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w. COL Vol. 6, No.9 November 22, 1928 TERROR BOOTERS SCIENCE CLUB HOLDS SECOND COLLEGE cALENDAR CAMPUS LANDSCAPING WELL W. M. C.REPRESENTED AT UNDER PROGRESS MEETING OF YEAR VISIT WEST POINT The Science Club held its second THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22- The work ef beautifying the campus EDUCATION CONFERENCE meeting of the year November 8 in the Science Club-Chemistry Lecture is now in full sway. Some grading Ie U. S. M. A. IMPRESSES che~istry lecture room. When the Room 7:15 P. M. being done and a number of trees and PROMINENT EDUCATORS PRESENT president called the meeting to order, SATURDAY, NQVEMBER 24- considerable shrubbery is being set out To tumble out of bed while it is yet every seat in the room was taken and Varsity football. Western Maty· under the direction of 'Professor Bcheef President A. N. Ward, accompanied dark, sleepily dress and ent,'und aeraru- extra chairs had to be supplied to ee- land ve. St. Francia, at Altoona, fer. The heating plant is to be hidden by Professors S. B. Schofield and A. M. Con- the Southern Isanoglc, attended hle into a bus for a three hundred mile eomcdate the atudeuts present. A new Pa. by a row of Lombardy poplars. More ference on Education held at the Uni- drive through Maryland,_oastern Penn- roll call was taken and tJ,e minutes of Freshman football, 'Western Mary- poplars are being placed at the back of versity of North Carolina, November sylvania and New York, was the de- the previous moeting read by Miss El- land vs. Georgetown at Washing- the Administration Building and Alum· lightful experience of the soccer team len Shank, eeereta ry. 'I'be appllca.ttens ton, D. C. (postponed from No- ni Hall. In front of Alumni Hall, arbor 15·17, at Chapel Hill, N. C. The con last Tuesday when it wont to play th~ of Messrs. Trice, Smith, H. 0., Willard, vember 10). vitae and oUlor new shrubbery are be- fcrence was a first of a series to be United Stutes Military Academy at and Willis were approved and these ing set out. More barberry bushes arc held annually at Chapel Hill, under the direction of Dr. Harry W. Chase, Presi- West Point. men received into membership in the !MQNDAY, NOVEMBER 26- being planted along the walks around dent of the University of North Caro- Westminster was left in the dark, but club. Women's Literary Societies, 6:30 Lewis Hall. Severnl bi:rch and poplar lina, for the purpose of studying the Boon it was evident that the gray dawn After some discussion the following P. M. trees are to be placed at the sides of the had silently and imperceptibly stolon poltey regarding membership for the Men'~ Literary Societies, 7:00 P. gateway into Hoffa Field. The full im- education in the South. upon the world. Dim outlines of houses, eurrent year was indorsed: M. provements of the new landscaping will The program consisted of a aeries of barns and trees became apparent, and 1. Memberhaip is open to any student TUESDAY, ;NQVEMBER 27- not be realized until spring, when the lectures delivered by prOminent educa- Boon distant objects were also discern or member of the faculty interested in Varsity soccer, Western Maryland trees will put forth their full greenery. tors of the country, among whom were Ible. Then streaks of violet and rose science, not necessarily being a aeienec va. University ef Delaware, at By eomcmncement time everything will President H. L. Smith, of Washington L. D. President and Lee University; pierced the eastern sky. Before long major. Newark. he in full foliage, and the visitors will Coffman, of the Univeraity of Minne- a beautifully clear autumn day had 2. Dues are 75 cents per semester and vicw a much improved campus. It is made its appearance. The splendor cf must be paid within Lhrec weeks from WEDNESDAY, NQVEMBER 28- planned to continue the planting of new sota; Professor G. D. Strayer, of Teach- the sunrise was breathtakingly jove- the dato of first meeting of club, for Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet- trees and shrubbery in conjunction with ers College, Columbia University, and Iy, and every member of the team felt new members, three weeks from the ings~ 6:30 P. M. the building program. The new build- the State Superintendents of Educa- amply repaid for the inconvenience ef date of their initiation. THURSDAY, NQVEMBER 29- ings will be beautified by a setting of tien from seven states. Several of the his early awakening. 