Page 47 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. QUALITY U'f'J'I,t: L()(ALS I nru xews (ucnttnued YOII t:ouldll't ".\11' SHOE MIss Warrell carne n-om Ilnb"e'one.) tbe ill- .Ill~l IUJOnl n week ago Ite.,bt!" western rrom down tllree REPAI'RING / firma!'}' on ')(on{jay. Of course, we were all :\laryland atudeuts, a young lady and two SHOP: ~::~st.~nse~r~::m~~a~~e!~~~.I~d:l~~\l~\!,~~~~~~lsl~~::~~~~'er~ve'Oenew~~Ir~l~:gl~~ltl·~1:1~!1~l~~~e~ ~~'J\~:'~\l:ll~\~1~I~O~~~l~\gt?at~:.\l~l1~~~~Olt~/;.~~ J. D. KATZ, Prop. I comesher back.___ .Iac. Messick gave 'R dandy birthday sup- ceerled to lake the arm of the other young' per January 10th. 'There were twenty gentleman and conunua nie strott lljl the MEAT MEE .lunior-s and one Sophomore sealed around htll reward the college. not alas. a eer- ATT ~~:t~~~l,g 1~~~~i\~~sl,ad~?:~I::,lJl~f~;.y~~I~;;iC~:~~I ~;a~ll.~.o~.O!~I~i~e:etl~~il~~eO~~;C!~~I~ft~~~tO~l:~~~ RONSACK'S biscuits. w.atdort aatad and coffee, and then, or warnlng proceeded to re,porl '!'lime 10 upholding In Authorlty." cake deltctcus THEE a candles. Yes, cocoanut .tac. received twenty ('I) "The One young lady was A little later. tufa the called into cenntn und hlrthday "presents." Happy year (,0 rou presence of this "One In Authority," and the COLLEGE SHOPPE .ruc. followIng ccnverseuon took place: "Now ,:o.Hs~ (A) yon know Mr, tBJ ill a like young "Reds" Ter-retl. "Bill" Sterling and man and YOU are a nice young lady; hut if g'rnncta Merrick win first. prize when It vnu take his arm he would have a perfect Western Mar~land College comes to "Knock-out Dinner parties." 't'he l'ig'hr to 1<1llehold of Y-OUI'S and don't you uan on Wednesday kitchenette otorcneutet YOII eoultln't resist." know xuss el'e_nlng waa not a kitchenette, but a rutteo- Sentence (A) ror said crime-Two weeks In 'fhe cater- Students lion af the Waldor,f-Hitz-Belvue, times three three as ll!{::·'~'tlal'(1hous{::." deserve \\'1wel'er they ers, were, Prot-HolI' three do yon know Chuucer cheerS, the hustes~es well as wishe!l for mauy !'lIQI'ehappy 'birlh· Lo a stenographer? [licL:ueti are welcomed by days. Soph.-.)\\st look at hIs spelling, WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE A llloetlng WIlS cflJ\ed last Thursday [or !fe-Is she tongh? lhe purpose of forming au Tnter-frateruity' She-Tough? Why ~l\e uses (',hicken WIre Nusbaum & Jordan ~;ouncil conll)Q~ed of '['\\,0 l'£'presentatlves for a hair neL! mell's the different cl\lh~ on the "hilL" from each of the men's clubs were present. One-I ('all my Wol'tl"OPllol'tUllily." Dry Goods & "Ready '1'0 Wear" It was deCided that II council Ibe formed Tw(}--¥olt do'! eonsiatinG' or two mem.bers of each club an~l One----Yeall, hecall_~e OllPortllll'ity knocks. two non-cluh classes, \lieu from the upper ------=~ ~I aflel'lIoon at 4 P.)1. Is to