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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 28 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. June 1, '26 Company"8" Under Garrett Results 01 General College Elections For 1926·27 OIfices Senior Farewell Impresses WI 'ns Orl'll Compell·tl·on...· Men~s Student Govesnmeet. twenty-seventh, arter-noon. "" rue 0, Thuraday the front campus was President . ' John Lawson the eertrus ror the annual Senior ell Wednesday, :'\!o,r 26th. Company Senior Representatives . Elliot Hannold and SilUn Farewell Party. TIU! memlbers of the E defeated Oompauy A in the annual Junior Representatives Rensch, John~on, and Lambertson faculty, the seniors, other studenta, eempeuuve drUl Qr the R O. T. C.• Sophomore Representatives Chambers, Fiege, and Machamer ~:~~I;o:e~~r~tl!h~el~I~:cg:t::~:~~~:: and rrtends were UPOIl seated the ~:~~:an,,~asBll~~~Dallut::e;:;!et~~ ~~,~~3. Women's Student Oovemment. pO,inlS to 102,7 tor Company A. The P~e~ndent, .. ,.' , ". Anne Lauder veritable flower' garden. Shru1hs aud judges were "1ajor John S. Stroborn, VIC~-Presldent .. , . .-"... Mercia Rayme flowers from nature formed a. lovely Annapolis Reserve Corps, J. A. G. D.: Sen;or Representa~lVe. . ,. Maud Brown background for human ttowers. Tho Capt. Samuel C. 'rnompeon." Gettys- JUnIOr Representative '.' . . Dorothy Mellott Misses Holt, r'reems n. Roberts. Mus- burg College; and Lieut. D, Eugene Sophomore Representative Virginia Holland grove, staruno. nayme. Hayman, Walsh, Reserve ocme, Westminster. Y. M. C. A. Swann, Rowe. Grumbine, and Voorh,ht '1 he drill tnctuded various close order President ,... E. M, Hannold ,,:ere arttettcanv garbed to .I·~pres~nt maneuvers and some movements in Vice-President ." ..... ,..... .. , ..... John] wooden VIolets, black eyed susans. hiles, W.lS- it was oue ~~~~::r tb;n ~:u::e:to;:~:'jUdgeS He;~:~t~m?~te~~. t~:d ;:::::t, "Forget-we-Net," ot tbe most closely contested drills v. W. C. A. ::~t~:~l b;s ~I~:Sg~I~~nc:L~dFO~~~sMi~ Joy Wheeler as the .boy enacted a charm- Reinmuth ~:~ ~~e}~~1l:1i:~~:8~'I~~e~sCehdn~:~it7:S~President ,.,.. , '. '~~r~:r~~ ~WS~~~t:~d~~~~es~onr~eit~M:'~~~~,~!:S c:::; .Alter paSSin; in review of the ~ice-~resident . ~~da~e~Oerad~h~~~~~~i:e!a~P orL~:e~:~ Th~~~ua::r ..... Katherine Johnson br the girl ener a caretut surveyor to march "!Front and Center." Cap- Club Presidents ~1~s:l~epp~~hpe~atIZV:!~:::~:;l!la~f t:l~ 1A'in Garrett, commander of the win- Black and White . '" .. Frank Sillin to be plucked for her lover. Accom- .ing comp.anr, was awarded the cup, Gamma Beta Chi . ,. George Benner panied by Miss FOt'd at the piano, wblcb he presented to the COm[)llLIYBachelor's .. , James Owens Miss Norman sang, and :vIlss WazyJ, lipcnsor, );I\ss Dorothy Rdbinson. W. W .. "......... .. "." ", ~azel B.ratt the South Wind. 1111(1:'Uss Willinger, ~fter the company comllelltiOIl the Delta Sigma Kappa Vlrgtma Hastmgs the Butterfly. danced. c{:~test for the \Jest drmed cadl)t In Aloha Staff. At the close of the scene, MiRa: ~(£Cdm:;~~m~a:;ll;: ;':: ::~~:' s~;;:~: ~~~~~~~;-~~~!g~~ ._... '_... F~~~~~eS:e~~~~~ ~~~;aal~ie;e~~eL~~ssa ~~!~~~~o, ~; &'tcner of A Comp~nl" r~nd: S~rgt. Advertising Manager , , , , .. E. M, Hannold piano, ~~aL~~::t~~~~::arn:n~hl~~er~:~: Associate Editors, Vir'ginia Wright, Mercia Rayme, S. Boyer, 1'0 the expectant Seniors on thB 1IeT)' evenly matChed. Stoner per- E. McKinstry, and T. Eaton, lawn. the mrstic fulure was then re- formed In a snappier m.anner. but was Monthly Staff. :~a:e~ll~~t~~:: !