Page 108 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 108
The (rl)ld Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lies $1.79; Tenor ban- joes $6,00; mouth organs, 50c to $2,00; complete violin outfits $10.00; full assort- The Hill. Some students. who Other omcers . an HOME FURNISHINGS menta of strings, all never 'think or 'Stealing from II L Class: kinds, Come in and Prealdeut Westminster. Mnrvland. sxamtnauou. Other omcere , " 30 seOl'nanYOlle look them over. jcurualtsm: on the field do o A-Aloha: I!:ditorin(;hief ::.-OMATT~Ws°~-WRS - Westminster Jewelry Shop Business .\hmager Others on Staff 30 I 1-0--0------ -0- -0-- -0- B-GoldBug: Editor in Chief ;~ I Wall Paper and Window Shades THE ANJri VsWll s~t~~H]NG :\lauaging Editor a xreed lhal 60 Decorators for the College. Jacob M, Ephraim, Prop, i-emoved ,"15 f,ill' '>IS noesnno. i News Editor, G(}-0- --0- -0-- -0- --0- Westminster Mt. Airy and tluu students ~l1ould uot he Bnsluesa xtauager Brunswick Taneytown ouiers on Staff: . We. do all kinds of. shoe Sykesville Littlestown, dllrill";aneXlillinlltioll,Siucf' C-\lonlhly: I repairing, Satisfaction I . See Us First and Save. 01' the ~irlg th.iuk tlle bovs nntl Edlf.m' in r-mee 6(1 guaranteed han' diffel'eut honor codes, nu Business :\tana!!er :; J D KATZ -0- -<>- -<>- -0- -0- Others 01\ staff , • • RUN TO tc vennu-e 11\\\('11 cru-etul D-Y, Handbook: ~ ~ week tile Y. W. is Editor ill Chi~f ' ,01-0-_~~M~~~t:~ -0- 1\1. T ..~ EX" S gustnese :\lanaro;er everyone I~ iuvited to lake part, ourets (Ill SlalT , 2i1 When ex- Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes, end Rlch-nond were chosen I )llsse'S Prench. A. La wnor. Love, n Lite.ral',I' soctenes: PRESIDENT TAFT Specials for parties. Reiurnuth. J, preatdeut wa nted a good ns neree.ues 10 !1H' summe'r C(,>11[CI'- Other Officers 5"1 PHOTOGRAPH -0- --0- -0- -0-- -0- 30 e:I"~ '~I E~~I':~ 7 _"lhl"llr.~ ~ Wehler & King \-.\laulI2:ers, he sen for . W~:JI,' I':~IIA \' i\S~E.lIl1l,Y s'ootbau The final tvedueedax esscmmr. :\'Iay Basketball ~~ Sereck s. W ilson ~ GRADUATE PHARl\IACISTS \\'a~ f\(ldre~!l-c-!l hy :\11', \Y, \\' neseeeu 5<, a~ -0- -(}- -0- -0- -0- The Rexa ll Store of the naiuraore and Ohio 'remus H~ilrond. Tln'l'e hal'u he-en speeches 11l1lE' made at ('ould not uxist. for 100d lllust Pre-sldent 30I WESTMI~S~~~J:ILORlNG J>IW~~~ 21-,1" " Man III Town The Cleaners, Dyers, PreS$ll.lge$t Pressers Iw brOUght to throm, ~oll1('lillles II~, :\lusic~l Slllts pressed tll()IlSaLHls of miles. RlIilroulling Is A-Ol'l'he-~tra. .., lU Col W. :\Iain SI. I'hone 22::;' Suits Cleaned & Pressed, Auto DeliverY !In IOll~r\' a Jo
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