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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, :r&d. TERROR BOaTERS VISIT WEST SCIENCE CLUB HOLDS SECOND POINT MEETING OF YEAB analla, <1Uub, aUlI ~nrtdy intuga IInrlll NrUtS (Continued from Page Ona) (Continued from Page One) tive meetings are automatically dropped fortnbl6 beds to which the boys had Man is indeed prone tc variety. We, been assigned, and since it was eleven- from the roll and muet pay the equiva- THE POETS' OLUE PHI ALPHA MU lent of 'One semesters dues to be rein- in common with a great .many people, thirty the gayety of the party subaid· The next meeting of the Poet '6 Club Phi Alpha Mu takes pleasure in an- had thought that the day of eueu things ,d. stated. whoae 4. Non-members and members will be held Thursday, Deeember 6 at nouneing that the following girls have was over. W6 had fondly :imagined that Everyono rose early Wedne~day morn- dues are in arrears are not entitled to a 7.50 P. y:, in Dr. Stephens' elasa room. been received into full club member- in this da.y of steam and instantaneous ing, and the hotel and its surroundings At this session the club will discuss the ship: radio commumcation, a catastrophe, sueh were carefully inspected. A trip ever vote. American poet, Henry Wadsworth Lcag- Alice Fisher Holland. ae befell a number of people aboa-rd the the reservation and through the mu- 5. Visitors are weleomo at 11.11times. fellow. A shol"t sketch of his Iiie will Bessie Jett Cain. Ill-rated Vestris, was automatically elim· seum and chapel filled the morning. Th6 Professor Schaeffer was then intro- be given and several of the most repre- Mildred Elizabeth Raum. inated from the dangers that beset the museum had specimens of every killd duced to the club as the speaker of the sentative ef his poems will be lead, Any Viva Mary Reed. sea traveler. W6 would have understood of an instrument of war from primitive evening, who took as his subject "Some other contributions concerning Longfel- Amanda Kather-ine Bell. better had it been a Budden, eataclyecic times. In other exhibits was a aer- Recent Investigations in Sound". AlJ low, which members may desire to make, Evelyn .TacksonMather. force of nature that overwhelmed the geant who had been stationed in the musie, speech or any sound i8 made up will be welcome. Miss Catherine Stoner entertained Phi ship, hut the slow siIlking, and the con- museum for twenty·three years. The of vibrations transmitted through the Members are requested to write a son- Alpha Mu at a bridge and supper party sequent loss of life, puzzles us. Why chapel with its military looking straight air to our ear drum where they are de- net an allY subject which they may on Friday evening, November 16. wasn't aid summoned seoner' Why was backed benches, beautifnl windows, and tected as Bounds. By varying the choose and preseo-. it to the club at the the ship allowed to leave port in its un- orderly rows of ba.ttle fiags made a rate of these vibrations or frequencies meeting. seaworthy eOIlditioIl' Why didn't the great impression. Th6 early afternoon we get chargee iu pitch; the height of Everyone is cordially invited to attend PI ALPHA ALPHA HOLD REUNION board ef inquiry, IlOWso zealous in fix· was spent in relaxation, and those so the tone increasing as the frequency in- the Longfellow Night of the Poet's ing the blame, use its powers ns a pre- inclined dispatched cards and letters. crcases. Club. The Black and weue Club held are· ventive rather than a punitive force' Thon the game with its anything-but· By the aid of several phonograph union on Saturday evening, November Perhaps Captain Carey, as he died, also records Professor Shaeffer endeavored ] o. Some of the alumni members brought wondered "Why'" represcntntdve eeore, and an evening to show the elub the effect on normal their wives and friends to enjoy the And so it h. When man is exalted spont reading in the lobby or enjoying PHILO the music presented by th(l orchostra speech and music by suppressing or banquet and the dance which immediate· by his