Page 31 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS vs. GETTYSBURG COLLEGE I SPORTS I I SPORTS i Saturday, November 17 Gettysburg, Pa. Terrors' Victory Over Mt. Saint 1929 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE TERRORS VS. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL SECRETARY OF STU- DENT Y. W. C. A. VISITS COL- Mary's Makes Third Straight Win game will be a crucial test for the Ter· LEGE the Gettysburg In many respects September 28, Baltdmore University, rore. Not only has Gettysbnrg an eleven (Continued from Page Oue) Westminster. proficient in very nearly all departments MT. ST. MARY'S PUTS UP GAME FIGHT October 5, Georgetown University, of the game, but also their record so far will be in session from December 9 to The Terrors won the game which The third and last touchdown came by Washingtou. this season is very commendable. It if December n. It is interesting to note marked the revival of athletic relations the forward pass method. Tracey pnnted to be expected that the Battlefield squad that this was one of the few world or- between Western Maryland and Mt. St. to his own 40·yard line. Nenl and Keech- October 12, St. Thomas, Seranton. will furnish strong opposition to keep ganizations not broken up by the World Mnry's, 21·0. inakl made two first downs and a for "October 19, Temple University. their record from being marred by the War. Preneh, Germans, Americans, and Mt. St. Mary's put a fighting team on ward pass, Kosehinski to I-,awrence was Western Marylanders. all other nations continued to send their the fleld which battled the Terrors on al- good for 20 yards and a touchdown. October 26, Schuylkill, Reading. The Bullets have played six games, delegates even during the stress of the most even terms the flrst half, although Long had his elbow strained in the November 2, S1. John's, Baltimore. four of which have been on the win side. war period. the Terrors scored a touchdown in the first quarter, and Lawrence replaced him. NOI'ember 11, Loyola, Baltimore. Against American University, Coach During ber stay on the Hill, Miss first quarter. The 'I'error line was not up to standard; Bream's eleven rolled up what has provo Brown had a number of enlightening In the second quarter lit. St. Mary's Alex O'Lear showed the nearest to real November 16, }.Jt. St. Mary'S, Em· cn to be one of the highest scores in the and beneficial discussions with groups had their only opportunity to score, the football. Neal's play duriug the whole mitaburg. cast so far this season. Eighty-one of girls interested in the religions life Terror safety dropped a punt on his ten game was the one redeeming feature of November 23, St. Prnneis, Altoona. pl>ints was their score. The next team in colleges. -_-- yard line and Ryseamge, Mt. St. Mary's the game. Wellinger agnin rnn vcry }Juhlenburg, Allen Gettysburg met was Penn State, who de· left end, fell on the ball. Two tries at nicely. November 27, feated the Bullets by a safe margin of PRESIDENT WARD TELLS OF SIG· the line netted two yards, a pass was Mt. St. :~.L~ry's presented two fine twelve points. But this was a good NIFICANCE OF ARMISTICE broken up and then a lateral pass was players in the Ryscarllge brothers, play December 7, Maryland, Baltimore. showing since Notre Dame beat Penn smeared for a Hl-ya'rd loss. The 'I'errors ing left and center. Tracey got off some "Place not definitely decided. State by a score of g·O. In their third DAY kicked out of danger and were never fine punts, getting llis team out of dau- contest the Battlefleld eleven was held (Continued from Page Ono) again threatened. ger time and again. rathcr closely by Lehigh, who was de- Captain Neal again showed his run- feated 7·0. ViTIaNova, coached by Har- n<}tenable us to carryon our ways of ning ability. Never downed by one man. Western Maryland Mt. St. Mary's FOOTBALL DOPE ry Strudhelder, one of the famous peace." Sometimes running without good inter- Clark L.E. E. Ryscarage "Four Horsemen" of the )925 Notre "1" e live in a world of conflicting ferenee. Greasy scored the second touch o 'Lear L.T. Kurtis Third in a row. Dame football team, handed Gettysburg opinions. So we must be wise. We must down on a beautiful 25·yard run off vanguren L.G. Pecikonia Mt , St. Mary's presented a flghting their second defeat