\'~~~IS~Otl~:~:~~~~e~~ cl"miuated fro:n competition because Editor-in-Chief ,.' , .... ,." .... , .. J. Paul Lambertson the student bod.". We were led to bie feet "were not mates." Reed Associate Editors , W. K. Barnes, and Elizabeth Norman understand that the class of '2"6will proved to be sieady and sure and Business Managers. . . , ... A. Albright and E. Lynch surely be well represented in every :~~:':~:tl:;ny~~:". position for two Gold Bug Staff, actil'ity of life in the future. Editor-in-Chief CGeorglel AS. BRaker Ih~f~~~I:e:~e~~;erl~~:h:e;;~ ~~;::,d t~~ . fOMPA~Y ~R" WI:,\~ ,"H't' Managing ,Editor.. . ... _._..._._... _._.:,:,_.'Ke:::thurB~~~ ~~£:::~~~~~~:,~~~ii~~~:;~e~~:E:I~:~~: . ,',.. oyer. arro Business Manager . . With a margin of sixteen points, ~ircul~~~ro ~anag.e,r : L. K, .Wood~a~d .and ~Ianche Ford of Philomatllean and Browning Llter- ~~;/:~l~:r~::;n;~on~ t~~~k s:~~dndft:~~A,::O~iatel E~Iit~~~ .". MarIan Curhn~, _VlrgmIa Wright, Denver arv Societies. nll:et held last Thursday. ~Iay 27th. Young, and Wilham Bay. The eostnmes ann settings were ~) the )lilitary Department. Every Handbook Staff. designed by memilJers of tlte junior fHord of last year's meet. excellt that Editor-in-Chief . " . , H. G. Lippy clas$. !\liss Brown' was the author at of Ihe 100-yard dash. wa~ broken. BusineM Manager.,., .. ,.. George Hutting the prophecy, ~:~~l~·g":;th ~i~ ~~!\lr:~:~e atl~~1;1[;I~~Assistant Business Manager Howard Koontz STllllt:~'-I'S:-' "'VO'-,,-,.-·-"0"'.-- ~;,1_ 'ndlvidual -scorel"$. The 220-yard Athletic Captains. HONOR SYSTEM da,;h and the mile rua, both close and Foobball Fr.ank SiUin After recommendations from the e:J.:lling .......ere the feature events of Basketball Arthur Broil faculty and student government 1he afternoon. NorrIs captured the Baseball ., Lyle Clark organizations, [our out ot five of the . mOe In a bl'autiful sprint. taking the Tennis L. K, \Voodward articles of the newly Ilt'oposed "Regu- Jead near thl' finish after following C 'I lations for Examinations" were faU- :>-d~~:jtl~slanO~Jf'~.:~:~.l1;~:h t~I~:e l:in~_ President Debating ounci. Carroll A. Royer ~:;:e,bY \\:~\:hst\l::~::lde~d~hat A~:~: Manager .. ,. " . , L. K. Woodward chairmen should note persons leav- !I!'r~. follows: Secretary J. Paul Lambertson In'.l: room ·hefort. Crtrllilleting examina- ~~~~:;; :;:~ ~I~'~~~ (Officers of Literary Societies, and Athletic Managers not lion, was"'::-"-::''',,''=',,,'c-::::-=. ~-tG.yard run Umbllt'ger yet elected.) "MO'l'Ht;n~ ROn:n TO UNDERGO SSO-yard run ,. Oravetz ----- -- -- OPt:HATION )JiIe run. . . . Norris IlEI/I'A SIGMA KAJ'PA t:LEC'J'SIAlumnl Secretary Eliza'\Jeth Norman ";\1other" Royer. who has been ~Ia.ndjng broad jumTl ... C. D~y OFI-'ICERS The members ot Delta Sigma Kappa feeding Westerll l\Ial'~'laud stude-nts "Running" broad jU!llIl .. Deilluger -- were delightrull_v entertained !Jy Miss fOl' twcntY-f;me years, [s now a,t the Running high jump. . Condon The semi·annual eleotion of Delta KatlLerine FOllt1. and )Ilss CarolIne l\laryland University hospital. where Sbcl pnt , MC-Roble Sigma Kappa was ht)ld Monday, May I'wantz at the home of );Ir. and 1\1rs. she is nndergoing treatment, prepar.a.- Running. hop, step and jump .. Hnll twenty-eourtlL. The following officers .T. Pearre Wantz, Saturday, May tor~' to an operallon. "Mother" Royer Tbr~-legg(>d rate ~Iachamel" & Da,v were elected: I twenty-ninth. Tile Ume was spent In has been ill Since Januarr but r&~ Jockey race Hull and Grace Presldent Virginia Hastings playing \Jridge and In danCing. De- mained home nnlll ~ few weeks ago. Wheelbarrow race V[ce-Presldent , Esther Lawder liclous refreShments were served, and "MoUler's" absenCle is verr much r&- Rawlings and Stewart Secretary. , .. ' , .. ,. Ellzwbeth Davis the clUb members all voted "Iisees gretted by all the stndents, and an e ~eg~f~i~;rc~~~~~t, ,'.. '.' c.;~;;~n:a:.~~ ~~::,~~;:r,: ~~:::.-.-.-: ~.-' fie::: S~~II: I :~:n~:&;,nd Foutz the- best entertaln- ~~:~IL"alt~onWI:!I!n!s~l:;dY arec~~~~;~8'f~1
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