Page 50 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 50
Page 2. The Gold Bug', Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD sue I .TII~ Jo'RIE"'"DS '. I "Established ]S6;t" A weekly uewspauer devoted to makin'" I called him John, he called me JIm, Western Maryla,nd' College, a Biggel', ~ I Ni~h fifty years that I «ncwe« him 'THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ~l~tt~l~eI:t!;;~~~t~~nio:~t~P~~I\i:~:d 1 ~~, ~~Il~~~:~ldt~:~t~~:e~~n~~~/quare OF WESTMINSTER o--o_:___,,---~' )~:~,Pr~~l~i:,nd~~f:,i~~tog~~n~n~own WEST,UL~S1'ER '- MARYLAND Entered at Pest Office at weatnuneter. :\1d"1 An' we'd look up th' same old way as second-claaa mail matter. An' wave hand an' smile an' say,: CAPITAL $]25,000.00 SURPLUS $123,000.00 Accepted for mailing at spec!at rate of "'Day, John," Jacob J, Weaver, Jr. President, postage prcvlded ror In secuon 110:~ "'Da~', Jim." ACt of ocicuer 3, 1917, uuthol'ized I guess you don't real often see Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-President. ~'ebrnary 7, 1924. Such kind of rrtends as hfm an' me; ~o--o --0 xot much on talkin' big; but say, George R, Gehr, Cashier, Subscription nrtcee by mail. puyn'hle in Til' kind oJ frienrls> that stick an' stay. advance, $2.1)0 pel' year. Come rich, come poor, come rain come shine, ~~~~~~~~~-~~ o--o---~o Whatever he might have was mine THE GOLD BUC S'rA~~(i' An' mine was his; an' we lbcth knowed 011 th' road: Lt when we'd huller C, Roland Wilson '~6,. .,' :Vlanaging ElUtol' "How, John." I Stop at "Pop" SHIPLEY'S for .. ts vetve Lewis, '25"", ... .Assoctate Editm- "HoW, Jim." William S, veaser. '26 " .Assoctate Edttor i)orol.hy Beachler, ·t6", ., ,NeWiI ~::dltorAn: when I got hailed out nne year g~II~I~~, t~r~,~'tt:2:26.·'" ,., 'At~l~~~~~~:~~::I~;~(~I~~~~(~I~~no~i~~:~~t~ot~:~l~,ueel' 1"':::·:::"- Oerartllne Pritchard, ':':1\.. Athletic gdltor An' laid tWO hundred dojlars down, ~~Wi~ijal:\~J'~\,~~~I:I~~I'~.6'27 .. "A~~~~I~~~~~g,~~~::,~:~'I~:~~~t~~'o ~~I~',r~I~\~~~e~l~ta:ad~d ~~:;i::~::~:;;i;;:!,;•..A1~:I;~!;:FrtI~,~!:,,,:~I\~;:':'~tJ:'ff\~~~:~!I:':O;;;~aav Au' wnen John's Iboy unme conrtin' Sue l'II0JWTIO:'Ii John smiled, an' well, I smiled some too, 1- Prummlou comes to him who Slicks ;\s though thIngs wne a-conun OUt :Babylon & Lippy Co. :\8 H we'd fixed 'em !lIst about. Unto his work and never kiCks, An' when Sue blusher! an' told me-why, Who watches neither clock or sun To tel! him when his task is done; I ;\~?\,~n~i~lh~~~'I;~dp~~ ~~'tB~r;hand- 1 Who toil~ IIOt by a state,l charlo Ii FLORSHEIM SHOES De1ining to II. jol his parl. I :';0 words bl~~S;l~~~~.}~h~~~,:Jerstand: HUI gladly does a Illlie mo,'e Thall he's remunerated for, : All' when S\:~:~la:::l::i;ll{~;ed, John come I STETSON HATS The man ill factory or ~hop Who rises quickly to I.he tnp I International Made-to-Measure Suits Is he who give~ ",hal can't he hOll!l:hl; ! :~~' r~~,t[I~it;~~~~~~\'g::~l%a~O(!:~~\~ned; I Inlellijl;enl IIM\ careenl ihonght. I nut tn them eye~ or Ins thele burned I\. light of love all' sympathy :'110one can say just when b€gln~ All fnendshlp 'Oll don t Often ~ee Heavy Wool Sweater's The sen'lre Ihal promotion wins. lie tool!: my hand In hiS thal day ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Or when it euds, 'Ua not ue!ine,l .l,n S[ll{1\\hat else was thele to sa" 1'- By certain houI'S or auy kind [ n:: ~~~" or system that hnslooen tlevlije,l. " J 0 H N " "el'll Call1l01 be sY!llelllizerl I IL is !II work when it's at play I ~::~lol~r~l! t~~~~da~~na\lq~~~em~l Slime ('I'H}; COI,U:Gt; B,\RBlm) It !te,'ves e"cll millllle or the dar; W!l1l aUlumn !hut theles somethlll gone- };fficient Tis n1lways al Its 110~t.,to see Wen I out of life, I guess XewW,IYS of he!tl llnd use to he, I rrenO~In 1l1f'nnmher ."0\\ pOSH
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