Page 56 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, wesuntnster, Md. WESTMINSTER 5e & 10e STORE /. College Chatter I WEHLER & KING 67 E, Main si, Westminster next door to "Betty Dllfenbaugn hag. Ibeen ill tor- over DUUGGISTS Westminster Meat Market a week, a,nd we hope to see her out soon for I The Rexall Store Same Goods at Lower Prices. "Bill's" sake, _ WESTMINSTER. Ml' 'P'tlilzlell, Elvel'}"OOriY! !Students worl,ing Mid-year exama: facul-l!~~~~~~~~~~~_ T. W. Mather & Son ty solving cross-word Westminster Hardware Co, b:a]11W A business man's viewpoint of why and .runtors Senters Westminster's "Cash and C1'll,lit," are taking Milital'Y; JOBBF.-RS IN ALL KI~DS OF' lee eream len over from Sunday tllnner. We wonder why, IWll,lIlms' S("I'PI,If:S Leading Store Daptatn G"'O" ,,·om" es .senror Scabbar-d and Blade, If they do get It, it will be a A~n I close sh~ve, WESTMINSTER, MD played xrtss Han'iit , to hostess c.a;SEU,\I, _~~~~~~~~~~~IJoun Wooden and 'rnomaa Eaton aner :'I1essn, I_~~~~~~~~~~~ IIAIWWAItE dln- O S GEHR nar- In the dining room Sunday, In English I S . h & Reif id who took examination • • last Those Thursday "':.!!re advised by PrOfeS6()F mit el SDIer I:V~~~r~~',C(}~~~~~~:r~;tl~\~;lm!la~~Il~~I)~ni(: Wholesale and Retail I works. COAL HARDWARE i i ur the cullege last SlIlld'ay, erster vlalterl him! LUMBER Dean's The and bromer Corner Main and Liberty Ste, I r..l~~=~nnJOc~~lrc~' w~~I)~~)~~/~~tOtl;leo~ t~tll BUILDING SUPPLIES 'Md I C A this Wednesday evening VllSS I-~~~~~~~~~~_ Welltmmster. II \11S Siovel was act.lug Dean at hleakfal;L Wt;S'l'.uL~Sl'EIt. )IAln'l,,\1'iO. Miss Della Lee Lowry! ~~!~~~ra~~~~:~l(~_'h_,,_~_"_'_Bell ann Scalp Treatments, Facial Massage, 'll~~eS~~n:ah~\~e~~~~\!lI~e~)ho~\'a'r~lx~~~L F. A. Sharrer & Son Shampooing to Baltimore to recuuerute. 102 E. MAIN S1'REE1' westminster, .Md. In the absence o( xrr. Ward. Postmaster. J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. Phone: l1~W. ~~~~~~~'~~~~-I ~:iLHi~e h:'~sl~e~ll;ll;·r;;:~~!\~l ~~~t !~~\~e::n:l~';:~ taking, Does Your Watch Keep Right Time'! Captain Shlpp was out at "open house" ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Docs Your Fountain Pen Wr'ite'! ! Saturday uttamonu. As-k the gIrls from BRUNSWICK RECORDS "00.1. Is Your Pencil Tn Good OI'Clc"': The Latest Dance Music. On account of exnmtnauons there was no If Nut Bring It To 1 ~1:\~t~~U:)~III~::~~~~:;~1/:~~f~~I;;I~l~'1l~~~el'!loon·1~~~~~~~~~~~~ I to ~~~~1l;:nSJ:\~~;,~I;n:::~ ~;7 i~~'~ \~~}~.~ll~~t!,l:1~~ SEE YOURSELF Westminster Jewelry Arnie naiL RnlS were the nlon!-men. ! AS Shop Co,tcller College, lIi(:kmall, Ille week-et'ul with nr :'Ifl!!!!li:llzalleth 11 ~eliiol' !I,penl Hulh F'l'ench, fr(!S'hmall, Sundayarlernooll, \vII_SON ?>l!~~ Hltkman was seen In parlor wilh We will rep'lil' it at a reasonable !;plke. HoII' ~enerons-1UlIllT'l'i.I I~renchle is! , I Page TlIl'ue\' look setcrill girls hOllle wilh SEES YOU price. 10% redl1ctlOn m:lde on mer-I her rOl' the week-eul\. The gil'is who en- joyed lit£' pril'\lege W~l'e; "Pink" ,I[\\'l'el. chandise for students, and faculty, 8dna Spittler. "Ginny" Plttnmu, Wilson Studio Allele Owings ('elehl'llted bel' birthday anr!I~~~~~~~~~~~~ COURT LUNCH :\I:=h~~o~~e~.:,!X~,I~~ll~~~{I:ll'~~~~/~~dll~~~](~~;: Ask tillY or th('m ant! they'll tel! yon WM. E. ECRHENBACH, Prop ) hoth el'ents! _ Verlla !lad a good reed Satur\lay night. Pl'eSSr sent her the oysters an~1 the Du- Confectoincry. Soda & Cigars ISy;~\ll~I1~::IH:~n\~I:~~IYR~~il;~I~~l;lt.\e~il\?:~:l~~ mestic Science eXl,en tookeol them to pel'- 187 E. Main St. I hl'rl'[\\'empnt. • fection, Ailollt 1.lI'eil'e girls Can testify to (he !11~1~latemellL
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