Page 110 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold' Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG DR. W. O. TB01lPSON TO DEJ,JVER "JOHN" CO,IDrENCEi1lENT ADDRt:SS Official newspaper of Western i'wlaryland College, publiahed on Tuesday druring the academlc year by the arudenta 0It Western Maryland College, AT W. JoJ. C. Ever ready Westminster, Md. Entered as second class matter at the Westminster Post lln~I;;jS~~dO~sT~1:7t~::t~'rr:;:e;ht~yC:~;= ~ ;~Krl~~~r!~~~~tion OtllC~~hscrIPtion pric;e,.p:O.P per year e-at Assembly of the Presbyterian ~ ~~\~lil~g EDITORIAL STAFF '~~:l;.c~l:·~n~:~~:~~:~;~:te:dd;!~ls d:~ . A Iso . MANAGING EDITOR Carroll A. Royer, '27 ~:~s;e~~~ ~~~r~~a:d ~Ollege, Tuesday, ~ ~~i~~shoned EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .. . George S. Baker, :2: Dr. Th~mpson: Wh; Is 70 yean, old, The Only ~hrebFo~k: Bobber at NEWS EDITORS--L. K. Woodward, '27, and Blanche Ford 21 started as a poor boy and worked hIS -0- -0- _~ -0- -0- way through college. For twenty- Associate Editors l~~~ Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Marian Curling, '27 Den~e~ Young, :28 ~:~/e;::teheu;~~:r~~t~~id;~lt~I'I~! Virginia Wright, '27 WIlham Bay 28 rear, and receiving the appellation, Reporters ';lrhe },Iost Beloved "\Ian:'. Prior to Gilmore Lippy, 27 ~I: :~'l~::~e~;: :i~~;~oe:;:t=supn:~~~~s~~): The Newest and Best clothing Miriam Royer, '27 Dorothy Mellott, '28 Charles Summers '28 of Miami University. Oxford, Ohio. Katherine Johnson, '28 Huber-t Johnson, '28 For years he was president of an and furnishings Margaret Mertignoni, '29 J. Hammet Simms, '29 Ohio life insurance comnany. ot a He also served as a director Sara Freeman, '29, William Fiege. '29, Roy L. Robertson, '29 bank. During the spring of 1918 he Goods for young men. Business Staff was sent by the United States Govern- BUSINESS MANAGER .... Arthur Cecil, '28 ment to the Northwest to appeal to -0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER. F C Polk '28 the; people of the rood-producing areas D. S. GEHR CIRCULATION MANAGER K~~~ethBrown: '28 ~~lt~~~a~~~~~ef~;·~~~c~~l~e~n:~:~:~'~- ~::::::::=::::::::.~.-~.~-;~~~;;;;;;;.;=;~~~;.AlllJointed By wuseu. Wholesale and Retail Hardware, r- II:M.AKE ENDURING INVEST~IEN'fS In the summer of the same year Building Materials Cutlery" Editorials AT "ES~:~~E~;Rl:LAND :~:SI~:~~eW~~~t::~;~~::e!:III~U~~I:~:~ Ammunition, Pa~ts, Oils, '-- ---' No forms of beneficence exceed In Commission sent to Europe to make Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, JUST DDIFFERE~CE \:I~::~a:lC~ns~~~~Sn:~B :drl:C:~~n[JJon~~- ~I;:~~~~l :t~:~I~:rf~;~h!U~~~I:ISal ~~e Iron and Steel Products. le=h~tedn::n ~:e~~::~ t~:~y~:~dot~:~ :raekl~: )~~~~~:~~~s~~~l~~llgdl~~~en~~ :~;:~~:~ t;:~:;~~~!~:b:t~:~~t~:P1t~~ (Estabhshed ]868) college In the- State of Marvland? mental development. The tunton and labor, and was a member of westminster. }\lId Why is it that we simply do not I students are able to pay mee-ts only Federal Anlhracite Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~~:~e::e:? ~~~:~: ~ss::Ify ~:etrrae~soi~ ::~~t;~~d :~s~h:o:!U:~o~S!:~ot~:ent In the anthracite coal regton For Radio & Radio Supplies -----l.b.!,_1ndHh'r;>nteof om" ft1.hletlc and annual gift!!. We desire to call some years ago Westinghouse Lamps, dtrectors. the attention of our friendS to Dr. Thomrson a year 01' two age. Electric Vacuum Sweepers, One of the prinCipal objects of the impOI·tant work Western :llaryland, served'as presIdent of the World Sun- Cleans Hardwood floors too~ track snd fI£ld meet h"ld Last Thurs- College is doing in the field of higher I da.y"S~hool Assoc!atlou. He is said to day hy (he )1i]jta~r Department education, and to make Llle sugges- be a conservative iI'. theology and last Frigidaire, to discover mateT'lal for a varSll}' tion that the college offers all oppor- year at the Geneml Assemlhly in Co- (The eJect.ric refrigerator) trat'k learn. Both CaptaIn. Woolley t.unity for beneficente where ~nostI ~umlbus, Ohio, it was thought he Delco Light Products, and Li€utenant Waters are lnteres.ted satIsfactory results m~y be obtaullid. would be a compromise choice fo), the and everything electrical. i:il'~~Oil~.