Page 34 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 34
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, :Mel. lIutl'r-Qtolll'IJiutl' lIluril'ty COL \Ie; 1!Iistory of 1!IIIl'stl'fUI There are some advantages to a eel- A REVIEW OF BOOKS, 1H1Iuryluull Nl'WS PLAYS AND LIFE The way in which Western Maryland College withstood the trials of early er- grad who never says "Gittup" ganization and emerged from them to lege education. We hear of a college AMERICAN CONTESTITIS to his become the well-known college that it 13 horse. It's "Yea, team, let's gal" What is there In the make-up of the Official new,spaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during to-day, was to a. great degree due to the average American that makes him so sus the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, extraordinary ability and perseverance -Foraham Bam. eeptible to attacks of Contestitia' Ouee Maryland. Entered as seeond-elaea matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. he has been exposed to the anuouncemeut of the man who was its first President, Subscription Price, $2.00 & Year the Reverend James. Thomas Ward, D. We can never be satisfied that what that a certain couteet is to be held at D. A brief sketch ot his life will uu- we have achieved is sufficient. And if a. certain time in a certain place, he is doubtedly be of great Interest to aU there is any lesson to be derived from almost sure of an attack. In proof, we MANAGING STAJ<\F those who are in any way connected with this spirit it is that in order to estab- have the almost inexhaustable list of Editor-in-Chief ......... , .Casper P. Hart, '29 the eollege, Hash permanent institutions we be conteets held every year in this country, by American and patronized generously Dr. Ward was born in Georgetown, D. Ma.naging Editor .. ......... Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 C., on August 21, 1820. When he was prepared for change. Education and citizens. Re- enlightenmeut make it neeeaesry. Asst. Managing Editor. . Edwin Warfield, '29 sixteen yeare old, he studied at the search and engincering make it possible. No member of the family is exempt, Business Manager. .Paul Bates, '31 Classical Academy at Brookville, Mary· The pioneeriug work at the future is Fnther will sit down at the dining room land. Although he never entered college, table, after the supper dishes have heen Asst. Business Manager. . J. Hammett Simms, '29 his intrinsic merits, combined with his to be done very differently from that of cleared away, and spend his entir even- the past . We saw in the Great War Advertising Manager .. ... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 habits of observation and of peraever- that the era of iudividual heroes and ing writing last lines to limerie1ts Oirculation Ma.nager ... .Roy L. Robertson, '29 anee, made him a student in the true even of individual generals capable of printed in the daily paper. Mother will stand on the back porch and call to a sense at the word. daring deeds in battle, was replaced by James A. Stach, '30 In 1841 Dr. W8.ld entered the itiner· vast organizutions moving over wide neighbor six blocks away, in order to Asst. Circulation Managers . . . . . .. Thomas Braun, '30 ant ministry of the Methodist Protest- fronts. Will it not be so in the future prepare herself to carry off a prize in { IUlt Church, and ecntdnued in that eela- development of industry and material the husband·calling contest. Sixteen- Leslie
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