Page 35 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western :Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS V5. ST. FRANCIS I SPORTS I I SPORTS I Saturday, November 24 Altoona, Pa. Bullets Tie Terrors in Most FOOTBALL DOPE Baby Terrors Completely Out- Spectacular Game of Season Will have to go far to see a more Play Gettysburg Frosh 19-0 thrilling game. The last quarter WMfull of thrills. Tcrrors Make Early Touchdown; Suc- But the Bullets were not to be out- The Terrors outclassed the Bullets on By completely outplaying the Bullet the last touchdown. This was the climax ceeding Scores Quickly Balanced done, and took the kick-off to their 20· the ground. Yearlings, Barney Speir's Baby Terrors of the game, and was most eertainly a by Bullet Charges yard line. A buck failed, and a pass But passes did it again. walked off with a 19·0 victory on Memo- thrilling run. was grounded. But another peaa, Gul· Neal continued his fine work. When rial Field today, as a preliminary to The last quarter was void of scores In one of the most thrilling games ian to Spangler, was good for 80 yards there is better football played, Neal will the varsity game. At no time were the for either side, and the game ended with ever played on Memorial Field, the and a touchdown. Spangler missed hi~ play it. Gettysburg freshmen within seoring dts- a eeore of )9·0, in favor of the Baby Terrors and the Bullets fought to a 19- try, bringing the score to 13 all. Wilker played a splendid defensive tauee. After taking the ball down for Terrors. 19 deadlock. This only aroused the Terrors. Cap- taekle game. a touchdown the first time that it was in The Baby Terrors have but one more To the Bullets goes tliS honor of ever- tain Neal took the kick-off and ran 50 Ekaitis" tackling in backing up the their possession, the Baby Tenors kept game this season. This ie with George- coming the Terrors powerful reetetecee yards before being downed. A buck line was good. it in Bullet territory for the rest of the town Freshmen on Saturday, and will sweeping game. "Goose" Doughty's when the odds were against them, and failed, Long made 7 yards, thon a pass, A plenty hard·fought game. end runs, and Frank Clary's 70·yard run probably prove their hardest fight. in the last quarter showing almost su- Koschlnski to Long, made 30 yards and Bates suffered a cracked rib. The llne-up for the Gettysburg_Fresh- perhuman power in a last minute rally a first down on the 3·yard line, from Ekaitis got a "Charley·Horse." for a touchdown 'were the sensations of men game was as follows: , to tie the score. where Kosehinski seored Long missed Long trip this week-end, Altoona, Pa. the game. M. Frosh G·burg Frosh Gett:ysburg Gordon Lamb kicked off. That last quarter was a eorkerl There t.he try for extra point. St. Eraneis furnishes the opposition. received and after being held for two W. Benson L.E. Bigham were more thrills packed in that space There was a slight lull in the battle rushes, punted on thoir third down. The Barnett L. T. Lease of time, than are usually found in more after this last tonehdown, a short ex- WHAT OUR OPPONENTS DID Baby Terrors took the ball and, for two Willey L.G. Lupton than one football game. Eaeh team change of kicks, and then the TerrO;rs SATURDAY rushes, were held fairly well. However, G.Lamh C. Santanilelo scored two touchdowns and all four had started on what looked to be another on the third down, "Grey Goose" Wallace R.G. Black this amount of breath-taking thrills. march up tlle field. Neal made a first '.rhe Green snd Gold Terrors' oppou- Doughty cut loose for a wide end run, Pineura R.T. Murgard Captain Neal was the outstanding down on the Bullet 46·yard line, then eats were vietorious in four contests and making a first down, and starting the Engle R.E. Lapp ground gainer on beth teams. Breaking a 15·yard penalty set tho Terron back defeated in three games' in last Batur- march down the field for the first touch- Clary Q. Heverly (Capt'.) through on off·taekle plays and reverses, and forced them to kick. McMillan day's tilts. down. Several plays later this tally was Doughty L.R. Altobello he was stopped only by the Bullet sec- ran the. punt baek to the Terror 22-yard Maryland 'defeated the University of made by "Goose" as he crossed the Bolton R.H Shoemaker ondary defense. line. Two bucks netted 5 yards, and Virginia 18·2. The Old Liners showed'a broad white line with another beautiful .Jones (Capt.) F.B. Wsite The Terrors displayed a flashy brand then Gulian tossed a pass to McMil· powerful running and aerial attack end run. of football, with deeeptiye reverses, Ian for the last touchdown of as thril- whieh the Cavaliers could not combat. The Baby Terrors kept the ball in Score by period~: double shifts, and fake plays making ling a fourth quarter as ever seen. Mount Saint Mary's broke into the their opponent's territory for the rest W. M. Freshmen.. .. 