Page 53 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 14 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 3, '25 Mabel Garrison Gives Concert I Meet Me At The Banquet Skiing And TobogganingUshered Ii At Lgric Feb. 6, 1925··6:30 In With Great Enthusiasm }'ornler Sltulent Anll Grntlunte 01" west- I HOTEL EMERSON Inecant ~IIOW StOl'II!S _t;IIII\)Ie Stnuents '1'0 ern .\IIII')'llIlId t'cnege Gh'e~ lJeliK"lIti'ui ! Enter xew SIHtrh. t'oneert .,\1 1Il\~tllllore'~ 1,llrgest. 'rneatre. I' cru cn A~~II~~~,~~{o~~r:~~\'~~'!ixew I ro\~:h~afO~e'\~~lltl~~t~~n~a~\!I~~nrun~e(1hi~~~ c1nhllclty .UUII, I structeu, itown the long"llil1. ending on the :~~Ie~~~~eIl~~th:~~I~i~tel~'O. ~'i~~~eL~nJ~I~~ Dr. wa~{:14:1a~tca~~~~\~~1~~':I:~~ointments I :~~lt tS~(~~lt~~fi~~ey~~~l~.~::oUl~l1~h. hU~?~'~~ ~nent,lter eweet, 11l~IQdjOlll1voice hurst-tonh of the following 11113'11as athJ.etic OfliClalsl side of the slide II ski track was made, and III the most beaut.lful songa. for the coming .rooubalt saasou: .all men ap- then several of the students built. atobogguu Rar-e and beeuurut folk. SOll"gswere in- pointed are upperclesamen, and have had eleven feet long, and three feet Wide. eluded in the Program wutch ene rendered at least IWO veal'S previous expertence in With all the work done. the 81)01'(.8he- ~11;i~~eA~~~~~}O:~d~~O~.ati~~~~~I~tel:~~~ica~:~.~~~I\~r~b;l~l!r~all~~~~~~el)~liCIl~\:tei~·;. ~;~e~;"~~~:n ~;;~e1~~~:gfna~~in~.a;l~a~:iJ)!~~r b~~~ Japanese. Irish and Ncrwegfan folk songs respecuve uosruous. I and ~irls in a merry mood. Shrieks aud were Sling my ·.\llS8Gal'rLSoll with th-e great- "Jimmy" Owens of the present SOllho- eJaculation~ were heard as the speed ill- est ease, PQI~ !llld tonfi(fencl(!. '~,he also more cla~!I. all·t! also its PL"e~ideut, has re- cl"~asl'd. and tho dips lnken. As for the held hel' audlel1ce SI)ellbolind w~th her celved lhe 'a{}])Ointllle.ntof football manager skiS. only lhe !JOY~took tll~ clJance. FunllY 80ngs 1JyYOUllgJ,La Forge, .DeI;J.ns8'Y,Sa~nt- rO)' the comin~ SeaSllll. ".Jimmy" has been 1flying fignres- .wlllzzed SWIftly down !l)e Saens, Guarneri, San-tollqa'ido, Sadere, associated with the foothall team for the \ track. ancl oftlRleS' landed In 'n funnier vaiues, Gliion. Shaw and h(ll' husband, t)>lOlttwo yem's 'antl he is liked allt! re- heap or dive at the bOUOlll, 01' along the C(:orge Siemouu. She wasI·S~f!l118the respon~ihililY and tlle Jnredllure. . is to train AllIeril(."IWtalent ror the olXlralic I h01l01 of keeping the mll~cles' of the men Professor :Uontgomery .1•. Shroyer, ]fl- ~~:~p:~~ ~~l':t~~o~~~a~~o~~lea~e~e~~:%Ci!~~'1~~p~l~~~I~~a.