of the fall in an ex- tak e preeautiona while building up love tackle. Lawrence and Long scored the (Capt.) tNun. interesting game by the in tile hearts of men. other Terror touchdowns. The Terrors Machamer c. J. Rysearage Greasy was outstanding during the en score of Villa Nova, by the way, is l{Jst an opportunity to score in the last Weisbeck R G. Topper lire game. coming to the fore in the football world. PROFESSOR B. RANCK SPEAKS quarter, when a forward pass failed nf· Wilbur R.T. Buckley Shorty got hia arm hurt. The next opponent of Gettysburg was J. ter the ball had been brought to the Mt. Bates R.E. McCall All Sophomore backfield almost the Bucknell. Here the dope bucket WAS up IN BAKER CHAPEL St. Mary's e-yard line. Ekaitia Q.B. Tracey el,tire last quarter. set and Gettysburg won )4·)2 over one (Continued from Page One) The first score was made by Long in Long R.H. Russo Klypac and Wellinger made some nice of the most highly-rated schools in Penn the first quarter. Long returned a punt Neal (Capt.) L.H. Wolfe runs the last quarter. sylvania. Dickinson fell before the Get to the }.1t. St. Mary's 48·yard line. A Gomask F.B. Himler '.Pracey got off some fine kicks. tysburginns in the sixth game, 27·0. Ana found in the command to love our ene- as oursclves, whieh is especially mies series of plays featured by some of '1'he Rayscavage brothers were thorns the Terrors beat Dickinson 14·0. Neal's brilliant running, mixed with Western Maryland 7 0 14 0-21 in the side of the Terror offense. And last the Bullets defeated fitting to think about on Armistice Day, gains by Long and Gomask, brought the Mount St. Mary's 0 0 0 0--- 0 Clark continued his kicking for extra M\lhl~nburg by score of 26·6. tl,e anniversary of the close of the most ball to the four-yard line, where Shorty Substitutions-W. M., Lawrence for point, by making three out of three. dcvllstaUng war in the history of the world. took it over. Clark place·kicked for the Long; Havens for Machamer; Kosehin- One of the biggest ril'als Saturday. In closing, Professor Ranck stated extra point. This was the only score In ski for Gomask; Wellinger for Law Will hav~ to present better play this half. rence; Roach for Weiabcckj Klepac for against the Bullets to win. that only by striving after alld obtaill The Terrors came out the second half, Neal; Machamer for Havens; Kohout The Battlefield College has a fine ele;,· ing this lligher righteousness may we and scored two touchdowns the third for O'Learj Smith for Bates; Fox for en this year. have that joyous and abundant life quarter. The :Gut touchdown cllme as a Clark; Downer for Wilbur. Mt. St. Beat Gettysburgl You Know Him which is the birthright of cveryone. result of a msrch of 60 yarda. Tracey Mary's, Mattie for Himler; Haubrick kitk~d to the Terror 40·yarrl line. Law for Russo; Zelton for Topper; Barron Blinks-What killd of a ellap is tl,is renee made 10 yards. Neal made 15 for Wolfe; Znbis for Zelton. Touch· WHAT OUlt OPPONENTS DID Bill Borum' more, and Neal and Koschinski made downs, Neal, Lawrence, Long. Points SATURDAY Jinks-lie's the kind you nrc lucky Somebody, Somewbere, Wants Your another first down on the Mt. St.l!Jary's after touchdown, Clark (3); (pla.:e-- jf ~'ou don't know him. 25·yard line. On the next play, Greasy ment.) Referce, Jenkin~, Harrisburg '.rhree wins, three losses and one tie is -Cincinatti Enquirer ran 25 yards for the score. C'ark again Tech; Umpire, Saul, Oberlin; Head !l16 sum total of tIle activities of the Photograph kicked goal. Linesman, Houtz, Penn State. 'ferrors' opponents last Saturday. Have Your Shoes Repaired at the Loyola continued its losing streak by College Shop dropping a hard fought game to Catholic WESTERN MARYLAND SOCCERITES before one of the latter's football games Unil'~rsity, 21·13. Chas. Kroop The Wilson Studio in the Stadium will be continued in the HOLD NAVY TO SCORELESS TIE Gettysburg added another defeat to 25 E. Main St. Inture. the hluhleuburg team by running wild W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. The line·up is as follows: in the last half after being held to a 6·6 The Terror soccerites played Navy to N,,,, score in the flrst half. The final score a standstill in the Baltimore Stadium, as Western Maryland was 26·6. a preliminary to the Navy·Michigan South G. IIoward