miraculous feata,when he is up- taking out of the frequeneies be- SOlUC Philo .Tuniors, with Alice Huston as Jy foJlowedat the Gamma Beta Chi club· lifted by a cODsciousnOllSof his own pow· en tho mezzanine. Anether comfort:.. tween differCllt limits. The records their chairman, provided their society rooms. er and safety, then dees nature, aided by ble night's rest and another awaken· brought out very plainly the effoet of with a most delightful Irish entertain At the banquet Dean and Mrs. Miller human frailty, e:uct 1I. toll, and our con- ing in the gray dawn, prcpared for tile this on music and speech and aleo ex- mect at the meeting of Novemher 19. wero the guests of honor. Among the eeit is punctured. trip home. ploded the reason why our voices sound The program was as follows: alnmni brothers present were Hace DUll· Three hundred miles ill on6 day, witll qucer whcn wc have a cold. The dis- Socg "The Wearing 0' the Green" can, first Alpha of the club; Frank Some time ago ther6 was an article in few stops for exercise, riding from sev· tiuation of sound in radio speakers was Ruth Gleichman, Ruth Staley, Edna Grippin, Reverend Mr. Dawson, Charlie this celumn about Brazil and other en until nine·thirty-in spite of tile also att.ributed to the effeet of forcing Norwall and Aliee Huston Bish, and Mr. HaJm. South and Central American eountries beautiful scenery and novel 6vperienee aertain frequenaies and slighting oth- Song Mother Machree The reunion was qnito snccessful and tli:e team was grateful when th6 lights Ruth Staley and Virginia Scrivencr certainly proved to be a moans of estah refraining from signing th6 Kellegg· of "College Hill" appear6d with their Two Irish Poems Virginia Merrill lishing clOl!er bonds of friendship be Briand anoi·wa.r pact heeause they were promise of welcome sympathy, and how He concluded his talk by explaining speech" has been Ilot ecrtain. D.II to just wha.t would hap- "inverted Song tween th6 former and present members pen to the pact when it cam6 before the sleep. achieved through the proper use of high "Where the River Shannon Flows" of Pi Alpha Alpha. Ame.rican S~ate. It seems that such frequencies. Speech, after it has been Catherine Read and Lucille Charles action was not without justitleatioc. DR. W. W. DAVIS SPEAKS ON inverted, sounds like an entirely dif· A Skit The Cohens and the Kelleys Y.M.O.A. While there is no talk at present of SABBATH OBSERVANCE Elizabeth Clough, Louise Shipley, Ruth changing th6 paet, it does certainly face ferent language whieh is very unintel- Saltorius, and Arvaline Hitchens The Y. M. Q, A. held its regular meet- delay, and delayed action ha.; heen (Continued from Page One) ligible and, to say the least, amusing. Song Smilin' Through ing Wednesday evelling, November 14, known te IesuIt in no aetion. This affords a means of sending code Frances RaIlghley and Edna Nordwall in the Y room at 6.45 P. M. The week the keeping of the Sabhath Day, and messages as this speech can be convert· SOng "Last Rose of Summer" of November 11-17 was internationally has been true to His cenception of it, ed to normalacy by the use of proper Esther Hollins and Cast. observed by the Y. M. C. A. as a special In view of the faet that President instruments. weck cf -prayer. The members of our Coolidge's Armistice Day speech, ~n has it been pOl"mitted te aehieve these There being no further business the local association were urged to devote which he referred to comparative nav8,1 possibilities. meeting adjourned until Thursday, Nov- Y.W.C.A. some of their time each day for this armamont, has stirred up adverse com- The last reason given was the great ember 22. It is the policy of the purpose. ment in Europe, the interest here in the significanC6 of thfs Day for the Science Club to continue this type of Since ArmistiC6 Day, Novemher 11, A diseussion of the race problem in an naval cruiser authorization bill has been American nation. Weare proud of our meeting once every two wee.ks with ::t 1;Irought to mind the services rendered attempted unprejudiced light brought aroused