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THE GOLD BUG Vol, 2, No 17 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb, 24, '25 ~~~,i'~h~~,~~~~,i::",~~YIStudentC~~le~:~a~a:~Universityi D''''~ e:.r,~~:,~~i~,e"I~!I~I~~r:~,~:M,d Saturday night, under the auspices of ~he I I urerwneun Il1l11o"er Am'erlenn Leglon Y. .vI. C. A., gteptien Galley th-e Engllsh -'~~- <16.13In .t'ast Setto magician, performed III Smith Hall. Mr. W. :iU. Hils Six Delegates-Dlulde Elected • ~it~l::,y;:~s, \~!~e~rlyl~!mEenr~ISt~l~t:~~n~~;I Last week_enl're:~~~terstate Student to~~~s ~~~r~~a~~a~~e;~.ersonwe;~est;ai~lli~~;: and Is now a member or the Society ct I Oonrerence, under the auspices of the sou- I they captur-ed a thrillins;: contest from th,e ~~!~I:, e~~i;!~;.t\mo~re'~! ~:r~~n~: g~l~~ I r~)~I~e~~r~iyC:~~~;cfe:~~:~m~~:, :e~~'e~~n~~I~ The pro-gram was drvtded into- twn parts, ware and DIstrict or cctnmbte was held at I the Amertcnu Legton, or Hauover-, .Pa. ~~:tI~:;f~ge~~:~i,ll~n~f ts~~a~~~~~~a7t~cvo~~~ ~eleg~~~vef~,~i~ a~~ ~~i:;~rein a\~~e~~;~~ I a[~~ea~;t~l~r~' ;1~eg~~~eW!~j~~~\~:!'~:II~r~~ :~e~~:i'~~~rml~9 e~coat~~t1est'Url\;lot\~n' bi~i1i~~ ~~e:l: :nreeS;:~~'tl:!~e. t~~~t~:~i~~ra;~~f:~db~~~~ i ~~~~\h:r~Jte~~:wIO~:~~, ~~;~~gbl~hgeae~'g~I'~~~ coffee. A bow! of rice became H-2.-0iJefol'e six representatives, Missel!' verme Rich-I put them in uie van tor a spell. Al half QUI' eyes and the pill s wallowetl by the mend. Hilda Bloomquist, iRuth Lendet-ktng j time the count stood 13-12 in tavor Df Capt. ~::lCj~~rj~:~\~er~dm~::erm:f~~o~~(lst~ar~::t~~ :~~ ~::t~I;~"~~i;f~a~~~~le, weuco Dawson, i ~~cz~~ct'v~~lat~:D~l:~~" ~O~~~ ~~~rl;e%f ~~: 1i11the all' whfch in turn 'became sll'k hand- utecueston ani! group conferences were· n-om the center o-f (he noor for two points kerchiefs and uren a large American flag. held and campult prQble-ms taken up. ,"Chris-I and Grant Williams repeated with a tWQ- "'1r. 'Galley then escaped frQm a pair Qf Uan OrganizatiO'ns On The Campus," "Social PQinter to put Western :\iarylalld ahead Siberian hall(lcuffs and picked a pall' of Relations Of YQuug ,:vIen And WO'men," '''rile witil a five-pDint lead. The Paiistinian LadlhQO't- ~~esneV:~:lk~~e:~i!b~I~:~',fl~~:; ~~ t\~l: irl~~~~~o~~ SEltVICt:.. ~~~Q~~t~~;a~;r\~~~ia~::p~~l: "3en~,;;~~~~~:; '\li~~eB,~:,t;;, ~:i~a~r the game was clQse and ,\lj,clHlllllce UecSI~::I~II!lt .Tolllt JJlleling ; Qvel' the Amerlcan Legion men exciting. with ,uoth teams playing eqnally Washington's 'bIrthday falling on Sunday I - ----- 8S \\'ell. and when Ihe whlstle blew for the (lunsed the Y. :vi. and Y. W. to hold a me- I \'. W. IIISCL'SSIOX (mO(1I'S half, lhe score stQQd 8-8. morlal service In honor of the immortal I cII~:f~n~'li;~~t;~:, ~~~!l~~~'~~!at~~h~~~regi~f~ ~acl~~';~'an!nwe~it~a(i\~~~fis~Jo~~t~\h:a~ea~;~) TIle Y. W. C. ~ Ql1l the mQ(le.rn were able to' roll liP twenty poluta, while that Qver HiO students' were present. :\Ir.! met~od Qf solving problems lhrQugh d!s- ~~aesl~~~i:;team scored sevell. The final store ;1~rll~ISe ~~\S~~i~i t~'~ ';~~\~~:~:la~~e:erdes\{;~~ I ~~~I~~n;r~~I~lS·u.n~~rth~o~lrS~~I~~.~t;~~.e t~~l~~ Line-up, Westel'n llaryland-Wilson. for- program aile of tlle most luteresllng group under ,?hriam 'Strange's leaderslllIJ wartl: 1~1ar.'ilh. fJrward; Lau(ler, guunl; le,ntuI'es"being a classical vIolin solO', .orr-he al'e diSCUssing, ">FJ"ien,;ishiP;" Mi~s f!ite.';: )loAlpln. guard; Hos-enstock, side-centel'; Meditation."' ,b- \Hrs. H. 1'. Stephens who is 1 gl'OUP are tak'mg 'Ill), Race RelaliQnslnps, Browll, cenLer_ a violinist or" nQte. Miss PI'ituhard then I and ~lisSi Lendel'king s group ,Is CQ,:n1ng to Su[)sUtutlons--'Bevard [or Land,er, W'll- !!;RI'f' a re.adlng; un(} Mr. Garrett read the' defllllte CO'llclllS!OllS ~once~·nll!.g College in~e;e f~~a~~~p~~,~A~~:~I; rsOt~I~1a:;lsi~:weell. ~~;;ill~~r",~~~\1~f\~~s.B~~~·~~~lQ~,~;.~(e~;~~,i~h~~~I A~~:tl~::I~~tsa!l[~.)~e!:~:~lS~l\~~~.p discussion I)romise to be interesting. ~peCilllly be- dres~ fol1Qw~d. Here th~ sterling qualities I is gj,vel! to the entire aose:n.l)!y as fb.liingS cause of the fact Illal no Val'sity player can .If the character Qr Wasllmgton were elll\m- I 01' recQmmendations. The girls are mter- ~:nf~~s7 t~~~ ~:~:. sr~\ih a w~:e~f:~e~r c~l~~ ~~p:r~~a;l~ara~~fe:nin f~~tr t~~~s~.e r~:~: Ir:~.~ i :~.~e(\)e~~~ ~~~~~~~~i:~:; ~get~~~t:s~~~~n7~ tnin. The first games were p.layed :\-ionda,y on Co\l.ege Htl\. The singing Df the Na-I talk over to'gether in small In[ormal grm\])~ afternoon. hl'tween tne Fr.eshmen and tional .<\nthem and prayer by 'MI'. Bowel'S the vittll allll imme(llate "l"Qhlems or col- SophonHlrl'$I, nnd the ,rtlnlor~ ami Seniors. hl"ollght. the ~{!rvice to' a clD~P ~ l(>~p life.
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