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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 13 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md." Jan. 27, '25 Biggest, Best, Banquet Western Maryland Receives IAshburne Sees Bright Outlook I Conditional Gilt or $125,000. W. M's. Ririe Team TiCk,:~":::":~~,\~"::,:~ip~~i:;~\o;the i ---' Annual ~Iid-Win1er Banquet of the Alumni 'I'he Ilod;:eieller ~'oun41111i1l1l Allllounce~ I 'l'wentr-three t'ntrersntes uud 'I'wemy.rour- alii] tr+enrta of western :'.1al"ylun([ College at (:J::Il~II~i~:I:;t~~'~"~;I:~~:tI;~:,~~'~'!',io:)I~~~esI Ceuegeshu'ludeilOn Sclletillie. I ~~,~~O;;~,~~ILel~S:~ll~.:~~i~;.e~~~eil~if;n;r:I~~~; . ._ 11,.. [. Several weelts, ago,Mallnger Aahboume, ~~~I~;~I~a~~~~~l~t~~:;dU~t~l~l~l;:~:b~~sm~i~h: s)leciul rlle .\'1ul:r1und f.;e,g_!sIRtlll'e has made ,an III the rnrmutauon of Western Nlarylan,d'd ~~~~e~111~1~[t~~I~~~~~ ~~~!~'S'~~t~lJ~~ll;~~:~!~ Is l t ex) I , th{!r,~ to ue 1'1'1'01'[ ~fl)~?~;;~~~~OI~la~:YI~;l~(;)·I!~~?I~g~~l· ?~n~Wi:~~~~~s~ut~I~~~i:~~e~I.~~ek; e~t~I~~~ ar~r!~~II~a~~{~ be ~~~ ~Ita~~~s~dl ~ ~ll~~~~r~I~(~~lIi~ ~',;~~~~~;3~;~ ~~\\';!:=l~~~:e::501.'g~~~~!. :~!~;lj SH~~~II~:'~~~(a t~~~~ ~II::~_ti~l! n~e~~.~l~k/I~: i~ ~ !~:t~~I~Y~, il~\" :It;~I'~~:~ ~ IS ynya'J,le JnIy l,~ 1921. ~.tlltmg that Ihe eevei-ence o.r .athletlc -ete- attention t The Senio!" ~lass ts invited t~ rue ~e!lerll,1 I!;ducu:lon Board or ~ew ~Ions severer ~e,a!"1j ago pruhlhited a contest attend in R body. However. other classes are :1;ll;~.n2~!; ~l:o~ltll~i~~lka~fei~~;' otrl~~I,~~~.~~ 111 ~~~:~r~~n:I~~.t~t\;~~~.~o~.~; invitation ~I'fl~ .re- :;~~e~~~~li~_JI;;le~;.v~t:~\ors ~~~~~~I'ma~a~'l~~;~ e, eut ~'~Il~ge:t~:;:~r~I~~J'~\\I:~n~·~I~~~~~~~;~~~(!~~ :~: ~~~:~~I':~\I~;~~\.!~1~~lt~~·YjO~ne~~I~tnl\~~~tr~~~~~~~i~ Is a I the biggest .---~ of In •. _.- amount of $375.000.00. which wIth their gift ate RIfle Aeaoctauo» of wmcn Hcpkiuu means n Hltal adilitional endl~Wment. of meDliJer. In view o[ the fact thal we are IHI. SWH"I' J)ELI_V.liUS A SF.IIH:S (n' $:;OO.M)O.OO. Thi~ condition Ir met will hring ting factor concerning bOdy. She gnve two \Vedne~llay and two H total or $250.000oa. orl"(lngements is OUI' match WIth Hop- Thursuay. The B08rd of 1'l'l1stees o[ the College at whkh iH now assure~1 because of our Dr. SwIft. who Is perfectly at home on !1 meeting Ilelt! In I3al!i1110J·e . .\laryland. De- belug III the 1 R. A.. tlll~ 1)lat[or11l. is the nE)st delightful speak!;.r ('ember 9. l~'N, gave heat·!y elldor&enl(!ui. to Lettel's And lUednls 'l'() ne '\wllr(leli. I and oue Ivho has Ihe ability to command the Ihe ('ampnlgn to raIse $3r,.OOO.00 for eu- Captain GH)SOD has anuounccd that .\·!et!als I attention of hel' audienc('. dowment to meet the c·:JlHlitlons imposed by have ,been purchased. !lnd wHi be gil'en 1.0 :llally girls who met 01'. Swift off the plat- th~ State or .'lar.l'la.,tl autl the General 8(\1\- ea~h man shooling In a regularly sheduled form .. were greatly Impresseli wlLh hel' per- (·l1.lioll Board; anol in a'idition !\nNlOrized mutch. In ullditloll to tliis, mino!" !:Iport let- ~onalit~'. Iler charm au(1 her humor. tlle sale of 1.000 cerUflcntes at $125.00 eaCh lers will be g;ivell. the details .gOI'el·ning the Wester!! '~la!"ylaDd is most fortuliAte in !