3. Members who miss three consequ- Thanksgiving Day. green, and the whole ealllpus made a lectures were followed by discussions, At Littlestown the bus turned to the (Continued on Pago Fonr) Varsity football, Western Mary· show Placc_.__ ~_ participated in by members attending right to take the read through Hanover, land ve. Mublenburg, at Allen· the Conference. Various phases of the educational were touched upon in field York, Allentown, and Bethlehem. Bplr- its ran high the entire trip; songs were A SUMMARY OF MEN'S town, Pa. HISTORICALPLAYSSUBJECT t,he lectures and discussions, such as, Speech Department Plays, Alumni sung, friendly insults hurled back and ATTENDANCE RECORDS Hall, 8:00 P. M. OF SHAKESPEARE CLUB "Responsibilities and .opportunities of forth, and in general a gay optimism the American College"; "Libraries"; pervaded the team. Suddenly tI".lre }.JOl\T))AY,DECEMBER 3- "Physical Education", and "Financing . Women's Literary Societies, 6:30 came a ary, "Isn't it time to eut t" A .A. t n recent meeting of tho men of The Shakespeare Club held its month- of Pubbc Education". hurried eonaulte tdon of time pieces re- the student body Dean Miller made P. M. ly meeting in McDaniel Hall Parlor on The social life at the Conference was sultcd in the news that it was between a report eoucerniug the attcndanee of 'Men's Literary Societies, 7:00 P. Wednesday evening, November 14. Tile not negletced the members were enter- twenty·eight and a half and twenty- the men at classes, morning and Baker M. meeting was devoted to a discussion of tained at dinners and a theater party nine minutes after eigllt. From that Cha.pel ~erviccs, a.lld other stated ex- WJ;}DNESDAY,DECEMBER 5- the variations ITom history in Shakes· on TllUrsday evening, the latter being minute there was a continual damor ercises during the first six weeks of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet· peare's plays. The plays cllOBenfor this presented in the Playmakeu Theatre by for food. It was silenced upon arrival school. The data which he quoted iugs, 6:30 P. M. discussion were Richard II, Henry lV-- ~!~~d!~m~~htc:rO!~::e~la?v~sak:i~~~ ~~ at Eastern Pennsylvania at one o'clock, shows the relative attendance of tlJ(l Le Cerde Francais dans McDaniel Parts J and II, and Henry V. Special but not many hours had elapsed befere several classes, and the effect on tho Hall Parlor, 7:15P.M. papers on each respective play were the University Glee Club, followed by it was hcard again. About three grades of individuals of non-atten THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6----- rcad by the Misses Grimm, Huston, a faculty smoker, complimentary to the o'cloek there was a spntter and the en- dance. Poets' Club, 8:00 P. M. Hitchens, and Kelbangh. members of the Conference. Saturday gine stalled. Several expedients wcre' The Freshmen had the best atten- The points touched on in these pap afternoon was given over to either a tried to get geing again, but proved dance at the morning and Baker Chapel ers were of great interest to the club. iour to Duke University, golf, or seeing and 94.6% at Baker DR. W. W. DAVIS SPEAKS unavailing. services, having a record of 96,9% at The out_standing variations from true a foothall game (the University of Everyone e1amhered out of the bUB morning chapel history in the plays are te be found North Carolina Freshmen vs. the Uni· The Juniors had the next best for as much exercise as time would al· record, then the Sopholnores and the ONSABBATH OBSERVANCE prineipally in the way Slwkespearc versity of Maryland Freshmen). Chapel. low. It was discovered that there would changed the llgCSef characters to meet The Conference registration num'· be ample time for exploration of tho Seuiors. ]n attendauee at special ex· his need. An ('xample of this is the reo bered about 130 members, representing lIlany southern colleges and universities. vicinity, and an expedition set out. orcises the'samc oroer prevailed, the Dr. W. W. Davis, whe IIBSbeen for duction of tho llge of Hotspur, in Hell' Many of the representatives were the Eventually they returned with evidence Freshman record being 97.7%. The at- more than sixteen years secretary of ry IV, Part I, from