Page 112 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 112
rage 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege, Westminster, Md. "Y" ~·t:STIVAL I W. M. STUDJ:N1'8 WlLL AT'l'END THE FIRST NATIUNAL BANK ANNOUNCING We-stern Maryland campus was the t;,\GLt.:S MERE: ~TUDENT OF WESTMINSTER A big reduction for ::el~aat:!rdaa/e::en~!~~C~va~. f:;~~i~~r. w. c. ~~O:I:~E~~~E e. A, Hol4I Westminster, Maryland. ntutu, when the annual strawberry Joint Oeunell 'er t'l~t TlniC. Capital , .. ,$125,000 College students only, festival was held by the "Y.'''' . unoreceueuted in tile ntstorv of the Surplus & Profits $138,000 in musical lines. Special fiO~~~:'~~:::::e tr: ~:~o;.:~el~ :~:~ ~;:oec7:t;~n~~ \~:r~:~~:1 ;: ~~~~:t~:~ Jacob ~. Weaver, Jr., bargains ; $2.50 ukela- Ihe old building. Many people. both from June 12~21} a comhined Y. W, c. Chairman of Board. the student body and faculty as weI! A. and Y. l\1. C, A. intercollegiate L, K. woodward, President. lies $1.79; ~Tenor ban- ~:Y~dn~\~:~I~I~!i~~~t~:~~e~~'~~el~:~d:~I~ ~~:f~e:eCeoralE:;I:ls~~ ::;~~8::t~ti~~: George R. Gehr, joes $6.00; mouth the O[lpOl'tunity tor a chat amid such or colleges' from the entire Middle Vice-President, Cashier. uteaseot eurtoundtng s. The trees aud Eastern Atlantic Territory from -0- --0- -0- -0- --0- organs, 50c to $2.00; lind lawn made a most effective back- North Oarottna to "'taine will attend complete violin outflta ~~aoi~l~~dss~sr,~::: :lt~~I~;. frocks of the :~~Ir~~:l~~:e:~e,rJ~~:/U,~~OS: O(J;I;I~:F. A. Sharrer & Son $10.00; full assort- Altogether, the festival was an out- Council of tile Y. W. and y, M, C. A's. standtng euccees. and the enllre per- is to present an unhurried cppor- HOME FURNISHINGS ments of strings. all senuel of the staff should be (:001- tuuity tor men and women to stud}' mended tor their hearty eooperauou and crecuss some of the great moral Westminster. Maryland. kinds. Corne in and and wililng ,assistance. Onr appr-eeta- and reuetcue nrobteme ot this genet-a- uou is extended to MI'S, waenald, tlon in the light of the life and look them over. who SOgraciously consented to the teachings or Jesus. --0- MATTHEWS II MYERS IIIw t . t J I Shop -0- --0- -0- -0- use 0' the tea-room t"bt". 8,""'.,' to u.. "0'''"", nerd at L esmlnser ewery "LA~rJ't:ItN (;IIAIN" FAHt;Wt:LL TO ~~~~:l'B:it'lol~~ak:e;e~:I;ge'~;~ito~:~II~ I U SENIOIfS known speakers to lead the dtscua- Wall Paper and Window Shades -0- -()-- -0- -0- -0- On the Felling of !\olay27lh, the ston g!·OUV.8· Some of the most THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING ;~:~~nl~:edlh~oIlt~~~~~ltarr::~llI~~~(l~~~~I ~~l~~:~~n~'h~r~~Ie:: ::~I ~:~;e;l~h:~~t~ Decorators for the College. Ja~~DM~~~:;'a~~~~~p. on The Hill, to be known a!; the as having spoken in the recent COll- -0- -0- --0- -
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