Page 91 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 91
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. J. I. MYERS HUG NEWS I OJ.'FICEItS CL[lU GIVE "Use the word .regiment In a sentence." AN!i Gf'AItAN'rta:n ___ nett cr tile eaucauco cr women which. ac- The Ragged' Army sewed lip its tears and cording to the Stute Hl.storlcal Reoor~. wn~ s-nares. aud presented il.SeH tor in~Peclioll a "most eloquent nnd brllliant elTort In he,~ Oil YOllJl JIONF.Y BACK in splendid condition. I' hair or the Cal)a'bll!~I.esof the female mind. ___ Five tholl~a!l'J copIes of tllis masterful WESTMINSTER 5c & 10c STORE 'Or course, ~'ve.ryone k!lOws, In. tact It j,sI ~6~:~:o~et~e I~tj~lt~dl!lal~dc~~~~:~~~df~~ g:: c,ommon gOl>SIP, who had the dll'tlesl gun il~.sSllge of n hill tor the esta'bllshment or II 67 E, Main St. Westminster ~!'lda}'. --_ I"PlIbl!c Seat olr Learning in Lhe State tOI' For next door to "\'" (:,\81:U'I'S ROLli 1,IV1U,Y l'AJt'f\' I the Edll('ution of Females." of Fem~il!! fifteen yea1'S proponents Westminster Meat Market IN y, W•. noo.u ,1IcDANII::L H,\L1, I~d\lcatlon had lJaUled In vaIn with a IUke.- Same Goods at Lower Prices. ,satul"da.y nIght, April 18tll., the, Y. W. and ~::;lr ~(~(\~ts~aat~lr~·o B:~e~~I~~o~~~~lIcoe~ ~ __ ~~ ~ Y. :\1. cahlllets had 11 party l1\ the \lew Janllury 1st., 1836. Wesleyan Col\eg(l BELT & BELT iileW~I([Orl~2~~25~'lc~~~n~~!wHNtZ5~::)~~:~~_1~i~fadc~~, dg~~~.g\~,lh:n~O~~~I~~~ t~~eHO~~~; In America, as.socllltlolis p.lesoe~·1 churlet'€-d ",,'Omen',s collcge .were In nets of h?th DRY GOODS, .\flss RolJl1l>son.. factilty utl'VH!,oror the ~. IS,tO. .eleven \'oung women were prellented completed NOTIONS, ~~.~~du~(i' !\~~I~a~n;~'I~~~u~;l~I~~~~tc~~I:)~~I with Bachel{)'r Degrees "havlll~ e.Klent all!l 11 course member!!. were the gll€stS of the cabInet. of study equal In HOSIERY_ .Mter 11 "conversational Paul Jones" to thOI'Oll'!\lIne~s to that o,r the lelllhng Instttu- Give us a call. ~l;!l tfdll:~ ~t~ill!o_~~~le~nte~~~{:n~I~~~' t~~' IIIO;I~~~~Jlm~:~'1ge Ii' Pierce IIas the firs' A SPECIAL PACKAGE I :\~~~~ngH4a~var~e,\~~;1 alia~~le e~e~~IV!:~~ I Illeslden! of Geor"la Wesleyan In his of or the lacmg' t)pe (I) peaum (2) gla~s I plesltle 10) the stlldelltJs and facultv lIved WHITMAN CHOCOLATES of \\ute.r (3) neck tie tYlllg Yale lJell\g IlogeLhel 111IntOlmal h{)me-Iil,,,"lif.e It wa~ f handicapped by two bo\\ tieS The dec\(l\n~ lathel aftel the lll111ner of n hu!!:e PIOS MOTHER'S DAy~r MAY 10th. I ~~~~t :lI:~tl~gb~X~;;g I~;:~;~tll~~h ~~BI:Jrf;e~ I pelOUs plantAtion than a college with all l)lt nerve IIracklllg Ask tho~e \\ho \Vere In the dIgnity tInd chal111 or SOIlLh-ernallslo- RONSACK'S STORE lit To:'.11 Hannold the new cabmel trenBur I CI~:~C~lt~871 llle poll~y of \, ~aleyall ha~ TEN N I S ~~I~~:~Shlll~ea~~~S;:t~f~lSBSm~~~I~eC:~edl~~;~~~;d~;d{)~~lr:I~!~ ~ng\~(~ll~~II~~II::\a~~(~~);~ ~~~~~I:~tIO~h:n~ ~~~\~~;n~~~nlO!)~!!k{;ltl;~~~~ lIomeu ~ college It is :;(X)n to mi>Ve file nalls, Racquets. Covers, Presses I go. I ffillss ,\\\uy fiom :'.1.'~CJllto ·Rlvol!. 11,smull Shoes etc Rc,treshm(lnts of cnke amI c?coa were town on tlie Dixie lLghway. H-ere a tl'aci Wright & Dit'son Bans sOc :1~ve!.~thA~~e: :~n~7ll;~/Ct:: ~111~:~~l~;~e:: ~~w13:it:c~;Sth~a:O:~:;:. pUl"chuSl'd tor the Restringing Jobs $2.00 to $7.00. the party broke up. everyone declaring for _ S HAN N A HAN more like It. ] A friend In deed I~ a frlell(l Indl!ed,
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