Page 57 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 15 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 10, '25 W. M. Loses State Championship I Twentieth Alumni Banquet in. o. T. C. Trophies Presented In Last Two Minutes or Pla~ \V'"t"l:on~:,:;::7;"C~~l:~:'"t~'lditsI To College 'l'errors DrQl1 )<8;t ~llt oro .'I)lnl;' Penta· I ~O~~fl~~h:;~t~~I~r~a~qr\:s~~r~d~;n:~~~n Last Tuesday morning at Chapel Captam !lOll_J·b. lug ThiS banquet was gwen In honor of Gibson presented to Dr ward as' Pre ..!dent ey~lll~1~~leOsfse~feOI;a~~~stIO~!Tk!~n~~:~~~7::t81~lstIJ1Ll~1 L~~V1SL!~I~le~a~r:~~d~~1~YO~f)t~: I~fov~~st~~I~SMa~~ll:~~dc~~~1e~:et~e:e S:ll::~ the Western .?tlar11and ave lost to wasbtng- bar reprosenttng the class of 1875. ILO the best company III the aprmx ccmpe- ~~~~Oll~l~'o';el~,~e ~1~S~ts~'~r;~~n~t~sI~f,~i:: ~;om 6:45 to 7;15 th:re wa~ a contlnu.olls ;i~;fl~'i~tet:~~~c.~.ndfield meet, company drilL lead when Young and Smith, exceptional flo or. loyal western J.i-az.ylanders tnto The ClIP that was pr-esented for uie COIlI- rorwurde caged field goals in succession the dOD!or the hotel. The pnncipai feature pany winning track and field meet was ~l~ot g:'~~~~~h£~~it~~~S.op~~s~~:lnror~:~';':~ ~~If~a~~y~~~ll~~:;~~:~! ~ft~ t~~eS::~i~~i~1 t:~~f~~~.(~,'b~1~;'y~:~~~s.~:II'i~~nSt~:il~~~~'il~; Capt. "'&z" -wunams and Weigle are the ha us d e Ioyahle conversations. theIafter the weather opens' up Captain Gillson only guards who have been able to keep merry crowd entered the banquet hall. Is planning many things to create a aph-tt this pair from scaring from the 1100r. 'I'he program opened by the singing of of cooperation and enthusiasm In the Bat- Western :'>laryland lead at half tlme, ami "Dear western ~Iary~and." After wh!ch talion. He was fortunate enough in eecur- outscoren washtngton from {he floor. but the hungry m.ob Indulged In the tonowtng ing these trophies to give the men some- the fact that the O!2poslng forwards made Vn·gln;a oysters on haJ.t shell, Dela-I thing to work fa I', and the compa.n y that good every raul try put the Flying Pen- ware celery, Kentucky mints, and California wins this track and field loving cup will tagon In the van. onves. which concluded the first course. 'J'he be the possessors of something worth while. Pr-ior to the game, the situation stood as second courge brought about the smacking The second cup that was presented for this>-The U. S. Naval Academy won seven of HilS on Vermont turkey, UOl' Hnn,LIA~1' G,\)IF. graduate o-r WesterIl Mnryland and a world aessor or such a beautiful loving CUI} than , ,'1'0 ~E.'I'1'YS~rU~ l'~ljl'F.G~>. I ~Il~~~anc~~~':ny~lngeI" or (hel\letropolltan th~l~t~~I·~~~~ceived these cups and s)loke (•. \\i1l1aJl\~ .lIul loung BRIg-lit ),l_hh 1111 Thel'e were three things called to the al- of the great thing the :\"Illttary Department t<'1I1!'Tilt. I tention or th'J8e pres-ent; firs.t the graduat- han dOlle ['J!" llie college. The Cett~'~bLlrg blSke-~hlll five. meeting ing clnss of 1!1'25who were asked to stanJ a representative of Western ~1aryland in and give their class yell, second the twenty- JUI_ SCHOOl, ~'OR TIIF. DEAl" WlNS S.pofU'lc~mpeUtI"n fiJr the first time ill five I firth anniversary or the class of 1900, third l'UOJr }lIIClSlI • .vears. defeated tbe' fa3.{ combinatIon ot I the fi!t\eth auniVerS8.1·yof the class of 18~j In a preliminary game to the GettySlht1I'g ~~l;~~g'Sall the A~mol"Ycourt to the tune ;~bv\~ha~:'ryL~~~~t r:~~e~~~~~~~.tin~r·ta~:wd~I ~\~~n~!lte2~r~~h~.;.n ~a!~)l;~eb~h:e!~c~~e,D~~: We.slerll ,;'Jar.Yland llattled their rivals I tile ·'Steading of the TwelItie.lh century,"II·!<'roSh showed illlPI'ovem.ent and can be ex- !loint for p)ill:t durin!\" most of the game,' Followed by a speech delivered by Dr. peneu to pro~'e themselves a wary toe to neither aWe helllg [I.llie to tally for four I Ward. Pre~i!lelll of the college, Oil "The p.1\ opponents. The rIVals were. baLtJed lll~nlltes, but In the next mlnllt.e Ct~ plaY,I'Siggel' find Bettel' Western Maryland." I point to poillt for the firs't two penOlla, but ~~~~es~~I~~I:(~orl~:lt;O \Z~;II~~~daI}~1l~tg~ett\,jl~~I ~I~~l~hh~~I~ie'~:~ro;:raf~I~~.:f~r.DrT:ar~aas~~: i~l:dm;:;~s hl~rdsYlerior fioOL"work took lhe Wushington College. inglcn (]uurtet then rendered theil' last Winebrenner wllS high scol'e man for the Yonng and G. Williams were the bright Iselection and the banqllet hall was then FrederiCk. bOYA wllh six from the noor and lights for We8tern )tuI·ylantl. scorlllg 15 cleared for the big dance, which made the I two from the 15 fl. lIlsrk. Ros-enburg; fol- points Illetween them. Capt. ED. WllIlams old feel yOllng and the young feel new. lowed with fOIll" fielll goals. McRobl.e led played his usual steauy g!'lme. but was lIn-I' The dancers ran.ged [rom Mira Ruley and the Frosh S'~oring wilh three two-pOlllters wille to lollow the fasL shooting of 'Cer- ··Bob" Ward '25 and ardent lovers toCaleh I anfl one ·free toss. :~~~6cl~~thOi~~s~ne~'r.;~r~:f:~IS€.WhO playel! WT~'C~:ll~~~n~i~g featme of the elaborale f01~~,I~~~~~~~~~er~r r~'~~!~d; W}~l~!~~n~e~;'~ Fr~~I~me~re~I~~in~:':rYli~:re sc~~~~'e~~l' ~~!I ~~c?;,~ti~I;I~CI~'O~'e;~et:::;n~~:is h~~ht.h~l~:=~i:1 ~~:;;th~~:~1~3.' ceiller; Deluca. guur!!, and Deaf was a snappy!l or erratIc I cally arrall'l"ed in green and. ,gold, and blu:! I Lineup Western )!aryland Freshma~l: sh{loting (lild 0 'erzMlous ~llal"(llng. an(l and gl·ey. the school colors and colors or Oshorn. forward; IIIslej'.. forwanl: i\1cRoble, finally ended wIth a 26-18 deCision for the graduating class. The evenlllg was bronght, ce:Jter; Por!s, gllard; Carpenter, guard; J.f\ltes. ":VIcRobieIIn(1Insley played well for 1'1 a close by the destroying of the decorfl- : flona. gnarll: QLI~lln.eel1tl'r. nlld '3ill"!VfO" the Freshmen. . . tions b~' the flancers ; fl1"11'nrd,
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