Schuylkill continued its winning ways SILYERWA.RE WATCHES Conaway Motor Co. football game on November 10. This McLonghlin R.B. Hastings by defeating Lebanon Valley by the de· was the hardest fought game of the sea Carlson L.B. Smitll cisivescoreof32·14. A. H. Fetting Company Daily Coaches to lind from Gettysburg, son for the Terrors. Horn RH. Trunda GnbbillS C.H. Willis The University of Maryland upset the MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Emmitsburg, Taneytown, W'estminster Navy kicked off to Western Maryland Hulme L.R. Trice bucket by handing tho highly ratcd and Baltimore. and started down the field like a cham- Roberts O.R. Benson University eleven a 6·0 defeat. 'l'he 314 Charles St., North pionship club, only to be stopped by the Blackburn I.R. H,,, Old Liners recovered a fumble nellI the Baltimore, Maryland Sehedulcs posted in College Halls, Post Western Maryland halfbacks. The ball Steere C.1-'. Beanchamp Bulldog's 20·yard line an(l after failiug Office and Dean's Office. was then carried down the field by Bean Williamson I.L. Noble to gain tllrough the line, a forward pass, CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS ehampand Hart,who threatened Navy's Diekenson O.L. Holland Roberts to Snyder, n~ttod the score. Phone 267 or 173 goal several times in the half. Navy Score by halves: Davis and Elkins ii.efeated St. Francis finally broke through and rushed the Na\'y .. casily by the score of 40·0. MaryJand goi\,l. After an exciting scrim Western Maryland .. Temple and Villa Nova fought sixty EVERHART mage in front of the goal, Navy was Referee--Al Gordon, U. S. R. A. minutes to a scorele~s it, Hal.sen fumbl· T.W. Mather & Sons awarded a penalty kick when a Mary· Times of hah'es-25 minntes. ing as he crossed the Villa Nova goal BARBER and BOBBER land man fouled in the penaJt.y area. line with the Wlllning beore. Steere kicked the penalty, but Howard WHO HAVE SCORED TERROR At 'rhe Forks Westminster's Leading Store was able to stop it, though giving them "Dad" SMELSER a corner kick. The Terrors recovered POINTS the ball from tllis kick and kept it for ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, the remainder of the period in mid·fleln Tries COLD DRINKS by consistent booting by the two full- Toueh- f" Humbert's Over 38 Years of Square Dealing back lines. When tile half ended, the downs points Totals Open every night until JJ :30 p. m hall was in the Navy territory and the Neal 1 score 0·0. Long 3 King's Pharmacy Maryland kicked off to Navy in the Clark 11 17 (formerly Shipley's at the Forks; Smith & Reifsnider seeond half, and went down the field to :Miller THE REXALL S'l'ORE threaten the midshipmen '8 goal. Hart Lawrence 12 Westminster, Md. and Bauchamp placed several ~hota at Ekaitis 6 55 E. St., Westminster, Md. thll goal, only to be stopped by the team Bates For Things to Please Your Palate Lumber, Building Supplies and Coal work of the Navy backs. Navy staged Gomask Westminster News Company a comehack in the later part of the pe· Koschinske Sash, Doors, Blinds and General Mill riod threatening the Terror goal, but A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner were unable to score due to the improv· Totals 19 15 WE HANDLE THE Work ed teamwork of the fullbacks. A corner BALTIMORE SUN Rooflng Materials kiek for Maryland ended the contest Phone 324 with the score still 0·0. College Tea Room ·l Throughout the game the outcome was EXPERT DEVELOPING and PRINTING always in doubt. At no time was one HOME COOKING D. S. GEHR. team an evident superior to the other, FIms 24 HOUR SERVICE both squads being evenly matched. Open Until 10 P. M. Navy had its big chance to score early (Established 1866) in the first half when n. ·Western Mary GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE land back fouled tbe ball. Only thc SAflUEL COHEN Wholesale and Retail quick action of Howard averted a ecorf. 45 E. Main St. HARDWARE After the game the squad were given Tel. 21-J SODA CANDY TOBACCOS sideline seats for tbe annual Navy·Mich· Clea.ning, Pressing and Repairing Phone 318 igan football game. r'erhaps the custom The best presser in town. Hoi "7;oasled Sandwiches of playing the W. M.·Navy SOCcergame Special Rates to College Students Westminster, Md.
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