Haverrord ts line would dribble first downs. All of these in the last cated this feat in the last quarter, aided offensiveattaek. FROSH WIN IN ANNUAL ball, only to have the play broken np quarter, after Dick had sent in many by a little interference he ran a punt The fourth quarter opened with Laf and the ball kieked down the field by our substitutes. The Terrors made twenty back 20 yards slw.king off three or fonr uyett e determined to score but the triple UNDERCLASS GRID FIGHT backs. Willis was sent out of the game six, which shows how the offense was St. Franeis·men. 'I'hen Greasy's crown- defense, Smith, Hastings and Willis, due to the reopening of a cut over his functioning. ing achievement came just before he left checked the onslaughts of their line and eye, received in the Lafayette game. The first touchdown came after a The class of 1932 won the annual the game- TIc ran 40 yards on the last they were heW scoreless. The Terror 'I'he hard playing was beginning to march of 70 yards, aided by three pen Terror score in one of his-characteristic line failed to score in this period though Sophomore-Freshman football game on tell on Haverford's;s well as on our nutee. Two plays oft' left tackle by driving runs. they took the ball down the field time Monday afternoon on Hoffa Field by the own men. 'l'he ball was passed up and Shorty ",nde 27 yards, penalties and a seoreofI3-0. The wearers of the Green made 16 first after time, only to have it driven back down the field with neither being able couple of bncks netted u. first down on downs to 3 for the Altoona Collegians. Lafayette's strong defense, and the The game was well played. Thc Fresh to seore. Noble was alert enough to the "?Ifuhlenberg 20-yard line. Then a were All St. Francis' first downs were made whistle found the Terrors the vic- men game superior in backing all departments the line. of score Western ),[ury1=d's first point to- pass, Neal \.0 Long, made it first down up the except in the final quarter, when thcy took to tors by a 2-0 score. '.rhis was undoubt- Jones hit the line hard and gained eon- ward the end of the quarter. on the line. A buck failed and the air with success carrying the ball edly one of Western Maryland's hardest sistently. Clary smashed off tackle, The ball had been taken down the then look it over. lie added the from their own 35 yard line to the 'I'er- fought games of the season. gnining much ground through that sec- field by Ollrlineand was to our extra. The second was easier. ror 30 yard line, the closest they came Line-up: tor. Clary and Doughty passed, com center forwnrd, who it through Shorty ran a punt 15 yards to the 30· to the Terror goal-line with the ball in plcting a pass for a to\lcl,down. Clary Ban'rford '5 goal keeper. The game line. Line bucks and trick plays their possession. W. M. Lafayette also outpunted L.1Iyrencc. Bolt.ou pro ended ill a tic, but the teams were will- the ball into scoring position J. K. Day G. Lumbard to two extrafive·minute periods walked over. He again ad- The first quarter WM a feeling out pro· vidcd the spectators it thrill on the open who should be the vict()r. Hol- point, 14-0_ cess. Both teams attempting a. few plays Smith L_ F. Haines ing kick-off by returning the oval 60 land scored our second point by a corner SIlorty started 01I for the third one find then kicking. The Terrors started Hastings R.F. Garrett yards. Goose Doughty supplied nnother kick. The last few minntes of the game by a long run of 50 yards. The finest one mareh in this period that was hnJted 'Trice L. H_ B. Baer thrill by intercepting n pass for a touch- in center field without a of tho dny. He started from the Terror by It bad decision of referee. In Willis C. H. B. Kloty down. For the Sophomores Bates and great of fight remaining in either 20-yard line !Ind \\"3S downed on )Iuhlell- the second period Gomsack scored after Keller RH.B. UacAbec Fox plll~red a fine game at end. Bates team. 