Page 111 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 111
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3. 8U(, H1J)lOR U. W. MILLER I Wanted-Some capable person to S.:~IOI1S PIlESE"'f "UEnl,AMP'" ~g~~~~JK0 A J Morrell Cleaner & Dyer. i tea~h me AT PIIILO -""}""'''- r. . . no~~ep~::u~~; ;:::~~~~7Sen:ill'::~:I Apply toRobert.Unger. women. ~:~. :~;:l~'l~~tl:;~d~h!I~~I:I1;~te'~~::~~I~~ r prcaram An entertam.n unusually underetand to 25 to sc per cent by having then l'l{)thcr, what IS that tramp dOIng acted as hcst ees srI Ill\! last t me CHIROPRACTOR work done by Prospertry Methods with that. piece of wrappme papH? The usual open ng exe rctsea were Men s SUItS cleaned and pressed Sh __ darting. that IS a coneae dispensed with eecause me trrcxram 110 E. Main St. $100 men's 5UltS pr-esesd 35c La grnduut e with his diploma was LO Ibe lengthy AUrae lie pms dies Srlflng Coats lind one-piece __ ~ we re pres ured La \1 55 vI'~lllla Phone li5 dresses ehemically cleaned and Beto) e Exams "right and :\ll~s F1a~el Brau Philo ~ pressed, $1.25, ;\J)w] me down to steen renvescruattves tn the scueo Con- /' -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ou~a~e::t ~~~l~i(ic;~:t~:ner~;w:~,~~relis In ue bunk, ,e;~~e gentora gave 3 pIa;', the "Red 1 hope 1 die before 1 wake ALBERT "ABE"' TOZZI, And thus escape a flunk. Lamp.' College Representative. interest of lhe auot-nce. :\f!'~ Kath- Sporting Goods Hersh AVenue, Westminster, :\ld.'s I need the sleep. teen Todd was a "dyed-tu-the-wool" skip this period. Sag-Can't, (E~tabllshed l'iI.lian wuose 1900) sj enlth y entr-ance s and ;~o-;t~~~~;-~~,\~o-. -0- Ltppv-c-Iwtenxenorecn bad been ~~~~,~~I~l;~OeUl~l:~u;~~~:dO~~~~~~.~\:~:~ Discount To Students 'FOR SOt IE'r)' CO:STESl' Russi~.n.. ITurner as a charming Irish maill; , SUbj~:t~~iel?rl~i~:~i~;dC~~~:~I~ To ~1~~_~~~:~'h~l;ltt J put down on ;\~i:\;:;::s R~~~bj~:O~s~~;;n;~~~l~na~~ P~lU Infl1~ all look theIr elopl1lg lovers Bonsack's Store "Our National Crisis" "ILL 'rUAIN AT :IIEADE I well At Ihe conclusl!}!l of ,he tllO aet J, Edward McKlllstn "What PriCf:>Progress~" The follo'l'lllg men w JJ report to vlay refresll"llen1s were selled -0- -0--- -0- -0- -0- WebS!;;rl'Oll _4., Ravel 1~:::S,:\Jler:~~'Ill~n 1!'Il~~ell~:'sel::e ~~ I HEED wns 'I'f :'IiNIS'rOUnXAM.",T "Amerioo" NEW SPRING STYLES HU'bert K, Johnson fleers' Training Corps: "Tom" Reed defeated "'!i"ritz" Le Baller, George S.; Cooper, Lawrence IFevre ou Saturday In the finals of the For Ladies in "Woodrow Wilson" ,1.; Dlnkle, Ira H.; Dooley, Owen R.: TennIs TournllmlOnt staged Ihy the J. Paul Lam1bertson Eaton, Thomas H.; Elliott, Herbert Y. 11. .c. A. The score was 6-3, 6.t_ COATS Browning L.; Hawkins, Willad L.; Johnson, J. Reed showed his Superiority through- DRESSES "A Ray of Sunshine" Dallas; Lswson, J.ohn H. A.: Lippy, Ollt lhe whole tournament by hh Edith )1. Case H. GIlmore; :\fcKlll~lry, J. Edward; steady and excellent play, To hiin MILLINERY "Dis€nthantment" 'lyers, George H.; NiB101~,J,HeI"'he1"!; goes the hanOI' of beIng Ihe best Miriam 1. RO)-'er Owens, James; Spelcber, Foster 0.; SHOES PhilO!II.'1t1!ea!! VACATION. lorions in ll'.-enty of the aUlinal Illte!"- ==~================== ~==========~:!e~;stO;:~~,I"i~~~ceC~~!f":I:~~hY~:~~: ~:c::::::IJ:::IClz::::z:c::::rc:l.J:::Ic:::rJ:::lJ:::lc::::lJ::::lJ::lz:::::::l in Irving Hall, Eighteen stars ~11the D 'Vestminster's Cut Rate Store D~!:~:j~i::;g:,~~::~~~:::"':~::;~::;~ DO 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments DO I th~v~~1"l~;~~)~n~e~~:~:~ Ij~li~llll::~l ill o Th R · h S 0 n Th W rong S'd Of Th S t. 0 h'~":~';:~"~;Y'h:'~~;::n;~;p;':;:::~ ,.,<0""'" g~~~~'~~\i'~I0(""l1 e Ig t tore e e· 1 e O GET OUR PRICES 0 :;:~t~;'Yn:'\:;,t;l:~:";::d":::~::~~:~ tlon for ]lJpjr splentll\1 entertainment. Th~ sJl~dnl nll1':1(:IIO)1ror [he eVell- O Face Powders Creams 0 jn~ was a little play in the form of a pantomime. in whit'!! Ihe S~nlors look As Ruth Lenderkillg read aloud D part. d O TIP ower T -I tAt' 1 es the ~!ory, the Brownings saw enacted a cum 01 erIe bc,fore them a ~llarmiu..; \lllle tale of O Patented Remedies ·Pills,Tablets .......0 ~~~o~~~:~~~:~:~ :~~' ::l~C~de;ok;:~~; 1I111n fath~l' that she love'] him helter a salt, is finally rescue<] hy nolbll!. O Sodas 'Cigars young prluee and)s reHore(! to het o Cigarettes 13c pk. or 2 for 2Sc. 0 I ~~~~~tsR:!~~~:ll~~'~~o~e~n~l;f ~~;:~'~~ 0 :~~:~~~ir::"';:~:~;~~t~:;:~~:~ O CALL IN. 0 llueen made the little I)la), Yery en'ec- 0 Ih'e. Senion After progra.m, the the O een'ed very appe~izing refreS'hments, yells followIng whlcll a llum11Jer or c:lc:Ic:Ic:IJ::IJ::IJ::Ic:lJ::IJ::IJ::IClJ::IClJ::IJ::II were giV€D for the Jlr()wnlng c()ntell- t,nt,.
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