to a high 'point. The Senate country, and rightly eo, But we should 'promise of iuteresting and educational by "the ooys" in the World War, the out some very startling and enlightening will in all probability decide that the lat- think of the poople who found6d it, and speakers. It is llOped that the student Y. W. C. A. on November 15, gave a facts. A few items of interest trom the ter bill should b6 satisfactorily disposed fashioned its ideals. Dr. Davis gave as hody will continue to come out as they program which had for its them6 anoth· Sherwood Eddy Conference at Hopkins of before the anti·war pact is considered. all example, the Pilgrims, who before did TJmrsday evening and help to make er kind of service--that of service to were returned by Mr. Day. At this con· Discussion over the authorization bill landing in this country to begin th6ir the science elub of some value. God alld to fellow·men. ferenc6 were somc delegates from Mor- will be long as it will touch our own work of ssttlem6nt, spent the Sabbath In place of the scripture reading, gan and Howard who were vcr:! frank naval policy as well as that of various Day in eommunion and fellowship with "Dad" SMELSER Eleanor Noble read Van Dyke's psalm- in the discussion of the race problems European countries. Also, continued Ged. This is the spirit that has per- like poem, "The Tribe of Helper...," and seemed anxious to share OUl:" views. from the last Senate meeting, is the vaded our nation and made it great. ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, which was followed hy the entire organi· Boulder Dam bill, which has been de In ·closing, Dr. Davis urged that in· COLD DRINKS zation rcpeating the Lord's Prayer. IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY bated, and probably will continun to be stead of being indifferent to this day, Mary Weber Broughton read "Help- dehated at mucll leng'th when the Senate everyone should pledge himself to be Open every night until 11:30 p. m, in' Out," by Wm. .TudsonKibly, a poem Irving's meeting this week was very convenes. It is thought likely that this loyal to its key purpose of personal which told how our old Negro felt about much enjoyed. The program was very will preced6 the anti·war pact also. In· communion .and fellowship with God. College Tea Room serviIlg God. This reading was follow· pleasing lind suitcd to the poople of dications are that Foreign Relations ed by another poem entitled "Your :Mis· both th6 serious minded and frivilioul Committoc members will wallt to know EVERHART sion," written by Ellen Gates, and read type. After the regular business meet· fully what is th6 import of the corrC8 HOME COOKING by Franee~ Raughley. Catherine Hob ing the program committee provided a pOlldence which the Stat6 Department Open Until 10 P.,M. by rendered a lovely voeal ~olo called good entertainment u.s follows: has had with Foreign Powers concerning BARBER and BOBBER "Soft as a Voice." Relen Smith read Talk-"Th6 Status of Woman" the interpretation of the treaty, and .At The Forks "The Legend of Service," hy Henry .T. Hickel whether the views of other ex- Van Dyke, B.!I th6 dosing Ilumber of one Piano Selections ".Tap" Weiabeek pressed in eorrespondence constitute reo SILVERWARE WATCHES of th6 most inspirational meetings the "\Vas It a Dream" servntions. Have Your Shoes Repaired at the Y. W. C. A. has had th.ia year. Negro Interpretation of In other words th6 anti·war pact will Oollege Shop A. H. Fetting Company "The Doll Daneo" find iliat its road through the United. Chas. Kroop Debate: Resolved that sex eduestion States Senate will not be a wide, smooth, MANU!' AOTURING JEWELERS WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY should bo given a place in the High pleasant boulevard, nor its resting place 25 E. Main St. School curriculum.. the'"rea bed of roses. And th6 judgmellt W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. 