'rhe whistle sounded alld the game berg's line after shaking off a a series of off tackle plays and bucks had Holland O.L. Hahn threw Doughty on nn attempted end rnn was over with the \"ictory going to West- or (; Grensy and Shorty took taken. the ball to the three ynrd line. Benson R.L_ Beckowitz for an eleven yard loss and F~x also €TIl ~arylnnd. the ball to the 5-yard line, where SllOrty Clnrk missed goal. The half endad with Hart (Capt.) 1.R. Shellenberger charged in on several occasions and Line.up: again took it over. Shorty made the the score 6·0. Trunda L L_ Grosyer Noble C. }'. (Capt.) Potter spilled the Freshmen for losses. Ekaitis W. 1tr. C. Haverford third straight extra point. Greasy and The Terrors scored again in the third and Klep:lcz played the best gnme of Da~' G. Rosewater Pete did most of the runlling in making period after a long march up the field, Goals: Hart (2). any bneks on the field. Ekaitis' backing Smith L.F. Rhodas the fourth in a march from tho 'rerror featured a long run by Nealon a Substitutions: W. M. C., Flater for up of the line was speetaculur. He Hastings R.F. Potts .lQ.yard line. Greasy finally going nine reverse. Gomsaek again Keller; Lafayette, Penkcunes for IIahn; stopped the }'rosll time and time again_ Trice L_B.B. A. Brinton yards for the score without a single carried the bnll over on n buck. Shorty ]<~ul1er for Grosyer; Huhn for Penk- Klepacz's beautiful running featnred. Willis C.B. B. F. Brinton Muhlenberg nwn touching him. Shorty Long missed the try for extra The cunes. Referee: Carninham. Time of Be scored tho longest run of the after· }'Iarer R.B.B. W. Brinton nddcd the extra point. This ended the 'rerrors missed nn excellant to quarters: 22\6 minutes. noon by returning a kick off back seven- Rollan(l O.L. Longacre scoring for the lullf, 28-0. score again in this period when a fum· ty yards. He also made an IS'yard run . O.R Gashill The Terrors started right out for more ble was rC\'ersed by St_ Frands on their nround right end. Beusoll Roberts points at the begimling of the second 1"'llnda 3 yurd line. BABY TERRORS DEFEATED BY Bolton took the kick off on the 10 Hart LL. Wickersham half. Al~x O'Lear blocked an attempt- 1. R. The last quarter brought out the spec GEORGETOWN FRESHMEN, 14-12 line and returned it 60 yards. A Noblc C.F. Zuber ed punt and llavens fell on it over the tacular runs. The final touchdown pass, Clary t() Doughty, netted Referee, Blui,·. SubstitutioHs, ",y. ll. goal line. Shorty and Clarkie took coming .15 n result of two fine runs by Washington, D. C., November 24-In a first down. The Sophomore hne held Keller for Willis, Reed for Hart, turns missing the extra point. Greasy Terror backs. Shorty took a punt on his a fast game the Baby Terrors and the upperclassmen took the ball Oll mndc tho only one after tho last touch" 40 yard line and ran it back to the St. went in defeat here tooay before downs. A rushing attack failed and for Haverford, Time E"ans of quar· for down. At this point Greasy started to Francis 42 yard line before he was down- the fast fighting machine of the Georg~- L.1.wrence punted to the Fr()sh 3a-yard /lash his ability. Almost alone he took cd eluding three or four tneklers. On the town Fl·eshmen. The game was replete line. Clary punted back, the ball going the ball to the 2-yard line, where Pete uext play Greasy ran 42 yards for the with fumbles, recoveries, and breaks, out of bounds 011 the Sopl,'s 20-yard Gomsnk took it over, making the score touchdown. On this run Neal appeared IllOSt of which, neitller tenm was able to line. Again the Frosh held and Law- 40.0. Greasy IIgain ran through Muhlen- to have been downed two times, but as take of. Several times the rence punted out-of·bounds on llis 44- 3a·yard line. Klepacz is nailed for a making dnshes of 8 to 25 yards, it is with Greasy, he only appeared to be e.~ch othcr on their yard line. Jones hit the line for eight loss aHd Lawrence punts to the Frosh the ball to the 3-yard line from downed and he kept on going until he lines_ yards as the quarter ended. Jones ear· 21·yard line. Wellinger returned the whcre Gomsak slllnshcd through for the had cr08sed the goal line. Shorty again W. M. Freshmen scored their 2 ried the ball on four suceessive plays to Frosh punt to tne 45-yard line. On a sevcnth 46-0. The eighth failod to make the e:dra. point. touchdowns in the first and last quar· Sohp's 14-yllrd line_ A grounded pass forward pass Doughty intercepted the touchdown ,\'as after a Muhlenberg over the line lost the ball. But on O"al at midfield and outdistanced the The entire Terror line continued its