6 0 13 0-,19 15 first downs. The Bullets were super- While the fans held their breaths, win column again by easily defeating of the half, but did not succeed in ad G·burg Freshmen .... 0 0 0 0- 0 ior in the air, eounting for all their Spangler missed the winning point and the Pennsylvania Military College, 20-0. vancing it far enough for an additional Touehdowns: Doughty (2), Clary. touchdowns by their aerial attaek. the game ended a few minutes later in Loyola dropped Its sixth contest out tally. The half ended with W. M. Frosh, Try for point: Clary. ' a 19·19 tie. Their three first downs were made by of seven, when it was crushed by the 6; Gettysburg Prosh, O. Substitutions: W. M. Proeh-c-Sunday thts method of attack. The work of the entire Terror line United States Naval Academy eleven, In the second half Lamb again kicked for Clary, Hammill for Engle, Clary for The first half was listlessly played by was the best seen. The Bullets were 57·0. off. Gettysburg punted on the fourth Sunday, Engle for Hammill, Sunday for both teams-c-the calm before the storm, able to make only one first down Schuylkill also trounced its opponent, down to Clary, who ran the ball baek to Clary, Hammill for Engle, MaeClennan as it were. The Terrors seored a toueh· through the line the entire game. But Albright, rolling up a score of ~9·0. his 44·yard line. Doughty, Clary, and for G. Lamb. Dickinson was a vietim to the Frank· down in the :first five minutes of the the baeks' fell down again in their pass lin and ~ar8hall eleven, 27·7. .Tones advanced the ball to the 38·yard G·hurg Frosh~Klinefelter for Black, game, hut for the rest of the hall' both defense. Neal was by far the outstand· Temple University nosed out Geneva line. Here Bolton pasaed to Goo~e,who Kront for Lapp, Craig for AItobello, AI· teams played poor football. ing player on both teams. MeMillan Iby a ~ingle touchdown, winning 6·0. received on the 22·yard line, and made tobello for Craig, Lapp for Krout, Black The Terror touehdown came when showed plenty of speed for tlHl Bullets. Mullionburg again "took it on the the second touchdown. Frank Clary for Klinefelter, Beal for AItobeIlo, Ekaitis reeovered a fumble on tbe Bul· Western Maryland Gettysburg chin," losing to Lebanon Valley, 13·0. kicked the try·for·point; the only sne· Smith for Murgard, AppleI' for Santan· let 40·yard line. Cut·backs and off. Bates L.E. Cramer eessful one of the game. taekle plays netted two first downs to Wilker L.T. Sla~ghter Things ran along slowly until nesr the iello, Hoffman for Craig. the 4·yard line, from where Neal took Weisbeek L. G. Waite TERROR BOOTERS HOLD WEBT end of the same quarter, when Clary, on Offieials: Referee-Trimble; Umpite the ball over on an off·taekle play. Havens C. Tussey POINT TO 6-0 SCORE his own 30·yard line, received a Gettys· -Keady; Field Judge-Saul; Head Clark added the extra point. This com· Van Buren R. G. Morse burg punt and ran seventy full :yards Linesman-Schmidt. pleted tlHl scoring in the first half. O'Lear R. T. (Capt.) Miller Although beaten by a score 5·0 our throngh an apparently closed field for Time of Quarters: 15 minutes. The second half opened with the same .Clark R.E. Gulian soccer teRm played a fine game against listless round of football for the first Ekaitis Q.B. Hubisaek 'Army last Wednesday, November 14. 10 minutes of the 3rd quaretr. Then the Neal (Capt.) L.R. Drabaugh The game opened with a drive by Ar· WHO HAVE SCORED TERROR POINTS ;fireworks broke loose! After an ex· W(lilinger R. H. Anglemoyer my which looked dangerous for a while, Player Touchdowns Tries for Points Total8 'change of punts, the Bullets got the Gomsak F.B. MeCloy but was soon blacked by our baeks. Af· Neal. 7 , 43 ball on their 43·yard line. Anglomeyer, t1lr this initial drive, Army was kept in Long 27 pn ~wo cut·baeks, made the Bullet's Western Maryland 0 0 12--19 its own territory, exeept for another Clark. 12 18 first first·down. Two tries at the line Gettyaourg 0 0 7. 12--19 desperate drive which resulted in a Koschinske. 18 failed, and Spangler tossed a 30·yard Suostitutions: "\V. M.