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TIlE GOLD BUG Vol, 2, No 24 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. April 28, '25 ~:;,,~;,2~'~~~:~~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~:~~~,~~~~;~;~i~V:~,~~~~e\~~,~,s,~'~~~'tl'~~'i~:,,~~,~: United States congregated en tl1lil titstcnc I :\1eetmgJl which are -betng' planned In the I Green j'errcrs. ~::n:~~~t~;~I~~a~~!I:~:~~~~~~sto8~::e~nea::I~~te['V~~~~Ji~te;~~t~~c~~\i::;Sj~rll°1ou~i~~Y:~I~dv~rn~~:~ ~;~e;~~}~~~c~~~~~~,~!~a~~:ct~~Jw~n~~~?~~~I~!:~:~,a\t!~H~~Zt.~.!:~~~~.t~+t~~~~:::;;~~I ~:~~~~n'b~OS:6~~ei:co~!~OIl:lth~~~~1ou~~b~~~ testanta who represented all the leading campaign -for sottottatton wm be staged the gave more! opposition to :\1arylan[i than they colleges and unveralttes in this country. week following the Promotional !'.1eetings. did to the Navy, they showed a very evt- along with some of the Universities of The :-'leetiugs so far decided upon are : dent lack o.r practice d,uring the 'last week. England. . New 'York City. Friday evening, May 1st. Woodward out playing tjreeu. or :\1ary- The first day or the carnival was taken Place to be announce-d later. This meeting land. in every respect, scored weatorn up with special dashes, uurnte-racee ami Is 'for the metropolitan ar-ea, IncJ.udin:; )Taryland's only point. "wnu his sure awtrt nO,velty events. .. New Yor·k Oity, Brooklyn. Newark. Eliza- sel'vice and by clever placing he had his op- l'he second day was devoted prmctply to beth. and other neanby pomts. pouent completely battled. :~~or~::::~Ib~~l~ ~tjgt~e~vnedIx:-~g~.ra~~~~ in St~ll!S~!~:t~ll;;'dno;~e~~a[hee~~t~;;li~a[,r~~ ,Shannahan, our n\lm~er. one m_au; ~~~: ~~~~t~~~d~~a;y~~~~:teQ~il~!~.m~~~~~d~rr~~~~~k~!~~~~1O~\~~'l~:'OfT~1i:r~~ae:~;nto~el~orDe\~~I ~~~lt~~/;~~tl~h. ~~e:h~:o~~y~n~:~;~~~{I~:~~I~ ;~:~~~a~~.h~~~~eJ~C~'~df\~I~I;lt\oWI:~I!~Si~el~I:;:~ wa;~~~~~g~~~. E~~trn ~~I~~:~3;y~I~~!~ia6th .. \ ~:l~lu~~~once~:~s~~(!~T\V~b~;.~n"I 0. twelve, 'against nine othel' colleges and place to he announced. This meeting Is ,fol' With Westen! Maryland leadmg two of ~~lsve~~~~~~~yh~~t~iC~;;:~ b~nf~:le~o~drteam ~~S;~!~g~~~~t~~I~~~/lg~~f:~~'c~f~_~ri,rl~I~3 ~1~~lnl~O~~)l:a!::~t~:(~:~aed"\~~~~h~~~~~n?,lll~~~d tice due to the mllitarr In~pectiO,U' St. )'I't!T]',lce. W,' ~\. hO(ly. .__ tl7n C!~~~. ('ase. !lUllII(!l' will be sen'ell, C''l~~~~~1-.3~r)\ defr;Jt(>{\Ilawl;tl\~, W. '\1. C. IXTt~n-('LA~S RASt;n,\I,I, tickets, $1.00 at t?e- do.O],. state~l I '6-3. 6-1. By the request of the students this Yl!ar At these meetmg.s, as .herel~rore Burns. ll. of ~l. defeated Parr, W. "1. C. the inter-class baseball, which i~ pl'omote(j all rOI',mer ~tu(lentS now lIVing 111the tern- 6-2. 6-0. by the athletic department Df the Y. :\1. C. tories mentlOneti. an. urged to be present. Creen U. of :\\. lost 10 Woo/h.l,rd. W. JI. A_, will be managed 'by a cou!ICil composed In addiLion, all ,frielHls of the college are Ie I . "... 0_" 6'-:1 of two representatives from eech class. also invited and urgell to attend. The followi'ng men compose thl' council: We are planning for' an atf~nclaflee of Uoubles. Seniors, Holt and Trice: ,h\niLll"S, Bennett lif)Oat the- 8'alisbnl'y llIeelillg; of 500 at the Kimil~llgh und Till!!,'I('.I',t\Crl'lltcd RI'Y:lnl and Bona: Soph~, Lawson and Stewart; IwaSltlngton meeting; Rnd 1.0()Oat the Bal-lal1d SllUnn~l\1ln 6-:), 6-\ Frosh, ;"Ierrill and Young; CJach, Spier; tlmore meeting. We hope to. have a large _ _ ..~_ Ch~~r}:snt o~~r~·e=~~~et~i;~tm~~itt~~e;,~.~u~h~ ~t~:~~la;l~:at a~el~~ngOsth!\ll ~~~)~~~nhgsth.ea~~~ FIWSn Ul,A:-.'KI-:'rF.1)nl' S(WllOJIOI!ES COllneJi called their first meeting where I.lillSiaslll ror the w!IICh Will ,be In lite first glilne of the Inler-clrt~~ \):.Jsc- ~~~~~tf:;h~~:~S~:tc~::S~~lo~II:L~~_"~~~~~'!~a~~= ~I~~g~~~l~hg~,~~:~\:il~~gi~~:~.~~!e.;l~nI\;~~ ~~l::!~l~!l..~.~l;~~~I~~~_S~~t~IIli~;'~el';:,t,n~~i~~~'~II~!l~;; hall season. ces~ 01 U11Slllovem.ent. oll"hl to be present. I the mound the Freshmen wer'! I>eld to one th~h:o.!;~~\~Wt;~,g\\:~\~~~l~~rega~~~~vI~\'I~lt:L~~ YO;.~ec~~,m~~~W~g~llal'~~ari~l~!" ~:~;r~:·II~~~~et~o~~~II;f:lih~~~~~~IlI.:rh~'hgee~o~;~~~ governe(1. All (\324First street. N. W.. Executive -_.-- -- ~~~e:r!~:en l~~~ ~~n;~t:t~I~.rler s~he<1ule tIme, se,~,~eeta~~~mitteQ in charge of the Balti- \ Come to "Y" (5) All .@_ame~wIll be figured on a per- mOI'e meeting are: Col. Roberl .I. Gill, 1-()10 centage basis. U ties exist they will be Keyser Bltlg.. Chairman; :'I'll'. T. K. Hn!'- Ill~~)dE~~ht~I~lse~e~~~\n~ll~~f$I:'~~l~e~ewball ~~~rne'ta~~~Oan~t~~~e~t~I~!r ~~~7;lil~:(~~~~ti~~Wednesday, 6:30 P. M. for the ll€'rles. Aaltimore Citro •
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