teTS. Both were made by forward pass fumble was recovered by the Terrors the Willey intercepted a for· entire Soph team for a toucll(IOll"n_ Pin· fine defensive work, with Charlie Havens es from Bolton to Dought.y_ alld Shorty a.nd Greasy took turnB tak- ward pass on the 19-yard line. Jones cum kicked the goal. Score; Freshmen, showi~g prominently. Greasy and Gom '.rhis game mnrks the end of the 1928 (Continued on Page Four) g"ined a yard nnd then Doughty threw 13; Sophomores, O. The Sophs received sack did the most gronnd·gaining for the season for the Baby Terrors. a pass to Clnry on the 10-yard line and the kick-olI and tried all aerialntt:lck. ~~~~::~r ':~~dB:~ltet;::u~t_ ~:::~iS_and W. ~l. Prosh Georgetown }'rosh the latter ran eight yards for a touch Three brought them from the SAnUEL COHEN Benson L.E. Brennen down. Pineura missed the kick. Score: }'rosh line to the 20-yard line. 45 E. :Main St. W6stcrn Maryland St. Franc13 Bnrnett (Capt.) L.T_ Coppola Freshmen, 6 j Sophomores, O. Th~ Soph The gllme ended with the Sophs in pos· 'l'el. 21-J L.G. Donaldson olllores elected to-eeeivethekick-offand session of the ball at that point. Final Smith L_E. Roltzle C. Trembley Pincura. kickeeJ off to the 10'-yard line, score: Freshmen, 13; Sophomore, O. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Wilker L.T. Wilson -Wallace R.G. Catalainis where Klepacz received it lind behind The line-up: The best presser in town_ Van Buren L. G. Murtha Pincord R. T. Rickman fine interference ran 70 yllrds to the Special Rfltes to College Students Havens C. R.White Engle R.E. Levi Freshman 20-yard line as the half ended_ Sophomores Freshmen Weisbeck RC. Watt Clary Q.B. Harris Score: Freshmen, 6; Sophomores, 0_ Bates L.E. Engle Bolton L.H. Haffey The upperclassmen recevied the kick- Wilker hT. Pincura Conaway Motor Co. O'Lear R.T. Crowell Dought.y R.H. Gillis off and failed to gain, forcing Lawrence Newcomer T,. G. Wallace Pelton RE. (Capt) Able~ C. Lamb Jones FB Bordeau to punt. The yearlings gained six on Tillman Daily Coaches to and from Gettysburg, Neal (Capt_) Q. B. Bruns two plays. Doughty then attempted to Usinger KG. Willey Emmitsburg, Taneytown, Westminster Klepaez L.H. McLister drele Bates' end but Paul broke through Kohout R.T. Barnett TERROR POINT SCORERS and Baltimorc. Long R.H. Billetdeaux and nailed the Goose for an ll-yard loss. Fox RE. Benson Clary Gom5aek F.B. Ursem Clary punted and the Sophomores ob- Lawrence Q.B. Schedules posted in College Halls, Post Tries tained possession on the IS·yard line. Ekaiti~ L.H. Bolton Western Maryland 0666-18 Touch· f" The Frosh line held and Lawrence Klepn~z R.H. DouglJty Offtce and Dean's Office. St. Frall,eis 0000-0 Pla!/Iff (10wltS Points Totals punted to midficld_ Newcomer reco\'ered Kosehinske F.B. Jones Phone 267 or 173 Neal 13 80 a Frosh fumble on the latter's ol5-yard Score by quarters: Touchdowlls-Gomsack (2); Neal. Long 6 43 stripe. Klepacz broke through right Substitutions: W_ M.-Wellinger for Gomsak 2' tackle for 13 yards. Lawrence gained Sophomores 0000-0 Long, Clark for Smith, KoschinJki for Clark 12 J8 two A forward pass, Lawrence Treshmen 0607-13 Smith & Reifsnider Gomsak, Kohout for a 'Lear, Law Koschinske 3 18 to m-ade a. first down on the 22 Summary: Touchdowns, Clary, Dough- rence for Neal. St. Franeis-A -White Miller 12 line. Klepacz brought the ball to ty. Point~ after touchdown, Pincura, 1 Westminster, Md. for U:rsem, Kunzler for ~feLister, O'Haro Lawrence 12 17·yard line on the next play. Two o'ut of 2 (place-kicks). for Knnzler, G_ McLister for R. White, Ekaitis 6 incomplete passes forced Lawrence to Lumber, Building Supplies and Coal Sullivan for Ables, MeLaughlin for "Dad" SMELSER Bates punt, giving the Prosh the ball on their Billetdeaux. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Gene:r&l M:Ul. Havens own 20-yard line and losing the only ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, l~eferees-Doughtery, W. & J.; Urn chance to score. Clary gained five yards COLD DRINKS Work pire--Colbres, Penn. State; Head Lille~- Totals 30l 21 225 as the quarter ended. The FIOsh failed man-Willsbach, Dickinson. to gain and Clary punted w the Soph Open every night until 11:30p. m. Rooflng Materials
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