Page 51 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page. 3. Western Maryland College Students are welcomed by WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE Nusbaum & Jordan Dry Goods & "Ready To Wear" Sunday supper, twelve minutes between Hur-rah J'or "Greater Western .:'ilarylalld!" 9·11·13 E. MAIN STREET bells; all records smaahed. Longer parlor. Sunday Supper-, Januarv 2;', 1!125. :-'1euu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ L!ve en Love? ~;II~lll~ql~~ll~~1;:~i~'il~rb~e!~,C~~~~e~:,l~~,gr~~ At n recent debate. "resolved: Always Something New In Stover shall not !Ill at the Dean's That :\lrs. CU!iC. "We'll Inve thce ever. deal' old W, table." }1 C." The afftrmntlve wen unaulmoualy. "What rto you mean by e"ohllton"!" Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ties Joe ,Shalk, cheer iencer-tn-cmer. sends "Look In the glaSijl and yon wtll see." out can for vulunteern to lead "college pep" uext year. Two answer the call. :\lyers and 'HuJ"rnb~ The country's sa\'ed~ We have Wilson. Back uiese men, [or good cheering it from good author-ity that lovers are the And Shirts menus good school spirll, und good school same now us- they were when HeclaI' was a ~r;~~·lil~."mefillSvictory on Hoffa Fi{llcl find pllil. __ J. Thomas Anders I A crowd or girls celebruted :\Iahel Smith's r.nue wnne hung his stster, her. ~-- we missed She was dead netore r= Wednesday evening with n big -wune-e nl....,ay.s up to ti-Icks ! "reed," and a roustng good time. Aln't he ent~? He'~ onty ~!"X." ~W~~E~H~L~E~R~&~~K~I~N~G-Ila:tn~e~~:_::;~r :t(:l~~ee~no~I~::~:~~~o Sll~'~: ~~V;I~1l\~I;~l~'r~n81~~\\~aeSs~\~;n~~?~~S~Bhell. , pare for exams, By iHHI by the room grew chllly. IHU.:C .... STS :\\iriam ,Jones. accompanied 'by the girls' filii-no aile likp.d to poke up Willie. The Rexall Store student government president. Verna Bat- Do vnu believe in the Devil? ford. spent the week-end in natumore. ),11ss ~a,,·! lte's lfke Santa Clnua: ne'a YOHr WESTMINSTER. MP Balfonl. who hUI>Wheal' the trtuutattons of POll! two hundl'ed gtrts, was urged by her fr!entl~ 10 lake [hi'S snort vl~lt to defend her-self Have yon Improved your riding lately? On the contrary, the trlal s of this week. F I WI LSON & HOp·\1rs. neatnst Hurley. of Philadelphia. sp-eni a few fallen oIT (julie a. htt. I shoulrl say that 1'1'11. Ilays (Ii college last week. w!th her daughler RO]lorter-"What shull I say abOllt tll<' 11111'ion,who has been quile !II. Miss Hurley 1,11"0 ]>eroxide .blolldes who mude ~uch a tu~>.l Jwri'lt:nOLO .TUNI~UINGS is nOli" l"I,!cOI'ering,and hopes to be l,ack on al the" I ill'e cumJl\\~ SOOll. 1~(lltol'-"Why. JUSt say the hl",achel'" went I \1rs. C. Hall\lld~of Bnltlmor~. \Vas wi!!l." ! ~~~~il;·~!{~:~ldorg~:;:tS~I;Il~~;Or~a~f!l::.r, 11iss he -~~~~~~~ ~:I~~.e~\'I~~I~~~~~!~I~J~ri~~~~dlt U~ IlnItIIl1U1'I', lid. RoOOrl.n Sentman l,q hack at W. :\1. C. The nl'erage tmln o[ lhought ral'rlell no I ~f~~~sa~\eil~~-e~a~~~~,home on account of the rl,€lght. 1"01·(1ought to milke a good jll·esideul. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wanted-Puplls, to ,be coached fo)' I~ng- cause he ha~ the m~klllg of another Lincoln, be, 1'. )1. C•. \. C,uHn:'r .UI':['1'8 !ish exam-Ike Dawson. Senior. He1'l1r11'9he'~ csrried half !h~ ('onntry al- rell1ly Profe~90r Ranck exhibited hla mllSlcal Hr. find .Urs. Stellhens I'lllY lIo~j ,\itl~r ability to several \lo-eds in lhe parlors Sa:- "One always II
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