about forty years of the discovering of an apple orehard tendance records for daily classes were: the Lord's Day Alliance, preached in .to sixteen years, in order that his char presidl'ntsof tlJe "arions institutions, and news of a supply of cider. The en- Freshmen, 99%; Senior!!, 98.2%; Soph- Baker Chapel Sunday evening, Novem· aeter might be more similnr to that of denns of the certain departments, pro· gine, however, started roaring about omores, 98.15%; J'unibrs, 98.1%. bel' 18. Dr. Davis took his text from Prince Hal. Prince Hal appears in this fes~or~, librarians, superintendents of that time; everyone jumped aboard. The Freshmen to'Ok fewer week-ends Proverbs 29;18. "Where there is no playas more of a "ne'er-do·well·' than state educational systems and state di· rcetors of different types of edueation. Again all were speeding through a love- away from school than any other cla~s. vision, the people perish; but he thai history leads us to bclieve. Shakes President Ward and hisassistante, in ly hilly region studded with numerous The Sophomores'ranked next, then tlw koepcth the Jaw, happy is lie." At the peare emphasized the loose condnct of making the trip, visited Virginia Mili- lakes of every size. Seniors and the Juniors. 680/0 oi the beginning of the sermon, Dr. Davis Hal'syonth in order that there would he Night came 011,lights twinkled near absences from classes and stated ex- stated that his one pnrpose was to get a more effective contrast for the real tary Institute, Washington and Lee and far, over the countryside, and tho ercise wcrc excused. everyone to realize tlle greatness of flchieyement of his manhood. University, Duke University and High bus rolled into Sussex, N. J. Again the In defenee of the Juniors' and Sen· the Sabbath Day, and the necessity for An instance showing to what degree Point College. Their brief visits to these institntions were for the purpose engine coughed and stopped. Glad of ior's records, it should be noted that keeping it in the right way because on- Shakespeare used his imagination for of studying the various schools with another break in the monotony of a. they are required to do a great delll ly by doing this, 'could each one Jive drawing certain eharaeters is found ill particular reference to those prohlems steady drive, the team alighted and,ex- of praetise teaching, which makes nee· his life to the fullest, the working on!. of the character of Sif plored the three blocks of buildings essary abseneeirom some of their clas- Dr. Davis enumerated four reasons John Falstaff. Falstaff is ~upposed by in common with Western Maryland Col· comprising Sussex. For two hours, ses. The members of 1.he feetbal! why t11eSabbath Day always has been most critics to be the Sir J olm Oldcas- lege, especially the building programs while a mechanic pnttered aronnd the squad, alae have lmd to incnr many ab- and is now the greatest of all days. The tie of histery, while the name was in which several of the sahoo19are en- gaged and in which Western Maryland insides of the engine, the boys po. sences, bnt the foetball men average first reason is because of its associa· doubtless snggested by that of Sir John is particularly interested. trolled the town. The mechanic took a no more low grades than the rest of the tions. Just as we judge men by their Fastolfe, a cowardly knight. trip to Paterson fer a new magneto. student body. associates, so we jnqge institntions by With respect to the battlos depicted After it was illStalled, the team eon· One item of interest is that the mell their asseciatioDs. In the three great- in the plays, the conflicts become sing- RIFLE TEAM ORGANIZED tinued on its way to West Point; not, made more improvement in grades for est events in the history of the world, le combats, bccause of tile impossibility however, without hesitation at the cross- the first six: weeks this year over the the Creation, the Giving of the Law at of staging a group battle. Hotspur was The Rifle Team, selected from the R. roads, frequent inquiries, much erron· corres_ponding period last year than did Sinai, and the Resurrection, the Sab- in reality killed dnring the tliick of the Q. T. C. members of the College, has eous advice from the back seats, and the women. ---- hath Day has played an integral part. fight at the battle of Shrewsbury, bnt been