-Maehamer for seor~ from a eleverly placed corner' Miller 12 pass to Cramer for the second first· 'Weisbeck, Weisbeck for Machamer, kick. Lawrence 12 down. Two tries at the line gained a Koacllinaki for Gomsak, Long for WeI· The second quarter was entirely ours. Ekaitis yard; then two suecessive forlvard pas· linger, Maehamer for Weisbeck, Klep· Time and again the line drove down Bates. ses brought the third and last first· ae for Kosehinski; Gettysburg-Moller the field to be Cheeked by Army's goal Gomsak down for the Bullets on the Terror 5- for Slaughter, McMillen for McCloy, keepers. Beauchamp, Holland and yard line. On the third buck, Spangler Spangler for .Anglemoyer for Drabaugll, Wooley played exceptionally well duro Totals 22 16 148 took the ball over and then drop Slaughter for Moller, Hirhlich for ing tllis period. The third quarter also ki6ked for tIle extra point. Morse, Roehe for Hubisaek. started 'Wellfor us. Army worked hard, The Terror seeond touchdown came Touehdownlir-Neal, Kosehinski (2), but strong kicks and clever dribbling SAflUEL COHEN as a result of a 70·yard march. O'Lear McMillen, Spangler (2). kept them guessing continually. A Somebody, SomeWhere, Wants Your 45 E. Main St. took the kick·off to his 30·yard line Points after touehdowr. _ C I ark, break was due, neither side was able to Tel. 21-J and reverses. Bueks by Neal, Long, Spangl~r. get anywhere. When tIle time eame, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing and Kosehinski made 5 firat·downs, Referee-Trimole, Dubuqu6.; Umpire Army took advantage of it a fraction Photograph 'fhe best presser in town. hringing the ball to the Bullet one·yard -Schmidt, Bucknell; Head Linesman- of a seeond before we could. Another Special R.ates to College Students 'fine, where Koschinski kicked it over. Keady, Lehigh; Field .Tudge-NuI, _Qt goal was se,ored to their favor. Al Clark missed the try for point. terbein. though our team fought like demons it was evident that they had spent their The Wilson Studio Conaway Motor Co. beat strength, and they beeame power· FRESHMEN GIRLS WIN FIELD Freshman Senior less to stem tIle avalanche Army pre· Daily Coaehes to and from Gettysburg, BALL SERIES Crowther C. F. Miles sented. Time and again the baeks Emmitsburg, Taneytown, Westminster Ebaugh L. W. .Tohnson avertcd danger by impossible kicks to Bishop L.I. Ely the line. Time and again the fresher and Baltimore. The girls played tlle last three games Humphreys R.I. Ho~land Army line broke up our offensive. Then Schedules posted in College Halls, Pest of, the series last Wednesday and Humphreys) M. R. W. Warner the backs tried new tacties, they drib· Thursday. The Seniors lost to both the Timmons L. H. B. Barnhart bled to the line, out that was ineffee· Humbert's Office and Dean's Office. Sophomores (lIld Freshmen and the Evans, A.. C. H. B. Brady tive also. Although the odds of super· Phone 267 or 173 Sophomores won their game with the Fontaine R. H. B. Rowe ior eoaclling, and condition were shown Juniors. The Freshmen Class won the Nelson R.F.B. Kinkead conspieiously to be against us, our boya ehampionship by winning three ga.mes Christ L.F.B. Lesll61 continucd to fight. Army scored three (formerly Shipley's at the Forks; of the series. Ward Goal Shank more goals in the nightmare of the Smith & Reifsnider Class Won Lost Seore: Freshmen, 3; Senior, 1. fourth quarter when we were further Westminster, Md. handicapped by being forced to play Senior Sophomore .Tunior under floodlights, which SOmellOWil· For Things to Please Your Palate .Tunior Todd C.F. Mitebell luminated aU of the field but the goal Lumber, Building Supplies and Coal Sophomore Tull R.r. Russell area. Every man on our team played Sash, Doors, Blinds and General Mill his hardest, but teamwork was lack· l<'reshmen Coekburn L.r. Thornburg Ott R.W. Hollins ing. Suffice it to say that though we Work LIneups Longridge L. W. Garcellon lost, Army more than a few times Holland Sophomore Position Senior Douglas C. R.B. Read feared for their honors. Phone 324 Roofing Materials Persse leu B A Hamilton Goal Shank Heellt L.H.B. Mace Western Maryalnd Army Roop R.F.B. Noole R. H. B. Gunby Beauchamp (Capt.) C IIogan L.F.B. Lesher Hogan L. F. B. Thompson Beaueh'p,Capt. C.F. .Tones,W. S. Customer R. F. B. Holland C.H.B. Barnhart Nock Goal Thompson Noble I.L. WOULD ... ..... of Hamilton Williams Douglas R.H."'B. Brady Holland O. L. Easterbrook L+~E Mine Noek L.H.B. Kinkead Score: Sophomores, 4; .Tuniors, 1. WooleyN. I.R. Packard Todd C.F. Warner Benson O. R. Griffith, E. G. Coekburn R.I. Rowe Let's Hope Willis C. H. B. Brown D. F. GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE Tull L.I. Holland Trice L. H. B. Aeklen Longridge R.W. .Tohnson Some Bay the peaee pact is a "serap TrUDda R. H. B.. Sladen, Capt. SODA CANDY TOBACCOS Ott L.W. Ely of paper." Maybe so; but that's more SmithR.O. L. F. B. Steinbeek !.
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