314 Charles St., North The weekly meeting of the Wehster Affirmative: .Murchison,Murchison. of our southern brethren may be vindi· Baltimore, Maryland Literary Society Wll.llheld at 7.00 P. Negative: Snyder, Bowers. cated in full, as it has in part. M., November 19, with PrC!!ident Hew· Resume of t.he "Terror·West Point" King's Pharmacy ard in the ch.air. Webster for the last soccer game Keller. CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS few weeks has been holdiIlg debates try· up; the Indians put out their fires, and THE REX!ALL STORE ing to get some line on the Ilew men in silently went away to their wigwams. 55 E. Main St., Westminster,Md. preparation for the annual Webster·Irv- BROWNING Isabelle 'Douglas and Catherine Hobby ing debate on Deeember 7. were in charge of the p-rogram and were Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Autumn leaves in an autumn forest, instrumental in ohtaining Mr. Phillips Westminster News Company Th6 program for the evening was ex· and a bright I~dian camp-fire around aeptionally interesting. Mr. Stillwagon which sat a group of Inilians, was the for the speaker. Mr, Phillips is very A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner 'fhe Newest and Best Clothing and injected some humor in presenting the setting provided by Browning Literary much interested in Indian life and has WE HANDLE THE topics of the day. "Doey" Rein enter- Society for a. talk by Mr. Branch Phil- made quit6 a study of it. Browning is Furnishings tain.ed the society with some humorous lips, of Webster Literary Society, on the indeed indebted to him fer his splendid BALTIMORE SUN selections. "Autumn," hy Chaminade, interesting and educational subject of talk. Goods for young men was th6 title of the piaIlOsolo played by "'I'he Indian as I Se6 Him." Mr. Mr. Forlines. As an encore he played Phillips told of tho appearance of the D. S. GEHR 10 per cent off to college students "Pierrot," by the same composer. his religion, and his ceremonial dancel!. T.W. Mather & Sons Red man, of his customs, his legends, The debate for th6 evening was, Re· (Established 1866) solved: That the United States should Through it all Mr. Phillips stressed the enter th6 Leagu6 of Nations. The af- fact that the Indian is human and firmativ6 was upheld by Messrs. Bell and soul as deep and emotional as that of Westminster's Leading Store Wholesale and Retail Distinctive Printing Grove; th6 negative by M6ssrs. Link, his pale·faeed white brother. After he HARDWARE Dennis alld Newcomer. The judges reIl- had concluded his talk, th6 low murmur dered a· decision in. favor of the afirma· of music was heard and the melody of Phone 318 PERSONAL STATIONERY tive. that beautiful Indian love song, "By Over 38 Years of Square Dealing ANNOUNOEMENTS Mr. W. Warren selected al'the tiU60f the Waters of Lake Minnetoaka" rip· Westminster. l\fd. NAME CARDS his talk "The High5pots of My Life." pled ohligato·Jik6 througnout the hall as PROGRAMS From 1115presentation of the subject, the "WaIlda," an Indian maidcn (Peg Babylon & Lippy Company MENUS society learned many interesting facts Hamilton), told a legend connected with Westminster Savings Bank NOTES about the speaker, the song. Then" Laughing Eyes," an· By An account of th6 We!lt Point trip was other maiden (Catherin6 Hobby), saIlg Capital $50,000.00 FLQRSHEIM SHOES "WESTERN MARYLAND" given by Mr. Belote, who seemed to "In the Land of Sky Blue Waters." think that the men were so interested in The quiet aroulld the camp·fir6 was Surplus "Ea'rned" 550,000.00 STETSON HATS PRINTERS th6 sight! that they almost forgot what broken whcn "Big Chief," the oldest F. THOS. BABYLON, President. they went up there for, namely, to play man ef his tribe (Isabelle Douglas), told 0. soccer game with the United Sta.tes th6 "Legend of the Eaglc," which reo MILTON P. MYERS, Vice Pres. Times Printing Co. Military Aeademy_ lates how the red men gave up their land .TACOBH. HANDLEY, Treasurer. International made-to-measure The meeting adjourned after th6 sing. to the white men. The Indian council Westminllt6r, Md. iDg of the Webst6r song. hour dr6W to a close as the moon cam6 Security Saving! Buils
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