~sll~:II:iefo~'tl,:)I~;; f~~lI~~~t~:il~~~:~\~~~~I~~~I~~IS~~~;::~I,I"~i~~ lllLn~lJe1"of II),tists hay!! Lbee.n develoJl~rnof high charactel' twisted unkles aud kuees. ~ well as lIee,m g old tradition of Ihe College. ror outSIde ~1~1"O~~~I~~:~aJ~~!c~~,I~~ry.ln dift'erent citIes ;i~~l\ t;.I(~11l~'~~h1~;;7;Z:e ~l ~~~~b~ft~;~111~OW:~~~I~~r~e~'~I~~~~~~sci;~~s'~~adsC~;S~~l~':~)~t1~~ f ~Il~8'r~~~1~~~?nr'~~~ (~:~~~~so;n~~~i~~~~:::~ ('J\P'rA;X -;O;:-;;~~tXS I :~~~l~~!~~J~eth~\li~~~~~t€~OlSe,~r;r~~~et~I~~ieni~ d~\!~~~ in onl;;'r ~l:al ;.lleL·g may receive like .lltHin "'''~llI1lIlS Uulies In The ')TlIlhlry He-I ~~aent~:,~~,t~;~~' ~:~f:r tll~~'d~~?V~ra~~~:lr;I~; ~~.~~l1::lgt~~~Oo:;~~:ti~Jl~~~d~I~~'al:(:d~~'la~~n~'~~iAfter pract1ca/!';~rl::le:~~'ar, on leave of ye;l;~ to the' extensive financial campaign of the RtlV.W'. I. RoheltllP, hOit~' melll Ie. absence. Captain George A. .\ronagon, D. O. hein.g pill on hy r"e~ldel\1 W'ard. neceflsitat- ~i~(~h~lI:I~:~I~~.1"'?ill~~:~ ~,~::l;~~ne~ill~~CYW~~~f'i:?lit~;~;U~'~~~cl~~I~~~!~~~i~a~S,~;~!~~e:~l~;~);~lehi~0:1'~1~ent~a~::~~c:, :~akte:~ its~l~\~~~~ the l)TeSent Fleshman class, the resignntion of Captain ISmith. Cnptain Therefore, lIe has inv!tc(! prominent Ollt- .'.lonag;on aSllme(1 the office in Septembcr side speakers f01"Ihe third term. However, lUG (aJIES UOOKt:P t'Olt 'I'IHS Wt:t:K 1!122.where he l·OIIlf1.ined\lntil Jannal'Y o[ the President will preach the first and last Wllshlngloll College And Getl!'~bnn~. ~~:~,y~~r'rec':~ve~1~;~~Ill~~l,c~h:~h.t~:stWf:~~ sel'mon 10 th~e~~~~niors. Two of the Ibl'g)gestl>a.s'ket-ball games of tlary. incapacitateil him fOl' d·uty, He then Tin: "COT'fAGt: GIRl!' the SeH!:I(lnwlll he played at the Armory ent.ered \Valter-Reed HOSJllIal In Washing- ~\{i_Have you heard that girll! nre ILO thls week, The fl.l'I!lt. on W'edlleS(lay night, Ion. D.O., and has now recovered. longer called "flappers?' will lie I\'lth WashingtOll College frCJoIlithe ;"\f~mlhel'sof the Selliol' Clas~- and the Ba-I U-It not. why not? \!:aateJ'n ,Shore. T[le "ShOl'emen" are the I.allion 'are ('el'lal11ly pleased to see and wel- )'Ii-They'ril ca!\e\l "Cottage Girls:' ('halllpiolls of Ihe State, and llIode a clean come bauk Cal)tal)l ).lonag{)ll. :lnd hope that U_How come'! ilPW(lepor all Slate leam!:!'last yeu]". This he is completeh' ,'ecovered. 'Ve Wish for '\-11_They have shingled tops, painted f1yin'l:penlap!nn is"s-t!ll lraveling- with whi1"l- him thnt. he and his ":\JOllagonltes" wjJl win sides, and em])t),' attics. (You immediately (fnnHIlIIP!l JIll 11111=1'lhr"".) nl~tiJ\~niilhe(l ('ol1(>gr this )'rnr. I fainr.)
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