lJecalled ,[,hursday evel'y dRY. frog croak~ 9·11·13 E. MAIN STREET The flrsl meeting A {'at hal! nille lives, hill n evening day was a red letter Wednesday AlwflYS Something New In In the FI'€'sJllnell girls' oalendar, the coveter! She-I hAve a cohl In my hoa:l that'!! ~omelhing. lip-Well, and rieslred 'privIleges' \I'ere handed clown 1(1t.hem. That Is. to most of them, A few "That'>; '.I new one on me," said motlH!I' Shoes, H~ts. Caps, Ties !)ecau~e of Illl:l)' desire to Ilave a g(lod time eflrth. as th,ey hrol\e the earth for anOther }-'~~~\~I~I~;lla~lh~:;iK.l~'~I{\~:.eealtl~ ~;~vae$ ~~~.r: !lkYB~raJ.)e)''' allillly 10 p)'operly respect their f\l'les. be~ Prof. Rr.n(-k-.\'lr. W. B. Warl\, what is thi! fore Ihey wiJlbe wltil ahle m venture fodh And Shirts only two of lheir classmates for company, difference between capital and laho)"! W. B. Ward-.copital Is w\lul you loan cnri I ill their Irlp~ dOll'n town la\]or i~ What It tol(e~ to gel ,It hack. - -.----- ,~:~ J. Thomas Anders I I (,(:ontlllllflil I'rom 1mge fwo.) H;~,;,n~IlS()PH; FOl'WI'1I CO~SI::tT'I'lVt: has been felt [01' quIte a while 'but the SEASO~ ~~~te~~~l ~~ ~~;)I.~~lbi~~~u~~~~elt~u~neil~ia~~~ ((](lllllnued frmn png-a (llIC.) Jessl'e l~lnkhlne {\.el!erv~ much credit f(lr la~L yeaI': qua,'wt, dOllhie (jllflrte,t, orchestra, WEHLER & KING / ~I:~e;r~~: i~\.p[I~~n~~~ ar~~n~.arl;~in;u~~lls~l~'~ ~71~~~I~~S:~I::;1~ld:lrLJ~~IlI;:~;a\~e~h~~I\~~;~~ p;n~~ JH.IUGfilS".'S /,.ollllllins. B Wlli(-h of neceSSity are conduotive tieing, this :"e~k,llnder th,; expert d.l;e;tiOn \0 Lhe spil'j( of worship and good fellow- or .\.1IS, Hal t ~ !,Immey, \ ho h(l~ sel ved III The Rexall Store ship_ the Y. W. is assurerl of a greater hold the sallie cllllat:lt~' fOI' lhe last two yea~·s. WESTl\HNSTER. J\IIp on the.gll'is al ~ It:;r;~~e~~~~n~s~~;t~ngc~~~~;:e(ls~~n;~if~~,C~,~~;~ ~ ~ ~_~ I "An egotist IS a person who gets stuck on I presIdent. )Iana.ger, R, L. Oghul'll, If; mak- liS i l 011'11jloint o~ I ~~ga~~inll~.\~jr~~~~S B\~~t~:'~lmSh~Jl'e~S\~)jWlnl~~~ WILSON & HOPF I handed In last quarter?" llre all the Lhemes 11 jll'oIJaule addItion of a week'R .Ll'iP '!IHOUgh Professor. where I' W('slerll ~lal'yland and West VIl'gltlla. "SorJ'\', hUl we rJ<))l'tkeep olr\ themes." --- "BIlt.' Prof.. J've- got to lun'e Ihem. I've An'\I"I',\'1'Jn~ I 80\(\ Ihem to a Fre!!hlllall." l.h;O(\~~i[!~~i~f ~:~~!\~~:i:'~.R~e:n(~l~rl~~lija\~: Honn:1I0],1I ~Tn~ISI1I~(;:S they are for lh\~ lhat made HOtlcetlrately I Compliments Of' A ~~r~S?~~!1 1;~d)~~~seW~~\~ge~t81~,~~h~~1~11~~ IIhyslchlTl, each man, each WClllllll. is 1111 1llillilnol'Il, .llrl. amplilkal10n or one organ, A ~oldier, a Friend ~~::~e~,"~o~:,~ .'IiOlle: ,l1OJllRwood !HW~, ;1()(J~k~I~~~:~·n~eh~~~~~[~\~~I~'.u~~\~ \'lcllms of nrlflnlntion.-~m~rson,
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