Page 52 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 52
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, westminster, Md. 5e & 10e STORE I WESTMINs'rER College Chatter IQ U l'LI1'Y 67 E Mam St. Westmmster I SHOE next door to I'he suvei lovlIlg Clip Ilhlcll Is to be REPAIRING wsstminstei Meat Market competed for l!l the A.nllual DIm Contest SHOP between Company A and Company B has I d S arne G 00 s a t L ower. Prices I just an-wee --- J. O. KATZ, Prop. , r W M th & Son I,,;:-~'h~:'l:~'~::;dT:"~h~il,~;::t';:o";"":i,, Westml'nster Hardware Co, of Mallie I . a er . i {dlls' RIfle Team or the Untveratty At cent it gills and ibeet wishes rOI a WIU Westminster's The wrestting mulch between weateru JOlml'HS IN AI.,!. 1~(~nS OF' \!aryland amt the illidshlpmen at the ~U\Ull Academy which was to hale fbeeu held last Suturday was called off III IIIHUS' SII"'IItS Leading Store WESTMINSTER, MD (.a:N.EU,\I, IIA II I)\V,\ IIJ.: Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES gundnv I If Not Blll1g 1t To The "\ Deput atton reslll lusl SEE YOURSELF look cjun-ge or tile eervtce or Ih>!!WeSl1111n- ReI a \1 P church Ntchc N I Westminster Jewelry I »rer 1~~(~r~I~~\\;;I~~I~~I~\:e~~l~~e ri~:~1~o:~~_ AS 111\.6101 11;,1:1e prn-t !n Llie service wore Shop 1llg 1'111kll1~lllHlg1~11\11!IOhnl;nll Dtnkle Trader I WILRON IS tne title I 1 -no Earlv EIg>hllf's SI(ieil)!hLS all Ihp I We will repair it ut 11 renaonable I B~1t1l1l01e 01 F'or-tv vem-a o\g\1' SIlES YOU \ I,f the iuook thut uas JllSl ueen 1l\lbilHlled h) , me \181COII\I\0 1'11l~1 and nenoen Compuny price. 100;;" reduction made on mel 10( Baltlmore. rile hook, whir It IS 11l corn- Wilson Studio memorauo» of the company's fortieth annl-I chandise for students, and faculty. 1 "el'sal'Y, cootetns II number of rararencaa 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I::~~~'(I::oJ~~~~~\~l[~ej~~lIM,\~~n~~;ill~~~~rl~il~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ COURT LUNCH I ~~~e~lso\~~~I!l~I~~~:l~~~1°i\~f'~h~la;;;:h?f 11~i~·~~ Compliments Of A \VM. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop . 1 ~I~\~'1~,ol~)~i/:!1f;:O~e~PIl~I~~~~~a~ril~l~n:~lt;':l~;; I ('onfectoincl'Y. Soda &. Ci~,U'R II)CPOgiL ('ompall~' (·oml)iler~. tl) whQm we I Friend 187 E. Main St. l are ~'1'ell~}r(,,:rilll~;~t;~d~lII'll!!'!' ihl·I'~'.) i
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