(> clillrehea of .Vlu!",\"lond. We~1 Vi1"!~inia anti requirem>lnls for eliglhility for these let- hnving secul'cd D!'. Swilt. as she is much in ~:lIsl.ern CoufcrenC(lS, the proceeds 10 IJe leI's will he determined later. r\·emand as a speakel', and has' traveled all nppl!l'd I() the .b1lihling or a R'1Y'~ 001'1111- np~t Scheillile III lIi~tory 01' College. over Ihe eountry speakin.g to girls in :III 01 .\Iann~el' Ashhllrne announ~es- that this lhe leadIng colleges of ou!" cOllntr~'. 011"- wIJt\~ke~h\:gh J:)'!::.~ dr!~I~{1:n ~;~,oo:'~.~~J~\~:~;:. ~~frh;';~'i~~\1h~I;~ \::I~;~n ~it~ol~~~:ti~~~ ~·~e:.hrla~~!I\~~e~~~I~ :::rlll"~:~~n~·a\·:~ISeC~I~~eKI.1US I!::(J~I Ihe rnlsing or a total or $:;011.000.00. In will shool fony-seven Col'leges Rnd Un i- humorous I.\' sprinkles her tall .. and which atl(Uinn tllere will 11(' tile gifts Clf !.lIe Stale I·erslt.lf\~ rnuklllg in the highest Collegiate serve~ to hrlllg -- _*_ of tlle lIIc 10 \III l!ometlllug or YiAr),luml an<.l the General Board or ffidu- JUf!e ranks. This SChedule Is the hardest of college students all I)ver the States. ('~'!ion, nw.killf'; :I tolnl or $750.000.00. The IIIHI lon.e;est ever attempted by any coriegiHte l!1]('('('ss'lll I\'orkill~ 0111 ot thi~ eampuir,n I·i·fle team. The schednle includes matches ."ISS ~1('1I01,'\1'I.~ulln.;Ss~;S ,10I"t'l' wll\m£,pn two n~\v hni)ding!l and $;i"(IO.OOO.OO with ('ollt'ges a.Hl IllIiversilies representing i)IEt:'I'IL\"Q ",]rl'llonn) endowment each and el'el'Y ~Lal.e ill Ihe union. CORches, :"Ili!>s :.:!\cholas of the Stlldeut Voluntee:' II. is (ll':'dmhlp t·hat this cllmpalgn shnl! he Gibson. ShiJlP and Rice are )Hlttillg the :"Ilovement. Sl)eut 'SUllday and .\lo11day on the jlllt on hefore ('mll1nent"e"llleni of 19~5. [lrOll- IlHIl"ksIlWll LllI'lI sOllie severe rlri\l~. aud hv Ilill in conferences \\'ilh !lIe wOl'kera ot the nl>lv dnl'ine; the nHllIlh of .\lay. Ihl1' end of .lanIIDl·Y the.Leam "ho\1l1\ be weil Christian AssoCiations .. Sl1n(l~~' .nftel'lloon HerCin i!:l thl" promise of a nRW day for nliVDIH"ed ovrr it.s rl\·aIH. The schedu'le Is l!he o(l(h'eS!)ed the .JOlllt \·leeun_e;. aflel' 'Ve'':e. The "!lopes fl"'l follow~~ \\'e('k endinl;" .Januar.\' 17111.. which she lIIet With the U\lhinet of Ihe Y. W and feR!"s ot all lhe ~'ear!l" or llle r(lmar\,- \1!1rion 11l~I.ililLC. II. of :\llline. W. Va. Un i- C. A. Ciloll(la.l' she tidk{!11 with t.hose who :Jhl\" histOl'~' of Ih1s ~(>Ilpge arl:' mel in this l'er~llr, Corfil;lll University, Lafayette CoJ- are Interested in firy SPE!r;ial form of Cllrls- "hlll)rlll!"e to 11111" 1'1\'ally 8nrl 10 OUl" faith. lege: weel( elHlln~ Fehmary 14th.. Uni- tian wOI'k. .i'liss Nicholas Is a graduate of An o[1portnnlty I~ 11011' preRt'nted where we I'erstt}' of 'i\larvland. Indiana Un!Y(lrs1ty. Wlwalon College !1nd a traveling ~eCi'etarr lllust lhlnk ami Il:lve in Inl"),;er tel'nls than Nell' York Univer$lts, Agricultural College for Ihe Student Yoluntee.r Association. rver hefore. The Alumni !lnll friends of [If Ptah. Syranlse University, Oregon Col- "tiler rolles:r.s havr m!>t Illf'il' re.
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