~~~_~~:~~~.:~:~Pc:nht~'~):r::l~;:;n::staj~ The Electric Shop ~aj~~es:a~~~\iS~~;t:~no~I:;;~:nda:n~ ~;I~:~ t~I~.::-~::~e.:~~~de~ Liberty St., pr-omlse- their aC:lve I!.uppor~ to any institution in ~nildlllgS al~d endOW-Ithe assembly. !:i~:,I~ls0:~:l~l:n~ersonal -0- -~ Westminster, Md·.. ;~;:r:;tb~~::n~n~~ ~~.~;: ~~l:, ~~~;et~ ~~e:\~e~r:~e~:~:::IOf h;hl:1a~~;1~~ For y;::: -0- -0- ~- thing should b-:! done next year to I SpetlS, .bnt its Sllccess. makes It im- fl·jentl ot Ihe late William .Jennings EAT·A·PlATE A DAV ~:::::;~~~.:~~ff;;.:~~.e of 0111'coach- ~:~ti;:d t:~o~e :~~=n~~:~g:~IU~;:I~:~ ~~:)~an~Val;'I:~)~::~P~~l:l. I~Stwa;e:~=~ , in Ibe most eftlcient way. sired to elllel' tIle contest at that timeI --- mllst he se~ured if the college is to Af'land should have R lla:: ~:er~~s: ~:~hn~i~i~d~td~il;r:af~~ f(lr moderator, hut Dr. Tllo'll_rson ~t ICE CREAM banner. :rear. in 1926-1927. ; buildings and endowment. The friends :I~~e\\~~t~~d;~j~:~t~r:;k~=e\l;i:~.l~~lIl:~~;: .".. .............-~_,~. ba~i C~,'::~:'~no~:eO~O\~;I:Vne:~dfo~t~ ~;k::t;~r C~~~ictla:;o~hear:la~:I:O:Cttf~I~~!'he npver h~d been nominated formally. be~! ~~.j('dule h: our hl!'tor~·. EI'ery" institution and to join In making pos- RO' \ PICKt'n lJY Sl'LTIH':'i'I"' ,,'011· tblr.g ,.'mnts to a record season In "ible the complete success of the en-I:O;, .' _.J ~ Zile-Neuman C I.hOC'majOr fall SPOrl. terprise projected. A'I'IILf;'nC JU:IHI. 2. An f.nri\1wm€nt campaign for In addition to the abo\'e considern- At a meetiu!,; last Thursday, "Joe' O. over ~ half malion dollars has been tlon Is asked for the following items: Rona. vl'teran Terl'~I' Rtblete, wa:; brOll!l:hl :0 a !Hlcce~~ful roncl1lsion. I. $1,50Q.t){I w!ll establish II tuillon cho!;en for the John A. Alex8lHJer ~t~~~~:~~~:;'III;~t~e-~d :q\1i:\1~;;t, ac~ ~;!~~~r~~~!Ch~l~r ':I:noDePal·tment or :~2(:~tl~'i;~w~::flr~'hleh!~~~~~~ea]~~ I Westminster, Md.. ademic rating. 2. $2,500.00 will Endow a tuition students, It is expe(;t~d: G. Williflm .. 3. The collEge curriculum has been scholnrship in the Academic Depflrt- lind Weigle were ehgubls for. the r(:(}rganilled on the most modern ment. I hon~l" "Ez~' WilllHms was inehg1bl~ -0- -0- -()-- -0- -0- basis. This reorganillation Is of great 3. $10.000 will endow a scholarship hanng receIved the metlnl last year. I LAJ','I' ISSUt: O.~'GOLD BUG Bigniflcance, lor it Indicates an in- that will provide [OOth Iboard and , --,- " This Is the last is~ue of the Gold creasingly progressh"e spirit in tbe tuilion for one student. [BLACK AND WIl,11E cr.UII Gn~S Bug during lhe collegt' yea]'. 1926- administration. 4. $7,000.00 will build a professor's FLXAL UA:\,QUtT 1~27. We tle~lr'" to th~llk our adl'er- Boost W. ll. C. this snmmer. house. The college needs six of these On Tuesday evening, "'lay 2fith, al tizers and subscri'bera for their co Come back neu taU and share in hOllses. the Westminster Hotel, the Black and operation ill making possible tl.t~ tbe glories your Alma !\latH Is de- 5. $60,000.00 wtJl endow !o. ltuJ pro- WhIte Olul1 held a farewell l1anquet publication of Western ~larylallrt·I" stined to win. tessorsh!p. In honor of its olemlbers of lhe gradn- offiCial weekly this year. We tru'1t 6. $75,000.00 to $100,000.00 w1ll ating class: R., Grace, E. thal this cooperation will continue Payne-Thers's a.n awful rumbling erect one of the new ,buildings pro- \Vllliams, Grlppln, Garrett, Richter, next year. II is OUi'PUl"JlOSeto main- In my stomach. doctor, Ilke a wagon jooted in the plans adopted for the Hawkins. and Deru. An elaborate tlljn more regular exchanges wittl goIng over a street car track. re-grouplng ot the college buildings. dinner was followed by a series of other coll~ges next year, as well as Dr.-H'm, proba.bly that truck you Gifts in any amounts will be applied I short tarewell talks by the senior to keep In doser tOllch with W. M. ate last night. t.O- the purposes indicated by donors. I members ot the fraternity. alumnI.
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