organized for this year's pregram. conferences on the front seats. With After the Creation, God set apart one Shakespeare has him killed by Prince At a meeting of the men interested in the dusk sentimental feeling arose, and MR. C. IRVING CARPENTER SINGS day for communion Ilnd fellOWship with Hal in single combat. Incidentally, this the team, Downer was elected captain the bill! was saturated with harmony OVER W. E. A. F. Him; the very heart of the Ten Com was done also to mako Prince Hal a and M. V. Sterling made manag!'r. (f) as it sped onward. Again the driv- mll.ndmcnts is the law which tells us nobler, more important character. Many of last year's members of the er misaed our way, this time quite luck Many ef the students were fortunate to "remember the Sabbath Day to keep taam are out again this year and a. sue- ily, for the boys travelled for three enough to hear Mr. C. lrving Carpen- it holy"; and the Resurrection ooaurred .on the wholc, Slmkespcare followed cesaful season is predicted. Many miles up tbe Storm King Highway and ter sing in the semi·finals of the At- on Sunday. historical facts rather aloscly, and made matches have been arranged, both were treated to the grandest scenery water Kent Foundation Andi t ion The greatness of the Sabbath Day is free usc of dramatic license by chang- shoulder to Slloulder matehes and of the trip. Above one aide of the road through W. E. A. P. Saturday night, caused secondly by ite eharaeter. We ing events, and altering and inventing matches to be sbet on local range with sheer cliffs rese into the star-studded November 17, at 7 P. M. consider men great when they are truth· characters, only for tllC purpese of pro- scores telegraphed among the contes- sky. At the other side there was a pre- Mr. Carpenter represented New Jer ful, honest, and capable, but there is ducing real drama. tants. Most of the matches will be ahot cipitous drop to the shores of the Hud· sey in a contest held to determine the only one adjective ever used in des- in this last way, whereby it is poasihle son, many feet below, en which gaily representative of the New England and cribing the Sabbath Day-"holy". Till) Y. W. C. A. SERVES BREAKFAST to coutest with teams in varieus parta lighted steamen, seeming mere toys, Atlantic Seaboard States in tl,o final Sabbath belongs to the home, not the ef the country. The shoulder to shoul- churned their ways. On each side of Audition Contest to be held December athletic field, market, or public affairs. The "Y. W." ~om in McDaniel Hall der matches will be shot with teams in the river, far helow, trains whistled and 16 in New York City. The winner of The third reason Dr. Davis gave wa~ wns a regular mecca for the girls last this immediate area. the lights from the leng streams of this final contest will receive $5,000 in that the Sabbatll llOlds great. possibili Saturday morning, when the Y. W. C. A. passenger coaches were reflected in the cash and two years tuition under any ties for any race in the world. Today served breakfast from eight o'clock un· DELTA SIGMA KAPPA water. It was a scene whiah will live mnsie instructor in this country. the white race dominates nine-tenths til ten o'clock. The hungry girls roo long in the memories ef those fortunate Saturday's contest was the fourth of of the earth's Burfaee, and owing to its ceived delicious fried hacon and eggs; Delta Sigma Kappa takes pleasure in cnough to be there. Redirected, the a series in which Mr. Carpenter has achievements and position, is the great- nicely browned toast with lots of butter announcing that Miss Ruth Davis, Miss Evangeline Lathem, Miss Sara Reinecke, bus rctraced ih route to finally arrive Bung over the radio since October 19. est of the races. But this has not al· and jam and plenty of hot coffee with Miss Carolyn Tull and Miss Margaret sugar and cream, all for the price of a at the Hotel Thayer, on the reservation. Mr. Carpenter is a student at Druid ways been true. Only because tbe white quarter. The girls hepe the "Y. W." WarneI' have been accepted into full Little time was lost in seeking the com- Seminary and is a frequent visitor ell race lias kept God's command regarding will serve breakfast quite frequently, :memberehip. (Continued on Page Four) the'inD. (Continued on Page Foui')
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