Page 8 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 4-. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. }'ltJ,;SIl.lIH WE~KGltEA'l'SUCCESSXXXX XXXXXX X XXX X XXXX XXXXXX X X X XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Westminster's Cut Rate Store (Con ttnued from page one.j ttou 0-[ courses', atter which the li- fu.rary was on all sitles,by forces of the younga..ters clamb- 61 W. Main St. Klee Apartments ering to select. tnetr cour-ses. and to ma'ke out uietr programs fo\' their fj.rst year 'at ccneze. After the- alec- The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. tUon of couraee and athletics. ttre iFreshmen attended meetings con- ducted: by the men's find women's student government boards. Here GET OUR PRICES tILey we-re told. in a few words, about !~~d'~'~~l-~I' l:elll. a·nd· th~~~~~~~odd~~ W. M. C. Face Powders Creams 'I'he Ft'eSh'ruen hold a record, here at W. M.!C. 'rne Freshmen party Talcum Powder Toilet Articles gi'ven Oll 'Tuesday evening ues ueen declared hy seve-at authorities' as Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets "the »enotest. 'best. and most emov- able pa rt.y ever held on the Hlll !" It- -ce-rtainly was a moat wide-awake at- .fair. 'rue meet surprising event of the whole evening oecurred righl at Sodas Cigars the bemnning er uie As usual the [air tames were up on one aide or me reception hall in Me- Cigarettes 13e pk. or 2 for 25e. Daniel Hall. and the young gauants were tille.d up against the opposite wall. The fail' l'adies' were giggling and t aIkinz' to each otuer. and the CALL IN. young gallants were "ditto" All tne while stea!.thy gtancea Ilitted Prom -tbe.dear young tntnga- tr1ej, to satisfy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxXXXnxxn one aide of the room to the other as ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~~~~~~~ ou.rtostty their as- to t'heir classmates of Ihe onocaae sex. Then so-me of "ye crdumer.s'' took some of the fair If you want the best in CONEY ISLAND laMe~. over to th-e side of tne room COLLEGE PENNANTS, BAN- J.l. MYERS cccunteu 'by th~ YOlln..; gallants. In- Hot Weiners tr.od.ll«ions andr -glad to metcue's'' NERS. PILLOW COVERS, WATCH MAKER ensued. And then uetore we knew it F-HOTO-ALBUMS.-ETC_. there was a gran.d avalanche ·and' the '-----------'1 lInlbelieva!lJle halll happened. The Iboys ,for less money. buy your goods 150 E. Main St. W. Main Street. from and. ~il'is met, mixt'(\. nnd,lbecame one B k & L great group ()fnatu!""tl aCling boys --0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- -WO-AL--<>--K.O-VoE-R--<>--SHO-<>E-S and girls tal'king and lang-hing wilh a er awson D. S. GEHR ;~~le:lI~~:~~ ~'~~'e1~~:s~Ol:\1(lICeE~S;~~. Successors to Most all college people know Wholesale and Retail Hardware, them. ~:el~~~~\: ~1:~~.:e~n~JJ~~1~!~:'f~:l~~~ Shanahan & Trice Building Materials, Cutlery> snit: "A time was hacl 'by all." -0-- -0-- -0- --0- -0- Shoes for all occasions. It was a Illost delightful e·vcn- SEE YOURSELF Ammunition. Paints, Oils, /n;;:~II:e~~Uy e~!~i~:~Il~h:e~.a~1(~~~n.~. wii~oN Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, J. Thomas Anders and t.he Y. W. C. A enter- SEES YOU. Iron and Steel Products. tuined the and and all Wilson Studio 22 W. MAIN STREET a.gre:ed \llLat was atl evening well (Established 1868) Westminster Maryland -spent. On ,Thul'·~day .tlt~ li'resbm~!l Westminste:r. Md. ~~!pe\b.~.~erzr:l~eyn~:~i;lgpri'~~le:e~r~.~ E. Main Street. -0- -Q- -0-' -Q- -0- -0-- -0-- -0-- -0-- -0-- heal' a fJplendidJ by Dr. Ward. -0-- -0- --0- -0- -0- "Established 1865" For guarankBd Shoe Repair- ~::e~~~:li.ce ~r::~:;i~:~le;~\~:~Ile~Westminster Cand THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK iog, why not try the par-tille-lit. g-aye a de.\ighUul tea tor the Y OF WESTMINSTER QUALITY SHOE SHOP freshmen girls nea.r the Ibeginning of Kitchen' Westminster - Maryland 96 W. Main Street the wee-'k. Here tJhe girls had a clna.llce ,to me-et their classmates, CAPITAL $125.000 with the latest Goodyear Ma· ituture .pals-, trt0nds. and, chums. 'ThE' (Es\aJblished 1905) girls all really aeem!l-d rather loathe SURPLUS & PROFITS $150,000 chinery. A trial will convince to in time t-o get to s·uppe-r. Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., Pre&ident, you. Prices reasonable. 'This will not be OUI' lasL Fresbman -Fine Home Made- ,Weelk lor !-t bas sure-ly 'been' a great Lewis K. Woodward, vice.Pres·1 .'ltrecess. The .~reahme-n ·think a-o, CANDY AND ICE CREAM George R. Gehr. Cash;er. J. D. Katz. Prop . .tI.Ie-'facult}, IHls·torian. Harold Cotton. Miriam Boyer. Heavy Wool Sweaters (Estimates Furnished)
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